A uniformly stable Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element Kent-Andre Mardal, Joachim Schöberl & Ragnar Winther Numerische Mathematik ISSN 0029-599X Volume 123 Number 3 Numer. Math. (2013) 123:537-551 DOI 10.1007/s00211-012-0492-6 1 23 Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by SpringerVerlag. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your work, please use the accepted author’s version for posting to your own website or your institution’s repository. You may further deposit the accepted author’s version on a funder’s repository at a funder’s request, provided it is not made publicly available until 12 months after publication. 1 23 Author's personal copy Numer. Math. (2013) 123:537–551 DOI 10.1007/s00211-012-0492-6 Numerische Mathematik A uniformly stable Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element Kent-Andre Mardal · Joachim Schöberl · Ragnar Winther Received: 2 November 2011 / Revised: 29 June 2012 / Published online: 9 September 2012 © Springer-Verlag 2012 Abstract We construct a new Fortin operator for the lowest order Taylor–Hood element, which is uniformly stable both in L 2 and H 1 . The construction, which is restricted to two space dimensions, is based on a tight connection between a subspace of the Taylor–Hood velocity space and the lowest order Nedelec edge element. General shape regular triangulations are allowed for the H 1 -stability, while some mesh restrictions are imposed to obtain the L 2 -stability. As a consequence of this construction, a uniform inf–sup condition associated the corresponding discretizations of a parameter dependent Stokes problem is obtained, and we are able to verify uniform bounds for a family of preconditioners for such problems, without relying on any extra regularity ensured by convexity of the domain. K.-A. Mardal was supported by the Research Council of Norway through Grant 209951 and a Centre of Excellence grant to the Centre for Biomedical Computing at Simula Research Laboratory. R. Winther was supported by the Research Council of Norway through a Centre of Excellence grant to the Centre of Mathematics for Applications. K.-A. Mardal Department of Informatics, Centre for Biomedical Computing at Simula Research Laboratory, Norway, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway e-mail: kent-and@simula.no URL: http://simula.no/people/kent-and J. Schöberl Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10, 1040 Wien, Austria e-mail: joachim.schoeberl@tuwien.ac.at URL: http://www.asc.tuwien.ac.at/∼schoeberl R. Winther (B) Department of Informatics, Centre of Mathematics for Applications, University of Oslo, 0316 Oslo, Norway e-mail: ragnar.winther@cma.uio.no URL: http://folk.uio.no/rwinther 123 Author's personal copy 538 K.-A. Mardal et al. Mathematics Subject Classification (1991) 65N22, 65N30 1 Introduction The stability of mixed finite element methods for the linear Stokes problem is intimately connected to the existence of bounded Fortin operators, i.e., bounded interpolation operators which properly commute with the divergence operator. For some discretizations the construction of locally defined Fortin operators is well known. However, for the celebrated Taylor–Hood element the direct construction of a commuting interpolation operator is not obvious, and, as a consequence, most of the stability proofs found in the literature typically use alternative approaches. The main contribution of the present paper is to construct a new Fortin operator for the lowest order Taylor–Hood element in two space dimensions which, under proper conditions, is uniformly bounded both in L 2 and H 1 . In fact, by utilizing a tight connection between a subspace of the Taylor–Hood velocity space and the lowest order Nedelec edge element, we perform a construction which resembles the corresponding well known construction for the Mini element, cf. [1]. The discussions of this paper is motivated by the study of finite element discretizations of a singular perturbation problem related to the linear Stokes problem. More precisely, let ⊂ Rn be a bounded