Learning and Teaching Committee (A standing committee of Academic Board)

Learning and Teaching Committee
(A standing committee of Academic Board)
Meeting 5/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee commenced at 3.15pm on Tuesday 11 August 2015
in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Monash University Club, 32 Exhibition Walk, Clayton campus.
There were present:
Professor Darrell Evans (Chair), Professors Tina Overton, Ann Nicholson, Marilyn Baird, David Paganin,
Associate Professors Angela Carbone, Kris Ryan, Susanna Scarparo, Alan Reid, Dr Kate Tregloan, Dr Nell
Kimberley, Dr Scott Wordley (for Professor Jamie Evans), Dr Patrick Emerton (for Associate Professor
Moira Paterson), Dr Paul White, Dr Fay Patel (via teleconference), Ms Lisa Smith, Mr Mark Hatwell, Ms
Natalie Mitchell, Mr John Rivett, Ms Kara Gilbert, Ms Saranya Ramesh, Ms Rebecca Lew.
Apologies: Professor Chris Davies, Professor Ben Canny, Professor Jamie Evans, Ms Samantha Lipscombe,
Associate Professor Anna-Mart Van Wyk, Professor Alwyn Louw, Associate Professor Moira Paterson, Mr
Trevor Woods, Ms Tammy Fitzgerald.
In attendance: Ms Ngaere Blair (for item 6.1), Ms Janette Burke and Ms Amelia Veronese (for item 7.1),
Ms Melanie Koo.
Observers: Mr Hamid Khattak, Mr Lindsay MacDonald.
Members noted the membership changes below:
1. Mr Trevor Woods, Chief Information Officer will be the representative for eSolutions.
2. Mr John Rivett (Faculty of Arts) replaces Ms Margaret Murphy as the Faculty Manager
On behalf of LTC, Professor Evans thanked Ms Margaret Murphy for her input at various LTC
meetings and to the LTC portfolio.
Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items
Members noted that:
Item 7.1 – Monash Student Association (MSA) Opt-Out System of Lecture Recordings Proposal and
then item 6.1 – Student Success Steering Group be taken immediately before Item 3.
Dr Kate Tregloan requested that point 1 of item 6.4 – Exclusions Procedures Advisory Group be
The Committee agreed that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and
that the actions recommended be taken or the information therein noted.
The Minutes of Meeting 4/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee, held on Tuesday 7 July
2015, were confirmed.
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Schedule of Action Items
Professor Evans updated LTC on the following outstanding action items:
Delayed Deferred Exams is an ongoing task. Ms Natalie Mitchell advised that Withdrawn
Incomplete Grades will be sent out in due course.
Associate Professor Kris Ryan is taking the lead for the BTBL technology road map. This item
to be now taken off of the action list.
Professor Tina Overton advised that the status of adjuncts (eligibility to become a fellow or
Honorary Fellow was discussed by MEA Executive Council. It was decided that staff no longer
working for Monash would cease to be Fellows. This item to be now taken off from action list.
Unit Guide Template – Faculty compliance issue to be raised at an upcoming LTC meeting.
Sharing course mapping resources – This item was subsumed by work being done by the
Faculty of Pharmacy.
LTC principles – Associate Professor Alan Reid has completed the summary document
(attached pg. 1).
Action Items
1. Next stage is that Associate
Professor Alan Reid to send the
summary document to Associate
Professor Kris Ryan for further
Associate Professor Kris Ryan
LTC meeting 6/2015.
Audio recording of pronunciation of names – not yet actioned.
The Committee noted the updated schedule of action items.
Chair’s Business
Chair’s Report
The Chair reported on a range of items including:
Academic Integrity and IP Protection (AIIPP) Working Party has been formed and will be
Chaired by Dr Nell Kimberley. The first meeting is scheduled for 19 August.
Professor Evans reported that he recently provided an update to the Resources and Finance
Committee, which was received favourably by the committee and University Council. Dr Nell
Kimberley commented that Council needs to be aware that the implementation of our
learning and teaching strategy, BTBL, is a long term commitment. Discussion progressed
around the question of measuring progress on unit enhancement and Associate Professor Kris
Ryan reported that a draft document has been sent to ADE’s for consultation. Professor Evans
advised faculties that data on unit enhancement and other BTBL initiatives must be reported
in a consistent manner across faculties.
Professor Evans and Associate Professor Ryan recently met with Mr Ron Sawyer, CIO
Directorate to discuss Audio Visual (AV) standards. It was agreed that LTC would endorse
pedagogical basis of development in AV and technology enhancement, refresh timetables,
refresh standards and would provide an evaluation framework for AV in learning and teaching
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Questions raised whether there will be training for Academics regarding how to use AV in the
learning and teaching spaces? Training in this area is currently conducted on an adhoc basis.
Associate Professor Ryan will Chair an LTC working group on AV standards and this issue will
be considered by the working group.
Action Items
2. Learning and teaching spaces to
be discussed at a future LTC
Ms Melanie Koo to schedule
LTC meeting 6/2015.
into an upcoming LTC agenda.
Professor Evans and Associate Professor Ryan recently saw a demonstration of the Student
Futures Platform and reported positively on the platform’s appearance and useability.
Action Items
3. Ms Tammy Fitzgerald to showcase Ms Tammy Fitzgerald
the Student Futures Platform at
an upcoming LTC meeting.
LTC meeting 6/2015.
LTC Key Issues for 2015
CEED Framework (Associate Professor Angela Carbone)
- Associate Professor Carbone reported on the attached tabled document (pg. 7).
- Associate Professor Carbone reported that the CEED team have been working with various
groups including Disability Services, Indigenous Engagement, University Library, Human Ethics
Committee, Primary Health Care and the University Policy to develop CEED modules.
- A schedule of CEED pilot modules to be offered in Semester 2, 2015.
- CEED modules to be offered in blended or online formats.
- Associate Professor Carbone explained the process of how to develop a CEED module.
- Question - how will the CEED team plan for scaling up modules in the future? Associate
Professor Carbone would discuss within the CEED team and present to the CEED Board on
such scaling plans.
- It was suggested that Associate Professor Carbone provide an update on CEED to Academic
Better Teaching Better Learning (Professor Darrell Evans)
5.2.1 Education Performance Standards Project
Professor Evans reported that the steering group met recently for the first meeting.
Strong focus on consultation and engagement. Ms Elizabeth Toy is working with Faculties.
The associated Peer Assessment process (for probation and promotion) has not yet been
developed, but it is likely that Academics will be unable to choose their assessor, and that the
assessor will be outside of their faculty.
In contrast to Peer Assessment, the Peer observation will be run within the faculties as a
collaborative process for observer and observee and is designed to enable improvements in
teaching practice.
It was suggested to offer professional development in peer assessment. Professor Evans
explained that there was training already in place for peer observation and in due course
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similar training would be made available as part of a peer assessment process.
Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Project (Professor Darrell Evans)
- Registration for Creative Coding course and Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance
are now open. Courses will be held on 3 August and 14 September respectively.
- Additional outputs from MOOCs – Professor Bruce Scates will launch the book of the 100
Stories Project at a special event being held at the Melbourne Museum.
- Development is underway for the first Monash for-fee small private online course (SPOC)
delivered through FutureLearn.
- Professor Evans to visit FutureLearn in London next week to discuss the potential for SPOCs.
- Want to explore course pipeline. Looking for interested faculties to suggest course ideas for a
new course to be launched in September 2016.
- Dr Fay Patel reported that she recently attended the Regional Expert Meeting on Massive
Open Online Courses: MOOCs for Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific. This was organised
by UNESCO Asia and was held from 31 July to 1 August in Chengdu, China.
Action Items
Dr Patel
4. Dr Patel to contact Mr. Adrian
Devey to share key learnings from
the conference.
LTC meeting 6/2015.
[Following the
meeting, this action
item has been
5. ADEs to suggest suitable areas for All ADEs
MOOC and SPOC development
LTC meeting 6/2015.
Updates from LTC Working Groups
Student Success Steering Group (SSSG) (Associate Professor Kris Ryan and Ms Ngaere Blair)
- The first SSSG meeting was held recently, and it was agreed that the group would meet on a
monthly basis.
- Professor Ann Nicholson reported that the Faculty of IT has research expertise in analytics,
and suggested speaking to the learning analytics group within the Faculty.
- It was also suggested that it may be appropriate to have a representative from the MEA
involved in SSSG.
Action Items
6. SSSG to contact the Learning
Analytics Group within the Faculty
of IT.
LTC meeting 6/2015.
LTC noted the formation of the Student Success Steering Group, and received and noted the
proposed committee membership and terms of reference.
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MSA Content Warnings Working Group (Associate Professor Kris Ryan)
Professor Kris Ryan recently chaired a small working group to discuss the MSA content
warning proposal in further detail, following initial discussion at the last LTC meeting.
The working group decided that a content warning statement should be included in the unit
Exemplars to be developed in first instance.
Action Items
7. Content warning exemplars to be
MSA Content Warnings
working group led by
Associate Professor Kris Ryan
LTC meeting 6/2015.
English Language Proficiency Development Working Group (Professor David Paganin)
Strategic initiative bids were submitted this year. One bid was submitted by Professor Evans
and the other by the Campus and Community Division.
‘English at Monash’ website to be developed. Currently under discussion.
There are now up to 800 students enrolled in the Conversation English Program.
Currently there is no policy on English language proficiency; however Professor Paganin
reported that the policy group will be re-convened.
Exclusions Procedures Advisory Group (EPAG)
- APC process would not apply to 1 year Honours Programs students, as students studying for
12 months full-time will not trigger the APC process. To clarify, the APC process may still
apply to Honours students who are studying for more than 12 months e.g.) part time students
or students in an embedded honours program.
Action Items
8. Ms Melanie Koo to amend the EPAG report to
LTC to reflect the clarified statement above.
Ms Melanie Koo
LTC meeting 6/2015.
[Following the
meeting this action
item has been
completed, see pg.
LTC members commented that option 3 closing remarks was a kind gesture, but could be
easily misinterpreted. LTC decided to use the option 2) closing remark for letter 252 and 262
“We wish you success in your future endeavours” however, suggested that this needed some
minor editing. The committee generally supported the suggestion of “We wish you success in
your future endeavours beyond your time at Monash University”.
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Action Items
9. Ms Melanie Koo to amend the 252 and 262
letter proforma closing remarks as suggested
Ms Melanie Koo
LTC meeting 6/2015.
[Following the
meeting this action
item has been
completed, see pg.
13 - 16]
Amendment requested to EAP Notice of Decision Letter Proforma (pg. 45 of the agenda
papers). Where it reads as “2015 Academic Year”, the year should appear as a mail merge
field <<year>> as it will be used from year to year.
Action Items
10. Ms Melanie Koo to amend the EAP Notice of
Ms Melanie Koo
LTC meeting 6/2015.
[Following the
meeting this action
item has been
completed, see pg.
Decision letter proforma as suggested above.
Learning and Teaching Committee:
1. Noted the operational issues.
2. Approved the following revised proformas:
i. 112 – Notice of Referral and Hearing – Single Degree
ii. 122 – Notice of Referral and Hearing – Double Degree
iii. 132 – Notice of Referral and Hearing – Single Degree for 2nd Round
iv. EAP Notice of Decision Dismissed
3. Selected one of the three options for the closing remarks for the following proformas:
i. 252 – Re-Hearing with Conditions
ii. 262 - Re-Hearing, Excluded, No Materials
4. Received and noted the minutes of the EPAG meeting 1/2015 held on 15 July 2015.
Policies and Procedures
Monash Student Association (MSA) Opt-Out System of Lecture Recordings Proposal (Ms Amelia
- This proposal was put forward by MSA to support students with disabilities or carer
responsibilities, as they may not be able to attend every lecture.
