APECS.net User Access Form This request is for: New User Account Change User Account Disable User Account Part 1: Please Print Employee Name: ____________________________ _______________________ (Last) (First) _____ (Middle Initial) E-mail:____________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Position: __________________________________ ___________________________________________ Department: ________________________ _______________________ Immediate Supervisor’s Signature Required ___________________________________________ Date _______________________ Employee’s Dean’s Signature Required Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: Group Assignment: Access in the Apecs.net system is regulated by the group(s) each user is a member of. Users may be given access to more than one group with functionality being cumulative for all the groups a user is a member of. A basic set of groups is listed below. Student Services Admissions Work-Study Admissions Clerk Admissions Supervisor Financial Aid Work-Study Financial Aid Clerk Financial Aid Supervisor Bookstore Supervisor TBI Work Force Development Other__________________________ (see http://intranet.sheltonstate.edu/ApecsGroups for a complete list.) ___________________________________________ _______________________ Dean of Student Services Signature Required Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Human Resources/Payroll Payroll Supervisor Payroll Clerk HR Basic HR Reports Other__________________________ (see http://intranet.sheltonstate.edu/ApecsGroups for a complete list.) ___________________________________________ _______________________ President’s Signature Required Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S:\CollegeWide\Forms\APECS.net Access Form.doc Page 1 of 2 Business Services (Please Specify: R=Read only, U=Update, or O =Override access in the Finance System.) Inquiry _____ Budget_____ Cash Mgmt_____ Bookstore Cashier_____ PO _____ AP_____ AR_____ Cashier Supervisor_____ Investments _____ Fixed Assets_____ Warehouse_____ Cashier Work-Study_____ Bookstore_____ Requisition_____ GL_____ Other__________________________ (see http://intranet.sheltonstate.edu/ApecsGroups for a complete list.) ___________________________________________ Dean of Business Services Signature Required _______________________ Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Faculty/Instruction Adjunct Faculty Full-time Faculty Faculty-Department Head Other__________________________ (see http://intranet.sheltonstate.edu/ApecsGroups for a complete list.) ___________________________________________ Dean’s of Instruction’s Signature Required _______________________ Date Part 3: FERPA (Confidentiality Statement) Along with the right to access the transcripts of students at Shelton State Community College comes the responsibility to maintain the rights of the students particularly as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The College catalog states the policy regarding student records at Shelton State Community College. Student records are open to the members of the faculty and staff who have a legitimate need to know their contents; however, you do have a responsibility to maintain confidentiality. Under the terms of FERPA, Shelton State Community College has established the following as directory information: Student’s name, address/telephone number, email address, degrees and awards received and dates, dates of attendance (current and past), full or part time statue, participation in officially recognized activities, participation in officially recognized sports, and major field of study. All other information may not be released without written consent of the student. Grades, Social Security numbers, and student schedules should not be released to anyone other than the student under discussion and not over the phone. Students have the right to request that no directory information be released; therefore please refer to all requests for directory information to the Office of Admissions and Records. I have read the above and agree to maintain the confidentiality of student records. __________________________________________________________________ _______________ Employee Signature Date Part 4: Login Information All User IDs will be in the format last name, an underscore, and your first name, in lower case letters (Ex: smith_john). An initial password will be given to your supervisor. Users are required to check the change password box and change your password the first time you login. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACS USE: Received:___________ Date:_____________ By:____________________ S:\CollegeWide\Forms\APECS.net Access Form.doc Page 2 of 2 B