Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2016 Learning and Teaching Committee 2/2016 (A standing committee of Academic Board) Meeting 2/2016 of the Learning and Teaching Committee will be held on Tuesday 22 March 2016 commencing at 3.15pm in the Sir George Lush Room, 27 Chancellors Walk (Chancellery Building A), Clayton campus. Michael Fenaughty Acting Secretary Members having a direct commercial or financial interest in any item before this meeting must declare that interest to the Chair via the Committee Secretary prior to consideration of the item, and must not take part in a vote on any matter concerning it. Agenda Part A * 1 Procedural Matters Membership Resolutions: That Learning and Teaching (LTC) note: 1. The appointment of new ADE Faculty of Law, Professor Gerry Nagtzaam. 2. The appointment of new undergraduate student member Ms Michelle Chu for a term of office from 1/1/2016 – 31/12/2016. 3. The appointment of new postgraduate coursework student member Ms Isabelle Lau for a term of office from 1/1/2016 – 31/12/2017. 4. Mr Jim Koutsoukos alternate for Ms Tammy Fitzgerald. Welcome: Please welcome new members as listed above. Mr Michael Fenaughty, Acting Secretary for Melanie Koo. In Attendance: - Ms Nicola Powell (for item 5.1, Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) University Experiences Survey (UES): 2013-2014 Monash Summary Report) - Associate Professor Colin Jevons (via teleconference for item 7.1, English Language Proficiency Development Working Group update) Via Teleconference: Professor Mahendhiran Nair Apologies: Associate Professor Anna-Mart van Wyk, Associate Professor Susanna Scarparo, Mr Mike Scott, Mr Trevor Woods, Mr John Rivett. Observers: Dr Muyesser Durur, Ms Shona Arnott (for agenda item 8.1) S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2016\2-2016 March\Ltc-Agenda-2-2016.Docx Page 1 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2016 * 2 Arrangement of Agenda and Starring of Items Certain items appearing in the agenda have been marked with an asterisk. These are items that appear to need discussion by the Committee. Items that do not appear to need discussion are unstarred. Items may be starred prior to the meeting by contacting the Secretary, or at this point in the meeting. Recommendation: That the unstarred items on the agenda be adopted without discussion and that the actions recommended taken or the information therein noted. 3 Minutes * 3.1 Minutes of Meeting 1/2016 pp 1 The minutes of LTC Meeting 1/2016 held on 2 February 2016 are attached for approval. Recommendation: That the Minutes of LTC Meeting 1/2016 be confirmed. * 3.2 pp 9 Schedule of Action Items Recommendation: That the Committee note the updated schedule of action items. Part B Items for Discussion 4 Chair’s Business * 4.1 Chair’s Report Professor Darrell Evans will report on matters of current interest. Recommendation: That the Committee note the Chair’s Report. 4.2 2016 Calendar of Activity (*Note: Attached as a separate word document) Recommendation: That the Committee note the final version of the 2016 LTC calendar of activity. 5 LTC Key Issues for 2016 * 5.1 Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) University Experiences Survey (UES): 2013-2014 Monash Summary Report (Ms Nicola Powell) pp 11 Recommendation: LTC notes the analysis. 5.2 University Experience Survey (UES): Longitudinal Analysis pp 43 Recommendation: LTC notes the UES longitudinal analysis. * 5.3 Review of Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) – Progress Report S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2016\2-2016 March\Ltc-Agenda-2-2016.Docx pp 59 Page 2 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2016 Recommendation: LTC notes the SETU progress report. * 5.4 Education Performance Standards (EPS) Project Update Recommendation: LTC notes the EPS project update report. * 5.5 Education Technology Roadmap Associate Professor Kris Ryan to provide a verbal report. 6 Progress Reports No progress reports to this meeting. 7 Updates from LTC Working Groups * 7.1 English Language Proficiency Development Working Group Associate Professor Colin Jevons to provide a verbal report via teleconference * 7.2 AV Standards Working Group Associate Professor Kris Ryan to provide a verbal report. 