
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Think about what an ecosystem service is. Try to define ecosystem service in your head and think about at least two examples. When you have done this, see how well you did by reading "Big Ideas" on p. 4 in your journal.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Land Use and Water Quality
MS – ESS3 – 3 Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.
Learning Target 2
Big Ideas
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use associated with them.
I can do this.
I need a review.
This is new. I need instruction.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Bad News and Good News
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
A family member, Great Uncle Richie Rich, who owned a large piece of property on the Ohio River, recently passed away. Unfortunately, Uncle Richie had no children, no friends, just a pound pup named Benjamin and 100 acres of land. (This is equal to about the size of 100 football fields.)
Good News: he named you as his sole heir... you inherit the land... and the dog.
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use associated with them.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
The Catch
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
Just like your parents, you will have to pay taxes to the government on the land you inherit. You just received a letter saying that you owe $12,000 in taxes on the land or you will lose it. But how are you going to raise the money? You are still in school! That after school job you have wouldn't even cover 10% of the cost of your taxes.
A few businesses have agreed to front you some money if you can come up with a great way to use the land to make more money.
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use associated with them.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
You will work in small group to discuss how you will develop the land in order to raise the money you need. You will have 15 minutes to make a plan and draw it out on a map of your real estate. Do not share your ideas with other groups.
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use associated with them.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Present your idea to the class.
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
When you present, remember:
• speak at a volume that all can hear
• speak clearly
• make eye contact with your audience
• control your posture and body language
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Audience Members
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
Listen carefully. Give the speaker your full attention.
Make eye contact with the speaker.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
Think About all of the Land Uses that were included in our watershed from the "River Runs Through it" activity.
1. List all the land uses.
farming, livestock, residential, industrial, urban, recreational
2. List all of the possible impacts that each land use would have on the water ecosystem?
For example: Agricultural Land ­ pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, erosion
livestock ­ animal waste, stream bank erosion
residential ­ household chemicals, septic tank leakage, pet waste, lawn chemicals, litter
industrial ­ erosion from channeling water, thermal pollution, chemical pollution
urban ­ thermal pollution, storm water runoff, sewage, flooding from impervious surfaces, litter
recreation ­ litter, sewage, oil and gas leaks.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Bell Work 3­2­1
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
1. List three ways humans use land.
2. List two impacts that each land use would have on a freshwater ecosystem. farming ­ erosion, excess nutrients
residential ­ litter, septic tank leaks
livestock ­ excess waste, streambank erosion
3. On the Riverside map, choose a specific land use that you think might have contributed to the fish kill. Explain your thinking. Answers will vary here
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Land Use Jigsaw
Science and Engineering Practice
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Group A ­ Thermal Impacts
Group B ­ Agricultural Impacts
Group C ­ Urban Impacts
Group D ­ Residential Impacts
Read your article. Summarize what you read.
Use these questions to help you prepare your summary:
What is it?
What are the water problems associated with it?
What can we do to improve the problem?
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Expert Groups
I can identify a variety of pollutants, their sources, and the land use
associated with them.
• Meet in your expert group.
• As a group, develop an acrostic to help your table group remember important information from your article.
King Henry Danced Merrily Drinking Chocolate • Stay on task.
• Watch your time. Milk
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L ­ Legend and Labels
I ­ Intervals
P ­ Points
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LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Bell Work p. 12
Identify the land use associated with the following pollutants.
a. industrial areas b. agricultural areas c. livestock areas d. residential areas e. urban areas
1. erosion, excess fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides
2. gas and oil leaks, pet wastes, flooding due to impervious surfaces, thermal pollution due to large amounts of pavement.
3. septic tank leakage, oil and gas, paint thinner and household chemicals.
4. chemical and thermal pollution, stream bank alterations, erosion, waste water releases
5. animal waste, stream bank erosion, bacteria/pathogens
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Expert Group
Science and Engineering Practice
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
You will have an additional fifteen minutes to:
• complete
• discuss/evaluate
• tweak your acrostic
Does your acrostic:
• Address the guiding questions (What is it?, What are the problems with it?, and What are ways to improve the problem)?
• Is it catchy and easy to remember?
• How will you present it to your classmates?
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Share out with your table group.
• Begin your jigsaw with article A sharing first, then B etc.
• Audience members you will evaluate one member at your table. To do this, use the guiding questions that helped you to construct your acrostic. Did each acrostic contain these components?
What is it? (1 pt.)
What are the problems associated with it? (1 pt.)
How can we improve the problem? (1 pt.)
Give specific feedback about how they can improve their acrostic. What was left out or incomplete? Write your feedback on your index card.
> A's will evaluate B's, B's evaluate C's, C's will evaluate D's, and D's will evaluate A's.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Land Uses and Associated Pollutants
Land Uses and Associated Pollutants:
Agricultural­nutrients (fertilizers), pesticides, chemicals, organic matter (for instance, soil loss from erosion and plant material), bacteria
Forest/Park/Recreation­ Nutrients (fertilizers), trash (debris), pet waste, bacteria
Residential­ nutrients(fertilizers), pet waste, bacteria, pesticides, chemicals, trash (debris), oil and gasoline, sediment, ( What is this? Heat pollution? Not in standards)
Commercial Business­ nutrients(fertilizers),oil, gasoline, chemicals, pesticides,
Industry, pesticides, chemicals, metals, oil and gasoline, thermal pollution, nutrients
Mixed Use­ all of these mentioned
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Big Ideas
Think about the lesson, "A River Runs Through it." What did you learn from the activity? What do you think is important to remember? Write your ideas under "Big Ideas" on p. 11.
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014
Content/writing space
LT ­2 A River Runs Through It with Answers.notebook
September 01, 2014