MATH1090.003 Instructor: Laura Strube College Algebra for Business and Social Sciences Homework Assignments

College Algebra for Business and Social Sciences
Instructor: Laura Strube
Homework Assignments
Spring 2012
Special Instructions
Due Date
Homework # 1
Review assignment
T: 17 Jan
Homework # 2
• Solve 3x24=7x4 drawing the balance scale •None
for each step as described in the text (pg 2).
• Chapter 1.1 examples (1-4) [pages 3-6]
• Chapter 1.1: (1-100) odd
R: 19 Jan
Homework # 3
Chapter 1.2 : examples (1 – 4) [pages 12 – 15]
Chapter 1.2: (1-69) odd
Chapter 1.3: examples (1-5) [pages 22- 26]
Chapter 1.3: (1-15) odd, (16-21) all, (23 – 103)
T: 24 Jan
Ch 1.3:
○ Graph 45, 53, 63, 75, 77 on graph paper
○ For 81 and 87 - Graph the given line and
constructed line on the same graph
Homework # 4
Ch 1.4 : Examples (1-6) [pages 32 - 36]
Ch 1.4: (1-51) odd, 55, 59, 60, 64, (67-75) odd
Ch 1.5: Examples (2-5) [ pages 41-45]
Ch 1.5: (1-20) odd
R: 26 Jan
For problems 1,3 &15: Estimate the solution
by graphing both lines of the system on
graph paper and finding the point of
For Examples 2 and 3 – Describe the “why”
of your answer. i.e On #2: why is this a
function or relation. On #3: Why (or why
not) is this a function
Graph 12 and 15 and use the “vertical line
Homework # 5
Ch 1.5: (21 - 39) odd & 34
Ch 1.6: (1-9) odd , (10 -20) all
T: 31 Jan
Homework # 6
Ch 1.5 (40 -65) odd
Ch 1.7: (1 – 39) odd
Ch 1.8: (1-27) odd, 30, 31, 34
Remember: All graphs must be on graph
Graphs must be on graph paper
Print worksheet and turn in
R: 2 Feb
Chapter 1 Review (pgs 85-88) – all problems
This assignment is optional and will be
graded for completion. If you choose to
complete it it will replace your lowest
homework grade (i.e. you will be given 6
hwk drops at the end of the semester instead
of just 5)
IMPORTANT: Assignments must abide by
the homework guidelines. This is an extra
credit assignment – failure to follow the
homework guidelines is sufficient reason
to receive a zero on the assignment.
Be sure to show all your work and to circle
your answers.
R: 23 Feb
You must show your work to receive credit
You must show your work to receive credit
T: 7 Feb
○ (1-8) Check your work
○ (23-36) Graph – Graphs must be carefully
labeled and accurate to receive credit
Homework # 7
Ch 2.1 (1-10) all, (11-49) odd
Ch 2.2 ( 1-39) odd
(32 – 39) Remember: X represents a matrix,
x represents an entry in a matrix. Determine
the order of X as we did in class.
(At the
of midterm
# 1)
Homework # 8
Ch 2.3 (1-4) all, (5 – 53) odd
Note: I am not assigning the excercises in
this chapter as homework. However, the
examples in the book are different from the
ones presented in class. It is to your benefit
to read those examples and work them out
to be sure you understand them.
R: 9 Feb
For each problem:
○ begin by writing the system of equations
in matrix form [Av = b] as discussed in
○ Indicate the Elementary Row Operation
you are using with the “R1=R1+3R2”
notation we used in class
○ Finish by checking your work
You may check your work by
“plugging” your solutions into the
original equations or by performing the
matrix multiplication Av = b (as
discussed in class)
Note: For exams and quizzes you should
be prepared to check your work using the
matrix form of the equation.
I have solved an example problem HERE
The darker handwriting explains what I'm
looking for.
Those of you who are losing points on your
homework for not showing your work or for
failing to follow homework guidelines: this
example demonstrates what I am looking for
when I grade your assignments. Your work
should be as neat and complete as the work
demonstrated in this example.
