Academic Senate Committees 2015-2016 Membership (As of 11/30/15) ACADEMIC FREEDOM (ACFR) - Considers and reports on conditions of academic freedom within the University. (at least 5 members) David Wagner (EECS), Chair + Steven Justice (Engl) Leah Romm, student UCAF Eric Naiman (Slavic) Jenna Kingkade, grad student Ty Alper (Law) Maya Peterson (Pub Hlth) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Margaret Conkey (Anthro) Terry Regier (Ling) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Paul Gertler (Bus Ad/Pub Hlth) Jason Wittenberg (Poli Sci) COMS liaison: Danica Chen ACADEMIC PLANNING AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION (CAPRA) - Initiates and advises on annual and long-range academic and physical planning. (At least 12: chair, vice chair, at least 4 at-large members, 5 ex-officio, 1 T&P rep. and 1 student) Nancy Wallace (Bus Ad/Econ), Cathryn Carson (Hist) Ex Officio: Chair fall 15 only, +UCPB alt fall Ronald Cohen (Chem), + UCPB fall Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ), Sanjay Govindjee (CEE), Chair in Raveevarn Chokosombatchai (Arch) Div Chair sp 16 *member all year Michael Frenklach (ME), fall 15 only George Starr (Engl), Chair of LIBR Richard Stanton (Bus Ad), Vice Jocelyn Guilbault (Music), sp 16 only Melissa Hsu, ASUC Acad. Affairs Vice Chair Jennifer Johnson-Hanks (Demog), + President Elizabeth MacDonald (CRP), sp 16 UCPB spring Lyndsey Ogle, Graduate Assembly only, T&P co-chair all year Niklaus Largier (German), fall 15 only By Invitation: Asad Ahmed (Nr E Studies) Robert Merges (Law) Andrew Szeri, Vice Provost, Strategic Robert Anderson (Econ) David Milnes (Music) Academic and Facilities Planning Gregory Aponte (Nutri Sci & Tox) Nipam Patel (MCB) Senate Analyst: Diane Sprouse Richard Calendar (MCB) Alexei Yurchak (Anthro) COMS liaison: Sandra Smith ADMISSIONS, ENROLLMENT & PREPARATORY EDUCATION (AEPE) - Considers and reports on policies and practices affecting the composition of the Berkeley undergraduate student population. (At least 6 members plus ex officio/by invitation) Thomas Goldstein (Journ), Chair Frank Worrell (Educ) +BOARS Amy Jarich, Assoc Dir OUA [nonKim Voss (Socio), Vice Chair Karina Paredes and Ulises Valenzuela, voting] Mark Brilliant (Hist) students Greg Dubrow, Dir Analysis & Policy Costas Grigoropoulos (ME) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Senate Analyst: Sumei Quiggle Lawrence Hall (Physics) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] COMS liaison: Mark Goble Ignacio Navarrete (Sp & Port) Anne DeLuca, Assoc Vice Chancellor, Richard Rhodes (Ling) (+BOARS alt only) Admissions & Enrollment [voting] Richard Sloan (Bus Ad) By invitation: AMERICAN CULTURES (COCI SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE BREADTH REQUIREMENT IN AMERICAN CULTURES) - Evaluates courses with respect to Regulation 300 (Breadth Requirement in the study of American Cultures) (at least 7 members. Chair is member of COCI) Estelle Tarica (Sp & Port), Chair Aanchal Chugh and Zaynab Liwei Lin (ME) Patricia Baquedano-López (Educ) AbdulQadir, students J. Theodore Pena (Classics/Ital Susanna Elm (Hist) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Studies) Malcolm Feeley (Law), sp 16 only Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Katherine Snyder (Engl) Gillian Hart (Geog), sp 16 only Senate Analyst: Linda Corley Bryan Wagner (Engl) James Holston (Anthro) COMS liaison: Mark Goble ASSEMBLY REPRESENTATION (AREP) - Represents the Berkeley Division at meetings of the Statewide Assembly. (Chair, 5 representatives, at least half of whom are elected members of DIVCO^, and 6 alternates, selected by Div Chair) Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad), Div Theodore Slaman (Math) John Coates (PMB) Chair Alternates: Lucia Jacobs (Psych) Alexis Bell (Chem Eng)^ Robert Powell (Poli Sci), Div VC as Stephen Small (Af Am Studies) Peter Glazer (TDPS)^ first alternate Senate Analyst: Marilyn Kwock Kris Gutierrez (Educ)^ Kristie Boering (Chem) COMS liaison: Maciej Zworski Miryam Sas (Comp Lit/Film) Daniel Boyarin (Nr E Studies) BUDGET & INTERDEPARTMENTAL RELATIONS (BIR, or the