Group I G Informaation Thank you u for scheduliing a visit to O OMSI! The folllowing is infoormation aboout what OMSSI expects of yyou prior to an nd during you ur upcoming ffield trip. Before yo our trip: Give each chap perone a copyy of your sche edule for the day, includin ng arrival timee, scheduled evvents and loccations, lunch time and loccation, and deeparture timee. Give each chap perone a copyy of the muse eum floor pla n (provided w with this packket). Printed m maps ble at the musseum. arre not availab Assign a small group of stud dents to each h chaperone. ducate chape erones and students regard ding OMSI’s eexpectations during your vvisit (listed beelow). Ed In n an effort to be more susttainable, OMSSI encouragess groups to pack lunches in reusable co ontainers. OM MSI will provid de non‐refriggerated storagge for lunches before and after lunch. Make enough M nametags forr all students and adults inn your group ((and a few exxtra just in case). Th he nametags should have the name of the group onn them, but no ot the namess of individual sttudents. Upon arriival at OMSI: Arrive no earlier than 9:30 A AM and no laater than 15 m minutes beforre your first sscheduled eveent. W in the morning, please sto op in front of f OMSI’s main n entrance. An n OMSI When arriving re epresentative e will board yo our bus, tell yyou where to check in, and d give your sttudents a brieef orientation. If you are comiing in separatte vehicles, pllease ask you ur group to meet in the Planetarium lo obby. If you are not approaached within a few minutees of your arrrival, please h have a re epresentative e come to the e Concierge w window or thee front desk. Be prepared to o confirm you u attendance count of how w many studeents, chaperones, and stafff are present so that OMSI may invoice the grroup for any bbalance due. U 2014‐2015: If your group hhas made reseervations to u use one of thee sack h Policy for 2 Updated Lunc lu unch areas at OMSI, you w will need to ca arry your luncches to the lu unchroom. Non‐refrigeratted bins will be pro ovided in the lunchroom for storing lunnches during yyour visit. Bins are for lun nch sttorage ONLY, and should n not be used to o store coats,, backpacks, p purses, or oth her personal items. (Lockerss are available for 50 centss for those w ho need addiitional storagge.) Please keeep in mind that OMS m SI does not have refrigerattors or micro waves available for publicc use. You wiill ne eed to pick up p your lunchees in the luncchroom at thee end of the d day. Paarking is free for preregistered groups. Staff membeers will instruct buses abou ut where to p park upon arrival. G Groups arrivin ng in private vvehicles may park in the O OMSI lots (locaated at the North an nd South end ds of the build ding respectivvely) for no chharge, but driivers will need to register their parking spacess in order to aavoid receivin ng a ticket. A parking form has been inccluded in your co onfirmation m materials for yyour convenience. Any vehhicles not inccluded on thee parking form m will need to registe er individuallyy at the muse eum front dessk. OMSI Fie eld Trip 1 During yo our visit: Evveryone in the group mustt wear a nametag bearing the group’s n name at chesst level at all ttimes. Running, horse eplay, eating, drinking, and d chewing gu m are prohib bited in the exxhibit halls. Sttudents mustt stay with chaperones at aall times. Anyyone who is lo ost should find an OMSI re epresentative e for assistancce reconnectiing with his oor her group. It is important that your entire group arrrives for Labss, Stage Progrrams, Planetaarium Shows, mpirical Theaater Films, and Submarine Tours at leasst 10 minutes early. For safety and Em sccheduling reaasons, late entrance is not available. Please do not aarrive early o or late for you ur scheduled llunch time. To allow room m for other gro oups, en your studeents. Keep in m mind that you ur entire grou up please do not leave empty seats betwee le to sit togetther. may not be ab m Eaach group is rresponsible fo or cleaning up p after lunch;; cleaning sprray and paperr towels are provided for th his purpose. O n items. OMSI is not re sponsible forr lost or stolen Only preschoo O ol and kinderggarten groupss (children 6 yyears old or yyounger) are aallowed in thee Sccience Playground. Adults are required to accompany stude ents into the IInventor’s Ball Room in the Turbine Hall. Please note that throwing b balls at other people