Homework # 9
Ch 2.4 (1-29) odd
Homework # 10
Ch 2.4 (1-24) : Indicate the Elementary Row T: 14 Feb
Operations you are using in each step with
the notation described in Homework 08.
Check your work by multiplying the given
matrix with the inverse matrix you found. If
your work is correct the product should be
the identity matrix
Ch 2.4 (25 – 29): Begin by writing the
matrix form of this system of equations.
Solve. Check your work on each problem.
Ch 2.5 (7-13)odd
Ch 2.5 Hint: For these problems – begin by
writing the system of equations – then
convert the system of equations to the
matrix form – then solve using either
Gaussian Elimination or Inverse Method.
Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming
Problems: Homework_10.pdf
Problem 2d will be graded for correctness
Ch 2.5 (15 – 33) odd
Hint: For these problems – begin by writing
the system of equations – then convert the
system of equations to the matrix form –
then solve using either Gaussian
Elimination or Inverse Method.
R:16 Feb
Extra Credit #2
Chapter 2 Review (pgs 141-143) – all problems
except 25 and 26
○ #5: Check your work
○ #(11 – 13): Solve using Gaussian
Elimination and the Special Instructions on
Homework 08.
○ #(14 – 15): Solve using the Inverse Method
Check your work by “plugging” your
solution into the matrix form of the
○ #(17-23): Check your work – Does
A*(A-1)= I?
This assignment is optional and will be
graded for completion. If you choose to
complete it it will replace your lowest
homework grade (i.e. you will be given 6
hwk drops at the end of the semester instead
of just 5)
IMPORTANT: Assignments must abide by
the homework guidelines. This is an extra
credit assignment – failure to follow the
homework guidelines is sufficient reason
to receive a zero on the assignment.
Be sure to show all your work and to circle
your answers.
R: 23 Feb
(At the
of midterm
# 1)
Homework # 11
Ch 3.1:
○ (1, 3, 7, 11, 12, 16),
○ (17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30)
○ (31, 33, 37, 41)
○ (47, 49, 51, 53, 57)
○ (61, 63, 65, 67)
○ (73, 75, 77, 79)
Ch 3.2:
• (1-13) odd
T: 28 Feb
Disregard instructions in the textbook.
For each of these problems complete the square
as demonstrated in class. Once you have the
equation in:
y=a x−h2k
form, write a list (as demonstrated in class)
with the following information:
(1) parabola vertex – is it a max or a min?
(2) axis of symmetry
(3) concave up or concave down (and why)
(4) stretched, shrunk, or neither (and why)
(5) location of “width 2”
(6) location of “width 4”
Finally, graph the parabola as described in
Note the
Homework # 12
Ch 3.2: 44, 45, 48, 49 , 51
Ch 3.3: (1-27) odd
Ch 3.4: (1-20) odd
No Special Instructions
No Special Instructions
Draw a rough sketch of each
○ (1-9) – sketches should look like the one
of the general forms (no axis) on pages
○ (10-20): Should look like the rough
sketch on page 176 – i.e. you will need
to find the roots of the equation and
mark them clearly on your graphs
T: 6 Mar
This guide may be helpful
T: 6 Mar
Note: I have given an extension on Hwk 12 (now
due Tuesday 6 March) – This means that Hwk 12
and Hwk 13 are both due on Tuesday.
Observe that Hwk 13 has been changed and is now
a second assignment on Ch 3.1/Ch 3.2.
Change in
I would advise that you work the problems in
Homework 13 prior to working those in Homework
Homework # 13
Ch 3.1:
○ Factoring: 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29
○ Completing the Square: 32, 34-36, 38-40,
41, 43-46
Ch 3.2: (14 – 16) & (18 - 21)
Disregard instructions in the textbook.
For each of these problems complete the square
as demonstrated in class. Once you have the
equation in:
y=a x−h2k
form, write a list (as demonstrated in class)
with the following information:
(1) parabola vertex – is it a max or a min?
