Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata

Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Below are listed additions and/or corrections to the 2013-14
Undergraduate Catalog since its publication on June 1, 2013.
All corrections listed below have been made in the main online
catalog sections to which they apply and will appear in the print
version of those individual pages. They do not appear, however,
in the PDF version of the full catalog. The last day for entering
corrections was October 31, 2013.
Corrections by Date:
Corrections by Dept/Program:
The Department of Music seeks creative students involved in
the art of music in the areas of composition, performance, or
teaching who value the enrichment afforded them by a liberal
arts university. Webster University is an accredited institutional
member of the National Association of Schools of Music.
Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts/Music Department
Locations Offering Undergraduate Programs
Management (BA) with emphasis in International Business
Minor in Dance: Technique
Minor in Drama Studies
Multicultural Studies (Minor)
Music (BM) with an Emphasis in Piano Performance
Music with an emphasis in Composition (BM)
Music with an emphasis in Jazz Studies-Music Technology
Paralegal Studies (Certificate)
Philosophy with an emphasis in Ethics and Society (BA)
Political Science (BA)
Political Science with an emphasis in Public Law (BA)
Religious Studies (BA)
School of Education
Scriptwriting (BA)
Sociology (BA)
Tuition, Fees and Refunds/Applied Music Fees
Tuition,Fess and Refunds/Payment
University Overview/Licensure/Approvals and Specialized
Course Descriptions:
--ART 1700 Fine Art Photography
--HIST 1120 The Ancient World
--INTL 3030 Advanced Studies in International Law
--MULC 2000 Topics in Multicultural Studies
--PHIL 1200 The Meaning of Life
--PHIL 2000 Making Decisions
--SCPT 4700 Professional Development in Scriptwriting
Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts/Music Department
The Special Study Opportunities section have been updated
with the following language:
The Department of Music offers music courses and ensembles
to all Webster University students so that they may acquaint
themselves with music as one aspect of their culture, either as
appreciative listeners or as trained participants. The department
offers state-approved curricula for the preparation of teachers
of music in the elementary and secondary schools. The primary
focus of the department is instruction designed to prepare
students for careers in composition, jazz studies, music education,
pedagogy, and performance. Students are also encouraged to
avail themselves of several significant study opportunities in
Europe and Asia, and summer workshops offered through the
Department of Music.
Complementing the substantial musical environment of St. Louis,
a full and varied concert season is offered by the department.
The season includes student and faculty recitals, as well as
performances by guest artists and student ensembles.
The University supports a number of performing groups including
Concert Choir, Jazz Singers, Chamber Singers, Webster
University Chamber Orchestra, Opera Studio, Jazz Collective,
Jazz Ensembles, Percussion Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, and
the New Music Ensemble. The department also provides various
chamber music ensembles.
June 24, 2013
Dance (BFA) with Emphasis in Ballet and Dance (BFA)
with Emphasis in Modern
The Recommended Electives for the BA or BFA in Dance
have been synchronized to reflect the same list for both programs.
The list should read:
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3 hours)
BUSN 1200 Introduction to Business (3 hours)
Foreign Languages
ENGL 2150 Creative Writing: Poetry (3 hours)
HIST 1100 World Civilizations Before 1500 (3 hours)
PHOT 1000 Photo I (3 hours)
PHIL 1010 Introduction to Critical Thinking (3 hours)
PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology (3 hours)
VIDE 1000 Introduction to Video Production (3 hours)
WGST 1010 Studying Women Across the Disciplines (3
July 31, 2013
Dutch-Accredited Degree Programs
Several changes have been made to these programs, primarily
to accommodate inclusion of Global Citizenship Program general
education requirements. They should read as follows:
Webster University
Undergraduate Catalog
• Academic Policies and Information/General Education
Program Requirements
• Accounting (BS)
• Animation Production Certificate
• Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design (BFA)
• Broadcast Journalism (Certificate)
• Buddhist Studies (Certificate)
• College of Arts & Sciences/Biological Sciences Department
• Computer Science (BS) with an emphasis in Information
• Curatorial Studies (Certificate)
• Dance (BFA) with Emphasis in Ballet
• Dance (BFA) with Emphasis in Modern
• Digital Media Certificate
• Dutch-Accredited Degree Programs
• Education (BA) with Certification in Elementary Education
• Film Production
• International Human Rights (Minor)
• International Relations (BA)
• International Relations (BA)/Special Requirements
• Legal Studies (BA)
June 21, 2013
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Dutch-Accredited International Business and
Management Degree (IBMS)
• A student on academic probation may be dismissed only
after completing the 5th term of study at Webster University.
