Learning and Teaching Committee 8/2015 (A

Learning and Teaching Committee 8/2015
(A standing committee of Academic Board)
Meeting 8/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee commenced at 12pm on Tuesday 8 December 2015
in the Sir George Lush Room, 27 Chancellors Walk (Chancellery Building A), Clayton campus.
There were present:
Professor Darrell Evans (Chair), Professors Ben Canny, Tina Overton, Jamie Evans (for Professor Julia
Lamborn), Ann Nicholson, Marilyn Baird, David Paganin, Mahendhiran Nair (via teleconference),
Associate Professors Kris Ryan, Susanna Scarparo, Moira Paterson, Ms Lisa Smith, Mr Mark Hatwell, Ms
Natalie Mitchell, Ms Tammy Fitzgerald, Mr Lindsay MacDonald (for Mr Trevor Woods), Dr Kate Tregloan,
Dr Ross Booth (for Dr Nell Kimberley), Ms Susan Kenton (for Professor Alan Reid), Ms Rebecca Lew.
Professor Chris Davies, Professor Julia Lamborn, Professor Alan Reid, Assoc Prof Anna-Mart van Wyk, Mr
John Rivett.
In attendance:
Ms Leanne McCann (for item 5.1 and item 5.2), Ms Janette Burke (for item 5.3), Mr Myles Fenton (for
item 6.1), Mr Ross Engelbrecht (for item 7.1), Mr Vern Garth (for item 7.3), Ms Melanie Koo.
Mr Hamid Khattak (for Ms Muyesser Durus).
Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items
Members noted that:
- Item 7.1 and 7.3 to be taken immediately after item 3.
- The Committee agreed that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and
that the actions recommended be taken or the information therein noted.
3.1 The Minutes of Meeting 7/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee, held on Tuesday 20
October 2015, were confirmed.
Schedule of Action Items
Professor Evans updated LTC on the following outstanding action items:
Monash passports and depth units – to be brought back to LTC meeting 2/2016 on 22 March.
Learning and Teaching principles – this action item is currently with Associate Professor Kris Ryan.
There is no update on this item as yet. To be brought back to LTC in early 2016 by Associate
Professor Kris Ryan.
Audio recording of correct pronunciation of student names upon enrolment – this matter is ongoing
and has been passed onto Ms Cathryn Bunney, Enrolment Services and Mr Mark Hatwell, Student
Business Services. This item is to be removed from the action item list and to come back to the
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committee as appropriate. Professor Evans acknowledged Professor Paganin for his diligence in
reading each student’s names with the correct pronunciation, at the recent graduation ceremony.
- Guidelines for opt-out system for lecture recordings was submitted by Dr Patrick Emerton. Professor
Evans noted that there were some concerns raised by the Chair of Academic Board and MSA. It was
decided that more work would need to be undertaken before considering the recommendations.
Professor Evans encouraged members to provide comments on the current document to Ms Melanie
Koo, which would be considered appropriately in the next phase of work on this issue. This issue
would be reconsidered to a future LTC meeting in 2016 (Meeting 2/2016 on 22 March or Meeting
3/2016 on 10 May).
The Committee noted the updated schedule of action items.
Chair’s Business
Chair’s Report
The Chair reported on a range of items including:
2015 has been a busy year for Learning and Teaching, and there have been many accomplishments
made. Professor Evans thanked LTC members for their efforts input throughout the year.
2016 will also be a busy session. Professor Evans requested members inform the committee
secretary of any items to be included for next year’s calendar of activity. The calendar of activity will
be included on the agenda (and discussed) for meeting 1/2016 to be held on 2 February.
Progress reports would be made during the year at LTC on the activity of the assessment working
party and action around the new education performance standards.
The Committee noted the Chair’s Report.
5 LTC Key Issues for 2015
Monash Education Academy 2015 Progress Report and Strategy for 2016 (Professor Tina
Overton and Ms Leanne McCann)
Monash Education Academy has been developing new activities and reviewing existing activities.