Lipschitz domain and ∈ (0, 1] a real parameter. We will consider singular perturbation problems of the form (I − 2 )u − grad p = f div u = g u=0 in , in , on ∂, (1.1) where the unknowns u and p are a vector field and a scalar field, respectively. For each fixed positive value of the perturbation parameter the problem behaves like the Stokes system, but formally the system approaches the mixed formulation of the scalar Laplace equation as this parameter tends to zero. In physical terms this means that we are studying fluid flow in regimes ranging from linear Stokes flow to porous medium flow. Another motivation for studying these systems is that they frequently arise as subsystems in time stepping schemes for time dependent Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations, cf. for example [2,6,17,19,20]. Therefore, the study of preconditioners for these systems is of substantial interest. Some preliminary discussions are presented in Sect. 2, while the construction and analysis of the new Fortin operator will be carried out in Sect. 3. Finally, in Sect. 4 we will relate our results to the properties of a family of preconditioners for the coefficient operators of the discrete systems obtained from the Taylor–Hood method applied to (1.1). We will show that these preconditioners behave uniformly well with respect to the model parameter , as well as the discretization parameter. For the present model similar results have been derived before, but only by utilizing extra regularity ensured by convexity of the domain. 123 Author's personal copy Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element 539 2 Preliminaries If X is a Hilbert space, then · X denotes its norm. We will use H m = H m () to denote the Sobolev space of functions on with m derivatives in L 2 = L 2 (). The corresponding spaces for vector fields are denoted H m (; Rn ) and L 2 (; Rn ). Furthermore, ·, · is used to denote the inner products in both L 2 () and L 2 (; Rn ). In general, we will use H0m to denote the closure in H m of the space of smooth functions with compact support in , while L 20 is the space of L 2 functions with mean value zero. We will use L(X, Y ) to denote the space of bounded linear operators mapping elements of X to Y , and if Y = X we simply write L(X ) instead of L(X, X ). If X and Y are Hilbert spaces, both continuously contained in some larger Hilbert space, then the intersection X ∩ Y and the sum X + Y are both Hilbert spaces with norms given by x2X ∩Y = x2X + x2Y and z2X +Y = inf x∈X,y∈Y z=x+y x2X + y2Y . The system (1.1) admits the following weak formulation: Find (u, p) ∈ H01 (; Rn ) × L 20 () such that u, v + 2 Du, Dv + p, div v = f, v, v ∈ H01 (; Rn ), div u, q = g, q, q ∈ L 20 () (2.1) for given data f and g. Here Dv denotes the gradient of the vector field v. With the choice of H01 (; Rn ) × L 20 () as a solution space the bounds on the solution will blow up as tends to zero. To obtain a proper uniform bound on the solution operator we are forced to introduce dependent spaces and norms. A possible choice in the present setting is to take (u, p) ∈ (L 2 ∩ H01 )(; Rn ) × ((H 1 ∩ L 20 ) + −1 L 20 )(), with more explicit norms given by u2L 2 ∩ H 1 = u2L 2 + 2 Du2L 2 and p2H 1 + −1 L 2 = grad(− 2 + I )−1 p, grad p. Here, a natural boundary condition is assumed for the inverse of the elliptic operator. Uniform bounds for the solution in these norms can be derived from the Brezzi conditions [4,5]. In fact, the only nontrivial condition needed to obtain such bounds is the uniform inf–sup condition div v, q ≥ αq H 1 + −1 L 2 , q ∈ L 20 (), v 2 1 1 n L ∩ H v∈H (;R ) sup (2.2) 0 123 Author's personal copy 540 K.