(Leiden campus only)
Special Program Academic Requirements and Information
Program Description
Students declaring the Dutch accredited IBMS degree program
as their major are required to do a 6 credit internship (MNGT
4950 or BUSN 4950), which may also be completed at other
Webster campuses. Furthermore, the IBMS program requires
students to complete a portfolio which is built around a sequence
of 1- or 2-credit courses and concluded with a portfolio review
and presentation in GNST 4000. The portfolio functions as an
overview of the major and is presented before a panel of peers
and faculty, including the Head of Department. The portfolio
serves multiple objectives: it asks the student to reflect on his/
her choice of courses (electives, general education courses,
possible minors), it connects the student's research and academic
development with his/her professional development, and embeds
the notion of the liberal arts firmly into the program. The student's
career orientation is further enhanced by attending a "capita
selecta" of career and special events, guest lectures, and library
readings organized in Leiden. The student is asked to submit a
c.v., include three of his/her best papers from different years plus
the final paper of the capstone course, and include the internship
report. The portfolio also allows for personal integrated career
path coaching.
This program provides an opportunity for students to concurrently
obtain a Dutch University of Applied Sciences degree and an
American bachelor degree from Webster University. The program
follows the Webster University undergraduate requirements for
the management and business curricula with special additional
requirements added for Dutch Accreditation purposes.
The Dutch accredited International Business and Management
Studies (IBMS) degree program is only offered at the Leiden
campus and leads to the Dutch HBO Bachelor in International
Business and Management Studies, with a study specialization
(afstudeerrichting) in either International Business, or
Marketing Management, or General Management, or Business
Enrollment in the Dutch IBMS program is only possible in
conjunction with Webster University's Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Management without
Emphasis, Bachelor of Arts in Management with Emphasis in
International Business, and or Bachelor of Arts in Management
with Emphasis in Marketing programs.
Program Acceptance
Any student already accepted to Webster University and in
academic and financial good standing can enter the Dutch
accredited IBMS degree program. The student must declare this
degree program through the Leiden campus.
Program Dutch Authority Registration
First year applicants/students who wish to apply for Dutch
Financial Aid are required to register with the Dutch Central
Register for Higher Education (DUO-IB Groep). Details from the
Leiden campus.
Program Residency Requirements
Students in this Dutch-accredited IBMS degree program have
a residency requirement of 30 Webster credits at the Webster
Leiden campus. Fifteen of these credits must be from the last
18 credits completed prior to graduation (including the capstone
course and portfolio requirements).
Program Academic Policies
• Students must follow all Webster University Academic
Policies and Information contained in the IBMS handbook
(available from the Leiden campus website).
• No more than one course (3 credit hours) completed
with a grade of D may count toward fulfilling the specific
requirements of the degree program.
• From 2012-13, students follow the Global Citizenship
Program (GCP) guidelines for general education (see
Academic Policies and Information). Courses with a grade of
C- or better will satisfy GCP requirements.
Probation and Dismissal for this Dutch IBMS degree program
have been modified in the following manner:
• A student who does not earn a minimum of24 credits (48 EC)
in their first year will be dismissed from this degree program.
• A student may be placed on academic probation only after
completing the 3rd term of study at Webster University.
