,. U.S. Dep~eti Agencies Cotikd of ~rm 7.0 Agenciw Comulted Bmuse the Ecologid Survey indicated that the proposed action wodd have no effect on any plant or wti~e spmies listed as tieatened or endangerti by the federd government, cons~tation with the USPWS was not rewired. However, an infocontact was made with the US~S to discuss and inform the agency of the survey rwdts. DOE has consdti the State of Washington State Historic Preservation Officer regarding the propos~ action and tie historic White Bluffs Road. Nthough the road is eligible for listing on tie Natiomd Register of Historic Plain, the segment witi the fend area of the 2M West was found to be a non-mnhibuting section to the historic status of the White Bluffs Road. Prior to DOE approval of this EA, it was provided to the State of Washington, the State of Oregon, the USWS, the Ykdian Nation, the ConfederatedTribes of the Umatila Indian Resemation, the Nez Perw Tribe, and the Wanapum People for review. co~en~ . were r=ived from tie State of Washington, the USWS, and the Nez Perce Tribe. These mmments were considerd in tie preparation of the fd EA. The mrnments and the DOE responses to these commenb are providd in Appenti C. . Wtionmeti Assessmed 7-1 SepEmber 1995