(2) axis of symmetry
(3) y intercept
(3) concave up or concave down (and why)
(4) stretched, shrunk, or neither (and why)
(5) location of “width 2”
(6) location of “width 4”
Finally, graph (precisely) the parabola as
described in class.
Homework # 14
Homework # 15
Ch 3.4: (21 – 29) odd
Ch 3.5: (1 – 25) odd
Special Assignment
Draw a precise sketch of each
Ch 3.6:
○ Example 4 (pgs 198 – 200)
Graph “original” function and
“transformed” function
○ all problems (1 – 28)
Problems (1-15):As you work these
problems make a sheet of “base” function
graphs: Ex: f(x) = x^2, f(x) = |x| etc.
Number them.
T: 20 Mar
When you graph the homework problems
note which “base” function corresponds to
the problem.
Ex: If you are told to graph
f  x = − x 3−4
The “base” function is:
f  x = x
R: 8 Mar
Ch 3.7: (1-27) odd
Extra Credit # 3
T: 17 April
Chapter 3 Review (pages 213 – 215) All Prob.
○ (1-8)
(At the
of midterm
Disregard instructions in the textbook.
For each of these problems complete the square #2)
as demonstrated in class. Once you have the
equation in:
y=a x−h2k
form, write a list (as demonstrated in class)
with the following information:
(1) parabola vertex – is it a max or a min?
(2) axis of symmetry
(3) y intercept
(3) concave up or concave down (and why)
(4) stretched, shrunk, or neither (and why)
(5) location of “width 2”
(6) location of “width 4”
Finally, graph (precisely) the parabola as
described in class.
○ (9 – 15)
Check your work
○ (26 – 30)
○ Draw a rough sketch of each – roots
should be accurately graphed.
○ (31 – 33)
○ Graph precicely
○ (34 – 38)
○ Draw a rough sketch of each as
demonstrated in class
○ (39 – 43)
○ Graph both the “base” function and the
“transformed” function.
○ (44 – 50)
○ None
Homework # 16
Ch 4.1: (1-49) odds
Ch 3.5: (1-25) evens
R: 22 Mar
After a quick glance at the quizzes it
appears that the concept of graphing rational
functions is still giving many of you quite a
bit of trouble. I am in the process of writing
up suppplemental instructions (the way I did
for Factoring and Completing the Square)
and will post them here when they are
The document Graphing Rational Functions
is now available.
Homework # 17
Ch 4.2: All
Ch 4.3: All
This looks like a lot of problems however
they are fairly quick and even the word
problems are straightforward.
T: 27 Mar
Homework # 18
Ch 4.4: All
R: 29 Mar
Homework # 19
Ch 4.5: All
Be sure you check the Domain when
T: 3 April
Ch 4.6: (1 - 15)
Chapter 4 Review
T: 17 April
(1-7) Once you have found the inverse
function check your work.
(43-54) Check your work
R: 5 April
Extra Credit #4:
Homework #20
Ch 4.6: (16 - 25)
Ch 5.1: (odds)
(At the
of midterm
Homework # 21
Ch 4.6 ( 1 – 15 )
This is an intentional repeat as most if not T: 10 April
all of you were unable to do the 4.6
problems the first time around.
Ch 5.2: (1-21) odd, 10, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30,
31, (33-39) odd, 40
Do whatever parts of #2 that you need in
order to answer #3.
Homework # 22
Ch 5.3: (1-13) all, 15, 17, 18, 19, (21-24) all,
(27-30) all
R: 12 April
Homework # 23
Ch 5.4: (1-4) all, 6, (9-15) all, 17, (19-25) all
R: 19 April
Homework # 24
Ch 5.5: (1-4) all, 7, 8, (10-15) all, (19-27) all,
T: 24 April
Extra Credit #5:
Chapter 5 Review
T: 1 May
(At the
of the
Extra Credit #6:
Final Review
T: 1 May
(At the
of the