Learning and Teaching Committee 3/2016 (A

Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 3/2016
Learning and Teaching Committee 3/2016
(A standing committee of Academic Board)
Meeting 3/2016 of the Learning and Teaching Committee will be held on Tuesday 10 May, 2016 commencing
at 3.15pm in the Sir George Lush Room, Chancellery Building A, 27 Chancellors Walk, Clayton Campus.
Michael Fenaughty
Acting Secretary
Members having a direct commercial or financial interest in any item before this meeting must declare that interest to the
Chair via LTC Secretary prior to consideration of the item, and must not take part in a vote on any matter concerning it.
Part A Procedural Matters
Via Teleconference: Professor Mahendhiran Nair and Associate Professor Catherine Yule.
In Attendance: Ms Georgia Blood, Office of the Vice-Provost (Academic Performance); Ms
Janette Burke, University Library (for Ms Smith); Mr Thomas Perry, Coordinator, Disability
Support Services, Campus Community Division; Ms Madeleine Soederberg, Senior Policy
Officer, Education Development Policy Team.
Apologies: Ms Lisa Smith.
Observers: Dr Muyesser Durur, Monash College.
That Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC):
1. Note the nomination of Associate Professor Catherine Yule to LTC as the member for
Monash University Malaysia.
2. Acknowledge the contribution of Professor Mahendhiran Nair in representing Monash
University Malaysia.
Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items
Certain items appearing in the agenda have been marked with an asterisk. These are items
that appear to need discussion by the Committee. Items that do not appear to need
discussion are unstarred. Items may be starred prior to the meeting by contacting the
Secretary, or at this point in the meeting.
That the unstarred items on the agenda be adopted without discussion and that the actions
recommended taken or the information therein noted.
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Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 3/2016
Minutes of LTC Meeting 2/2016
pp 1-6
The minutes of LTC Meeting 2/2016 held on 22 March 2016 are attached.
That the Minutes of LTC Meeting 2/2016 be confirmed.
Schedule of Action Items
pp 7-10
That LTC note the updated Schedule of Action Items.
Part B Items for Discussion
Chair’s Business
Chair’s Report
Professor Darrell Evans will report on matters of current interest.
That LTC note the Chair’s Report.
Inclusive Teaching Toolkit for Students with Disability
pp 11-34
Mr Thomas Perry will give a short briefing on the purpose and background of the
That the Learning and Teaching Committee:
1. Approve the Inclusive Teaching Toolkit for Students with Disability.
2. Work with Disability Support Services to promote this resource across
Monash University.
Unit Enhancement Reporting
Professor Darrell Evans will give a verbal update on the progress of unit
enhancement reporting activities.
That LTC note the update on the progress of unit enhancement reporting activities.
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Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 3/2016
Assessment in Coursework Units Policy
pp 35-40
Professor Darrell Evans will introduce the item.
That LTC:
1. Note the draft Assessment in Coursework Units Policy.
2. Provide feedback on the Assessment in Coursework Units Policy.
Annual Report to Academic Board on Student Complaints and Grievances
pp 41-66
Professor Darrell Evans will introduce the item.
1. That LTC consider whether to:
(a) seek further comments or clarifications from faculties and divisions;
(b) make any specific recommendations or highlight matters for the
attention of Academic Board.
2. That LTC note the Student Grievances Annual Report for 2015.
LTC Key Issues for 2016
Education Performance Standards (EPS) Project Update
Postponed to a future LTC Meeting.
Education Technology Roadmap
pp 67-68
Prior to the meeting, members are invited to view a video which discusses the
progress of the Education Technology Roadmap. The video is available at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6ci-zfBNvM&feature=youtu.be Questions on the
video and Roadmap will be invited at the meeting.
That LTC provide feedback on the Education Technology Roadmap and
accompanying video.
Alternative E-platforms and E-resources
Professor Ann Nicholson will lead a brief discussion.
That LTC note the update.
Continuing Education Excellence Development (CEED) Framework pp 69-92
Associate Professor Angela Carbone will give a brief verbal update.
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Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 3/2016
That LTC note the CEED Framework.
Report on Exam Errors for Semester 2, 2015
pp 93-98
Professor Darrell Evans will speak to the Report.
That LTC note the Report.
Progress Reports
No reports for this meeting.
Updates from LTC Working Groups
Unit Guide Solution Steering Committee – Unit Guide Manager Project Update
pp 99-102
Dr Paul White and Mr Mark Hatwell to report.
That Learning and Teaching Committee approve access to all unit guides from the
Unit Guide Manager by all currently-enrolled students and current staff of Monash
Student Success Working Group
Associate Professor Kris Ryan will give a brief verbal update.
That LTC note the update.
Report of the Academic Integrity and Intellectual Property Protection Working
pp 103-136
Dr Nell Kimberley will speak to the Report.
That LTC discuss the Report and provide feedback.
Part C Items for Approval
Policies and Procedures
Unit Assessment Procedures: Proposed Amendments to Managing Delayed
Deferred Assessment
pp 137-140
That Learning and Teaching Committee approve the amendments to Section F of the
Unit Assessment Procedures.
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Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 3/2016
Amendment of the Standard Grading Schema
pp 141-150
That Learning and Teaching Committee endorse for transmission to Academic Board
1. Addition of the grade of NSR (Not Satisfied Requirements) to the Standard
Grading Schema for any unit with a teaching calendar census date on or after
1 January 2017.
2. Exclusion of the NSR grade from the calculation of GPA, CGPA and WAM.
Part C Items for Noting
Monash University Malaysia Education Strategic Plan 2016-2018
pp 151-160
That LTC receive and note the Monash University Malaysia Education Strategic Plan 20162018.
Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Project Update
pp 161-163
That LTC receive and note the MOOC Project Update.
Faculty Reports
That LTC receive and note the minutes/reports from the Faculty of:
Business and Economics.
Confirmed minutes are not yet available for the following Faculties (no report for this
Art, Design and Architecture.
Information Technology
Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Other Business
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for 28 June 2016 in the Sir George Lush Room, Chancellery
Building A, 27 Chancellors Walk, Clayton Campus.
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