IBMS Degree Programs
For the Bachelor in International Business and
Management Studies, Specialization International
Students need to take, in addition to Webster University's General
Education and Management with Emphasis in International
Business requirements:
• BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets
• BUSN 2750 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics
• BUSN 3700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management
• ILC 1091 Workshop
• MATH 1430 College Algebra
• MNGT 3100 Issues: Project Management
• MNGT 3440 Stress Management
• MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior
• MNGT 4570 Marketing Research
• BUSN 4650 International Business
• WRIT 3100 Report and Proposal Writing
• ECON 4610 Reading Course: Current Issues in Global
• MNGT 4950 Internship (6 credits)
Portfolio requirement
Required GCP General Education Courses
FRSH 1200 First Year Seminar
PHIL 1010 Critical Thinking
SPCM 1040 Public Speaking
WRIT 2000 Advanced Composition
MEDC 2800, HRTS 1100, PHIL 2320, PSYC 1100, or SOCI
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology
GNST 1300 Interdisciplinary Studies, or GNST 2000
PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics, or SCIN 1210 or SUST
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations
RELG 1080, ENGL 2110, or ENGL 1044
MNGT 3100 Career Orientation/ Portfolio
Webster University
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
• GNST 4000 Keystone Seminar
For the Bachelor in International Business and Management
Studies, Specialization Marketing Management:
Students need to take, in addition to Webster University's
General Education and Management with Emphasis in Marketing
Portfolio requirement
Required GCP General Education Courses:
FRSH 1200 First Year Seminar
PHIL 1010 Critical Thinking
SPCM 1040 Public Speaking
WRIT 2000 Advanced Composition
MEDC 2800, HRTS 1100, PHIL 2320, or SOCI 2475
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology
GNST 1300 Interdisciplinary Studies, or GNST 2000
PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics, or SCIN 1210 or SUST
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations
RELG 1080, ENGL 2110, or ENGL 1044
MNGT 3100 Career Orientation/ Portfolio
GNST 4000 Keystone Seminar
For the Bachelor in International Business and
Management Studies, Specialization General
Students need to take, in addition to Webster University's General
Education and Management without Emphasis requirements:
• BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets
• BUSN 2750 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics
• BUSN 3700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management
• MATH 1430 College Algebra
• MNGT 3100 Issues: Project Management
• MNGT 3440 Stress Management
• BUSN 4650 International Business
• MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior
• MNGT 4100 International Management
• MNGT 4570 Marketing Research
• MNGT 4550 Organizational Development (or equivalent)
• WRIT 3100 Report and Proposal Writing
• ECON 4610 Reading Course: Current Issues in Global
Webster University
Portfolio requirement
Required GCP General Education Courses:
FRSH 1200 First Year Seminar
PHIL 1010 Critical Thinking
SPCM 1040 Public Speaking
WRIT 2000 Advanced Composition
MEDC 2800, HRTS 1100, PHIL 2320, PSYC 1100, or SOCI
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology
GNST 1300 Interdisciplinary Studies, or GNST 2000
PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics, or SCIN 1210 or SUST
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations
RELG 1080, ENGL 2110, or ENGL 1044
MNGT 3100 Career Orientation/ Portfolio
GNST 4000 Keystone Seminar
For the Bachelor in International Business and
Management Studies, Specialization Business
Students need to take, in addition to Webster University's General
Education and BS in Business Administration requirements:
• ACCT 3025 Advanced Managerial and Cost Accounting
• BUSN 2100 Business Communications
• BUSN 3700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management
• BUSN 4300 Business Ethics
• FINC 3210 Principles of Finance
• BUSN 4650 International Business
• MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior
• MATH 1430 College Algebra
• MNGT 3100 Issues: Project Management
• MNGT 3400 Human Resource Management
• CSIS 3410 Information Analysis
• BUSN 4950 Internship (6 credits)
• WRIT 3100 Report and Proposal Writing
• ECON 4610 Reading Course: Current Issues in Global
• BUSN 4610 Reading Course: Current Issues in Business
• MNGT 4570 Marketing Research
Portfolio requirement
Required GCP General Education Courses:
FRSH 1200 First Year Seminar
PHIL 1010 Critical Thinking
SPCM 1040 Public Speaking
WRIT 2000 Advanced Composition
MEDC 2800, HRTS 1100, PHIL 2320, PSYC 1100, or SOCI
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology
GNST 1300 Interdisciplinary Studies, or GNST 2000
PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics, or SCIN 1210 or SUST
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations
RELG 1080, ENGL 2110, or ENGL 1044
MNGT 3100 Career Orientation/ Portfolio
GNST 4000 Keystone Seminar
Undergraduate Catalog
• ADVT 1940 Introduction to Marketing Communications
or MEDC 2800 Cultural Diversity in the Media
• BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets
• BUSN 2750 Introduction to Measurement and Statistics
• BUSN 3700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Management
• INTM 2350 Production Tools for Advertising and Public
• BUSN 4650 International Business
• MATH 1430 College Algebra
• MNGT 3100 Issues: Project Management
• MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior
• MNGT 3550 Public Relations
• MNGT 4100 International Management
• WRIT 3100 Report and Proposal Writing
• ECON 4610 Reading Course: Current Issues in Global
• MNGT 4950 Internship (6 credits)
• MNGT 4610 Reading Course: Current Issues in Management
• MNGT 4950 Internship (6 credits)
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Dutch-Accredited Applied Behavior and Social
Sciences (ABSS)
(Leiden campus only)
Program Description
This program provides an opportunity for students to concurrently
obtain a Dutch University of Applied Sciences degree and an
American bachelor degree from Webster University. The program
follows the Webster University undergraduate requirements for
the psychology or sociology curricula with special additional
requirements added for Dutch Accreditation purposes.
