Learning and Teaching Committee (A standing committee of Academic Board)

Learning and Teaching Committee
(A standing committee of Academic Board)
Meeting 7/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee commenced at 3.15pm on Tuesday 20 October
2015 in the Sir George Lush Room, 27 Chancellors Walk (Chancellery Building A), Clayton campus.
There were present:
Professor Darrell Evans (Chair), Professors Chris Davies, Tina Overton, Jamie Evans, Ann Nicholson,
Marilyn Baird, David Paganin, Mahendhiran Nair (via teleconference), Associate Professors Angela
Carbone, Kris Ryan, Libby Tudball (for Associate Professor Alan Reid), Dr Kate Tregloan, Dr Sarah
McDonald (for Associate Professor Susanna Scarparo), Dr Patrick Emerton (for Associate Professor Moira
Paterson), Dr Paul White, Ms Lisa Smith, Mr Mark Hatwell, Ms Natalie Mitchell, Ms Rebecca Lew.
Associate Professors Anna-Mart van Wyk, Alan Reid and Susanna Scarparo, Mr Trevor Woods, Mr John
In attendance: Associate Professor Robert Nelson (for item 5.1), Mr Ross Engelbrecht (for item 7.1), Ms
Melanie Koo.
Observers: Mr Hamid Khattak, Mr Lindsay MacDonald, Ms Michaela Hill.
Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items
Members noted that:
Item 5.1 - Academic Orientation to be taken immediately before item 3.
The Committee agreed that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and
that the actions recommended be taken or the information therein noted.
The Minutes of Meeting 6/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee, held on Tuesday 15
September 2015, were confirmed.
Schedule of Action Items
Professor Evans updated LTC on the following outstanding action items:
Various ADE’s have contributed to the Faculty Education Awards and Grants page of the ADE
Forum GoogleSite. LTC members may send documents to Melanie Koo to upload, or if
requiring assistance with the GoogleSite.
Professor David Paganin reported that the update on audio recording correct pronunciation
of student names upon enrolment to be deferred to the next meeting.
Dr Patrick Emerton reported that the guidelines for the opt-out system of lecture recordings
is currently in progress. This item was deferred to the next meeting.
Following the last LTC meeting, Ms Elizabeth Toy developed a flow chart for the SETU
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screening and distribution process. Dr Kate Tregloan commented that the flow chart did not
demonstrate the distribution of line of management after week 8 and subsequently
developed a Faculty specific document. Dr Tregloan flagged this may cause issues in future.
Action Items
1. Professor Evans to put Dr Kate Tregloan in
touch with Ms Elizabeth Toy to discuss and
refine the chart as appropriate.
Professor Evans
The Committee noted the updated schedule of action items.
Chair’s Business
Chair’s Report
The Chair reported on a range of items including:
Learning and Teaching student recognition prizes
Learning and Teaching student recognition prizes were established in 2014. The LTC student
recognition prizes commend and promote contribution that selected students make to the
enhancement of learning and teaching within their faculty.
Faculties have been asked to nominate students for this year’s prizes by the end of October.
The OVPLT will host a morning tea award ceremony in recognition of awardees. Winners of
the learning and teaching student recognition prizes will receive a certificate and a $500 gift
Agenda for LTC meeting 8/2015 scheduled 8 December
In some instances, items on the calendar of activity were delayed until meeting 8/2015.
Therefore, there is a full agenda for the final meeting of LTC for 2015.
One of the key items on this agenda will be a report from Professor Tina Overton on Monash
Education Academy (MEA). This will include a progress report for 2015, and MEA strategy
going forward.
Professor Evans reported the need to review the calendar of activity for 2016, and
commented that there needs to be a more systematic approach going forward so that
business is spread more evenly across meetings
Exam Paper Errors Checklist
Professor Evans thanked ADE’s for their feedback on exam paper errors.
Exam paper error checklists have been amended for ease of use.
Action Items
2. Professor Evans to send new exam paper
checklists to ADEs.
Professor Evans
[Following the
LTC meeting,
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this has been
APC Scheduling
Professor Evans tabled the attached Monash Student Association (MSA) APC Guidelines
document (pg. 7).
The guidelines were developed following items raised at the APC Forum earlier this year, for
use in the 2016 APC hearings period.
Professor Evans encouraged faculties to use the guidelines where at all possible. The
guidelines will be reviewed at the next APC forum after the 2016 APC round to ascertain the
usefulness of the guidelines and if there were any difficulties in implementing the
LTC Key Issues for 2015
Academic Orientation (Associate Professor Robert Nelson)
- Associate Professor Robert Nelson provided an update on online academic orientation and
the flipped orientation. The proposed approaches and next steps were well received by
Monash Education Academy (Professor Tina Overton)
Professor Tina Overton reported on the following:
Award of 10 Fellowships, 1 Associate Fellowship. High number of high quality submissions.
Early meetings and discussion with Fellows to discuss how they work with MEA.
Dragon’s Den first round evaluation complete with the main event due in early November.
