2013 LT 7-12 Water Quality Intro to Ecology Review Name_______________________

2013 LT 7-12 Water Quality Intro to Ecology Review
Learning Target 7 – I can define dissolved oxygen and can explain a
variety of circumstances that cause DO levels to change.
1. What is dissolved oxygen?
2. List three ways that oxygen is produced?
3. What is the minimum level of DO most organisms need to survive in a
freshwater stream?
4. When is dissolved oxygen at its highest?_________ Lowest?________
Explain why.
5. What are two factors that can affect the amount of DO?
6. Explain the impact of altitude on DO.
Learning Target 8 – I can explain the relationship between water
temp and DO.
7. What is the relationship between dissolved oxygen and water
temperature?_________ Explain
8. In the water temperature/dissolved oxygen relationship, which one is
dependent on the other?
9. Sketch a graph that would show the relationship between water temperature
and dissolved oxygen.
Learning Target 9 – I can explain the effect of changing temperature
on a freshwater ecosystem and can identify factors that can change
the temperature of a body of water.
10. Most freshwater organisms have adapted to a narrow range of temperatures.
List four effects that changing temperatures can have on organisms.
12. List three factors that can change water temperature.
Learning Target 10 – I can define turbidity and can explain its impact
on freshwater ecosystems.
13. What is turbidity?
15 How does high turbidity affect the following? Explain each
Organisms 1 plant and animals 2 food webs 3 DO 4 temperatures 16. What is the number one source of non-point source pollution?
Learning Target 11 – I can define conductivity and can explain the
effect of a variety of factors that influence conductivity.
17. What is conductivity?
18. Why is measuring the conductivity of a stream important?
19. What is the major factor that influences conductivity?
20. List three ways conductivity increases.
21. List three ways conductivity decreases?
22. If you monitored a stream that had good conductivity and then took a
reading that was high, what could be possible causes? (List two)
Learning Target 12 – I can predict and explain changes in water
quality variables (pH, conductivity, temperature, DO, bio index, and
turbidity) in aquatic ecosystems between day and night
23. What is carbonic acid and how does it change between day and night?
24 Make a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the following water quality
parameters between day and night. (DO, Temp, Turbidity, bio index,
Conductivity, and pH)