Kutztown University Department of Library Science and Instructional Technology ITC 435 Distance Education in K-12 Education (3 credits) Fall 2012 Online Instructor Information: Dr. Andrea Harmer Office Phone: 610-683-4301 Email: harmer@kutztown.edu Other important information: Classroom emergencies: Call Public Safety x34001 Counseling Office: Mary x 64215 Office Hours: Tues 3-5, Wed 4-5, Th 11-1, RL 9 (I will be in my office and also available by phone during these hours) If you need any extra help or clarification of issues related to this course, please feel free to come and see me during my office hours or send me an email. Text: Online readings assigned weekly (see schedule on this syllabus and articles in D2L Content section) Goal: To help students construct a strong foundation of distance education theory, terminology, research, and practice, as it relates to classroom activities in the K-12 setting. Specific Objectives: By the end of this class students will: 1) Understand research, methods, and applications related to Distance Education in K-12 classrooms. 2) Understand benefits and disadvantages to distance education in K-12 settings. 3) Be able to discuss the present state of instructional technologies used to facilitate distance education in the K-12 classroom. 4) Be able to understand and apply pedagogical strategies for effective online learning. 5) Be able to apply best practices and emerging technologies to a distance education design. 6) Be prepared to design and develop an effective online syllabus, which details course objectives, events and activities. 7) Be able to determine where the K-12 distance education is headed, based on past events, research, and current course readings. Behavioral Expectations: Our class together is considered a learning community and as such, all community members are expected to treat each other with respect and compassion. All members’ knowledge gained through their individual and group experiences should be valued as it contributes to our learning environment. Honesty is expected, enthusiasm and fun are welcome too!! Please be aware of university policies on plagarism. See http: www.kutztown.edu/library/reference/infolit/plagarism.asp The following schedule is considered a guide for our learning together and is subject to change. Regular attendance will ensure that you receive any updates or changes. Changes will also be posted on classroom D2L site in case of illness or bad weather. If you have already disclosed a disability to the Disability Services Office (215 Stratton Administration Building) and are seeking accommodations, please feel free to speak with me privately so that I may assist you. If you have an injury sustained during military service including PTSD or TBI, you are also eligible for accommodations under the ADA and should contact the Disability Services Office. ITC 435 8/11/12 1 Syllabus: DATE Week of 8/27 TOPICS/ACTIVITIES * Course introduction * Student introductions * Introduction to Distance Education Week of 9/3 * Benefits/Disadvantages of Distance Education and looking ahead to course design Week of 9/10 * Introduction- Connectivity and Online support associations Week of 9/17 * Applications in K-12 Education ITC 435 8/11/12 ASSIGNMENTS/DUE DATES By 9/3 you should 1. Create and send a Wordle file to the D2L discussion board that reflects your personality and introduces you to the class. Please see example and directions in D2L Content section. 2. In D2L content section, read, “Introduction to Distance Education.” 3. Read “Unique Needs and Challenges of K-12 Online Teachers” 3. On D2L discussion board, discuss your current familiarity with Distance Education, ex. as a student and/or as an instructor and what you see as the unique needs and/or challenges for K-12 educators. By 9/10 you should 1. In D2L content section, read, “Benefits of Distance Education,” and .” 2) Take survey describing what you believe is the greatest benefit to teaching or learning online By 9/17 you should 1. In D2L content section, read, “Connectivity.” 2. In D2L discussion board, discuss the different hardware and software “connections” you have used to connect remotely with others for educational purposes and which connectivity solution your school district is currently considering, if any. Also, discuss any learning management systems (LMS) that you are familiar with using, ex. Moodle, EdModo, MyBig Campus. By 9/24 you should 1. In D2L content section, read, “Applications in K-12 Education,” and “A Comprehensive Look at DE in the K-12 Context.” 2. On D2L discussion board, describe how you would apply DE methods to enhance your current classroom experience. 2 Week of 9/24 * Overview of Technology and Rethinking Education in the Digital Age Week of 10/1 * Print technology * Audio technology * Emerging Technologies in Distance Education Week of 10/8 Understanding Online Learning Pedagogical Strategies Week of 10/15 * Computer Technology * Web 2.0 apps used in online learning (see post in news section and additional files in Resources) Week of 10/22 * Video Technology and Open Educational Resources Week of 10/29 * Implementation of DE, Designing the Course Syllabus, planning events and activities ITC 435 8/11/12 By 10/1 you should 1. In D2L content section, read, “Overview of Technology” 2. Read “Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology.” By 10/8 you should 1. In online text, read, “Print technology,” and “ Audio Technology” and “Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, pps. ix – 22. Edited by George Veletsianos” 2. From the Emerging Technologies in Distance Education ebook, choose a chapter to summarize in a 3-4 paragraph post. This week, post ONLY your chapter choice and why you chose that particular topic (first come, first serve, chapter choices may not be duplicated) By 10/15 you should post your chapter summary in the Discussion Board. Read Chapter 8, “What works in K-12 Online Learning (Exceptional Learners).” By 10/22 you should 1. Read “Computer Technology,” and “Online Teaching and Classroom Change.” 