SYLLABUS MTH 100–08 Intermediate College Algebra Spring 2016 Full Term Monday/Wednesday 3 Credit Hours Course Information Prerequisite(s) Course Description Student Learning Outcomes Class days/ time Campus and Class location Last Date of Withdrawal Make-up policy A grade of A, B, or S in MTH 098, or a grade of A or B in MTH 092 A COMPASS score of 28 or higher on the Algebra portion A score of 20 on the Math portion of the ACT; A score of 480 on the Math portion of the SAT; Students are required to complete prerequisites for this course. Students who enroll without completing prerequisites for this course may be withdrawn by the College and may not qualify for a refund of tuition. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all course prerequisites are completed and documented at the College. This course provides a study of algebraic techniques such as linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, systems of equations, and operations with exponents and radicals. Functions and relations are introduced and graphed with special emphasis on linear and quadratic functions. This course does not apply toward the general core requirement for mathematics. The five general education areas for the college are mathematical skills, computer skills, writing skills, oral communication skills, and critical thinking skills. Student will demonstrate: competence in algebraic skills and concepts competence in basic coordinate geometry a basic knowledge of functions competence in critical thinking skills. Monday/Wednesday, 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm Martin 2909 Thursday, April 7, 2016 Students who miss a test or quiz should contact the instructor before the next class meeting. Students who have an excused absence (see Standard College Policies sheet) should present documentation and complete any make-up work within one week of the last day covered by their excuse. Students who will miss a test or quiz because of official school events must make arrangements for making up work prior to missing. *Intermediate Algebra, 11th Edition - Authors: Lial, Hornsby, & McGinnis Required textbook and Course Materials *MyLabsPlus Access Code A number of quizzes will be given. Some quizzes may be unannounced. At least one quiz grade will be dropped. Students who are tardy will not be given extra time for quizzes or tests. TAKE HOME QUIZZES ARE DUE AT Quizzes THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. Comprehensive Each major test may include review material from previous tests. The final exam covers all material. Testing The Homework portion of the grade will come from work on MyLabsPlus. Each student must have a MyLabsPlus Homework student access code. A basic scientific calculator is sufficient for this course, and may be used on quizzes and tests. The TI30 or TI36 is recommended. However, your instructor has the final say as to what type of calculator you may use. The use of Calculator Use graphing, programmable, or cell phone calculators is not allowed. Final Exam Monday, May 2nd, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Tutors and Office of Specialized Student Services Shelton State Community College is dedicated to the success of its students. To further that goal, free tutoring is available to all currently enrolled students. If you need additional assistance to succeed, contact Annette Cook at If you have a disability and need accommodations to help you be successful, contact Michele Minor at or visit her in the Office of Specialized Student Services. Instructor Information Instructor Office E-mail and phone number Student hours and location Website Division Chair’s Information- Gail Queen 2704 Martin Campus E-mail: Phone number: (205) 391 - 2209 TBA – see instructor website Office: 2704 Martin, Faculty/Staff, Faculty Website Directory, Gail Queen Department chairperson: Darrell Hagler Office: Martin 2630 Phone: (205) 391-2433 e-mail: College Policy Information Academic Misconduct Attendance Policy Standard College Policies Student Email (Bucs Mail) Students are expected to be honorable in all college assignments. Suspected cases of academic misconduct are reported to the Dean of Academic or Technical Services. SSCC Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered, to be prompt, and to remain in class/lab for the entire time. Attendance will be recorded at every class/lab meeting. On the final grade report, instructors are required to identify the last day of attendance for all students who receive a grade of “F” or “U.” Students who are unable to attend class regularly, regardless of the reason or circumstance, should withdraw from the class. Withdrawal from class can affect eligibility for federal financial aid. If a student is unable to attend at least 80 percent of class meetings, regardless of the reason or circumstance, it is recommended that the student withdraw from that class before excessive absences interfere with the student’s ability to successfully complete the course. The Standard College Policies apply to all classes at the college and are a part of every official course syllabus; each student receives a copy when he or she completes the vehicle registration/waiver procedure. It is also available from the College website, It is the responsibility of the student