The Dutch accredited Applied Behavioral and Social Sciences
(ABSS) degree program is only offered at the Leiden campus and
leads to the Dutch HBO Bachelor in Applied Behavioral and Social
Sciences, with a study specialization ("afstudeerrichting") in either
psychology or sociology.
Enrollment in the Dutch ABSS program is only possible in
conjunction with Webster University's Bachelor of Arts in
Psychology or Bachelor of Arts in Sociology programs.
Students declaring the Dutch accredited ABSS degree program
as their major are required to do a 6 credit internship (PSYC
2900 or SOCI 2900), which may also be completed at other
Webster campuses. Furthermore, the ABSS program requires
students to complete a portfolio which is built around a sequence
of 1- or 2-credit courses and concluded with a portfolio review
and presentation in GNST 4000. The portfolio functions as an
overview of the major and is presented before a panel of peers
and faculty, including the Head of Department. The portfolio
serves multiple objectives: it asks the student to reflect on his/
her choice of courses (electives, general education courses,
possible minors), it connects the student's research and academic
development with his/her professional development, and embeds
the notion of the liberal arts firmly into the program. The student's
career orientation is further enhanced by attending a "capita
selecta" of career and special events, guest lectures, and library
readings organized in Leiden. The student is asked to submit a
c.v., include three of his/her best papers from different years plus
the final paper of the capstone course, and include the internship
report. The portfolio also allows for personal integrated career
path coaching.
ABSS Degree Programs:
Program Acceptance
Any student already accepted to Webster University and in
academic and financial good standing can enter the Dutch
accredited ABSS degree program. The student must declare this
degree program through the Leiden campus.
Program Dutch Authority Registration:
First year applicants/students who wish to apply for Dutch
Financial Aid are required to register with the Dutch Central
Register for Higher Education (DUO-IB Groep). Details from the
Leiden campus.
Program Residency Requirements:
Students in this Dutch-accredited ABSS degree program have
a residency requirement of 30 Webster credits at the Webster
Leiden campus. Fifteen of these credits must be from the last
18 credits completed prior to graduation (including the capstone
course and portfolio requirements).
Program Academic Policies:
Students must follow all Webster University Academic Policies
and Information contained in the ABSS handbook (available from
the Leiden campus website).
No more than one course (3 credit hours) completed with a grade
of D may count toward fulfilling the specific requirements of the
degree program.
From 2012-13, students follow the Global Citizenship Program
(GCP) guidelines for general education (see Academic Policies
and Information). Courses with a grade of C- or better will satisfy
GCP requirements.
Probation and Dismissal for this Dutch ABSS degree program
have been modified in the following manner:
• A student who does not earn a minimum of24 credits (48 EC)
in their first year will be dismissed from this degree program.
• A student may be placed on academic probation only after
completing the 3rd term of study at Webster University.
• A student on academic probation may be dismissed only
after completing the 5th term of study at Webster University.
Special Program Academic Requirements and Information:
For the Bachelor in Applied Behavioral and Social
Studies, Specialization Psychology:
Students need to take, in addition to Webster University's
General Education and Psychology requirements:
BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
MATH 1430 College Algebra
MNGT 2100 Management Theory and Practice
MNGT 3100 Project Management
PSYC 3075 Stress Management
WRIT 3100 Report and Proposal Writing
PSYC 4750 Advanced Statistics
PSYC 4000 Advanced Studies in Psychology
PSYC 4610 Advanced Independent Reading Course
PSYC 4825 Senior Thesi
Required GCP General Education
FRSH 1200 First Year Seminar
PHIL 1010 Critical Thinking
SPCM 1040 Public Speaking
WRIT 2000 Advanced Composition
MATH 1410 Introductory College Mathematics
MEDC 2800 Cultural Diversity in the Media
HRTS 1100 Introduction to Human Rights
GNST 1300 Interdisciplinary Studies, or GNST 2000
PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics, or SCIN 1210 or SUST
