Lesson Plans 12-7-2015 – 12-11-2015 Standards: Rl.8.1: Cite evidence to support what the text says explicitly as well as inferences made from the test. RL.8.2 – Determine the theme of a literary text, and analyze the development of the theme. RL.8.3 – Analyze how a character’s words or actions move the story forward. Monday: I can analyze how a character’s words or actions move the story forward. New Greek/Latin Root Words Finish “the Monkey’s Paw”/Character Analysis Tuesday: I can use a note taking strategy as I read. (Chunking) Daily Grammar Practice Theme Packet Read “Flowers for Algernon” Wednesday: I can use a note taking strategy as I read. (Chunking) Daily Oral Grammar Practice: Theme Packet Finish “Flowers for Algernon” Thursday: I can analyze the author’s use of literary elements in “Flowers for Algernon.” 1st, 2nd: Reading Stations (Plot, Theme, Characterization, Inferences, Objective Summary) 4th/5th Benchmark Testing Friday: I can participate in a think aloud while I read. Students will go to RTI and Enhancement Groups for Differentiated Reading Practice