Presentation Plus! Understanding Psychology Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Presentation Plus! Understanding Psychology
Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Daily Focus Transparencies (Unit 6)
Chapter 15
Daily Focus Transparency 15-1
Daily Focus Transparency 15-2
Daily Focus Transparency 15-3
Daily Focus Transparency 15-4
Chapter 17
Daily Focus Transparency 17-1
Daily Focus Transparency 17-2
Daily Focus Transparency 17-3
Daily Focus Transparency 17-4
Chapter 16
Daily Focus Transparency 16-1
Daily Focus Transparency 16-2
Daily Focus Transparency 16-3
Daily Focus Transparency 16-4
Daily Focus Transparency 16-5
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Continued on next slide.
1. This is because the
cat’s choice is
between two bad
alternatives, going into
the water or toward
the dog. 
2. Any example where
the person is faced
with alternatives which
would normally be
avoided. 
4. Other types of situations would include
choices between two agreeable alternatives
as well as situations which include multiple
bad alternatives or multiple agreeable
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3. It is called this
because the action
has both good and
bad consequences. 
Continued on next slide.
1. Heartbeat and
breathing quicken,
muscles tense,
pupils dilate, and
certain hormones
are secreted. 
2. The people cope
with the stressor.
One chooses to
fight the fire using
the fire
extinguisher. The
other flees. 
3. It is characterized
by physical and
mental exhaustion,
disorientation, and
possible delusions.
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Why do these things
happen to me?
I need a tow truck on
state road 66 east.
Continued on next slide.
Why do these things
happen to me?
1. She is using humor
to deal with the
stress. 
I need a tow truck on
state road 66 east.
4. Optimism and relaxation are
other types of responses that
might help a person deal with
a stressor.
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2. The person on the
left is likely
suffering the most
stress because her
anger and
pessimism will not
reduce her stress
very much. 
3. The person on the
right is trying to
deal with the
stress by trying to
solve the
problem. 
Continued on next slide.
1. They must care
for themselves
completely. 
2. They might be
seen as
unrealistic or not
what the student
expected. 
4. They might cope by
redefining their goals,
avoiding decisions,
emotional detachment
or through resynthesis.
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3. The image might
change as a result
of questioning
their own identity,
greater diversity,
or forming
or new
friendships. 
Continued on next slide.
1. The three areas of
adaptive functioning
are social relations,
functioning, and use
of leisure time. 
2. A teenager has a low
level of adaptive
functioning in the
area of social
relations. 
3. It would include them
to help identify and
diagnose the
problems someone is
dealing with.
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Continued on next slide.
1. The person on
the left suffers
from the fear of
heights, also
acrophobia. 
2. Answers will vary;
one way might be
to experience
heights under
safe conditions. 
4. Veterans, natural
disaster survivors,
and victims of
human aggression
are common
suffers of PTSD.
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3. Some common
symptoms are
insomnia, and
feelings of guilt. 
Continued on next slide.
1. The picture
demonstrates a
normal, temporary
loss of memory. 
2. A disorder is
different from an
experience in that
there is a long term
loss versus a short
term loss, and in an
experience the
persons identity is
not affected. 
3. Answers could
include dissociative
dissociative fatigue,
and dissociative
identity disorder.
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Continued on next slide.
1. The phrases are
connected by random
associations. 
2. They have difficulty
using language to
communicate. 
3. Schizophrenia seems
to affect the working
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Continued on next slide.
1. People could
begin because it
reduces tension,
makes them feel
confident, and
pressure. 
2. It distorts
perceptions and
sensations, slurs
speech, and
causes sluggish
reactions. 
3. Possible help
includes AA
treatment, and
Antabuse. 
4. Answers will
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Continued on next slide.
1. In individual therapy, you
have the therapist’s full
attention. In group
therapy, clients learn by
interrelating with other
group members. 
2. They can see how others
react to them. 
3. They can see more
clients, and they can
avoid problems with
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Continued on next slide.
1. Dream analysis might
be used to discover
unconscious thoughts
and feelings. 
2. A sports car is climbing
a steep winding road. 
3. Answers will vary. One
might interpret this
dream as a symbol of
moving forward but in
in an uncertain or
insecure direction. It
might also symbolize a
fear that someone is
coming to get
the dreamer.
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Continued on next slide.
1. Read the speech
aloud in front of a
mirror. 
2. Both people are
seated, making it
seem less like a
speech. 
3. Possible answers
include success at
previous steps or
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Continued on next slide.
1. The four types of
drugs are: antidepressants,
drugs,and lithium
carbonate. 
2. The biological
assumes that
there is a
biological cause to
the problem. 
3. Possible answers include:
depression, schizophrenia,
anxiety, psychosomatic
disorders, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, and bipolar disorder.
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display the answers.
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