is striictly prohibiteed and may result in you aand yo our students being asked tto leave the B Ball Room. Photography iss generally allowed in the museum exc ept in the Plaanetarium, Em mpirical Theater, an nd the Prenattal Exhibit in tthe Life Scien nce Hall. Phottography mayy also be proh hibited in other Fe eatured Exhib bits as posted d. Groups are we elcome to visit any of OMSSI’s labs that aare open; how wever, labs m may be closed when reserved w d as part of a Reserved Lab b program an d to accomm modate staffin ng demands. Sccheduling a R Reserved Lab session is the e only way to guarantee a visit to a speccific lab. En ncourage you ur students an nd chaperone es to talk abo ut their disco overies and direct any questions theyy have to educators and vo olunteers locaated in each eexhibit hall. When you u depart: Pllease pick up p any remainiing sack lunch hes from the lunchroom b before boardiing your bus. OMSI does NO O OT load lunches back onto your school bus. If you are depaarting via school bus, pleasse make suree that your bu us is not blockking traffic on n Water Avenue W e when you lo oad your stude ents. OMSI Fie eld Trip 2 Frequ uently A Asked Q Questio ons from m Paren nts We are de elighted that your child will be attendin ng a field trip to the museu um! We belieeve that field trips are an integral part of childhood, an nd we are glad to be able tto be a part o of this importtant experience for students. Below you’ll find answerss to questionss we frequenttly receive fro om parents. Iff you have questionss that are not addressed he ere, please fe eel free to conntact us. Question: What will m my child be do oing at OMSI? What activiities has the class planned d? Will ________ be include ed? Answer: FFor informatio on about your child’s activvities and itineerary, please check with yyour child’s teacher or group leade er. This person is our pointt of contact foor your group p, and to elim minate confusiion it is best forr all questionss to go througgh him or herr, as there maay be details o of the trip plaanned by the group thaat OMSI staff are unaware of such as wh hen the busess will leave or return to scchool, or otheer stops the group may be planning du uring the day. For safety reeasons, OMSI registration staff may decline to answerr detailed que estions aboutt a group’s itin nerary that d o not come ffrom the grou up leader. If you have an u urgent questio on and are un nable to contaact your childd’s school, pleease contact u us and we will do our best tto assist you. Question: My family h has an OMSI m membership.. Can my child d use our meembership to come on thee field trip for free? If I am pllanning to be e a chaperone e, can I use ou ur membersh hip to come o on the field trrip for free? Answer: TThank you forr supporting O OMSI! We are e glad to know w that your faamily values tthe OMSI experiencce. OMSI is alsso pleased to o be able to offfer admissio n to our exhibits and otheer attractions to groups at a significantly reduced ratte; however, in order to offfer the loweest possible raates to groupss and d, OMSI doess not combinee our group rates with ourr to simplifyy the field trip process for all concerned membership privilegess. Just as yourr membership p is designed to provide th he best possib ble experiencce to you when n you visit as aa family, our ggroup rates aand field trip ppolicies are d designed to prrovide the beest possible e experience to a group. If yo ou and/or your child plan to visit with tthe group, paarticipate as p part of the gro oup, and expe erience OMSI as part of the e group, you will need to p pay the samee group rates as the rest o of the group. OMSI Fie eld Trip 3 Directio ons to O OMSI 194 45 SE Water A Ave. Portlandd, OR 97214 From I‐5 SSouthbound 1. As you near do owntown Porrtland, take exxit 300B. 2. Once on the ex O xit, move to tthe left‐most lane. 3. Fo ollow the bro own OMSI signs off the freeway to Belm mont Ave. 4. Continue east on Belmont tto 7th Ave. urn south (rigght) onto 7th A Ave. 5. Tu 6. Continue south h to Clay St. 7. Tu urn west (righ ht) onto Clay St. 8. Continue westt to Water Ave. urn south (lefft) onto Wate er Ave. 9. Tu From I‐5 N Northbound 1. As you cross th he Marquam Bridge in Porrtland, move tto the right‐m most lane. 2. Taake exit 300, marked OMSSI/Central Easstside Industrrial District. 