Document 11713780

We are now located
on the first floor of the
Martin Campus.
Michele Minor
Director of Specialized
Student Services
April Headley
ODS Sign Language
Sharda’ Smith
ODS and International Advisor
Virginia Hocutt
Student Services Receptionist
Attention Deficit Disorder
• … you had a 504 Plan in high school.
• … you had an IEP or took special education classes in
high school.
• … you received special accommodations at another
• … you have had brain trauma, a physical disability,
stroke, or something causing changes in the way you
*Provide any documentation you have, and we can
determine if it is sufficient.
Reduced distraction testing area
Extended time on tests
Lower chairs or tables
Assistance locating peer note-takers
Textbooks in alternate format
Use of assistive technology such as magnifiers or
screen readers
Physical Changes to Environment
Academic accommodations
• Higher tables and chairs
• Sign language interpreters
• Extended time for exams
• Reduced distraction testing
Initial Meeting: Schedule an appointment.
Bring the following with you:
•Copy of Your Class Schedule
•Documentation for Disability
•Your Photo ID or Drivers License
Fill out necessary forms.
Accommodation letters will be completed for pick up (purple
Pick up purple letters from the ODS prior to classes beginning.
Hand deliver accommodation letters to each instructor the first
week of class or as soon as possible after self-identifying.
Meet with and discuss academic accommodation requests with
each instructor.
To receive academic accommodations, a student
must present documentation (at the student’s
expense) from a licensed or certified professional to
the director of disability services at the College.
All documentation should be dated within the last
three years.
All documentation is verified and accommodations
are made on a case-by-case basis.
The purpose of documentation:
• To establish that an individual has a disability
• To describe and document the functional impact
of the disability for use in establishing the need for
and design of accommodations
Temporary accommodations such as
broken arms or legs may qualify.
Please contact our office for more
Accommodations are NOT retro-active. Services
begin once paperwork is completed in the ODS
office and the instructors are notified. We can not
go back and pick up accommodations prior to
registering with the disabilities office.
You are not automatically covered
each semester. You do not have to
complete the entire intake meeting
each time, but you do have to checkin and provide a new class schedule
before accommodations can be
If you do not qualify, you may know someone who does.