Budget Committee) - Represents the Division in academic appointment and promotion matters and in the allocation of resources. (At least 7 members. Term begins 7/1/15) R. Jay Wallace (Philos), Chair Roya Maboudian (Chem Eng) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Patricia Berger (Art Hist) Stuart Russell (EECS) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Daniel Farber (Law) Christina Shannon (Econ/Math) Senate Analyst: Aimee Larsen Martin Jay (Hist) Barbara Spackman (Ital Studies/Comp COMS liaison: Juana Maria Rodriguez John Kuriyan (MCB/Chem) Lit) + UCAP only Michael Lucey (French) COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES – Appoints The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Parliamentarian of the Division; All other Standing Committees; Special Committees as the Division may direct; Nominees for appointment to administrative committees when called upon by The Chancellor; and Student Members to Committees on Educational Affairs. (COMS, Elected 8) Juana Maria Rodriguez (GWS), Chair Sandra Smith (Socio) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Danica Chen (Nutri Sci & Tox) Sofia Villas Boas (ARE), alt Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Brian DeLay (Hist) Ming Wu (EECS) COMS liaison: Juana Maria Rodriguez William Drummond (Journ) +UCOC Maciej Zworski (Math) Senate Analyst: Anita Ross Mark Goble (Engl) + = systemwide committee Academic Senate Committees 2015-2016 Membership (As of 11/30/15) COURSES OF INSTRUCTION (COCI) - Approves new courses and modification in existing courses; considers requests for variances in course and graduation requirements. (At least 12 including chair American Cultures) Hans Sluga (Philo), Chair Michael Jansson (Econ) Andrew Stevens, grad student James Casey (ME) Joanna Piciotto (Engl) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Michelle Chang (Chem) Robert Rhew (Geog) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] John Chiang (Geog) Vivek Subramanian (EECS) Walter Wong, Registrar [non-voting] Ivonne del Valle (Sp & Port), sp 16 Emily Thornbury (Engl) Daniel Melia (Rhet), Division Secretary Alexander Givental (Math) Neil Tsutsui (ESPM) [voting] Marti Hearst (Info) Estelle Tarica (Sp & Port), AMCULT Senate Analysts: Sumei Quiggle, Linda Leslea Hlusko (IB) Chair Corley Elizabeth Honig (Hist of Art) Eugene Chang and Max Eddy, students COMS liaison: Mark Goble DEMONSTRATIONS AND STUDENT ACTIONS (DSA) – The Committee represents the Division in matters relating to demonstrations, protests, and similar actions on campus. (At least 7 members, chair & vice chair) Anant Sahai (EECS), Chair Steven Raphael (GSPP) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Stanley Klein (Optom), Vice Chair Chelsea Specht (PMB), alt Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Robert Dudley (IB) Robert Van Houweling (Poli Sci) Senate Analyst: Anita Ross Marcial Gonzalez (Engl), sp 16 Seth Yalcin (Philos) COMS liaison: Ming Wu Ian Haney Lopez (Law) Jillian Free, student Francesca Rochberg (Nr E Studies) Mitar Milutinovic, grad student DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND CAMPUS CLIMATE (DECC) – Reports to the Division annually on the progress of the campus in achieving equality of opportunity and a supportive campus climate for underrepresented and otherwise excluded groups. (At least 12 members, two student members, and, as ex officio non-voting members, the Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion and the Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty. Donna Jones (Engl), Chair David Ahn (Econ) Natalia Brizuela (Sp & Port) Darlene Francis (Pub Hlth)+ UCOPE Nikki Jones (Af Am Studies) Alessandra Lanzara (Physics) Trinh Minh-ha (Rhet/GWS) Khalid Mosalam (CEE) Todd Olson (Art Hist) Jeffrey Perloff (ARE), fall 15 only Janelle Scott (Educ) Lok Siu (Eth Studies) + UCAA&D Annette Vissing-Jorgesen (Bus Ad) Wally Wang (Nutri Sci & Tox) Katrin Wehrheim (Math) Fei Xu (Psych) Tarek Zohdi (ME) Joshua Park, student Iman Sylvain, grad student Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Angy Stacy, Vice Provost for the Faculty [non-voting] Na’ilah Nasir, Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion [non-voting] Senate Analyst: Diane Sprouse COMS liaison: Brian DeLay DIVISIONAL COUNCIL (DIVCO) - Acts on behalf of the Division on matters other than legislative matters retained by the Division. Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ), Kevin Padian (IB) Donna Jones (Engl), Chair DECC Div Chair Mary Ann Smart (Music) Stuart Bale (Physics), Chair COR Robert Powell (Poli Sci), Div Vice Committee Chairs (Ex Officio): Hans Sluga (Philos), Chair COCI Chair Lisa Alvarez Cohen (CEE), Chair GC Glynda Hull (Educ), Chair CEP Daniel Melia (Rhet), Div Sctry [nonJuana Maria Rodriguez (GWS), Chair Thomas Goldstein (Journ), Chair voting] COMS AEPE Elected members: Nancy Wallace (Bus Ad), fall Chair Mark Gergen (Law) and Caroline Kane Alexis Bell (Chem Eng) CAPRA, (MCB), FWEL Co-chairs Peter Glazer (TDPS) Sanjay Govindjee (CEE), spring Chair David Presti (MCB), Chair UGC Suzanne Guerlac (French) CAPRA Senate Analyst: Andrea Green Rush Kris Gutierrez (Educ) R. Jay Wallace (Philos), Chair BIR COMS liaison: Juana Maria Rodriguez EDUCATIONAL POLICY (CEP) - Considers policy matters affecting the educational mission of the campus, including allocation of resources and establishment or disestablishment of educational units. (At least 12 members) Glynda Hull (Educ), Chair Max Auffhammer (ARE), Vice Chair Oliver Arnold (Engl) Dennis Baldocchi (ESPM) Gary Black (Arch) Michael Burawoy (Socio)+ +UCEP Gary Firestone (MCB), fall 15 only Jack Moehle (CEE) Laura Nelson (GWS) Tapan Parikh (SIMS) Lydia Sohn (ME) Ken Ueno (Music) Jonathan Wurtele (Physics) Gustavo Manso (Bus Ad), UCIE rep only Benedict Llave and Elioth Gomez, students Leah Faw, grad student Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Senate Analyst: Linda Corley COMS liaison: Brian DeLay FACULTY AWARDS (FA) - Proposes recipients of Clark Kerr Award (contribution to advancement of higher education) and various external awards for faculty. (At least 7 members) Peter Berck (ARE), Chair Anthony Long (Classics) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Robert Birgeneau (Physics) T. Don Tilley (Chem) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] John Campbell (Philos) Susan Ubbelohde (Arch), sp 16 only Senate staff: Marilyn Kwock Sunil Dutta (Bus Ad) Steven Fish (Poli Sci) Bin Yu (Stat) COMS liaison: Danica Chen FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ASUC - Chair or member of Committee on Student Affairs serves as Faculty Representative to the ASUC and serves on the student Grievance Board and Search Committee. David Presti (MCB) Academic Senate Committees 2015-2016 Membership (As of 11/30/15) FACULTY RESEARCH LECTURE (FRL) - Nominates for the approval by the Divisional Council two members of the Division who have made distinguished records in research. (Most recent lecturers/maximum 10) Committee chooses Chair. Linda Williams (Film), Chair Francine Masiello (Comp Lit/Sp & Terrence Speed (Stat) Harvey Blanch (Bio Eng) Port) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Jan de Vries (Hist) Saul Perlmutter (Physics) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Jennifer Doudna (Chem/MCB) Barbara Romanowicz (EPS) Senate Analyst: Diane Sprouse Montgomery Slatkin (IB) Catherine Gallagher (Engl) FACULTY WELFARE (FWEL) - This committee confers with campus administrators on matters concerning the general welfare of both regular and emeriti faculty. (Chair and co-chair one of which must be an emerti/us. At least 12 members of which one third should be emeriti.) Mark Gergen (Law), co-chair + Carole Hickman (IB) David Steigmann (ME) +UCFW Maggie Kelly (ESPM) Ex Officio Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/ Caroline Kane (MCB), co-chair Terrance Odean (Bus Ad), alt By invitation: +UCFW alternate Kenneth Polse (Optom) Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Carol Clover (Scand) Rhonda Righter (IEOR) Sheldon Zedeck (Psych), UCBEA chair Anthony Fisher (ARE) Leslie Salzinger (GWS) Senate Analyst: Anita Ross Steven Glaser (CEE) Janet Sorensen (Engl), sp 16 only COMS liaison: Danica Chen Terrence Hendershott (Bus Ad) Shannon Steen (TDPS) GRADUATE COUNCIL (GC) - Exercises administrative and coordinating functions in the Graduate Division (At least 12 members: chair & vice chair) Lisa Alvarez Cohen (CEE), Chair Philip Kaminsky (IEOR) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus John Battles (ESPM), Vice Chair Saba Mahmood (Anthro) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Steven Boggs (Physics) Justin McCrary (Law) Fiona Doyle, Dean of the Graduate Francesco Borrelli (ME) Daniel Neumark (Chem) Division Silvia Bunge (Psych) Senate Analysts: Linda Corley/Barak Matthew Potts (ESPM) Krakauer Edmund Campion (Music) Whendee Silver (ESPM) COMS liaison: Maciej Zworski Jan deVries (Hist) +CCGA Ann Swidler (Socio) Sandrine Dudoit (Stat) graduate students: Melanie Drake, Eric Falci (Engl) Sonia Travaglini, Panayota Rigas LIBRARY (LIBR) - Advises the Chancellor regarding administration of the Library. (No number specified) George Starr (English), Chair Gregory Levine (Art Hist) By invitation: Jeffrey Makie-Mason, Alper Atamturk (IEOR) Victoria Frede Montemayer (Hist) Librarian Charles Blanton (Engl) Christine Rosen (Bus Ad), sp 16 only Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Steven Brenner (PMB), fall 15 only Thomas Shannon (German), + Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Charles Briggs (Anthro) UCOLASC Senate Analyst: Diane Sprouse Todd Hickey (Classics) Alan Weinstein (Math) COMS liaison: Sandra Smith Michael Jordan (EECS) Rachel Schuster, student Geoffrey Koziol (Hist) Julia Sizek , grad student MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONS (CMR) - Responsible for the preparation and publication of commemorative statements concerning deceased members of the Division. (At least 5 members) Mary Kay Duggan (Music), Chair Erich Gruen (Hist) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Joan Bieder (Journ) John Lie (Socio) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Bernard Boser (EECS) Michael Manga (EPS) Senate Analyst: Diane Sprouse Andrew Bradt (Law) Stephen Sugarman (Law) COMS liaison: William Drummond Ramon Grosfoguel (Ethn Studies) Paul Vojta (Math) OMBUDSPERSONS (OMB) - Individual members hear complaints from academic personnel regarding actions by members of the Division and other officers of the University, by students, or by staff. (At least 3 members) Nicolae Garleanu (Bus Ad), lead Qing Zhou (Psych) COMS liaison: Ming Wu Calvin Morrill (Law) Christine Parlour (Bus Ad) Kameshwar Poolla (ME) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Senate Analyst: Andrea Green Rush PANEL OF COUNSELORS (POC) - Provides advice and may act as mediators in cases within the jurisdiction of the Committee on Privilege & Tenure. (Chair and 3 to 5 members) Andrew Rose (Bus Ad), Chair Catherine Wolfram (Bus Ad) COMS liaison: Ming Wu Joseph Napoli (Nutri Sci & Tox) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Jill Stoner (Arch) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Leti Volpp (Law) Senate Analyst: Andrea Green Rush PRIVILEGE & TENURE (P&T) - Hears complaints from officers of instruction regarding various matters of academic privilege, appointment, tenure and promotion. (At least 7 members) Vern Paxson (EECS), Chair Lisa Garcia Bedolla (Educ) Steve Beissinger (ESPM) Mary Berry (Hist) Jennifer Chatman (Bus Ad) Martin Head-Gordon (Chem) Sharon Inkelas (Ling) Christopher Kutz Law: JSP, + UCP&T (all year as member, UCP&T sp 16 only) Samuel Otter (Engl) Jonathan Simon (Law), + UCP&T, fall 15 only Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Senate Analyst: Andrea Green Rush COMS liaison: Ming Wu Academic Senate Committees 2015-2016 Membership (As of 11/30/15) PRIZES (PRIZ) - Supervises the award of Berkeley student prizes (Number not specified) Eric Rakowski (Law), Chair Nancy McNamara (Optom) Murat Arcak (EECS) Ellen Oliensis (Classics) Raul Coronado (Ethn Studies) Terry Taylor (Bus Ad) Susanne Gahl (Ling) Rachel Schuster and Sarah Bennett, Gerard Marriott (Bio Eng) students Hitoshi Murayama (Physics) Ex Officio Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ),Div Chair [non-voting] Committee Analyst: Catherine Guzman COMS liaison: Maciej Zworski RESEARCH (COR) - Advises Division in matters pertaining to the research mission of the University. (At least 15 members; chair and vice chair) Stuart Bale (Physics), Chair Michael Hutchings (Math) Steve Tadelis (Bus Ad) Kevin Quinn (Law), Vice Chair Edgar Knobloch (Physics) Johan Walden (Bus Ad) Lisa Barcellos (Pub Hlth) Mariska Kriek (Astron) Joan Walker (CEE) Peter Bartlett (Stat) Paolo Mancosu (Philo) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Jean Paul Bourdier (Arch) Massimo Mazzotti (Hist) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Irina Conboy (Bio Eng) Minoo Moallem (GWS) Senate Analyst: Diane Sprouse Mia Fuller (Ital Studies) Celine Pallud (ESPM) COMS liaison: Maciej Zworski Dorothy Hale (Engl), sp 16 only Beth Piatote (Ethn Studies) +UCORP TBD RULES & ELECTIONS (R&E) - Interprets and proposes changes to the By-Laws and Regulations. Supervises elections and other Divisional votes. Secretary is chair of R&E. (At least 3 members) By Invitation: Andrew Garrett (Ling), Daniel Melia (Rhet), Chair Edward Morse (Nuc Eng) Parliamentarian F. Michael Christ (Math) Trond Petersen (Socio) Senate Analyst: Sumei Quiggle Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Marianne Constable (Rhet) COMS liaison: William Drummond Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Terrence Deacon (Anthro) TEACHING (COT) - Promotes good teaching and evaluates candidates for the Distinguished Teaching Awards (DTA) and awards educational grants. (At least 5 members; of which a minimum of 2 who are DTA past recipients. 1 graduate student/1 ug student) Juan Pestana (CEE), Chair Line Mikkelsen (Ling) Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Robert Berring (Law) Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Satish Rao (EECS) Karl Britto (French) Committee Analyst: Richard Freishtat Peter Vollhardt (Chem) Jenna Burrell (SIMS) COMS liaison: Mark Goble Mary Shi, grad student Sally Goldman (S& SE Asian) Jagdeep Sekhon, student Kristina Hill (Land Arch) UNDERGRADUATE COUNCIL (UGC) - Advises the Senate on matters related to undergraduate curriculum development. Advises the Senate on issues related to the quality of undergraduate student life, including residential living, mentorship and counseling, health and wellness. (At least 12 members) David Presti (MCB), Chair Daniel Perlstein (Educ) Yordanos Dejen, ASUC president Patricia Dechow (Bus Ad) Dawn Song (EECS) By invitation: Joseph Greenwell, AVC Abby Dernburg (MCB) Mark Stacey (CEE) & Dean of students Jenny Harrison (Math) Charis Thompson (GWS) Senate Analysts: Linda Corley/Barak Stanley Klein (Optom) Paula Varsano (E Asian Studies) Krakauer Jonah Levy (Poli Sci) Justine Yu and Carli Yaro, students COMS liaison: William Drummond Ramona Naddaff (Rhet) Ex Officio Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Carlos Norena (Hist) Ed/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] David O’Sullivan (Geog) Jill Berrick (Soc Welf), CUSHFA Chair UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS, HONORS & FINANCIAL AID (CUSHFA) – Recommends to the Chancellor policies related to awarding of all undergraduate financial aid; awards such undergraduate scholarships restricted to student at UC Berkeley; sets criteria for awarding undergraduate honors. (At least 15 members) Jill Berrick (Soc Wel), Chair Borivoje Nikolic (EECS), Vice Chair Wali Ahmadi (Nr East Studies) Terri Bimes (Poli Sci) Tomas James Carlson (IB) Joel Fajans (Physics) Sean Farhang (GSPP) Karen Feldman (German) Massimiliano Fratoni (Nuc Eng) David Frick (Slavic), fall 15 only Allen Goldstein (ESPM) Ming Gu (Math) Wick Haxton (Physics) Kent Lightfoot (Anthro) Fenyong Liu (Pub Hlth) Kam-Biu Luk (Physics), sp 16 only Samuel Mchombo (Af Am Studies) Stephen Morris (ME) Ali Niknejad (EECS) Clark Nguyen (EECS) Ugo Nwokeji (Af Am Studies) Dara O’Rourke (ESPM) Markus Pauly (PMB) Gerard Roland (Econ) Daniel Tataru (Math) Anthony Abril and Alana Banks, students Ex Officio: Benjamin Hermalin (Bus Ad/Econ), Div Chair [non-voting] Committee Analyst: Cruz Grimaldo COMS liaison: Dani + = systemwide committee