Tilden Hogge Elementary 4 Grade

Tilden Hogge Elementary
40 pencils
(assuming your child consumes 1
pencil per week…we are in
school approximately 36 weeks)
2 large Pearl erasers
4th Grade
4 composition books
(may need 4 more before
the year is out)
writing journal
any shape, size, or binding
(may need another before
the year is out)
1 small, hand-held pencil
sharpener that holds the
shavings (best for colored
1 pack of 12 Crayola
colored pencils
(may need another pack before
the year is out)
2 packs loose-leaf
filler paper
1 flat-clip clipboard
8 3-pronged,
2-pocket folders
4 highlighters
(different colors)
4 thin-tip Expo
dry erase markers
(may need to replace
through the year due to
wear & tear)
1 pair Fiskars scissors
4 glue sticks
1 Jump/Flash Drive
1 box of Kleenex
The following are optional classroom community items…any donations would be greatly appreciated.
 Dry Erase Markers (chisel
 Sanitizer
 Baby wipes
 Cleaning wipes (Clorox,
 Zip-top baggies (quart or
 Sharpie Brand Permanent
Lysol, etc.)
 Lysol
 Paper towels
August 01, 2015
Dear Parents,
The new school year is drawing near and we are ecstatic about the
opportunity to work with your child. On the reverse side of this sheet you should
find a list of items that will be used during the year. Because school supplies are
least expensive at this time of year, you may want to stock up now. We have priced
the list at about $25, however, if you have any difficulty locating or purchasing
these items, please feel free to contact us.
Excited Elementary Educators,
Ms. Hildebrandt and Mrs. Graham
(T. H. E. 4th Grade Teachers)
Back-to-School Readifest
Friday, August 7, 2015
@ McBrayer Elementary
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
~There will be a variety of informational booths set up, as well as goodies and supplies to be given away.
T.H.E. Back-to-School Social
Monday, August 10, 2015
@ Tilden Hogge Elementary
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
~A time to meet & greet teachers and classmates… AND enjoy a meal.
First Day of School
Thursday, August 13, 2015
@ Tilden Hogge Elementary
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
~Let the fun and learning begin!
Tilden Hogge 2015-2016
Fab Fourth Mustangs