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations
RELG 1080, ARHS 2200, HIST 2240, ENGL 2110, or ENGL
GNST 4000 Keystone Seminar
For the Bachelor in Applied Behavioral and Social
Studies, Specialization Sociology:
Students need to take, in addition to Webster University's
General Education and Sociology requirements:
• BUSN 1000 Business Spreadsheets
• MNGT 2100 Management Theory and Practice
• MNGT 3100 Project Management
Webster University
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 3075 Stress Management
WRIT 3100 Report and Proposal Writing
SOCI 4750 Advanced Statistics
SOCI 4000 Advanced Studies in Sociology
SOCI 4610 Advanced Independent Reading Course
SOCI 4825 Senior Thesis
Required GCP General Education Courses:
Minor in Dance: Technique
DANC 1310 and DANC 1320
should be included in the list of Required Courses. The list
should read:
• DANC 2520 Living Anatomy and Movement (3 hours)
• DANC 2210 Dance History: Lineage Based to 20th Century
(3 hours)
• DANC 1220 Improvisation I (2 hours)
• DANC 1310 and DANC 1320 Composition I (5 hours)
• Additional advanced-level work in technique, choreography,
topics, independent study (DANC 2050, 2060, 2250, 3250,
3220, 3250, 3550, 3560, etc.)(1 hour)
• MUSC 1000 Fundamentals of Musicianship (3 hours)
• Minimum of one year in at least two of the following: DANC
2000-level applied dance, Tap; 3000-level applied dance,
Jazz, Modern, or Ballet (12 hours)
September 4, 2013
Music with an emphasis in Composition (BM)
Musicianship IV
should be added to the list of Core Courses. The list should read
as follows:
Core Music Courses
• MUSC 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020 Music Theory I-IV( 12
• MUSC 1810, 1820 2810 Musicianship I-IV (8 hours)
• MUSC 2030, 2040 Survey of Music History I, II (6 hours)
• MUSC 4700 Advanced Variable Topic (taken in junior or
senior year only) (2-3 hours)
Locations Offering Undergraduate Programs
BA in Media Communications
has been added to list of programs offered online.
An explanatory paragraph regarding undergraduate degree
completion was added.
Education (BA) with Certification in Elementary
Required Courses for Elementary Education
EDUC 4831 and EDUC 4832 should be
from the list; they are not required for this program.
Management (BA) with emphasis in International
MNGT 3320 Business Law: International
should be added to the list of Required Courses
Computer Science (BS) with an emphasis in
Information Technology
In the section beginning with "Students who do not have a second
major...", the correct course number for University Physics Lab II
PHYS 2041
International Relations (BA)
Under Emphasis in International Economics, the correct course
number for Intermediate Macroeconomics is
ECON 3030
Under Emphasis in Migration and Refugee Studies, the correct
course number for Advanced Studies in International Law should
INTL 3030
Under Required Courses, the first bullet should read:
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations (3 hours)
Philosophy with an emphasis in Ethics and Society
Under Required Courses, the correct course number for
Philosophical Ethics is
PHIL 3350
Sociology (BA)
Under the group Demography and Community, the correct course
number for Human Ecology is
Webster University
Undergraduate Catalog
FRSH 1200 First Year Seminar
PHIL 1010 Critical Thinking
SPCM 1040 Public Speaking
WRIT 2000 Advanced Composition
MATH 1410 Introductory College Mathematics
MEDC 2800 Cultural Diversity in the Media
HRTS 1100 Introduction to Human Rights
SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology
GNST 1300 Interdisciplinary Studies, or GNST 2000
PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics, or SCIN 1210 or SUST
ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
POLT 1050 Introduction to International Relations
RELG 1080, ARHS 2200, HIST 2240, ENGL 2110, or ENGL
GNST 4000 Keystone Seminar
September 7, 2013
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
SOCI 3575
8 hours over eight semesters to be selected from:
• MUSC 4950 Webster University Jazz Singers (1 hour
per semester)
• MUSC 4960 Webster University Jazz Ensemble (combo)
(1 hour per semester)
• MUSC 4970 Webster University Jazz Collective (1 hour
per semester)
Political Science with an emphasis in Public Law (BA)
The last bullet in the Required Courses section should read:
Overview and research requirement (Research requirement must
be fulfilled with a term paper focused on a law-related topic.)