-A. Mardal et al. where the positive constant α is independent of ∈ (0, 1]. This condition is closely tied to the existence of a proper right inverse of the divergence operator in L(L 20 (), H01 (; Rn )). If there exist such a right inverse, which can be extended to an operator in L(H0−1 (), L 2 (; Rn )), then the uniform condition (2.2) will follow. Here, H0−1 ⊃ L 20 corresponds to the dual space of H 1 ∩ L 20 , obtained by extending the L 2 inner product to a duality pairing. In other words, the uniform condition (2.2) will follow from the existence of an operator S with the properties S ∈ L(L 20 , H01 ) ∩ L(H0−1 , L 2 ), and div S = I, (2.3) cf. [15] for more details. A proper operator which satisfy these conditions is the Bogovskiĭ operator, see for example [10, Section III.3], or [8,11]. On a domain ⊂ Rn , which is star shaped with respect to an open ball B, this operator is explicitly given as an integral operator of the form Sg(x) = z g(y)K (x − y, y) dy, where K (z, y) = n |z| ∞ z r n−1 dr, θ y +r |z| |z| where θ ∈ C0∞ (B) is positive, and with integral equal to one. This operator is a right inverse of the divergence operator, and it has exactly the desired mapping properties given by (2.3), cf. [8,11]. Furthermore, the definition of S can be extended to general bounded Lipschitz domains, by using the fact that such domains can be written as a finite union of star shaped domains. The constructed operator will again satisfy the properties given by (2.3). We refer to [10, Section III.3], [11, Section 2], and [8, Section 4.3] for more details. Remark 2.1 An alternative right inverse of the divergence operator, mapping L 2 () boundedly into H01 (; Rn ), can be constructed from the Stokes problem, i.e., problem (1.1) with = 1. However, this operator can, in general, not be extended to an operator in L(H0−1 , L 2 ), unless the solution operator for the Stokes problem admits extra regularity. Therefore, this right inverse will, in general, not lead to the uniform inf–sup condition (2.2). The construction of preconditioners for the coefficient operators of the discrete systems derived from (2.1) has been frequently studied, cf. for example [2,6,17–20]. Several of these studies have shown that a family of preconditioners, described in Sect. 4 below, behave uniformly well, both with respect to the perturbation parameter and the discretization parameter h. However, all the theoretical verifications of this result relies on additional properties of the domain which lead to extra regularity of the solution of Stokes problem. In fact, it seems that the non-optimal results of these studies partly can be traced to the use of the wrong right inverse in the continuous case. We will return to the discussion of preconditioners for discretizations of (2.1) in Sect. 4 below. Finally, we mention that an alternative derivation of the uniform inf–sup condition (2.2) for non-convex domains, based on domain decomposition, is presented in the recent manuscript [13]. 123 Author's personal copy Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element 541 We will consider finite element discretizations of the problem (1.1) of the form: Find (u h , ph ) ∈ Vh × Q h such that u h , v + 2 Du h , Dv + ph , div v = f, v, v ∈ Vh , div u h , q = g, q, q ∈ Q h . (2.4) Here Vh and Q h are finite element spaces such that Vh × Q h ⊂ H01 (; Rn ) × L 20 (), and h is the discretization parameter. For the Taylor–Hood element, and the Mini element, the pressure space Q h is in fact a subspace of H 1 , and this will be assumed throughout our discussions below. The proper discrete uniform inf–sup condition, which will guarantee uniform stability of the method (2.4), is of the form sup v∈Vh div v, q ≥ αq H 1 + −1 L 2 , q ∈ Q h , v L 2 ∩ H 1 (2.5) where the positive constant α is independent of both and h. The technique we will use to establish the discrete inf–sup condition (2.5) is in principle rather standard. We will just rely on the corresponding continuous condition (2.2) and bounded interpolation operators into the spaces Vh and Q h which commute properly with the divergence operator. In the present setting, this means that we need to construct interpolation operators Πh : L 2 (; Rn ) → Vh which are uniformly bounded, with respect to and h, in the norm of L 2 ∩ H01 . However, this is equivalent to the requirement that Πh L(L 2 ) and Πh L(H 1 ) are bounded independently of h. (2.6) Furthermore, the operators Πh must satisfy the commuting relation div Πh v, q = div v, q v ∈ H01 (; Rn ), q ∈ Q h . (2.7) Operators