7.3 Copyright Advisory Group: Monash University Screenrights Survey 2015-16 pp 65 pp 69 Recommendation: That LTC note the Monash University Screenrights Survey 2015-16 submission and video. * 7.4 Unit Guide Solution Steering Committee – Unit Guide Manager Project Update Dr Paul White to report. pp 71 Recommendation: That Learning and Teaching Committee notes the UGM project update. Part C Items for Approval 8 Policies and Procedures * 9 8.1 Industry Based Experiences Policy (Ms Natalie Mitchell) Recommendation: That Learning and Teaching Committee discuss the proposed policy framework and procedural framework and to provide feedback. Monash Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Project Update pp 75 pp 85 Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the MOOCs project update. 10 Faculty Reports Recommendation: That the Committee receive and note the minutes / reports from the: - Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture - Faculty of Arts - Faculty of Business and Economics S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2016\2-2016 March\Ltc-Agenda-2-2016.Docx pp 89 pp 97 pp 103 Page 3 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2016 pp 111 pp 115 pp 129 pp 137 pp 169 pp 179 - Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Law Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty of Science - Confirmed minutes are not yet available for the following Faculties (no report for this meeting): Faculty of Education 11 Other Business The Student Futures Platform is now live and can be accessed at the link below: monash.edu/student-futures 12 Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for 10 May 2016 in the Sir George Lush Meeting Room. 13 2016 Meeting Dates LTC meetings will be held on Tuesday at 3.15pm in the Sir George Lush Room, Ground Floor, Building 3a, Clayton Campus on the following dates: LTC Submissions to Michael.Fenaughty@ monash.edu due by Mon 5.00pm Meeting, Sir George Lush Room Tuesday 3.15pm ADE Forum Sir George Lush Room Tuesday 2.00pm – 3.00pm 2 May 3/16 10 May - 20 Jun 4/16 28 Jun 28 Jun 1 Aug 5/16 9 Aug - 12 Sep 6/16 20 Sep 20 Sep 10 Oct 7/16 18 Oct - 28 Nov 8/16 6 Dec 6 Dec S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2016\2-2016 March\Ltc-Agenda-2-2016.Docx Page 4 of 5 Learning and Teaching Committee Agenda 2/2016 LEARNING AND TEACHING COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ex Officio Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) (Chair) Professor Darrell Evans Acting Secretary for LTC Mr Michael Fenaughty (for Melanie Koo) University Librarian/nominee Ms Lisa Smith Chair, Academic Board/nominee Professor Christina Twomey (for Professor Chris Davies) Director, Student and Education Business Services/nominee Mr Mark Hatwell (alt Mr Ross Engelbrecht) Director University Policy/nominee Ms Natalie Mitchell Academic Director, Office of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching) Director, Education Excellence, Office of the ViceProvost (Learning and Teaching) Assoc Prof Kris Ryan Assoc. Prof Angela Carbone Chair, Monash Education Academy Professor Tina Overton (alt Dr David Albrecht) Administration (physical learning spaces) Administration (Career and Employability) Mr Mike Scott Ms Tammy Fitzgerald (alt Mr Jim Koutsoukos) Chief Information Officer Mr Trevor Woods (alt Mr Lindsay MacDonald) Faculty Members Art, Design & Architecture Arts Business and Economics Education Engineering Dr Kate Tregloan (alt Dr Pamela Salen) Assoc Prof Susanna Scarparo (alt Dr Sarah McDonald) Dr Nell Kimberley (alt Prof Rob Brooks) Assoc Prof Alan Reid (alt Associate Professor Allie Clemans / Libby Tudball) Professor Julia Lamborn (alt Ms Samantha Lipscombe) Information Technology Professor Ann Nicholson (alt Ms Margot Schuhmacher) Law Medicine, Nursing and Heath Sciences Dr Gerry Nagtzaam Professor Marilyn Baird (alt Professor Wayne Hodgson) Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Science Dr Paul White (alt Dr Ian Larson) Dr Christopher Thompson (alt Professor Cristina Varsavsky) Faculty Manager Mr John Rivett, Faculty of Arts President-led Campus PVCs/Nominees Monash South Africa Monash University Sunway Campus Berwick/Peninsula Student Members Two undergraduate students One postgraduate coursework student Observer Assoc Prof Anna-Mart van Wyk (alt Professor Alwyn Louw) Prof Mahendhiran Nair Professor Leon Piterman Ms Michelle Chu (to 31 December 2016) Ms Sarah Ward (term of office from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017) Ms Isabelle Lau (term of office from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017) Dr Muyesser Durur (Director for Diplomas, Monash College) S:\ADM\ES\Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC)\Agendas\2016\2-2016 March\Ltc-Agenda-2-2016.Docx Page 5 of 5