New activities include the membership scheme, a mentorship scheme, expansion of the fellowship
initiative, annual learning and teaching conference (university wide), engaging with faculties
regarding applying for travel grants, BTBL small grants, and fellowship grants, supporting and
mentoring education focussed staff, journal writing club, networking scheme etc.
MEA to launch a membership scheme and a mentoring scheme.
It was suggested that MEA to identify future stars and also develop a database regarding staff with
specialist expertise.
Student Recognition Prizes (Ms Leanne McCann)
The student recognition prizes were introduced in 2014 to recognise the contribution made by
students relating to Learning and Teaching. Students were nominated by their faculty, and
successful applicants were awarded a certificate and $500 credit card, and attended a morning tea
awards ceremony.
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The following students were awarded the student recognition prizes in 2015:
Recipient Name
Aaron Corera
Ami Pasricha
Emily Syme
Caitlin Hall
Robert Janes
Tim Randall
Martin Nguyen
Merry (Uyen Min Merry) Le
Jacob Uren
Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Friyana Billimoria
Nichita Garvelescu
Business and Economics
Luke Sell
Jennifer Chelsea Vere
Sarah Ward
Van Ben Phan
Williamson Mai
Professor Evans congratulated the above mentioned students and thanked Faculties for their nominations.
Pearson Evaluation Report (Mastering, MyLabs and The Neighbourhood) (Ms Lisa Smith and Ms
Janette Burke)
Ms Lisa Smith and Ms Janette Burke spoke to the attached presentation (see page 9).
Academics need to have training in these products before implementation.
Faculty charge-back model, 50/50 chargeback cost basis. Possible scope for inclusion of some
additional units in 2016 will be considered by the OVPLT and contact would be made through the
Comment was made that faculties don’t want to be locked into using only Pearson products. It was
suggested LTC look at other platforms and systems during the year with an initial discussion at LTC
meeting 3/2016 in May.
Updates from LTC Working Groups
AV Standards Working Group (Associate Professor Kris Ryan and Mr Myles Fenton)
The AV Standards Working group will meet quarterly, and will report back to LTC annually.
Mr Myles Fenton is working with staff development regarding organising training programs on how
to use AV equipment. 13 training sessions have been scheduled for next year however previously,
attendance has been extremely poor. Need to focus on getting the right people to the training
sessions or other forms of training.
Rolling out 90 new AV systems around campus in summer 2016. Planning updates for June (flat
floor and flipped classrooms).
Development of a Learning Space Strategy is under the learning spaces governance group, led by
Professor Edwina Cornish and will connect with work on AV standards.
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Learning spaces includes all spaces used for learning and teaching including those in the faculties,
the Library, etc.
Ms Lisa Smith and Mr Mark Hatwell suggested that the working group should include a
representative from the Library and from Scheduling Services. Ms Lisa Smith and Mr Mark Hatwell
to advise Mr Kris Ryan who will represent the working party from their respective business units.
Professor Ann Nicholson and Dr Paul White (alt Dr Kate Tregloan) nominated to be the ADE
representatives on the working group.
The Learning and Teaching Committee:
Endorsed the formation of the AV Standards Working Group.
Nominated two ADEs for membership to the Working Group.
Content Warning Proposal (Associate Professor Kris Ryan)
The focus of the proposal was to ensure that the University acts in the best interest of the students.
A new proforma was developed, see page 73 of the agenda papers. The new proforma aims to
reduce the workload for Academics. On the new proforma, it is clearly emphasised that all material
is examinable.
There is no definitive list regarding topics that may be considered distressing for students as
different topics may be distressing for different students, depending on their life circumstances. It
was suggested that some guidance examples would be helpful.
Academics should notify students via Moodle if a content warning comes up after the unit guide has
been published, and until Semester 2, 2016 when the UGM solution will be ready, all content
warnings should be notified via Moodle.
It was suggested that optional field and templates be implemented, but would not be ready for
semester 1, 2016.
It was recommended to review this in a year’s time (meeting 7/2016 on 18 October or meeting
8/2016 on 6 December).
Action Items
1. Associate Professor Ryan to develop a
Associate Professor Kris
guidance document with examples of themes Ryan
which may require content warnings.
