555 Viking Drive Morehead, KY 40351 Date

555 Viking Drive
Morehead, KY 40351
Name of Your Contact
Name of the Organization
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear _________________:
The first paragraph of a typical business letter is used to state the main point of the letter. Begin with a
friendly opening. Then quickly transition into the purpose of your letter. This is where you will briefly
mention your assignment, your topic, and the fact that you are seeking information, but don’t go into
too much detail yet. Save that for the next paragraph.
Beginning with the second paragraph, explain to your contact what your research question is and what
you hope to accomplish with your research project. You want to make sure he or she understands what
you are doing.
In the closing paragraph, restate the fact that you are seeking information. Make sure your contact
understands that you are open to receiving information via e mail or the postal service, but you would
also like some form of personal contact through Skype, Face Time, a telephone call, or an in person
interview. Let your contact know that this type of communication can be arranged through your
teacher. Provide my name and contact information.
Type your name here.