2. To the digital dropbox, send a bulleted list of at least ten ways that you would change your teaching strategies and/or style as a result of having students at a distant location. By 10/29 you should 1. Read, “Video Technology.” 2. Choose an interesting course for staff development from the MIT Open Courseware site and share it with others on the D2L discussion board. Explain why you chose this particular topic. By 11/5 you should 1. Read “Implementation,” and “A Comparison of Organizational Structure and Pedagogical Approach: Online versus Face-toface.” 2. See D2L “DE Course Proposal / Syllabus Assignment” in D2L Content section and begin preplanning and organizing a 3 Week of 11/5 * Organizing for Teaching Week of 11/12 * Planning for Instruction Part 1 Week of 11/19 * Planning for Instruction Part 2 * Thanksgiving Break Week of 11/26, 7PM EST * Elluminate Live demo Monday 12/5, 7PM EST *Elluminate Live presentations *Students will present their proposals/syllabi on Elluminate rough outline of your course design, including teacher contact info and technology needs, in addition to content structure. By 11/12 you should 1. Read “Organizing for Teaching.” 2. Begin organizing one of your existing classes with more detail, as though you were hoping to teach it online next semester. See D2L “DE Course Proposal / Syllabus Assignment” in D2L Content section for more information. Due 11/28. By 11/19 you should 1. In D2L, read “Planning for Instruction, Part 1” 2. Begin planning and writing 2-4 pps. DE course proposal / syllabus. By 11/26 you should 1. In D2L, read “Planning for Instruction, Part 2” 2. Be prepared with ear buds or headset to log onto Elluminate session on 11/28 and 12/5 at 7PM EST. More details to follow on D2L homepage at that time. By 12/3 you should 1. Drop your DE course proposal/syllabus into D2L dropbox. 3. Summarize proposal for course and topics covered in course syllabus in 2-3 presentation slides. 3. Send your 2-3 slides to Slideshare.net or post online elsewhere so that we may access them via Elluminate during student presentations. Grading Rubric: (150 points total) Assignment Intro wordle Distance Ed experience, challenges Connectivity experience ITC 435 Point Value 10 pts. 10 pts. 10 pts. 8/11/12 4 Applications of DE in K-12 (D2L discussion board) Chapter Choice for summary Chapter Summary Bulleted List of DE Teaching Strategies MIT Open Courseware for staff development (D2L discussion) K-12 DE Course proposal/syllabus K-12 DE Course proposal/syllabus slide presentation Total 150 Range (as a percentage) 95.0 + 92 – 94.9 90 – 91.9 87 – 89.9 85 – 86.9 83 – 84.9 78 – 82.9 70 – 77.9 <70 10 pts. 10 pts. 20 pts. 20 pts. 10 pts. 25 pts. 25 pts. 150 pts. Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C D F References: Dede, C. (2005). Planning for Neomillennial Learning Styles. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 28(1), 7-12. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. FCIT (2009). Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of Southern Florida. Herring, M.C. & Smaldino, S.E.(1998). Planning for Interactive Distance Education: A Handbook. Association for Educational Communication and Technology. Washington, DC : AECT. Laureate Education, Inc. Walden University. (2011) “The Future Of Distance Education [Video Webcast]. Retrieved from: http://sylvan.live.ecollege.com/ec/crs/default.learn?CourseID=4894962&Survey=1&47=7389572&ClientN odeID=984650&coursenav=1&bhcp=1 Lowes, S. 2008. Online teaching and classroom change: The trans-classroom teacher in the age of the internet. Innovate, 4(3). Retrieved from http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=446 McFarlane, D.A. (2011). A comparison of organizational structure and pedagogical approach: Online versus face-to-face. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 8(1), January 2011, 143. http://www.thejeo.com/Archives/Volume8Number1/McFarlanepaper.pdf Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies. Available from the ITC 435 8/11/12 5 U.S. Department of Education at http://www.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/tech/evidence-basedpractices/finalreport.pdf Moore, M. G. & Thompson, M.M. (1990). The effects of distance learning: A summary of the literature. Research Monograph No. 2. University Park, The Pennsylvania State University, American Center for the Study of Distance Education (ED 330 321). Parker, A. (1997). A Distance Education How-To Manual: Recommendations from the Field. Educational Technology Review. 8, 7-10. Picciano, A. G. & Seaman, J. ( 2009). K–12 online learning: A 2008 follow-up of the survey of U.S. school district administrators. Boston: Sloan Consortium. http://www.sloan-c.org/publications/survey/k12online2008. Planty, M., Hussar, W., Snyder, T., Kena, G., KewalRamani, A., Kemp, J., Bianco, K., & Dinkes, R. (2009). The Condition of Education 2009 (NCES 2009-081). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. Available at http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2009/2009081.pdf. Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M. & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson. Verduin, J. R. & Clark, T. A. (1991). Distance education: The foundations of effective practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Willis, B. (1995, October). Distance Education at a Glance. University of Idaho Engineering Outreach. Available at http://uidaho.edu/eo/dist1.html. Zandberg, I. & Lewis, L. (2008). Technology-based distance education courses for public elementary and secondary school students: 2002-03 and 2004-05. (NCES 2008-08). Washington, D.C.: National Center for Educational Statistics. ITC 435 8/11/12 6