Audio and Supportive Courses
Religious Studies (BA)
• MUSC 1080, 1085, 2001, 2501 Secondary Instrument: Class
Piano, Secondary and Non-Major Piano (4 hours)
(four consecutive semesters required; minimum two hours of
applied instruction in individual lessons)
• MUSC 1370, 1380 Jazz Theory I, II (6 hours)
• MUSC 2370, 2375, 2380 Jazz Theory III, IV, V (6 hours)
• MUSC 2385 Jazz Theory VI (if not studying in Vienna) (2
• MUSC 3010 Composition (3 hours)
• MUSC 3410 Conducting I (3 hours)
• MUSC 4320 Jazz Education Methods (2 hours)
• MUSC 4340, 4350 Jazz Scoring and Arranging I, II (6 hours)
• AUDI 1100, 2000 Audio Production I, II (6 hours)
• AUDI 1200 Introduction to MIDI (3 hours)
• AUDI 3000 Multitrack Recording (3 hours)
• AUDI 3600 MIDI Applications: Sequencing (3 hours)
• AUDI 4300 Advanced MIDI Applications: Film Scoring (3
Under Required Courses, the following should be added:
6 credit hours from:
• RELG 2070 Introduction to Eastern Religions (3 hours)
• RELG 2080 Introduction to Western Religions (3 hours)
• RELG 2090 Introduction to Religions of Small Scale
Societies (3 hours)
Music with an emphasis in Jazz Studies-Technology
The correct title of the program is:
Music with an Emphasis in Jazz Studies-Music Technology
In addition, the following is the program information as it should
Program Description
Political Science (BA)
Webster offers the bachelor of music (BM) with an emphasis
in performance or music technology for vocalists and
instrumentalists. The Webster jazz studies program is based
around the small group performing experience. Students
participate in jazz combos, Big Band, or Jazz Singers in addition
to an academic curriculum that balances courses in jazz and
classical music instruction. Students in this program also complete
a signifacant amount of audio courses
Under Required Courses,
Comparative Politics (3 hours)
Degree Requirements
should be added to the list
Certificate in Curatorial Studies
The correct credit hours for the Curatorial Studies Journal is
0 credit hours
128 credit hours to include:
• 91-95 required credit hours
• 12 general election credit hours
Required Courses
Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design (BFA)
The correct title for DESN 4900 is
Professional Practice in Graphic Design
Core Music Courses
MUSC 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020 Music Theory I-IV (12 hours)
MUSC 1810, 1820 Musicianship I, II (4 hours)
MUSC 2030, 2040 Survey of Music History I, II (6 hours)
MUSC 470X Advanced Variable Topic (taken in junior or
senior year only) (2-3 hours)
Performance Courses
• MUSC 0890 Recital Attendance (six semesters required) (0
• MUSC 0990 Master Class (taken every semester) (0 hours)
• MUSC 4003 Applied Music (major instrument) (4 hours)
• MUSC 2300, 2305, 2310, Jazz Improvisation I, II, III (6 hours)
• MUSC 2315 Jazz Improvisation IV (if not studying in Vienna)
(2 hours)
• MUSC 3300, 3310 Jazz Improvisation V, VI (6 hours)
• Senior Overview (0 hours)
• Major Ensemble
September 8, 2013
Minor in Drama Studies
ENGL 1510 and ENGL 1520 are no longer offered
and should be removed from the list of options at the St. Louis
Certificate in Broadcast Journalism
The phrase "Art therapy courses – 9 credit hours including:"
should not appear and
has been removed
Webster University
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Certificate in Buddhist Studies
The phrase "Art therapy courses – 9 credit hours including:"
should not appear and
has been removed
The correct credit hours for LEGAL 4600 Legal Seminar is 3
The correct credit hours for
LEGAL 4800 Advanced Topics in Law is 3 hours.
School of Education
The correct course number for Issues in Contemporary Society is
SOCI 2000
The following should be inserted in the School of Education page,
as required by NCATE:
Assessment Policy of School of Education
Minor in International Human Rights
Scriptwriting (BA)
The ANSO prefix has been discontinued and should be removed.
Thus, PSYC/ANSO 3225 Holocaust should read
PSYC 3225 Holocaust
Changes approved by Curriculum Committee on March 26, 2013
are as follows:
Certificate in Paralegal Studies
The last sentence in the first paragraph should read:
Webster University will issue a certificate recognizing the
successful completion (
C or better
and PSYC/ANSO 3275 Genocide should read
PSYC 3275 Genocide
Minor in Multicultural Studies
The correct course number for History Roundtable: The Life and
Legacy of Malcolm X is
HIST 3060
University Overview/Licensure/Approvals and
Specialized Accreditation
Licensure information for Washington State has been updated to
Webster University is authorized by the Washington Student
Achievement Council and meets the requirements and minimum
educational standards established for degree-granting institutions
under the Degree-Granting Institutions Act. This authorization is
subject to periodic review and authorizes Webster University to
offer specific degree programs. The Council may be contacted
for a list of currently authorized programs. Authorization by the
Council does not carry with it an endorsement by the Council of
the institution or its programs. Any person desiring information
about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those
requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O.
Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430.
Undergraduate Catalog
) of a 24-credit-hour core in paralegal studies.
