MID DTERM ESSAY E EXAM: E “T The State of the ((Domestiic) Union n” America’s A s Future ((IA463) Hard copy co due on o Friday, January J 144th by 4:00p 0pm in my office (Mo Moench A2009). NMENT: A strange conffluence of evvents has thruust YOU intoo the Presideency. Everytthing ASSIGN else rem mains the sam me. The Republicans conntrol the Houuse, the Dem mocrats contrrol the Senatee, and all of the legislation passed under (now formerr) President O Obama still sstands. So yo ou are addressing the actuall political situuation as it exxists in America right now w. The only difference iss that you aree presidentt. You can make yourself a Democrat or a Republiican, liberal oor conservatiive. You can seek to continue the directtion of Presid dent Obama or steer the ccountry on a different co ourse. You caan do whatever you wish -- but you’ve got g to convince the Ameri rican people tto follow youu. Here is your big chancce. It is Januaary so it is tim me for the State of the Unnion Addresss. Your assig ignment for this essay is to t write thee domestic policy p portioon of the speeech. This assiggnment givess you a great deal of flexib bility and pottential for crreativity. It is also incumb bent upon youu, however, to o show that you y have beeen paying atttention by esttablishing yo our policy credentialls. Thus you need to focuus on what yo ou think are the key dom mestic policy cy challengees for the US at a present, why w they aree significant, t, and how yyou think th hey should b best be addresseed. You are not limited to t the topics that we havee discussed inn class nor do you need tto cover eveery topic disccussed to date. You do, however, needd to cover at least threee1key issues in some deetail (explainiing the naturre of the probblem; its impportance; andd your proposed plan for addressin ng it). Keep in n mind the assembled meembers of Coongress as w well as the pub blic at large n need to be con nvinced of th he soundness of your anallysis and the benefit of yoour proposedd policies. Th his requires logic, l persuassion, and thee appropriate marshaling oof empirical evidence. FORMA AT: This is a speech and should s be wrritten as suchh. (You mighht want to loo ok at some olld State of th he Union Ad ddresses to garner g the pro oper voice.) B Begin your sppeech with: ““Speaker Boehner, Vice Presideent ______2, members off Congress, ddistinguishedd guests, and fellow American ns…” You do o not need a conclusion as a you are onnly writing thhe first half o of the speech h. You can end by b saying: “W We also face numerous n ch hallenges arouund the worlld…” Your sspeech should be at least fivve typed, douuble-spaced pages p long (n normal marggins and fonts). Remembeer that if youu drone on too long thee TV audiencce will start flipping fl over to The Foodd Network (C Chopped Marathon n!!!) 1 REMEMBER: You don n’t get any speccial credit for doing d the minim mum! 2 You’re thee Commander-in n-Chief now; you u get to pick the Vice President.