The Learning and Teaching Committee:
Approved the recommendations of the working group
Approved the form of the Content Warning pro-forma for inclusion in the UGM from
Semester 2, 2016.
Unit Guide Solution Working Group
Implementation of Unit Guide Manager (UGM) - Final report of the Unit Guide Solution Steering
Committee (Dr Paul White and Mr Mark Hatwell)
In 2013, LTC determined that the unit guide needed a uniform approach. As a result, the unit guide
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solution working group was formed.
Dr White thanked Faculty representatives and students who have gone above and beyond during
the consultation process. Dr White also reported that the UGM now produces high quality unit
Comment was made that the Unit Guides should be not only user friendly, but also engaging for
Mr Mark Hatwell noted that two additional issues have arisen regarding rollover functionality and
unit guides being accessible to students at all times.
Learning and Teaching Committee approved full implementation of the UGM for production of all
unit guides from Semester 1 2016, subject to the Project Team providing resolutions by March
2016 of the known issues and the two additional issues that have now arisen, i.e. rollover
functionality and unit guides being accessible to students at all time (including any upgrades to
Copyright Advisory Group
The Committee received and noted the minutes from the Copyright Advisory Group meeting held
on 13 October.
Policies and Procedures
Resubmission of Proposed Special Consideration Procedures (Mr Mark Hatwell and Mr Ross
The special consideration procedures were discussed at LTC meeting 7/2015, however LTC was
unable to approve the proposed changes at the previous meeting. Further work was required
following meeting 7/2015 and therefore the proposed procedures were re-submitted to LTC
meeting 8/2015 for final approval.
LTC members were given the opportunity to voice any remaining comments or considerations
before LTC signed off on recommendations, comments included:
- On page 116 of the agenda papers 5.3 of the Special Consideration Policy states that “The Unit
Teaching Faculty/Department will make a decision as to the outcome of the application.”
Comment was made that it was not clear who is responsible for making the decision and that
leaving this statement deliberately broad was not helpful. Clarification on this statement would
cause less confusion for students, particularly those who are studying double degrees. Mr Mark
Hatwell and Mr Ross Engelbrecht to review wording and amend at a later date.
- Question raised regarding who will be able to see sensitive student information? Only those who
are trained in the system. Audit trails can only record actions, not who has viewed the system.
Faculties must have appropriate procedures in place. Chair of Academic Board to advise
regarding what the protocol should be regarding audit trails for systems. Currently, Callista
only audits actions not view access. Dr Kate Tregloan, Mr Mark Hatwell, Associate Professor
Moira Paterson and Professor Chris Davies to discuss in further detail off-line.
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Action Items
2. Professor Ann Nicholson asked a question
Ms Natalie Mitchell
regarding updating the Board of Examiners in
the policy and procedures. Ms Natalie
Mitchell to action accordingly.
The Learning and Teaching Committee:
1. Noted the new online special consideration application process for end-of-semester, centrallyscheduled examinations to be implemented from Summer Semester 2015-16.
2. Approved the proposed changes to the Special Consideration Procedures as tracked in the
attached agenda papers.
Proposed Amendments to the Grading Scale Policy and Procedures (Ms Natalie Mitchell)
Amendments to the grading scale policy and procedures arose from the comments made regarding
special consideration procedures from 7/2015. Following this meeting, Ms Natalie Mitchell has
sought advice from Office of General Counsel regarding the proposed amendments to the grade
scale policy and procedures.
- Professor Evans reported some editorial amendments required on page 129 of the agenda papers.
Professor Evans to send comments to Ms Natalie Mitchell / Ms Melanie Koo for amendment.
• endorsed the changes to the Grading Scale Policy for approval by Academic Board (see
Attachment A); and
• approved the amendments to the Grading Scale procedures (see Attachment B).
Implementation of Evening Examinations (Mr Vern Garth)
Mr Vern Garth reported that scheduling of day exams are at capacity, and that some venues
currently being used are not as suitable as Caulfield racecourse.
Running some exams in the evening would be in the best interest of the students as the venue
would be more appropriate. It would also be beneficial for academics as they would have more
time for marking if some exams were scheduled earlier in the exam period.
