Environmental Biology

Environmental Biology
Date: 3/28/ - 3/30/11
Content: Environmental Issues
Essential Questions/Learning Targets: The student will gain knowledge in the following areas:
Biomes, Environment, Nitrogen and Water Cycles, Food chains and Webs.
The student will show mastery of these subjects according to formative assessments. In the form of
verbal questioning and answering.
Independent Work – establishing engagement (8-10 minutes): Students will be independently working
on enrichment exercises dealing with vocabulary in regards to the above content area. We graduated
guidance as a method of presenting the lesson.
Guiding Purpose – fostering engagement (3-5 minutes): We modeled, and used graduated guidance.
We then brought it together and reviewed answers. Teacher will have students make corrections to
numbers that were wrong.
Interactive Instruction and Authentic Engagement – deepening understanding (25-40 minutes):
They worked on the enrichment activity independently. We then went over the correct answers
and had students correct wrong answers.
Closure and Consolidation – making meaning, clarify (5-10 minures): Review what we discussed in
class through questioning and answering.