Πh , satisfying (2.6) and (2.7) will be referred to as a uniformly bounded Fortin operators. If such operators are constructed, the discrete uniform inf–sup condition (2.5) will follow from the corresponding continuous condition (2.2). In the case of the Mini element the construction of uniformly bounded Fortin operators, in any space dimension, is straightforward. In fact, the design of this element, originally presented in [1], was highly motivated by the desire to construct a suitable Fortin operator (cf. also [5, Chapter VI] and [17]). However, for the Taylor–Hood element the direct construction of a bounded Fortin operator is not obvious. In fact, most of the stability proofs found in the literature for this discretization typically use alternative approaches, cf. for example [5, Section VI.6], [12, Chapter II.4.2] and the discussion given in the introduction of [9]. An exception is [9], where a local interpolation operator satisfying (2.7) is constructed. However, this operator is not defined in L 2 . Below we propose a new construction of an interpolation operator, satisfying (2.6) and (2.7), by utilizing a technique for the Taylor–Hood method which is similar to the standard construction for the Mini element. As for the construction carried out in [9], this analysis is restricted to two space dimensions. 123 Author's personal copy 542 K.-A. Mardal et al. 3 A Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element This section is devoted to the construction of the new local Fortin operator Πh for the lowest order Taylor–Hood element. We will assume that the domain ⊂ R2 is a polyhedral domain which is triangulated by a family of shape regular, triangular meshes {Th } indexed by decreasing values of the mesh parameter h = maxT ∈Th h T . Here h T is the diameter of the triangle T . We recall that the mesh is shape regular if there exists a positive constant γ0 such that for all values of the mesh parameter h h 2T ≤ γ0 |T |, T ∈ Th . Here |T | denotes the area of T . For the lowest order Taylor–Hood element the velocity space, Vh , consists of continuous piecewise quadratic vector fields, while Q h is the standard space of continuous piecewise linear scalar fields with respect to the triangulation Th . For technical reasons we will assume throughout the analysis below that any T ∈ Th has at most one edge in ∂. Such an assumption is frequently made for convenience when the Taylor–Hood element is analyzed, cf. for example [5, Proposition 6.1], since most approaches requires a special construction near the boundary. On the other hand, this assumption will not hold for many simple triangulations. Therefore, at the end of this section we will outline how to refine the analysis such that this assumption can be removed. We note that if we have established the discrete inf–sup condition for a pair of spaces (Vh− , Q h ), where Vh− ⊂ Vh , then this condition will also hold for the pair (Vh , Q h ). This observation will be utilized here. We let Vh− ⊂ Vh ⊂ H01 (; R2 ) be the space of piecewise quadratic vector fields which has the property that on each edge of the mesh the normal components of elements in Vh− are linear. Each function v in the space Vh− can be determined from its values at each interior vertex of the mesh, and of the mean value of the tangential component along each interior edge. In fact, the space Vh− can be decomposed as Vh− = Vh1 ⊕ Vhb , where the space Vh1 is the space of continuous piecewise linear vector fields, while the space Vhb is spanned by quadratic “edge bubbles.” To define this space of bubbles we let 1 (Th ) = i1 (Th ) ∪ ∂1 (Th ) be the set of the edges of the mesh Th , where i1 (Th ) is the set of interior edges and ∂1 (Th ) is the set of edges on the boundary of . Furthermore, if T ∈ Th then 1 (T ) is the set of edges of T , and i1 (T ) = 1 (T )∩i1 (T ). For each e ∈ 1 (Th ) we let e be the associated macroelement consisting of the union of the two triangles T ∈ Th with e ∈ 1 (T ). The scalar function be is the unique continuous and piecewise quadratic function on e which vanish on the boundary of e , and with e be ds = |e|, where |e| denotes the length of e. The space Vhb is defined as Vhb = span{be te | e ∈ i1 (Th ) }, 123 Author's personal copy Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element 543 where te is a tangent vector along e with length |e|. Alternatively, if xi and x j are the vertices corresponding to the endpoints of e then the vector field ψe = be te is determined up to a sign as ψe = 6λi λ j (x j − xi ), where {λi } are the piecewise linear functions corresponding to the barycentric coordinates, i.e., λi (xk ) = δi,k for all vertices xk . In particular, ψe · (x j − xi ) ds = 6 e λi λ j ds|e|2 = |e|3 . e The construction of the desired interpolation operator Πh utilizes a standard Clement operator Rh mapping into the space Vh1 , cf. [7]. The operator Rh : L 2 (; R2 ) → Vh1 is local, it preserves constants, and it is stable in L 2 and H01 . More precisely, we have for any T ∈ Th that k− j (I − Rh )v H j (T ) ≤ ch T v H k (T ) , 0 ≤ j ≤ k ≤ 1, (3.1) where the constant c is independent of h and v. Here T denote the macroelement consisting of T and all elements T ∈ Th such that T ∩ T = ∅. The interpolation operator Πh will be of the form Πh = Πhb (I − Rh ) + Rh , where Πhb : L 2 (; R2 ) → Vhb will be constructed below. A key part of the construction is that the operator Πhb , mapping into the bubble space Vhb , satisfies an analog of (2.7), i.e., (3.2) div Πhb v, q = div v, q, q ∈ Q h . If this identity holds then we will also have that div (I − Πh )v, q = div (I − Πhb )(I − Rh )v, q = 0 for all q ∈ Q h , which is (2.7). Hence, it remains to construct the operator Πhb , satisfying (3.2), and such that the corresponding operator Πh satisfies (2.6). We will need to separate the triangles which have an edge on the boundary of from the interior triangles. With this purpose we define Th∂ = {T ∈ Th | T ∩ ∂ ∈ ∂1 (Th ) } and Thi = Th \ Th∂ . In order to define the operator Πhb we introduce Z h as the lowest order Nedelec space with respect to the mesh Th . Hence, if z ∈ Z h then on any T ∈ Th , z is a linear vector field such that z(x) · x is also linear. Furthermore, for each e ∈ 1 (Th ) the tangential component of z is continuous. As a consequence, Z h ⊂ H (curl; ) where the operator curl denotes the two dimensional analog of the curl-operator given by curl z = curl(z 1 , z 2 ) = ∂x2 z 1 − ∂x1 z 2 . 123 Author's personal copy 544 K.-A. Mardal et al. It is well known that the proper degrees of freedom for the space Z h is the mean value of the tangential components of v, v · t, with respect to each edge in 1 (Th ). Furthermore, we let Z h0 = ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ z ∈ Zh | z · t ds = 0, T ∈ Th∂ ∂T ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ . (3.3) Alternatively, the elements of Z h0 are those vector fields in Z h with the property that curl z|T = 0 if T ∈ Th∂ , i.e., z is a constant vector field on T for T ∈ Th∂ . It is a key observation that the mesh assumption given above, that any T ∈ Th intersects ∂ in at most one edge, implies that the spaces Vhb and Z h0 have the same dimension. Furthermore, we note that grad q ∈ Z h0 for any q ∈ Q h . For each e ∈ 1 (Th ) let φe ∈ Z h be the basis function corresponding to the Whitney form, i.e., φe satisfies (φe · te ) ds = |e|, and (φe · te ) ds = 0, e = e, e e where, as above, te is a tangent vector of length e. Hence, if e = (xi , x j ) then the vector field φe can be expressed in barycentric coordinates as φe = λi grad λ j − λ j grad λi . Any z ∈ Z h0 can be written uniquely on the form z= a e φe + ce φe , e∈∂1 (Th ) e∈i1 (Th ) where the coefficients ae corresponding to interior edges can be chosen arbitrarily, but where the coefficients ce for each boundary edge should be chosen such that curl z = 0 on the associated triangle in Th∂ . We note that there is a natural mapping h between the spaces Vhb and Z h0 given by h (ψe ) = φe for all interior edges, or alternatively, e h (v) · te ds = |e|−2 v · te ds, e ∈ i1 (Th ). (3.4) e Below, we will use Vhb (T ) and Z h0 (T ) to denote the restriction of the spaces Vhb and Z h0 to a single element T , and T will denote the corresponding restriction of the map h . We will define the operator Πhb : L 2 (; Rn ) → Vhb by, Πhb u, z = u, z 123 ∀z ∈ Z h0 . (3.5) Author's personal copy Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element 545 To show that this operator is well defined, and behaves properly, the following general formula for integration of products of barycentric coordinates over a triangle T will be useful (cf. for example [14, Section 2.13]), 2α! |T |, (2 + |α|)! λα1 1 λα2 2 λα3 3 d x = T where α! = α1 !