It was proposed that evening examinations would be scheduled from 6pm – 8.10pm on Monday to
Thursday at Caulfield racecourse. The first examinations which would move to evening exams
would be units that are taught at night and only taught to Australian based students.
Mr Garth has liaised extensively with the student associations on this matter.
Mr Garth advised that during evening exams, there would be increased security and that the
university would run additional intercampus shuttle bus services. Students are not impacted by
train services during the evening, however bus service decrease in the evening. Ms Lisa Smith noted
that the Caulfield Library is open until midnight, therefore the campus is a safe environment for
students waiting for public transport. The availability of the library will form part of the
communication to students.
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Mr Garth noted that students would not have three exams scheduled over the same day.
It was noted that SWOTVAC would not be affected by this proposal
LTC members made the following comments regarding the proposal:
Volunteers such as student rights officers often attend exams and this service would be
impacted during evening exams. Need have to provide appropriate support for students
through proper resourcing. Professor Evans and Mr Garth to discuss off-line
Concerns regarding students who may have three consecutive exams. Need to track that
there isn’t a high number of students in this category and that these students are supported
appropriately if this does occur. Mr Garth suggested that these students may be able to
start an exam later in the morning or earlier in the evening.
Students who are caught cheating during an evening exam may be kept back late due to the
interview that follows. Question raised regarding how these students would get home? Mr
Garth noted that cab charges are available to students in this situation.
There is a current over-reliance on three hour exams. Suggested running more two hour
exams rather than running evening exams where possible. The assessment working group
are looking at different methods for assessment and also the relevant assessment policies
and procedures. Currently 50% of exams are three hour exams.
It was proposed that the evening exams be discussed at LTC after the next 2 examination
runs next year so that feedback can be sought from LTC members (LTC meeting 8/2016 or
1/2017). Mr Garth will continue to work with the student associations on this matter and
work to resolving any outstanding issues and concerns.
The Learning and Teaching Committee:
1. Noted the briefing paper
2. Approved the proposed amendments to the Unit Assessment Procedures at Appendix A of the
agenda papers.
Faculty Reports
The Committee received and noted the minutes / reports from the:
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (*Note: Following this meeting, Dr Kate Tregloan advised that
an amended version of the minutes were available and attached on page 16 for information).
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Information Technology
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
LTC also noted that the confirmed minutes are not yet available for the following Faculties (no report for
this meeting) from Faculty of Law, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Science.
Other Business
On behalf of the Learning and Teaching Committee, Professor Evans thanked Associate Deans Professor
David Paganin and Associate Professor Moira Paterson for their ongoing input and efforts on the
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Professor Evans acknowledged student member Ms Rebecca Lew, undergraduate student member who
has served on the committee for a 2 year term of office to end in 2015. Professor Evans thanked Ms Lew
for her support and contribution to the committee, as she has provided a student voice to each meeting.
Professor Evans acknowledged the contribution of Professor Ben Canny, not only on this committee but
as the President of Academic Board. Professor Canny is leaving Monash University at the end of 2015.
Professor Evans wished Professor Canny well for his next appointment in Tasmania.
Professor Evans thanked all committee members for their contribution to Learning and Teaching this
year and wished everyone Merry Christmas.
10 Next Meeting is scheduled to be held on 2 February 2016 in the Sir George Lush Meeting Room,
Ground Floor, Building 3a, Clayton Campus from 3.15pm.
11 2016 Meeting Dates
LTC meetings will be held on Tuesday at 3.15pm in the Sir George Lush Room, Ground Floor, Building 3a,
Clayton Campus on the following dates:
due by Mon
Meeting, Sir George Lush
Tuesday 3.15pm
ADE Forum
Sir George Lush Room
2.00pm – 3.00pm
25 Jan
2 Feb
14 Mar
22 Mar
22 Mar
2 May
10 May
20 Jun
28 Jun
28 Jun
1 Aug
9 Aug
12 Sep
20 Sep
20 Sep
10 Oct
18 Oct
28 Nov
6 Dec
6 Dec
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