Small grants advertised for $5,000. Closing date 23 October.
Eleven travel grants awarded for travel to national and international education focussed
Higher Education Research programme to commence in November, with up to 20
Networking the networks scheme to be launched imminently.
Unit enhancement showcase scheduled for 6th December.
BTBL Showcase to be held on 15 January 2016.
Annual Learning and Teaching Conference to be held in June/July 2016.
Communications strategy including new website, e-bulletin, twitter etc.
Planning for 2016 underway.
Professor Overton to present at December LTC meeting on MEA progress and strategy. LTC
members are invited to provide input during this discussion.
Action Items
3. Professor Overton to report on MEA progress Professor T Overton
and strategy at the next LTC meeting.
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Professor Evans spoke to the attached presentation (pg. 9).
Positive feedback has been received regarding the MOOCs
Professor Evans formally thanked the design teams as well as Mr Adrian Devey and Mr Rowan
Peter for coordinating the MOOCs project.
Updates from LTC Working Groups
Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Project (Professor Darrell Evans)
English Language Proficiency Development Working Group (Professor David Paganin)
- Professor David Paganin reported on the following:
- Recently recruited a new staff member to assist with developing the “one stop shop” website,
which is to contain links to all fronts relevant to English Language Proficiency.
- Updates were given on several sub-projects including the "Ascent" online modules on
academic English led by Mr Andrew Johnson, the post-entry pilot led by Dr Anna Podorova,
the Conversational English Programs led by Mrs Marta Skrbis, and the various initiatives led by
Associate Professor Robert Nelson.
- The Working Group are still awaiting the outcome of the Strategic Bid for next year's funding,
which was authored by Professor Darrell Evans, incorporating documents authored by the
Working group.
- Currently there is no policy on English language proficiency; however the policy sub-group is
anticipated to be re-convened in the near future.
- Professor Evans congratulated Professor David Paganin and those involved in the English
Language Proficiency Development Working Group.
Policies and Procedures
Proposed Amendments to Special Consideration Procedures to Allow Streamlining of Student
Application Process for End-of-Semester Centrally Scheduled Examinations (Mr Mark Hatwell
and Mr Ross Engelbrecht)
- Following the online demonstration of special consideration (presented at LTC meeting
4/2015) faculties raised further questions regarding the special consideration procedures.
- LTC members held lengthy discussion over the proposed amendments to the special
consideration procedures including the following comments below:
- Concern regarding the integrity of documents such as scanned medical certificates.
- Online processes will improve efficiency however, the new process would reduce staff
and student interaction. Comment was made that the lack of interaction with
students means less opportunity to flag students at risk. However, Mr Hatwell and Mr
Engelbrecht advised that Faculties have the flexibility to use the system as a tool, and
engage with students as they wish.
- The proposed amendments to special consideration procedures have broader
implication for policy framework and procedures operating in parallel, particularly for
double degree students.
- The online system will be rolled out to campuses, however, there will be a period
where the online system will not be available to international campus.
- Question regarding interim grades, and when is a grade a grade? Further advice
required from the Office of the General Council on this issue.
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As a result, LTC did not approve the proposed changes to the special consideration
procedures at this meeting. The decision was held off and further work is required before it is
re-submitted to LTC for final approval.
Action Items
4. Meeting to be arranged with Ms Glenda
Beecher, Professor Ben Canny, Ms Natalie
Mitchell and representative from SEBS to
discuss legal implications of amendments to
special consideration procedures.
Ms N Mitchell
5. LTC members were requested to send
comments regarding the proposed
amendments to the special consideration
procedures to Melanie Koo. Mr Mark
Hatwell and Mr Ross Engelbrecht to review
received comments.
All LTC members
4 November
Mechanisms for Ensuring Provision of Timely Assessment Details to Students
LTC noted the 2015 compliance by Faculties, with the requirement for assessment information to
be provided to students in a timely fashion, for transmission to Academic Board.
Faculty Reports
The Committee received and noted the minutes / reports from the:
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Information Technology
Faculty of Law
LTC also noted that the confirmed minutes are not yet available for the following Faculties (no report for
this meeting) from Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and Faculty of
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Other Business
No other business to report at this meeting.
10 Next Meeting is scheduled to be held on 8 December 2015 in the Sir George Lush Meeting Room,
Ground Floor, Building 3a, Clayton Campus from 12.00pm – 2.00pm.
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11 2016 Meeting Dates
LTC meetings will be held on Tuesday at 3.15pm in the Sir George Lush Room, Ground Floor, Building 3a,
Clayton Campus on the following dates:
due by Mon
Meeting, Sir George Lush
Tuesday 3.15pm
ADE Forum
Sir George Lush Room
2.00pm – 3.00pm
25 Jan
2 Feb
14 Mar
22 Mar
22 Mar
2 May
10 May
20 Jun
28 Jun
28 Jun
1 Aug
9 Aug
12 Sep
20 Sep
20 Sep
10 Oct
18 Oct
28 Nov
6 Dec
6 Dec
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