Math 2270 Practice Exam 4 - University of Utah Fall 2012 Name: 1< This is a 50 minute exam. Please show all your work, as a worked problem is required for full points, and partial credit may be rewarded for some work in the right direction. 1 1. Cofactor Matrices (15 points) Calculate the cofactor matrix of A: A=() / 2 2. Eigenvalues (20 points) Find the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of LA I -I -S-A A=( —12 5) (-) (-S ) / I( I (cj -3) 7 Il V C j5 / I ((J/ 3 - 3. Diagonalization (20 points) Diagonalize the matrix /1 3 0 A=f 31 0 0 0 —2 i-A 3 0 3 I- C O-Z-A = () [XL1A_ - 33o) jc /1 A (Zr) 3 () [0 o 0 I 4. Positive Definite Matrices (10 points) Prove that if A is positive definite, and B is positive definite, then A + B is positive definite. (Hint A matrix is positive definite if xTAx> 0fora11xz 0.) 4 - or /f Tor ci/ 5 5. Jordan Form If a matrix has eigenvalues A Jordan forms of the matrix? = 2, 2, 1, 0 what are all the possible / oo\ / QL 0 I OoQ/ 6 Lrj x H E —0 — — N H — ci c) U 1— 1>c - ( — F’ I’ 0 0 It —v cs > I —0 7. Linear Transformations (15 points) 2 (a) Is the transformation T 1R + T(vi, v ) 2 I1 — defined by 1 +v 2v 2 a linear transformation? Explain why or provide a counterexample. ( utv (vj- ) r(/)t ( Z + 1 T( 2 (b) Is the transformation T 1R ) 2 T(vi, v —+ —÷ C ) ( t 1 R defined by ,v 2 , 3v 1 (2v ) 2 1 1 + 2v a linear transformation? Explain why or provide a counterexample. v T () /(2 (i D T() t() +v 1 (L 5 i) (o/l/