***Important Note***: In order to be counted as attending in this Distance Education class (for Financial Aid purposes), a student must be active in the course and do must do some graded work within 1 week of the first day of classes. NOTE: Orientation Grade due Tuesday, Jan. 12 1st HW/Quiz (MML) due Wednesday, Jan. 13 MTH 100-80 Intermediate College Algebra - Online Course 3 credit hours Spring 2016 Course Information Prerequisite(s) Course Description Student Learning Outcomes Last Date of Withdrawal Make-up policy Required Course Materials Guided Notebook Calculator use Grading Tests Quizzes Homework Final Examination Final Exam Date Online Tutorial Service Tutors and Office of Specialized Student Services Students are required to complete one or more of the following prerequisites for this course. • A grade of A, B, or S in MTH 098 or MTH 092 • A COMPASS score of 28 or higher on the Algebra portion • A score of 20 on the Math portion of the ACT • A score of 480 on the Math portion of the SAT Students who enroll without completing prerequisites for this course may be withdrawn by the College and may not qualify for a refund of tuition. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all course prerequisites are completed and documented at the College. This course provides a study of algebraic techniques such as linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, systems of equations, and operations with exponents and radicals. Functions and relations are introduced and graphed with special emphasis on linear and quadratic functions. This course does not apply toward the general core requirement for mathematics. The five general education areas for the college are mathematical skills, computer skills, writing skills, oral communication skills, and critical thinking skills. Student will demonstrate competence in algebraic skills and concepts. Student will demonstrate competence in basic coordinate geometry. Student will demonstrate a basic knowledge of functions. Student will demonstrate competence in critical thinking skills. Thursday –April 7, 2016 Students who have an excused absence (see Standard College Policies sheet) and miss a test should: • Contact your instructor immediately. • Bring/send your instructor a copy of your documentation during Office or Student Hours. DOCUMENTATION IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION. • Schedule your make-up. Students who will miss a test because of official school events must arrange for make-up work prior to their absence. ***ALL make-up work must be completed within 1 week of the last day covered by the excuse.*** Intermediate College Algebra – Second edition Authors: Trigsted, Gallaher, Bodden This course uses an e-book, not a textbook. The e-book is accessed through MyLabsPlus. Both the Trigsted Intermediate College Algebra – Guided Notebook and MLP access code are required. The Summary book is optional. Students are expected to fill in the Guided Notebook as they work through the e-text. This notebook or the sections completed for that test will be taken up at the beginning of each testing session. They will be graded, and returned at the end of the testing session or at the beginning of the next testing session. The average of these 3 grades will be worth 6% of the students’ grade. Calculators are allowed and encouraged in both class and on tests. However, programmable calculators that contain any notes, formulas, etc. will be deemed as a violation of the academic misconduct policy and will not be allowed. Graphing calculators are allowed on tests. Also, calculators, such as the TI 89, that perform skills and operations that students are expected to know as part of the course objectives (factoring, etc.) will not be allowed. See your instructor if you have questions. A calculator such as the TI-30, TI-34, or TI-36 is recommended. Comprehensive Final Exam - 30% 3 Tests - 14% each (42% combined) Guided Notebook - 6% Online Quiz average - 12% Online Homework average - 10% Please Note: MyLabsPlus averages shown on the website gradebook are not always accurate, and should only be used to approximate a student’s quiz or homework average. They do not reflect a grade of zero for quizzes or assignments not attempted, until the instructor requests this action after the assignments are past due. There will be 3 paper/pencil tests. Each will count as 14% of the student’s final grade. Tests will be taken on the Shelton State Community College’s Martin Campus unless otherwise arranged. **A picture ID will be required to take a test.** Quizzes will be given for each section. In order to begin a quiz for a section Each quiz will be equally weighted, and a student’s quiz average will be worth 12% of their final grade. Each quiz will be due on the assigned dates given within MyLabsPlus. All quizzes will be taken and submitted within MyLabsPlus. There are 3 attempts for each quiz. The best score will be recorded. Due dates are in MML and on the course outline. Homework assignments are assigned for each section. Each homework assignment will be equally weighted, and a student’s homework average will be worth 10% of their final grade. Each homework assignment will be due on the assigned dates given within MyLabsPlus. Due dates are in MLP and on the course outline. The final exam is comprehensive. It will be worth 30% of the student’s final