All programs in the School of Education use key assessments in
specific courses to evaluate and promote student achievement
of specific learning outcomes. In all courses that use key
assessment assignments, students will see on each syllabus
the standards that are used for assessing their academic
performance. In addition, all faculty and students are expected to
use the web-based TK20 Assessment System for the submission
and evaluation of key assessment assignments; TK20 serves as
the school’s electronic assessment system. Students may contact
their advisors, if they have further questions.
Degree Requirements should read:
A minimum of 128 credit hours consisting of the following:
• 45 required credit hours
• Applicable university global citizenship or general education
program hours
• Electives
Required Courses should read:
ENGL 2170 Playwriting (3 hours)
EPMD 1000 Introduction to Media Production (3 hours)
MEDC 1010 Introduction to Mass Communications (3 hours)
MEDC 1050 Introduction to Media Writing (3 hours)
MEDC 2200 Ethics in the Media (3 hours)
MEDC 2800 Cultural Diversity in the Media (3 hours)
MEDC 4100 The Law and the Media (3 hours)
SCPT 3110 Script Analysis (3 hours)
SCPT 2900 Scriptwriting (3 hours)
SCPT 3400 Television Scriptwriting (3 hours)
SCPT 3500 Writing Screenplays for Film (3 hours)
SCPT 4400 Advanced Television Scriptwriting: Genres (3
• SCPT 4500 Advanced Scriptwriting (3 hours)
• SCPT 4700 Professional Development in Scriptwriting (3
• MEDC 4620 Senior Overview* (3 hours)
*Capstone Course
Academic Policies and Information/General Education
Program Requirements
Legal Studies (BA)
The correct credit hours for LEGAL 4840 Corporation and
Business Organizations is 3 hours.
Webster University
Under section Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
majors (BA and BS degrees), the
BS in Mobile Computing
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
should be added to the list of computer science degrees in the
Note section. Thus the section should read:
Students are required to address each of the nine general
education goals listed below (27 credit hours minimum).*
*Note: Students pursuing a BS degree in the computer science
fields of information technology, information systems, information
management, or mobile computing are required to address four of
the nine general education goals (12 credit hours minimum).
Students majoring in programs from the School of
Communications (BA degree) are required to complete 36
credit hours in general education as indicated in the School of
Communication Majors section below.
Dutch-Accredited Degree Programs
particular focus on race, sexual orientation, age, ability, ethnicity,
religion, and other aspects of diversity. May be repeated for credit
if content differs.
SCPT 4700 Professional Development in Scriptwriting (3)
Students will learn the elements of marketing their original scripts
to the film and television industry and of making a career as a
writer in film or television. The course will teach the basics of
pitching stories, writing script coverage, as well as refining your
work to create a professional portfolio.
September 9, 2013
Accounting (BS)
The correct number of required credit hours should be
The correct course number for Introduction to Entrepreneurship
and Small Business Management is
MNGT 3700
Music with an Emphasis in Piano Performance (BM)
Course Descriptions
Degree Requirements
The following course descriptions have been added to the catalog:
ART 1700 Fine Art Photography (3)
Fine Art Photography is an introductory art photography
class dealing with conceptual, historical and practical bases
of photography as used in art practice. Students will begin
to understand and interpret photographic imagery, practice
critical thinking and discover the possibility of camera-made
and constructed images. Lectures will introduce the work of
noted photographers, and the evolution of aesthetics and theory
associated with the history of the medium, and will examine the
impact that the photographic image exerts in contemporary art.
Students will learn the technical skills that they will need to use
a 35mm manual camera, process black and white negatives
and make black and white prints.Classes will consist of slide
presentations on contemporary photographers, discussions,
demonstrations, and hands on work time.
HIST 1120 The Ancient World (3)
This course will trace the beginnings of civilization in the ancient
world, from the first urban societies in Mesopotamia 5500 years
ago to the independent development of such societies elsewhere.
Geographically, it will range from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
encompassing Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The focus
will be on differentiating between universals of complex society
formation and unique responses to situations peculiar to individual
INTL 3030 Advanced Studies in International Law (3)
The course examines a specialized area of international law in
terms of the relevant treaties and court cases that have been
adjudicated in national courts, international courts and other
types of legal bodies. The course also pays close attention to the
interplay of international politics and international law. Approved
topics include international human rights law, international
humanitarian law, international criminal law, international refugee
law, international environmental law, space law, diplomatic law,
and the law if the sea. Prerequisite: INTL 2030.