α2 !α3 ! and |α| = i (3.6) αi . Lemma 3.1 Let T ∈ Thi with edges e1 , e2 , e3 . For any v ∈ Vhb (T ) we have 1 2 |a| |T | ≤ 5 v · T (v) d x ≤ 3 2 |a| |T |, 5 T where T = h |T , v = i ai ψei , and |a|2 = i ai2 . Proof A direct computation gives v · T (v) d x = 3 3 ψei · φe j d x ai a j i=1 j=1 T = 3 3 T bei φe j · tei d x = a T Ma, ai a j i=1 j=1 T where the 3 × 3 matrix M is given by M = {Mi, j }i,3 j=1 = ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ T ψi · φe j d x ⎫3 ⎬ ⎧ ⎨ ⎭ ⎩ i, j=1 bei φe j · tei d x ⎫3 ⎬ , ⎭ T i, j=1 The desired result will follow from the diagonal dominance of this matrix. Let x j be the vertex opposite to e j , and let λ j be the corresponding barycentric coordinate on T . Then the first diagonal element M1,1 of the matrix M is given by M1,1 = 6 λ2 λ3 (λ2 gradλ3 − λ3 gradλ2 )(x3 − x2 ) d x T (λ22 λ3 + λ2 λ23 ) d x = 2|T |/5, =6 T where we have used formula (3.6) in the final step. Actually, from this formula we derive that all the diagonal elements are given by Mi,i = 2|T |/5, and similar calculations for the off-diagonal elements gives |Mi, j | = |T |/10. In addition, the matrix M is symmetric. The matrix M is therefore strictly diagonally dominant, and by the 123 Author's personal copy 546 K.-A. Mardal et al. Gershgorin circle theorem all eigenvalues are bounded below by |T |/5. By combining this with the fact that M is symmetric we conclude that a T Ma ≥ |a|2 |T |/5, and this is the desired bound. The next lemma is a variant of the result above for T ∈ Th∂ . Lemma 3.2 Let T ∈ Th∂ with interior edges e1 , e2 , and where e3 is the edge on the boundary. For any v ∈ Vhb (T ) we have v · T (v) d x = 1 2 |a| |T |, 2 T where v = a1 ψe1 + a2 ψe2 and |a|2 = a12 + a22 . Proof Let v = a1 ψe1 + a2 ψe2 = 6a1 λ2 λ3 (x3 − x2 ) + 6a2 λ1 λ3 (x3 − x1 ). It is a key observation that in this case T (v) is simply given as (v) = −a1 gradλ2 −a2 gradλ1 . Since gradλi · tei ≡ 0 we therefore obtain from (3.6) that v · T (v) d x = 6a12 T λ2 λ3 gradλ2 · (x2 −x3 ) d x+6a22 T λ2 λ3 d x + 6a22 = 6a12 T λ1 λ3 gradλ1 · (x1 −x3 ) d x T 1 λ1 λ3 d x = |a|2 |T |. 2 T This completes the proof. b Let v = e∈i1 (Th ) ae ψe ∈ Vh such that z = h (v) = e∈i1 (Th ) ae φe + 0 . It follows from scaling and shape regularity that the two norms c φ ∈ Z e∈∂ (Th ) e e h 1 ⎞1/2 ⎛ z L 2 () ⎜ and ⎝ ⎟ ae2 ⎠ , (3.7) T ∈Th e∈i (T ) 1 are equivalent, uniformly with respect to h. Correspondingly, the two norms ⎞1/2 ⎛ ⎟ ⎜ v L 2 () and ⎝ |T |2 ae2 ⎠ T ∈Th , (3.8) e∈i1 (T ) are uniformly equivalent. In fact, these equivalences hold locally for each T ∈ Th . It will be convenient to introduce the weighted L 2 -norms given by ⎛ v1,h = ⎝ T ∈Th 123 ⎞1/2 2 ⎠ h −2 T v L 2 (T ) ⎛ and z−1,h = ⎝ T ∈Th ⎞1/2 h 2T z2L 2 (T ) ⎠ . Author's personal copy Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element 547 In fact, for functions v ∈ Vhb the norm v1,h is equivalent, uniformly in h, to the v = ordinary H 1 -norm. Furthermore, if e ae ψe then the two norms v1,h and φh (v)−1,h are both equivalent to ( T |T | e ae2 )1/2 . This observation leads to the following inf–sup property. Lemma 3.3 There is a positive constant c0 , independent of h, such that for each v ∈ Vhb sup z∈Z h0 v, z ≥ c0 v1,h . z−1,h Proof Let v = e∈i (Th ) ae ψe ∈ Vhb be given. We simply choose the corresponding 1 z = h (v). As a consequence of the norm equivalences (3.7) and (3.8), combined with Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, we obtain v, h (v) = h (v) · v d x ≥ T ∈Th T 1 |T | ae2 ≥ c0 h (v)−1,h v1,h , 5 i T ∈Th e∈1 (T ) where c0 > 0 is independent of h. This