grade. The final exam must be taken on the Shelton State Community College’s Martin Campus, unless otherwise arranged, on the dates outlined on the syllabus and in Blackboard. A picture ID will be required to take the exam. Scheduling conflicts must be resolved before the final exam date. All students must take the final exam. Students who take all tests and complete all homework assignments and quizzes will have their lowest test grade replaced with their exam grade, if the exam grade is higher. Option 1 - Thursday, April 28 8:00 am - 10:00 am - Room 2357 Option 2 - Thursday, April 28 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Room 2255 SMARThinking Online Tutorial Service is a 24/7 online tutorial service students can use for additional assistance. When asking for help, be explicit and give as much detail as possible. You may work live with a tutor or submit written requests. You can also browse the Academic Resources. There is a link to the website in Blackboard. “Shelton State Community College is dedicated to the success of its students. To further that goal, free tutoring is available to all currently enrolled students. If you need additional assistance to succeed, contact Annette Cook at acook@sheltonstate.edu. If you have a disability and need accommodations to help you be successful, contact Michele Minor at m.minor@sheltonstate.edu or visit her in the Office of Specialized Student Services.” Instructor Information Instructor Office E-mail and phone number Student hours and location Website Division Chair’s Information- Lisa Nix 2505 lisa.nix@sheltonstate.edu (205) 391-2235 Monday/Wednesday 8:15 am – 9:00 am All Student hours are in my office 2505. Tuesday/Thursday 7:30 am – 8:15 am go to www.sheltonstate.edu > faculty/staff > website directory > Lisa Nix Department Chairperson: Darrell Hagler, Office 2630 , Phone 205-391-2433 e-mail: dhagler@sheltonstate.edu College Policy Information Academic Misconduct Attendance Policy Standard College Policies Student Email (Bucs Mail) Whether or not academic misconduct has occurred and what classroom sanctions, if any, are to be applied are matters to be determined by the respective instructor. A student who opposes the sanction imposed by an instructor may appeal the matter to the appropriate Associate Dean. SSCC Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered, to be prompt and to remain in class/lab for the entire time. Attendance will be recorded at every class/lab meeting. On the final grade report, instructors are required to identify the last day of attendance for all students who receive a grade of “F” or “U.” Students who are unable to attend class regularly, regardless of the reason or circumstance, should withdraw from the class. Withdrawal from class can affect eligibility for federal financial aid. If a student is unable to attend at least 80 percent of class meetings, regardless of the reason or circumstance, it is recommended that the student withdraw from that class before excessive absences interfere with the student’s ability to successfully complete the course. ***Important Note***: In order to be counted as attending in a Distance Education class (for Financial Aid purposes), a student must be actively enrolled in the course and begin participating within 3 days of the first day of classes. The Standard College Policies apply to all classes at the college and are a part of every official course syllabus; each student receives a copy when he or she completes the vehicle registration/waiver procedure. It is also available from the College website, www.sheltonstate.edu. It is the responsibility of the student to have a copy of these policies and to abide by them. This class syllabus is intended to give further detail about the policies and expectations in this class. All students who are or have been registered for classes at Shelton State Community College are provided an email account. Students who are currently registered must have an email account. Electronic mail is the official method of communication for delivery of information. Shelton State designated communicators may use this email account to send official communications to the student body. Student email addresses will be recorded in the college’s electronic directories and records. To activate/sign in to your Bucs Mail account, visit the Bucs Mail icon at www.sheltonstate.edu. Quality Enhancement Plan Shelton State’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Improving Student Success in Online Classes Emergency Preparedness and Sexual Misconduct Shelton State Community College continues to be committed to a safe teaching and learning environment for students and employees. In an effort to further strengthen efforts at keeping the College Community free from weapon related violence and to eradicate sexual misconduct crimes and infractions, SSCC has recently enacted the following policies that address these areas specifically. Sexual misconduct is an often underreported crime and victims should be aware that SSCC has a confidential process in place for reporting such actions and for helping victims identify resources for assistance. Links to these policies and other important emergency preparedness related topics may be found on the college website: http://www.sheltonstate.edu/discover_sscc/emergency_preparedness.aspx. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its admissions, programs, and services in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. - See more at: http://www.sheltonstate.edu/discover_sscc/eeoc_statement.aspx#sthash.ZEfKOVpJ.dpuf Tutoring: For help with a topic, homework, or test review, visit the Soar Institute on campus. They provide free tutoring. It is located in room 2456 on the Martin Campus. Communication can be done through BlackBoard or Instructor Email. If your message isn’t time sensitive, BlackBoard is best, but sometimes BlackBoard will be offline for maintenance, or I will not have access to a computer. I don’t usually check BB messages on the weekend, but I do check email. If you email me, please indicate that you are in my online class somewhere in your email. *****You are expected to check BlackBoard messages and announcements daily.***** I will put important information in announcements, and contact you through BlackBoard. Tips for Success 1. Register with MyLabsPlus and begin working immediately. 2. Set aside some time each day to work on assignments and/or to study. 3. Do not wait until the last minute to do assignments!!!!! Extra time will not be allowed for “technical difficulties.” Give yourself enough time in case temporary problems arise with your computer and/or the MyMathLab site. 4. Study using practice tests posted both in BB and on the instructor’s website. 5. Seek help immediately if there are concepts that you do not understand. Contact your instructor or go to the Soar Institute for free mathematics tutoring. Letter grades will be assigned according to the following final grades will be rounded to nearest integer: Percentage of Grade Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Quiz Average Homework Guided Notebook Exam Student’s Score 14% 14% 14% 12% 10% 6% 30% 100% Percentage Grade 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 59 and below Letter grade A B C D F Testing Information Please check BB under the Testing Information tab for more specific information. • All Tests are on the Martin Campus of SSCC. Be sure to note the room numbers below. It is always a good idea to check BB before reporting to the testing room, because the room has been changed in the past. • You will need a scientific calculator, pencil, and picture identification for all Tests and the Final Exam. (For the final exam only, you will need an Apperson answer sheet.) • There are 2 options for each test. Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Final Exam Option 1 Thurs., Feb. 11; 5:00pm-6:30pm Thurs., March 24; 5:00pm-6:30pm Thurs., April 21; 5:00pm-6:30pm Thurs., April 28; 8:00am-10:00am Room 2255 Room 2255 Room 2255 Room 2357 Fri., Feb. 12; Fri., March 25; Fri., April 22; Thurs., April 28; Option 2 8:00am-9:30am 8:00am-9:30am 8:00am-9:30am 5:00pm-7:00pm Room 2255 Room 2255 Room 2255 Room 2255 Tests must be taken on one of the two scheduled days. It is the responsibility of the student to message the instructor and indicate the option they have selected. This should be done at least two days before the test date. If you have extenuating circumstances and cannot attend one of the assigned test dates, you may take the test EARLY at a time that is convenient to the instructor, but the instructor must be contacted at least a week in advance of the test. You will not be allowed to take a test once the testing dates have passed without appropriate medical or legal documentation that covers the test day. Please read the portion that follows about what to do if you have conflicts with days and times posted for tests and/or the exam. What to do if you have conflicts with the days and times posted for tests/exams. The dates for the tests and final exam have been posted on the course outline and in BB. You are responsible for knowing these dates and abiding by them. You should plan your schedule so that you can take the test at the time offered. It is unacceptable for you to miss a test. In order to make up any missed test/exam a documented excuse will be required. Sometimes in distance education classes, students have issues with travel arrangements or other classes scheduled at the same time. These can be worked around, if you contact me well in advance. Proctors - for students who are truly distant students While many students who take this course are from the Tuscaloosa area, some students taking it are far away. In cases where distance is truly an issue, students may have their tests administered by an approved proctor at a place such as a testing center, local college, or university. In order to arrange testing with a proctor, the student must fill out and submit a Student/Proctor Agreement form to indicate their desire to use a proctor. I put the website link and information below. The student should also notify the instructor that they have started this process. This process takes time, so if you will need your exams proctored, you need to get the process started immediately. Once approved, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule the test, on or before the testing dates in the syllabus, with their proctor. Then they should let the instructor know the scheduled date and time, so the test can be sent to the proctor. If your tests are to be proctored, you must have all of the details in place at least 1 week before the scheduled test. If arrangements have not been