The Degree Requirements were corrected to match the list of
required courses. Thus the Degree Requirements section reads:
• 96-97 required credit hours
• 12 general education credit hours
• 20 elective credit hours
September 12, 2013
Tuition, Fees and Refunds
Applied Music fees were corrected to reflect approvals made in
August but omitted from the catalog. The fees should read:
• Fifteen 60 minute private lessons: $510
• Fifteen 30 minute private lessons: $255
October 29, 2013
College of Arts & Sciences/Biological Sciences
The Special Requirements section should read (underlining
indicates text added):
Science courses taken more than 10 years ago may not count as
the prerequisite for certain advanced courses.
Students in Pre-Professional Programs such as Pre-Med, Pre-Vet,
Pre-Dental, Pre-Athletic Trainer should take Human Anatomy &
Physiology, BIOL 3010, 2011 and BIOL 3020, 3021.
Transfer students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours
at Webster University within the Biological Sciences Department.
This must include BIOL 4400 and BIOL 4430 and 12 credit hours
of 3000-4000 level courses in biology or chemistry.
Required courses must be completed at Webster University once
the student begins to matriculate at Webster University. Transfer
courses taken prior to enrollment at Webster University may be
used to substitute for required courses if accepted by the chair.
No more than 6 credit hours of independent study and/or
reading courses may count toward the required biology hours.
Coursework completed with a grade of “D” may not be counted
toward the fulfillment of departmental requirements.
MULC 2000 Topics in Multicultural Studies (3)
Course Descriptions/PHIL
This course provides an opportunity to examine topics of interest
within multicultural studies. Content will vary and will include
The following course descriptions should be included in the
Webster University
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
Undergraduate Catalog Addendum/Errata
PHIL 1200 The Meaning of Life (3)
This course explores what makes life meaningful from several
perspectives, including western and eastern philosophical
perspectives, theistic and atheistic perspectives, social and
political perspectives from different cultures, both inside and
outside the United States. Commitment to cultural values creates
differences that often cause hostilities. This course aims to
help students understand cultural values otehr than their own
in order to promote an appreciation of and tolerance for cultural
PHIL 2000 Making Decisions (4)
There are significant tensions between how we ought to decide
(or how decision theory tells us we ought to decide) and how we
in fact decide. This course reviews ideal methods for decision
making, ways that decision makers habitually fall short of the
ideals, and how decision theory can be applied in ordinary life
to make more rational decisions and achieve better outcomes.
Topics include mental and social impediments to good decision
making, probabilities, risk, games, and bargaining.
Tuition, Fees and Refunds
The fourth paragraph under the Payment section has been
revised to read:
• Demonstrate 2D animation;
• Develop and execute all aspects of an animated work;
• Tell stories in long and short format animation
• Demonstrate an understanding of theory, critical
assessment and history of animation.
Required Courses
ANIM 1000 Animation I (3 hours)
ANIM 1010 Animation II (3 hours)
FLST 2070 History of Animation (3 hours)
ANIM 3020 Story Development (3 hours)
An additional 9 credit hours are to be chosen from the
ANIM 2000 Advanced Animation (3 hours)
ANIM 2010 Experimental Animation (3 hours)
ANIM 3010 Voicing Your Creation (3 hours)
ANIM 3030 Visual Storytelling (3 hours)
ANIM 4010 Character Design (3 hours)
ANIM 4020 Storyboarding (3 hours)
ART 1110 Introduction to Drawing (3 hours)
ART 1120 Principles of Drawing (3 hours)
Undergraduate Catalog
Students are encouraged to make electronic check payments
online, but personal checks made payable to Webster University
are also accepted. A $30 returned payment fee is charged if
payment is returned. Webster also accepts MasterCard, Discover,
VISA, and American Express payments online with a 2.75%
convenience fee.
Successful graduates of this program will be able to:
Digital Media Certificate
The correct name of the certificate should be
Digital Media - Design & Production
October 31, 2013
International Relations (BA)
Under Special Requirements, the second paragraph should
With permission of the student's advisor, the following courses
offered by other areas of study at Webster University may be
applied toward the
credit hours required in international relations
Under Special Requirements, the first bullet should read:
HRTS 1100 Introduction to Human Rights (3 hours)
Film Production
The Special Admission Requirement should be
Animation Production Certificate
The correct information for this certificate is as follows:
The certificate in animation production is designed to give
studentsfrom all academic disciplines within the university
an opportunity toexplore the principles, theory and practice
of animation. Students willhave the opportunity to complete
additional coursework in severalareas focusing on the
fundamentals of storytelling, acting, drawingand experimentation.
The Certificate in Animation Production is onlyavailable to
students not majoring in Animation.Students must earn a grade of
C- or better in all courses applied towardthe certificates.
For information on general requirements for the certificate, see
Certificate Program Policies and Procedures.
Learning Outcomes
Webster University