Mrs. Pack’s Fridge Facts Reading: This week students will

Mrs. Pack’s
Fridge Facts
September 8th-12th
This week our target is to
read words inflected endings
(-ed and –ing). Students will
need to complete 3 activities
on their spelling choice board
and return their work by
Friday. Please see the letter
in your child’s green folder
explaining spelling homework.
This week students will
identify the main idea
and supporting details as
we read the story, A
Walk in the Desert
Vocabulary words
to know:
Students will continue
working on writing a
complete sentence that
includes capitalization and
punctuation. We will learn
about Declarative and
Interrogative Sentences.
We will continue our study
of personal narratives.
Students will continue working
on using a variety of addition
strategies. They will learn to
add 0, 1 and 2 fluently, use
doubles and near doubles, add
three numbers, and make a ten
to add.
Science/Social Studies
Habit of the Week:
Begin with the
End in Mind
(Have a plan, set goals.)
Students will discover
characteristics of a desert.
We will learn about the
climate, and plant & animal
life, and be able to tell how
deserts around the world are
alike and different.
Reminders 
-If you have not yet sent in your child’s back to school paperwork, please do so as soon as possible. Students are also asked to send in $10.00 to
cover the cost of their agenda book and their Scholastic News magazine that we will be using throughout the year.
-Please send a small, healthy snack each day for your child. We will have a very short snack break. Several students are forgetting snacks each day.
-Picture day is September 8th.
-The Book Fair will be held September 8-12. We will go and preview the fair but students must have money to return during class time.
-Students should read 15 minutes a night. Please initial your child’s Navigator Guide indicating that he or she read at home.
-On September 10th, Grandparents of students in K/2/4 are invited to join students for breakfast! Grades 1/3/5 will enjoy breakfast with
Grandparents on September 11th. If you have children in two grades, you may choose one day to attend or you may attend both days. 