3. Sttay in the righ ht lane on the e exit ramp. 4. Tu urn south (rigght) onto Watter Ave. From Hwyy 26 (Sunset Hwy) Eastbound 1. Move to the ri M ght‐most lane as the highw way approachhes the Vista Ridge Tunneel. 2. Fo ollow directio ons to I‐405 Southbound. Southbound,, follow signs to I‐5 Northbbound and cross the Marq 3. Once on I‐405 O quam Bridge. 4. On the bridge, O move to the right‐most laane and take exit 300, marrked OMSI/Ceentral Eastsid de In ndustrial Distrrict. 5. Sttay in the righ ht lane on the e exit ramp. 6. Tu urn south (rigght) onto Watter Ave. From Dow wntown Portland (via Morrison & Haw wthorne Bridgges) 1. Trravel east acrross the Morrrison Bridge (ffrom Alder Stt) or Hawthorrne Bridge (frrom Madison St). 2. Sttay in the righ ht lane. 3. Continue east to 7th Ave. 4. Tu urn south (rigght) onto 7th A Ave. 5. Continue south h to Clay St. 6. Tu urn west (righ ht) onto Clay St. 7. Continue westt to Water Ave. urn south (lefft) onto Wate er Ave. 8. Tu From Marrtin Luther Kiing Jr Blvd (Hwy 99E) Soutthbound 1. Trravel south to o Taylor St. 2. Tu urn west (righ ht) onto Taylo or St. 3. Continue westt to Water Ave. 4. Tu urn south (lefft) onto Wate er Ave. OMSI Fie eld Trip 4 From Grand Ave (Hwyy 99E) Northb bound 1. Trravel north to o Clay St. 2. Tu urn west (leftt) onto Clay St. 3. Continue westt to Water Ave. 4. Tu urn south (lefft) onto Wate er Ave. 4 (Banfield Fw wy) Westboun nd From I‐84 1. As you near do owntown Porrtland, move tto the center r lane. 2. As I‐84 mergess with I‐5, travvel south (lefft) and follow the brown O OMSI signs. 3. Th he signs will lead you off the freeway to o Belmont Avve. 4. Continue on Belmont to 7th Ave. urn south (rigght) onto 7th A Ave. 5. Tu 6. Continue south h to Clay St. 7. Tu urn west (righ ht) onto Clay St. 8. Continue westt to Water Ave. 9. Tu urn south (lefft) onto Wate er Ave. From Porttland Interna ational Airporrt 1. Taake Airport W Way eastboun nd. 2. Merge onto I‐2 M 205 southbou und. 3. Merge onto I‐8 M 84 westbound d. 4. Fo ollow I‐84 we estbound dire ections. Parking Ample parking is availaable. The postted $5 parkin ng fee does noot apply to prreregistered ggroups; howeever, using groups plaanning to parrk non‐schooll bus vehicless in the OMSI lot must regiister their parrking spaces u the form included in th he confirmation packet or at the museuum front deskk. OMSI Fie eld Trip 5 USS Blueb back Gro oup Submarin ne Tourss Thank you u for scheduliing a tour of tthe USS Blueb back submariine. Due to th he unique nature of this exhibit, w we ask that yo ou read the fo ollowing information and gguidelines in o order to makee your tour fu un, education nal, and safe. Groups of up to 14 people will be acccommodatedd at a time. M More than onee tour time caan be booked for groups large er than 14. In general each group w will spend rou ughly 40 minuutes on the su ub. Tour guides will be stationed aat several poiints along the e way to answ wer questionss. Fire codes prohibit adm mission to the submarine foor children un nder 3 years old and less tthan 36” tall. Narrow paassageways an nd steep stairrs make it neccessary for viisitors to havee good mobility and to weaar appropriatte shoes and cclothing. Stroollers, walkerss, canes, and wheelchairs are not permittted on the su ubmarine. Em mergency escaape routes via vertical ladders prevent disabled access beyond d the public dock. OMSI offfers a video ffor visitors wh ho are unablee to board the submarine. Visitors will go through two doorwayys as small ass 20” x 37”. Eaach visitor must be able to o pass through a model doorw way unassisted before beinng allowed on n the submarine. Be awaree that some peop ple may find tthe confined spaces aboarrd this vessel unsettling. Food, beve erages, gum, and smoking are not allow wed on the su ubmarine. There are no public resttrooms availaable on the suubmarine. OMSI Fie eld Trip 6 OMSI G O Group p Parkking Reegistration Form m Thank yyou for bringin ng your group p to visit OMSSI! While OM MSI does not require prereegistered groups to pay forr parking, we do require grroups to regisster their parkking spaces w with us upon aarrival. Pleasse use this forrm to registerr your parkingg spaces by lissting the spacces your grou up has used and submit it aat the Group ps Check In W Window. Any vvehicles in yo our group nott included on this form willl need to register in ndividually att the museum m front desk. Group Name: Visit: Date of V # of Vehicles: Please lisst the parkingg spaces used d by your grou up: OMSI Fie eld Trip 7