TOO GOOD FOR DRUGS HEALTH UNIT 8TH GRADE TUESDAY SEPT 29 LESSON FOUR- ASSERT YOURSELF Differentiate between assertive, passive and aggressive communication styles. List the verbal and nonverbal characteristics of assertive, passive and aggressive styles Discuss why assertive communication is usually the most effective style Describe his or her own preferred style Studies show that assertive skills help teens to increase their self-esteem and to resist pressure from peers to engage in drug use and other problem behavior. LESSON FIVE- TEENS AND TOUGH DECISIONS List in priority order what goals and values are most important to you Discuss the importance of picturing positive goals and considering consequences Describe how using drugs can interfere with reaching personal goals List why she or not would not use tobacco, alcohol or marijuana Studies show that knowing information about drugs is important. This lesson teaches how the effects of drug use can prevent teens from getting what they want. LESSON SIX- TOBACCO:NASTY! Contrast the glamorous image and the nasty reality of using tobacco products Discuss the high cost of using tobacco products Surveys indicate that social image is one reason many teens begin to smoke. This lesson demonstrates that tobacco use projects a negative social image, rather than the positive image implied in tobacco advertisements. LESSON SEVEN- AL K. HOLIC Discuss the fact that anyone can be a alcoholic List warning signs of alcoholism Describe the effects of alcoholism on the family Describe the effect of alcoholism on teens Discuss reasons for legal drinking age of 21