Math2210 Quiz 6 (Sections 12.4-12.5) Summer, 2010 Dylan Zwick Name ________________________________________ Date ______________ Instructions: Please show all of your work as partial credit will be given where appropriate, and there may be no credit given for problems where there is no work shown. All answers should be completely simplified, unless otherwise stated. 1. Find the directional derivative of direction of a=2 i −3 j u 2. In what direction at p=1, 2 f x , y =2x 4−2x5xy 2 xy at p=1,1 . does f x, Answer : ________________________________ y =4x 3 y− x 2 y 2 increase most rapidly ? Answer: ________________________________ in the 3. Find ∇ F given F x , y , z =2x 2 z − y 4 −xyz 2 . Answer: _________________________________________________________ 4. Find the equation of the tangent plane to f x , y = y 22x 2−6 x 2 y 3 at p o=2,1 . Tangent Plane : _________________________________________________________