NAME:______________________________ PSY 101 General Psychology Exercise #2: LIBRARY SEARCH PROJECT ITEMS TO FIND IN OUR LIBRARY: 1. Use the on-line Library Catalog to find two books on a psychologyrelated topic in the circulating collection. What SUBJECT did you search for? _____________________ List the books’ titles and call numbers below. (2 points) 2. Find two psychology reference books in our collection. List their titles and call numbers below. (2 points) 3. The library has the following periodical databases on-line: · PsycINFO/PsycARTICLES · Academic OneFile · Medline What are these databases used for? (1 point) How do you access each of them? (2 points) TOPIC: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing 4. Using the topic listed above, find an article with an abstract using one of the databases in #3. Write down the bibliographic information (the citation) for the article below. List the abstract (or accession) number if available. (3 points) Index searched: Citation of article: Authors: Article Title: Journal Title (Source): Volume/Issue Number: Pages: Abstract/accession # (if available): 5. List the titles of three psychology journals available through the library--list at least one print title and one online title. How did you find these titles? (3 points) 6. Obtain a current issue of Psychology Today and browse through its contents OR jump to the on-line version at Compare its contents to the contents included in one of the titles listed in #5 above. If you are completing this worksheet through the library’s web page, compare the articles in Psychology Today to the articles that can be accessed through PsycARTICLES. Would you consider Psychology Today to be a scholarly or “empirical” source? Why or why not? (2 points)