to have a copy of these policies and to abide by them. This class syllabus is intended to give further detail about the policies and expectations in this class. College policies are also published in the Schedule of Classes and the SSCC College Catalog/Student Handbook. Students are expected to be aware of and abide by College policies in every class. All students who are or have been registered for classes at Shelton State Community College are provided an email account. Students who are currently registered must have an email account. Electronic mail is the official method of communication for delivery of information. Shelton State designated communicators may use this email account to send official communications to the student body. Student email addresses will be recorded in the college’s electronic directories and records. To activate/sign in to your Bucs Mail account, visit the Bucs Mail icon at Quality Enhancement Plan Shelton State’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Improving Student Success in Online Classes Emergency Preparedness and Sexual Misconduct Shelton State Community College continues to be committed to a safe teaching and learning environment for students and employees. In an effort to further strengthen efforts at keeping the College Community free from weapon related violence and to eradicate sexual misconduct crimes and infractions, SSCC has recently enacted the following policies that address these areas specifically. Sexual misconduct is an often underreported crime and victims should be aware that SSCC has a confidential process in place for reporting such actions and for helping victims identify resources for assistance. Links to these policies and other important emergency preparedness related topics may be found on the college website: Letter grades will be assigned according to the following: Homework Average Quiz Average Test #1 Test #2 Test #3 Test #4 Final Examination (Comprehensive) Percentage of Grade 10% 12% 12% 12% 12% 12% Student’s Score Percentage Grade 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 59 and below Letter grade A B C D F 30% ATTENDANCE INCENTIVE: Students who take all tests and have no more than 1 unexcused absence may replace their lowest test grade with the final exam grade. SCHEDULE: The outline below may be changed at the discretion of the instructor. Changes will be announced in class. Day Date Section 1 Wed 1/16 2 Mon 1/11 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.5 (cont.) 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3 (cont.) 3.4 3 Wed 1/13 4 Wed 1/20 5 Mon 1/25 6 Wed 1/27 7 Mon 2/1 8 Wed 2/3 9 Mon 2/8 10 Wed 2/10 11 Mon 2/15 12 Wed 2/17 13 Mon 2/22 14 Wed 2/24 15 Mon 2/29 16 Wed 3/2 17 18 Mon 3/7 Wed 3/9 3.5 3.6 3.6 (cont.) 4.1 5.1 5.4 5.4 (cont.) 5.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.5 7.1 7.2 Topic Page Practice Exercises (odd only) Linear Equations in One Variable Applications of Linear Equations 54 76 5-69 29-61 Linear Inequalities in One Variable (Interval Notation) 99 1-39, 47-57 Set Operations and Compound Inequalities Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities The Rectangular Coordinate System The Slope of a Line 108 118 144 157 1-61 5-33, 37-103 23-31, 35 - 63 25-79 Linear Equations in Two Variables 170 7-73 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables Review 179 1-27, 33-37 TEST 1 (2.1, 2.3, 2.5-2.7, 3.1-3.4) Introduction to Relations and Functions 187 1-31 (all) Function Notation and Linear Functions 194 3-22 (all) Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables Integer Exponents 220 274 11,13,19-37, 41-69 1-125 Multiplying Polynomials 299 5-39, 43-61 Dividing Polynomials Greatest Common Factor, Factoring by Grouping Factoring Trinomials Review 306 324 332 1-51 1-61 1-51, 59-63 337 350 368 377 1-55 3-45 1-91 1-81 TEST 2 (3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 5.1, 5.4, 5.5, 6.1, 6.2) Special Factoring Solving Equations by Factoring Rational Expressions & Functions; Multiplying & Dividing Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions SPRING BREAK WEEK!!! SPRING BREAK WEEK!!! SPRING BREAK WEEK!!! SPRING BREAK WEEK!!! Mon 3/21 7.3 Complex Fractions 384 1-27, 35-39 7.4 Equations with Rational Expressions 391 1-47 20 Wed 3/23 7.5 Applications of Rational Expressions 402 1-19 6.4 A General Approach to Factoring 342 1-69 21 Mon 3/28 Summary of Rational Expressions and Equations 395 1-29 Review 19 22 Wed 3/30 23 Mon 4/4 24 Wed 4/6 8.1 8.2 8.2 (cont.) 8.3 TEST 3 (6.3, 6.5, 7.1-7.5) Radical Expressions Rational Exponents Rational Exponents Simplifying Radical Expressions 433 441 441 450 1-27 1-93 1-93 1-93 (eoo), 95-99, 113-121 456 464 472 479 503 511 1-45 1-37 (eoo), 43-99 (eoo), 105 1-55 1-73 5-33, 39-85 5-37 Thursday, April 7th - Last Day to Withdraw 25 Mon 4/11 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9.1 9.2 26 Wed 4/13 27 Mon 4/18 28 Wed 4/20 Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions Solving Equations with Radicals Complex Numbers The Square Root Property and Completing the Square The Quadratic Formula Review 29 30 Mon 4/25 Wed 4/27 Test 4 (8.1-8.7, 9.1, 9.2) Review For Final Exam COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM: Monday, May 2nd , 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm