Learning and Teaching Committee (A standing committee of Academic Board) Meeting 2/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee commenced at 3.15 pm on Tuesday 17 March 2015 in the Sir George Lush Meeting Room, 27 Chancellors Walk (Chancellery Building A), Clayton campus. MINUTES 1 There were present: Professor Darrell Evans (Chair), Professor Marilyn Baird, Assoc Prof Angela Carbone, Professor Chris Davies, Ms Tammy Fitzgerald, Ms Kara Gilbert, Mr Mark Hatwell, Dr Colin Jevons (for Dr Nell Kimberley), Ms Rebecca Lew, Ms Natalie Mitchell, Ms Margaret Murphy, Professor Ann Nicholson, Professor David Paganin, Assoc Prof Moira Paterson, Ms Saranya Ramesh, Assoc Profs Alan Reid, Kris Ryan, Susanna Scarparo, Ms Lisa Smith, Ms Kate Tregloan, Dr Paul White, Ms Anna-Mart van Wyk. Apologies: Drs Nell Kimberley, Fay Patel, Mr Loris Strappazzon, Mr Gavin Dixon In attendance: Ms Kristina Kaulenas, Ms Elizabeth Toy, Ms Rhonda Hinds. Observers: Ms Margaret Hill, Ms Madeleine Soederberg, Ms Melanie Koo. 2 Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items No additional items were starred. The Committee agreed that all items on the agenda not starred be adopted without discussion, and that the actions recommended be taken or the information therein noted. 3 4 Minutes 3.1 The Minutes of Meeting 1/2015 of the Learning and Teaching Committee, held on Tuesday 3 February 2015, were confirmed subject to insertion of the following text immediately following the first paragraph: Members noted, in particular, that: A disconnect between FIT and eSolutions is apparent, which is causing the university to miss out on discipline-specific expertise during user acceptance testing of new systems/processes. Some functionality from Unit Guide Web Editor was not present in Unit Guide Manager. Members were advised that this would inevitably occur when moving to an enterprise-wide system, but that the UGM business requirements had met the working group’s specifications. 3.2 The Committee noted the updated Schedule of Action Items. Chair’s Business 4.1 Chair’s Report The Chair reported that Monash’s new Strategic Plan was due for consideration at Council meeting 2/2015. The Provost’s Office was also working on the new Academic Plan, and it was expected that the Committee would be given opportunity for input into its development. 4.2 Delayed Deferred Exams (DDEs) The Committee had before it confidential material relating to arrangements for managing scheduling of deferred final assessment at Monash (i.e. Delayed Deferred Exams - DDEs) and noted, inter alia: − The primacy of issues around student equity, support for student learning, equity and clarity of process, continuity of learning, and role of the educator. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\Minutes\2015\02-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 1 − Availability of DDE should be founded on sound pedagogy. − The gap between availability of Withdrawn Incomplete (WI) and DDEs. − Need for better process alignment between WI and DDEs, and consistency in administration of DDEs across the University. − Importance of flexibility and choice for students in need– balanced against administration of DDEs within a timely period, so as to ensure continuity of student learning. In relation to the latter, the Committee agreed that the maximum period during which a DDE could be scheduled should be 12 months from the end of the exam period for the unit concerned. − Potential for exposure in some highly specialised units taught by single members of staff. The Committee endorsed retention of the capacity to schedule delayed deferred exams under Academic Board Regulation 22. Members then proceeded to discuss the additional agenda recommendations and determined that: Action Items Item Responsibility Due 1. Investigate arrangements to cater Professor D Evans, Ms N for cases where an academic is not Mitchell available to create or mark a DDE. 4.3 2. Future LTC discussion item investigate possibility of introducing default 6 months, with 12 as an exception. Professor D Evans, Ms N Mitchell 3. Review DDE eligibility criteria – include work to ensure crossUniversity alignment and alignment of DDE with WI. Ms N Mitchell 4. Further work to develop clear guidance and resources for staff and students. Ms N Mitchell 2015 Calendar of Activity Members noted the 2015 Calendar of Activity. 5 Better Teaching, Better Learning 5.1 Technology Outlook - the Monash View Members had before them, and were encouraged to provide feedback on, the OVPLT learning technology approach and activities which scoped an approach to management of on campus learning technology and a platform for further development. Members noted that: − Varying levels of technological competence could be better reflected in the paper. − The next steps were indicative only, and would undergo refinement and be represented back to LTC. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\Minutes\2015\02-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 2 6 Other Key Issues for 2015 6.1 Monash Education Academy The Committee noted that: − The Academy would be formally launched on 18 March. − The Executive Council had been established and Academy operational staffing models were being considered. − An Academy website had been established http://intranet.monash.edu.au/learningandteaching/academy/index.html The Committee also acknowledged the work of the Taskforce in bringing the Academy to this point. 6.2 New model for Student Discipline Item deferred to a future meeting. 6.3 SETU Implementation The Committee noted that, as discussed with the President of Academic Board, implementation would occur in two phases: 1. Enactment of new communications routes and introduction of the new statement of purpose. 2. Other elements, including the unit item list. Members also had before them the proposed SETU Survey screening and distribution guidelines and noted that these represented a move to a more proactive management approach. During discussion, members noted that: − Central screening (with its safeguards) would facilitate timely distribution of information to teaching teams. − Further training and information would be provided. − Should a serious allegation be made against a member of staff in the qualitative comments, this would be dealt with at an early stage in accordance with Monash policies. Actions 6.4 Item Responsibility 5. Investigate enabling of printing function. Ms K Kaulenas 6. Ensure access to information via authcate. Ms K Kaulenas, Professor A Nicholson, Assoc Prof K Ryan 7. Discuss intersection of screening and SETU secondary purpose. Professor D Evans Chairs, Ethics Committees Due Update to LTC 3/2015 Faculty led and introduced issues Members engaged in discussion on Professor Paganin’s paper Parity of esteem for Education and Research: Why we need it and how we are getting there. Key issues included: − The need for greater advocacy in this area. − The need to raise expectations of, and the bar for, education excellence. − Determination of appropriate measures of quality, including elements other than publications and how to assess education-focussed as opposed to discipline-based research. − The extent to which funding for education is used to support research. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\Minutes\2015\02-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 3 − Potential for leveraging public perception of the role and function of universities. − Faculty practice e.g. parity of funding for education and research initiatives, use of funding for OSP. − Potential for linking rankings with the ability to teach certain subjects. − Lobbying through the Go8 DVCs (Academic). Members commended the work by Professor Evans to raise the profile and standard of education at Monash, in particular the establishment of the Monash Education Academy. 7 Updates from LTC Working Groups 7.1 English Language Proficiency Development Working Group Item deferred to LTC 3/2015. 7.2 Unit Guide Solution Working Group Dr White reported on progress towards rollout of Unit Guide Manager. The Committee: 1. Approved an extension to the exemption allowing faculties to use Unit Guide Editor for production of units for Semester 2, 2015, using the 2014 Unit Guide template. 2. Supported the reconfiguration of the University unit guide template into ten faculty variations with University mandatory sections in the Unit Guide Manager. 3. Approved inclusion in the Academic Services Group’s role of the creation/maintenance of faculty variations and a quality assurance function to ensure compliance with the University template/mandatory sections. 7.3 Learning and Teaching Pedagogical Principles Working Group Item deferred to LTC Meeting 3/2015. 7.4 Assessment Working Group Item deferred to LTC Meeting 3/2015. 7.5 Special Consideration Working Group Members had before them an update from Ms Mitchell on the policy review and also noted that the recent focus of the (centralisation) working group led by Mr Hatwell had been on supporting the online applications facility. It was anticipated that this would go live for Semester 1 applications. Actions 7.6 Item Responsibility Due 8. Demonstrate the online process. Mr M Hatwell LTC 3/2015 Copyright Advisory Group Members noted that the revised Copyright Policy and Procedures were approved by Academic Board Meeting 1/2014, and are now accessible at: http://www.policy.monash.edu/policy-bank/management/governance/copyright-compliancepolicy.html 8 Policies and Procedures 8.1 Student Complaints and Grievances Policy and Procedures The Committee: 1. Endorsed the Student Complaints and Grievances Policy for submission to Academic Board. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\Minutes\2015\02-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 4 2. 3. Approved the Student Complaints and Grievances Procedures, subject to approval by the Graduate Research Committee. Noted the Grievance Lodgement Form. The Committee was also advised that late revisions specific to HDR student complaints would be considered by the imminent meeting of the Graduate Research Committee. 8.2 Student Voice in Learning and Teaching The Committee 1. Endorsed the new Student Voice in Learning and Teaching Policy for submission to Academic Board. 2. Approved the amendments to the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) Procedures. 3. Noted that the SETU Procedures will be revised once the new approach to SETU is ready to be operationalised. 4. Endorsed rescission of the Student Evaluation Policy for submission to Academic Board. 5. Endorsed rescission of the Student Representation and Consultation Policy for submission to Academic Board. 6. Rescinded the MEQ Survey Procedures. 9 Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Project The Committee noted the update on progress and future directions of the Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Project. 10 Timing of results release The Committee noted that: 1. Results publication for Semesters 1 and 2 would occur at 9:00am (AEST/AEDT) on the Monday, with no results to be released earlier, effective as of Semester 1 results publication on Monday 13 July. 2. Faculties, Monash Connect and the Campus Community Division (Counselling Services) would ensure all support services are available to students from 9:00am on the Monday. 11 Quality Verification System (QVS) Members noted the 2014 QVS Report, and in so doing, voiced concern over the slow turnaround time in receipt of assessor reports. Actions Item Responsibility 9. Prepare submission to Go8. Professors D Paganin, D Evans. Due 12 University Experience Survey The Committee received and noted the University Experience Survey (UES): Monash University Preliminary Results 2014. 13 Faculty Reports The Committee received and noted the Report of Meeting 1/2015 of the Education Committee of the Faculty of Business and Economics. 14 Items of Other Business The Committee noted the Update on Lectures Online availability. 15 Next meeting 5 May 2015. S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee\Minutes\2015\02-2015-Ltc-Minutes-Confirmed.Docx Page 5