- Currently, if the lecture is not recorded, students with disabilities must register with Disability
Services so that the Library can make special arrangements. Registering with Disability
Services will only pick up students with disabilities, but won’t pick up students with carer
responsibilities. There will be a carer’s register in 2016.
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Dr Nell Kimberley reported that lecture recordings were particularly useful for international
students who may have difficulties understanding the lecture content. Students can re-play
the content after the lecture if required.
Dr Patrick Emerton reported that the Faculty of Law is trialing no recordings, except for
students with special circumstances.
Professor Ann Nicholson commented that because recordings were available online, some
students were not attending lectures.
Dr Paul White was in favor of an active learning approach rather than students listening to
lecture recordings.
Associate Professor Susanna Scarparo noted that the Faculty of Arts is unable to record
Language unit lectures as they are interactive classes.
Ms Janette Burke reported on the following:
Since 2011 the following have increased:
- 720 subjects recorded (Semester 2, 2015) up 11% (645 in 2011)
- 3,198,488 downloads up 200% (1,065,355 in 2011)
- 126 lecture theatres have lectures online enabled (101 in 2011)
The following are the number of subjects recorded in each Faculty:
- Art and Design - 11
- Arts - 150
- BusEco - 99
- Education - 41
- Engineering - 82
- IT - 95
- Law - 31
- Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences - 81
- Pharmacy - 41
- Science – 89
There are approximately 500+ tutorial rooms, labs, meeting rooms (average size 25) without
recording facilities and the average cost to upgrade these rooms is $100,000 each.
LTC members were supportive making resources available to students with disabilities and
carer responsibilities. However, members had different view-points on the proposal for optout lecture recordings.
LTC determined that individual faculties can choose whether to opt-in or opt-out, but students
with special needs must have access to the appropriate resources.
Action Items
11. A working group to be developed to consider
the opt-out lecture recordings proposal in
further detail, and to suggest guidance for
provision of suitable resources for students
with disabilities and carer responsibilities.
Ms Melanie Koo
LTC meeting 6/2015.
[Following the
meeting this action
item has been
completed. The
working group will be
led by Dr Patrick
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Emerton. Working
group meeting is
scheduled for 4
University Unit Guide Template and Unit Guide Manager (UGM) System: Endorsement of
Mandatory Sections (Mr Mark Hatwell and Dr Paul White)
- It is an annual task for the Learning and Teaching Committee to approve the mandatory
sections of the unit guide template for 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Mr Hatwell requested that the recommendation be adjusted. LTC approved the list of
mandatory unit guide sections but the order of mandatory unit guide sections will come back
to next LTC meeting for approval. Some faculties are moving mandatory fields for
confirmation at the next meeting.
Action Items
12. Mr Neville Hiscox / Mr Mark Hatwell to submit Mr Neville Hiscox LTC meeting 6/2015.
the order of the mandatory sections of the unit / Mr Mark
guide to the next LTC meeting for approval.
The Committee approved the list of mandatory unit guide sections as set out in Appendix 2, which will
be incorporated in faculty templates by the Academic Services Group for 2016, 2017 and 2018 unit
*Note: Approval of the order of the mandatory sections was deferred until the next LTC meeting.
Learning and Teaching Committee also noted the advice on a number of potential adjustments to the
mandatory unit guide sections identified in Appendix 2.
University Experience Survey (UES): 2013 – 2014 Monash Summary of National Data
The Committee received and noted the UES Report.
Faculty Reports
The Committee received and noted the minutes / reports from the following faculties:
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Faculty of Science
LTC also noted that the confirmed minutes are not yet available for the following Faculties (no report for
this meeting):
- Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
- Faculty of Information Technology
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Faculty of Arts
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10 Other Business
11 Next Meeting is scheduled to be held on 15 September 2015 in the Sir George Lush Meeting Room,
Ground Floor, Building 3a, Clayton Campus.
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