completes the proof. The inf–sup condition just derived implies that the operator Πhb satisfies the stability estimate (3.9) Πhb v1,h ≤ c0−1 v1,h , v ∈ L 2 (). If the family {Th } is quasi-uniform, i.e., there exists a positive constant γ1 , independent of h and T ∈ Th , such that h T ≥ γ1 h, then the estimate (3.9) also implies that Πhb is uniformly bounded in the standard non weighted L 2 -norm. An alternative local mesh restriction, which implies L 2 -stability, is the following condition. There exists a constant δ ∈ [0, 1), independent of h, such that |e | ≤ (1 + δ)|e |, (3.10) for all edges e, e ∈ i1 (Th ) sharing a common vertex. The following consequence of this condition will be useful. Lemma 3.4 Assume that the local mesh condition (3.10) holds. There is a constant ∈ [0, 1/3), and for each h and T ∈ Th a positive constant αT , such that 1 − |e | ≤ , e ∈ i (T ). 1 αT Proof For each T ∈ Th let αT = (1 + δ/2) min |e |. e∈i1 (T ) 123 Author's personal copy 548 K.-A. Mardal et al. Due to condition (3.10) this implies that |e | ≤ (1 + δ)(1 + δ/2)−1 αT for all e ∈ i1 (T ). Therefore, we can conclude that 1 |e | 1+δ ≤ , ≤ 1 + δ/2 αT 1 + δ/2 which is equivalent to the desired bound with = δ/(2 + δ) < 1/3. Lemma 3.5 Assume that the local mesh condition (3.10) holds. There is a positive constant c1 , independent of h, such that for each v ∈ Vhb sup z∈Z h0 v, z ≥ c1 v L 2 () . z L 2 () Proof We let and αT be as in the statement of Lemma 3.4. For a given v = b 0 0 i e∈ (Th ) ae ψe ∈ Vh we choose z = E h h (v), where E h : Z h → Z h is defined by 1 E h φe = |e |φe . As a consequence the L 2 -norm of z is equivalent to the L 2 -norm of v. It follows from these norm equivalences, combined with Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, that v, z = v, E h h (v) = E h h (v) · v d x = T ∈Th ≥ T ∈Th ≥ ⎡ ⎣αT T ∈Th T h (v) · v d x + T ⎤ (E h − αT I )h (v) · v d x ⎦ T 1 3 |e | − max 1 − αT |T | ae2 5 5 e∈i1 (T ) αT i 3 1 − 5 5 T ∈Th αT |T | e∈1 (T ) ae2 ≥ c1 v L 2 () z L 2 () . e∈i1 (T ) This completes the proof. It is a direct consequence of Lemma 3.5 that the operator norm of L(L 2 (; R2 )) is bounded by c1−1 . We now can conclude with the following main result of this section. Πhb in Theorem 3.6 The operator Πh is uniformly bounded in H 1 and satisfies the commuting relation (2.7). Furthermore, if the triangulation is either quasi-uniform or it satisfies the local condition (3.10), then Πh is also uniformly bounded in L 2 , i.e., (2.6) holds. Proof To show that the operator Πh fulfills the condition (2.7), it is enough to show that the operator Πhb satisfies the corresponding condition (3.2). However, since grad Q h ⊂ Z h0 we have div Πhb v, q = −Πhb v, gradq = −v, gradq = div v, q. 123 Author's personal copy Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element 549 Furthermore, since Rh is bounded in H 1 , the desired H 1 boundedness of Πh will follow from the corresponding bound on Πhb (I − Rh ). However, by shape regularity, combined with (3.9) we have Πhb (I − Rh )v2H 1 () ≤ c ≤c T ∈Th T ∈Th b 2 h −2 T Πh (I − Rh )v L 2 (T ) 2 h −2 T (I − Rh )v L 2 (T ) , and hence the H 1 -bound follows from (3.1). Finally, if the triangulation is quasiuniform or satisfies (3.10) then the L 2 -bound follows from the corresponding bounds for the operators Πhb and Rh . Remark 3.1 The two conditions guaranteeing L 2 -stability of the Fortin operator Πh are rather different. Condition (3.10) is local, while quasi-uniformity is a global mesh condition. In some sense, this resembles two of the mesh conditions which can be used to obtain H 1 -stability of the L 2 -projection onto continuous finite elements. It is a classical, and well known, result that quasi-uniformity implies H 1 -stability of this operator, while an alternative local condition was derived in [3]. Remark 3.2 The analysis of the Taylor–Hood method given above leans heavily on the assumption that there are no triangles in Th with more than one edge on the boundary of . This assumption simplifies the analysis, but it is not necessary. For more general triangulations, where some triangles