Employment Unit Task Rotations Name _________________ Directions: All students must complete Mastery Activity shaded in gray. Students are to select two of the other activities to complete. Each of the activities are described below Mastery Interpersonal Complete multiple choice Employment Exam. Develop a brochure that could be given to people preparing to search for a job. Use all key elements of employment and define each. Phrases and listings are appropriate Understanding Self-Expressive Compare and Contrast two interviews from the “Employment Interview” video. Be sure to pick one good interview and one bad interview for discussion. Use a venn, Y, or top hat organizer to pre-write. At least 5 points must be discussed. Create a mission statement for yourself that includes a sequence of immediate(1), intermediate (2), and long range goals (2)between your present situation and your career goals. Make it a realistic reflection of your deepest career desires. Use any form of pre-writing. Use full and complete sentences. Use appropriate graphics and styles. Option 2- Understanding Item 2 Interviews Selected Comparisons Discussed Contrasts Discussed Pre-Writing Used Spelling/Grammar Total Points Available 1 5 5 2 2 15 Points Earned Option 3- Self Expressive Task Item Points Available Immediate Goals 2 Intermediate Goals 4 Long Range goals 4 Spelling/Grammar/Format 4 Pre-writing 1 Total 15 Points Earned Option 4-Interpersonal Item Title Clearly Defined Arrangement Neat Key Elements Completely Covered and Correct Creative Approach Spelling/Grammar Total Points Available 1 2 8 2 2 15 Points Earned