Resolution proposed by: Kurt C. Organista, Professor, Social Welfare

Resolution proposed by: Kurt C. Organista, Professor, Social Welfare
Whereas, nonviolent political protest engages fundamental rights of free
assembly and free speech, and
Whereas, the campus has established time, place, and manner guidelines by
which it encourages such activities, and
Whereas, protesters may sometimes engage in political noncooperation which
includes acts of civil disobedience – including the deliberate, open and peaceful
violation of particular laws, decrees, regulations, and
Whereas, there is a clear chain of command ending with the Chancellor, which
implements training and deployment of police to respond appropriately to
protests, and
Whereas, campuses should exercise restraint in responding to peaceful protests
and seek to resolve the situation through dialogue, and
Whereas, we are outraged by the brutal and dangerous police responses against
members of the University community at UC Berkeley and other campuses,
Therefore be it Resolved that the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate
1) calls upon the Chancellor, EVCP, and Chief of Police to officially
apologize to the campus community for the behavior of the UCPD on Nov.
9, 2011
2) calls for immediate revision of policies and practices to minimize the
danger of excessive use of force by the police, and to better train the police
to employ nonviolent law enforcement that respects the rights of
nonviolent protesters
3) affirms its support for the right of free speech and peaceful protest by all
members of the University community
4) affirms its strong opposition to the State’s disinvestment in higher
education, which is at the root of the student protests.