may have two edges on the boundary, we will still define the interpolation operators Πh and Πhb as above. The only necessary modification is that the definition of the bubble space Vhb must be altered, since the dimension of the space Z h0 , given by (3.3), in general is larger than the number of interior edges. A possible choice is Vhb = span { be te | e ∈ i1 (Th ) } ∪ { be n e | e ∈ i,2 1 (Th ) } , where te and n e are tangent and normal vectors to the edge e, and where i,2 1 (Th ) is the subset of i1 (Th ) consisting of the third edges of the triangles with two edges on the boundary. Hence, the space Vhb is enriched by including “the normal edge b bubbles” associated the edges in i,2 1 (Th ). With this definition the space Vh has the 0 same dimension as Z h . In [15] the analysis above is extended to this more general case. However, the proof in this setting is more technical than the analysis above, and therefore it is omitted here. 4 Uniform preconditioners The interest in the construction of preconditioners for the discretizations of the singular perturbation system (1.1) is partly motivated by the role of such systems in time stepping schemes for the time dependent Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations. The system (1.1) has a coefficient operator which formally is of the form 123 Author's personal copy 550 K.-A. Mardal et al. A = I − 2 −grad , div 0 with obvious weak interpretations of the differential operators derived from the weak formulation (2.1). In the notation of [16], the corresponding block diagonal operator B = diag((I − 2 )−1 , (−)−1 + 2 I ), can be referred to as a canonical preconditioner for A , since the uniform inf–sup condition (2.2) implies that the composition B A is an isomorphism mapping the space (L 2 ∩ H01 ) × ((H 1 ∩ L 20 ) + −1 L 20 ) to itself, with operator norms of B A and its inverse bounded independently of . We refer to [16, Section 4] and [17, Section 3] for more details. Furthermore, as explained in Sect. 2 above, if the Fortin operator Πh is uniformly bounded both in H 1 and L 2 then the corresponding discrete inf–sup condition (2.5) holds for the Taylor–Hood method. Therefore, it follows from Theorem 3.6 that, if the triangulation {Th } is either quasi-uniform or satisfies the local condition (3.10), then (2.5) holds. In particular, the condition numbers of the corresponding discrete operators B,h A,h will be uniformly bounded with respect to and h, cf. [16, Section 5]. This result is obtained without any convexity assumption on the domain. Since all previous theoretical studies of uniform preconditioners for the model (1.1) have relied on convexity, cf. Remark 2.1 above, we will present a numerical experiment which confirm the theory above. More precisely, the experiment indicates that the condition number of B,h A,h is basically unaffected by such properties of the domain. The results below are obtained by using a canonical preconditioner, i.e., the operator B,h is composed of exact inverses of discretizations of the differential operators appearing in the definition of B . Of course, to obtain more practical preconditioners, these inverses should again be replaced by suitable elliptic preconditioners. Fig. 1 The domains 1 , 2 , and 3 Table 1 Condition numbers for the operators B,h A,h Domain 1 2 3 123 \h 2−2 2−3 2−4 2−5 1 14.3 15.3 18.5 22.0 0.1 10.3 11.9 12.7 13.2 0.01 6.2 6.7 8.0 9.9 1 17.1 17.2 17.1 17.1 0.1 10.3 11.8 12.7 13.2 0.01 6.1 6.7 8.0 9.9 1 13.2 13.4 13.5 13.6 0.1 10.3 11.9 12.8 13.2 0.01 6.1 6.7 8.1 9.9 Author's personal copy Fortin operator for the Taylor–Hood element 551 We consider the problem (1.1) on three two dimensional domains, referred to as 1 , 2 and 3 . Here 1 is the unit square, 2 is the L-shaped domain obtained by cutting out the an upper right subsquare from 1 , while 3 is the slit domain where a slit of length a half is removed from 1 , cf. Fig. 1. Hence, only 1 is convex. The corresponding problems (1.1) were discretized by the lowest order Taylor–Hood element on a uniform triangular grid. 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