made, I’ll expect to see you at the test on the Shelton State Martin Campus. http://www.sheltonstate.edu/future_students/testing_assessment_services/exam_proctoring.aspx Or www.sheltonstate.edu>Current Students>Testing and Assessment Services> Exam Proctoring>Test Proctoring Procedures for SSCC Students Contact: Debbie Barton or Martha Key Phone: 205-391-2231 Email: testing@sheltonstate.edu OR dbarton@sheltonstate.edu OR mkey@sheltonstate.edu Conflicts with Test/Exam Times Since this is an online class, sometimes students have other classes scheduled for the same time an exam is scheduled. If so, you should know from the first day of class. If another class conflicts with our test times, you must let me know at least 1 week in advance of the scheduled test. It is unacceptable for you to email me two days before a test to tell me that you have a final exam at another college the same time as your exam at SSCC. Other conflicts students may have with the test schedule will be dealt with on an individual basis. The 1 week minimum advance notice clause applies in all test conflict situations. Assignment Incentive: Students who take all 3 tests and complete all homework assignments and quizzes, will have their lowest test grade replaced with their exam grade, if the exam grade is higher. Course Outline MTH 100–80 Spring 2016 How To Proceed Through the Course Read the e-text (online in MLP) for each objective of each section listed below (Objectives to Cover), working through the examples and watching the videos. Be sure to take notes and answer questions in the Guided Notebook (purchased with the MLP code) as you work through the objectives for that section. Please Do Not fill in the Guided Notebook for objectives that are not listed below. The Guided Notebook will be turned in for a grade every time a test is given. 2) Do the MLP Homework for each section. There are infinite attempts. You must make 65% or higher to take the quiz 3) Do the MLP Quiz for each section. There are 3 attempts for each one. The highest score will be taken. **If you need additional practice, try working the e-book exercises, at the end of each section, that are listed below as recommended exercises. ** (Answers for these are under the Selected Answers tab on the left in MML.) All graded homework and quizzes are done in MLP under the HW & Quizzes button. Due dates are listed below and in MLP. 1) Due Dates Jan. 13, midnight Jan. 15, midnight Jan. 18, midnight Jan. 20, midnight Jan. 22, midnight Jan. 25, midnight Jan. 27, midnight Jan. 29, midnight Feb. 1, midnight Feb. 3, midnight Feb. 5, midnight Feb. 8, midnight February 11 OR February 12 Feb. 15, midnight Feb. 17, midnight Feb. 19, midnight Feb. 22, midnight Feb. 24, midnight Feb. 26, midnight Feb. 29, midnight Mar. 2, midnight Mar. 4, midnight Mar. 7, midnight Mar. 9, midnight Mar. 21, midnight March 24 OR March 25 Mar. 28, midnight Mar. 30, midnight Apr. 1, midnight Apr. 4, midnight Apr. 6, midnight Apr. 8, midnight Apr. 11, midnight Apr. 15, midnight Apr. 18, midnight April 21 OR April 22 Section 1.1 Linear Equations in One Variable 1.2 Linear Inequalities in One variable 1.3 Compound Inequalities 1.4 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities 1.5 Formulas and Problem Solving 2.1 The Rectangular Coordinate System and Graphing 2.2 Relations and Functions 2.3 Function Notation 2.4 Graphs of Linear Functions 2.5 Linear Equations in Two Variables 2.6 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables 3.4 Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables Objectives to Cover (Recommended) E-book Exercises 1-3 1-4 all (1-2) all (1-2) 1-3,&5 (don’t do ex. 3,4 5) all (1-5) 2-4 2-3 all (1-3) 1-7 1-2 1-2 1-60 1-64 1-30 1-34 1-16,28,29,37,39,40 1-16, 21-26 7-28 11-20 all(1-30) 1-60 1-20 1,2,7-27 1-5 1-7 1-5 1-5 1-3 all (1-3) all (1-4) all (1-4) 1 all (1-3) all (1-2) all (1-4) 1-4, 16-55 1-78 1-44 1-60 1-28 all (1-40) all (1-78) all (1-78) 1-52 all (1-50) all (1-70) all (1-82) all (1-2) 1-3 all (1-5) all (1-6) all (1-3) 1-2 all (1-5) 1-4, 6 (don’t do ex.15) 1-2 all (1-30) 1-22 all (1-46) all (1-76) all (1-64) 1-38 all (1-57) 1-82, 89, 90 1-16 TEST 1 (1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.6, 3.4) 3.1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables 4.1 Rules for Exponents 4.2 Introduction to Polynomial Functions 4.3 Multiplying Polynomials 4.4 Dividing Polynomials 5.1 Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping 5.2 Factoring Trinomials 5.3 Special-Case Factoring; A General Factoring Strategy 5.4 Polynomial Equations 6.1 Introduction to Rational Expressions and Functions 6.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions 6.3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions TEST 2 (3.1, 4.1-4.4, 5.1-5.4, 6.1-6.3) and up to 20% old material) 6.4 Complex Rational Expressions 6.5 Rational Equations and Models 7.1 Radical Expressions 7.3 Rational Exponents and Simplifying Radical Expressions 7.4 Operations with Radicals 7.5 Radical Equations and Models 7.6 Complex Numbers 8.1 Solving Quadratic Equations 8.4 Circles TEST 3 (6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 7.3-7.6, 8.1, 8.4) and about 20% from old material) Comprehensive Final Exam Option 1 – Thursday, April 28; 8:00 am - 10:00 am Room 2357 Option 2 - Thursday, April 28; 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Room 2255