Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 P (n, k) = n! (n − k)! P (4, 4) = 4! (4−4)! = 4! 0! = 24 1 = 24. 2 That’s the situation, where we take 4 objects out of a set of 4 and order them - that is P (4, 4)!. You only remember that a friend’s (4 digit) telephone number consists of the numbers 3, 4, 8 and 9. How many different phone numbers are possible? Example 1: Theorem: Permutation Number: P (n, k) - The number of permutations of k objects taken from n. Permutation - An ordering of k distinct objects chosen from n distinct objects. |Ω| in the previous example has a name . . . Permutations Last update: January 13, 2015 Stat 330 (Spring 2015) Slide set 4 Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 n! (n−k)! Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 1 3 2. One of the choices is “olives”. If all possible rankings are equally likely, what is the probability that a randomly selected survey has “olives” in the top 3? 1. How many possible answers to the survey question are there? A survey question lists seven pizza toppings and asks you to rank your favorite 3. Example 2: Pizza Toppings Permutations: Examples = Multiplication principle implies |Ω| = n(n − 1)(n − 2) · · · (n − (k − 1)) n possibilities for x1, n − 1 possibilities for x2, . . ., n − (k − 1) possibilities for xk . Break the complex action into a series k single draws. (i.e.,xi is outcome on draw i). What is |Ω|? Ω = {(x1, . . . , xk ) : xi ∈ {1, . . . , n}, xi = xj } Sample Space: Experiment: A box has n items numbered 1, . . . , n. Select k(≤ n) items without replacement. (An item is drawn at most once). Keep track of the sequence of selections. Ordered Samples Without Replacement Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 n! n C(n, k) = = (n − k)!k! k 6 7 • If the coin is fair, what is the probability of getting 17 heads? • How many ways are there to get 17 heads? Toss a coin 23 times. Example 2: Coin Toss • What is the probability that you win? • What is the probability that all 5 match? The lottery picks 5 numbers from {1, . . . , 49} without replacement. The order in which the numbers are picked is irrelevant. You win if you pick at least three of the same numbers that the lottery picks. Example 1: Lottery (pick-five) Combinations: Examples P (n, k) n! = P (k, k) (n − k)!k! Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 |Ω| = Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 Thus = |Ω|P (k, k). P (n, k) = (# of ways to select k objects from n)×(# ways to order the k) Thus, The left hand side, # of ways to order k objects chosen from n, is P (n, k) 5 Number of Combinations: The number of combinations of k objects chosen from n is C(n, k) Theorem: Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 × (# of ways that k distinct objects can be ordered) (# of ways to select k distinct objects from n objects) # of ways to order k objects chosen from n = Hence by multiplication principle, Continued... 4 Combination - A subset of n distinct objects which has k distinct objects. |Ω| in the previous example has a name . . . Combinations • Order the k objects. • Select a subset of k objects from n. It is important to note that the complex action of obtaining an ordering of k distinct objects from n distinct objects can be broken down to two simple components: |Ω| = # of ways to select k distinct objects from n objects. What is |Ω|? Ω = {{x1, . . . , xk } : xi ∈ {1, . . . , n}, xi = xj } Sample Space: Experiment: A box has n items numbered 1, . . . , n. Select k ≤ n items without replacement. (A number is drawn at most once). Keep track of the set of numbers selected. (Order does not matter). Unordered Samples Without Replacement C(n, k) = Unordered Sample Without Replacement k 10 = P (n, k) = Ordered Sample Without Replacement n! (n−k)!k! n! (n−k)! nk Ordered Sample With Replacement n Number of Possible Outcomes Method Counting Summary 8 13 4 1 · 3 Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 The number of ways to do this is (using the multiplication rule) = • Then select the 3 cards of this rank out of 4 suits. • Select the rank Now, break down the selection of the first three cards into the following two steps: First, break down to two steps: select the first three cards, then select the next two cards. We use the multiplication rule to compute the number of ways a full house hand may be chosen. Example: Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 Solution to the “Full House” problem Thus P (“Full House”) = |“Full House”| = |Ω| 5 12 4 1 · 2 134 124 1 3 · 1 2 52 ≈ .0014 Therefore the number of ways to select a full house hand 4 124 (using the multiplication rule) is: = 13 1 3 · 1 2 (since we have already used one rank for the first 3) = The number of ways to do this is: Now, break down the selection of the other two cards likewise. 9 Stat 330 (Spring 2015): slide set 4 Solution to the “Full House” problem (continued)...