Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Quasi-platonic actions of PSL2 (q) and their dessins Preliminary report S. Allen Broughton - Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology East Lansing AMS meeting, March 14, 2015 Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Overview Quasi-Platonic surfaces and actions. Dessins of QP actions and Galois action. QP actions and the dessins of PSL2 (q) Why PSL2 (q)? - simple group, many low genus actions, easy calculations Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Conformal actions Conformal actions The finite group G acts conformally on the closed, orientable Riemann surface S if there is a monomorphism: : G → Aut(S), the conformal automorphism group of S. Example Dihedral action on the sphere: S = P 1 (C), G = Dn = ha, b : a2 = bn = 1, aba = b−1 i, G-action given by a : z → 1/z and b : z → ωz, ω = exp( 2πi n ). Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Conformal actions Quasi-platonic actions - 1 Quasi-platonic actions satisfy: The quotient surface has genus zero: S/G w P 1 (C). The quotient map β : S → S/G is a meromorphic function: β : S → P 1 (C) which is ramified over three points, say {0, 1, ∞}. β is called a Belyi function. Example Belyi function for the dihedral action: β(z) = z n + z −n + 2 4 Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Conformal actions Quasi-platonic actions - 2 For all w ∈ β −1 (0), w ∈ β −1 (1), w ∈ β −1 (∞) the local degree of β at w has a common order l, m, n respectively. The stabilizer Gw at w ∈ β −1 (0), w ∈ β −1 (1), w ∈ β −1 (∞) is cyclic of order l, m, n respectively. If S has genus σ then Riemann-Hurwitz equation becomes: 2σ − 2 1 1 1 =1− − − . |G| l m n The triple (l, m, n) is called the signature of the action : G → Aut(S). Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Covering groups Covering by triangle groups - 1 An (l, m, n) triangle group is a Fuchsian group with presentation Tl,m,n = hA, B, C|Al = B m = C n = ABC = 1i A, B, C are clockwise hyperbolic rotations through angles 2π 2π of 2π l , m , n respectively, at the vertices of a hyperbolic 2π 2π triangle with angles 2π l , m, n . Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Covering groups Covering by triangle groups - 2 Given a quasi-platonic action of G on S, there is a triangle group ∆, containing a torsion free Fuchsian group Π, such that: Π E ∆, and S w H/Π and G acts on S w H/Π via an epimorphism η Π ,→ ∆ G such that η : ∆/Π ↔ G is the inverse of : G → Aut(S), upon identifying S w H/Π. η is called a surface kernel epimorphism. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Covering groups Covering by triangle groups - 2 Given ∆ = Tl,m,n = hA, B, Ci η : ∆ → G, let a = η(A), b = η(B), c = η(C). The triple (a, b, c) is called a generating (l, m, n)-triple of G. The generating triple satisfies: G = ha, b, ci (1) o(a) = l, o(b) = m, o(c) = n (2) abc = 1 (3) Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Equivalence of actions Equivalent epimorphisms and actions The surface-kernel epimorphisms of Tl,m,n , and hence quasi-platonic G-actions, are in 1 − 1 correspondence to the generating (l, m, n) triples of G. Two G-actions 1 , 2 : G → Aut(S) are called algebraically equivalent if 2 = 1 ◦ ω for some ω ∈ Aut(G). The associated generating triples satisfy (a2 , b2 , c2 ) = (ω(a1 ), ω(b1 ), ω(c1 )). For this talk we gloss over the slightly finer notion of conformal and topological equivalence of actions. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Equivalence of actions Algebraic classes of actions For groups such as PSL2 (q), and for many signatures (l, m, n) there are too many algebraic equivalence classes of generating triples for a clean analysis. We construct better partitions of the generating triples by using an “approximate automorphism group” L satisfying A = Aut(G) ⊇ L ⊇ Inn(G) = K . Set g L = {ω(g) : ω ∈ L} and define LG (a, b, c) = {(x, y , z) : x ∈ aL , y ∈ bL , x ∈ c L ) : xyz = 1} L◦G (a, b, c) = {(x, y , z) ∈ LG (a, b, c) : G = hx, y , zi} The two sets above often have nice enumeration formulas. Each L◦G (a, b, c) is a union a small number of L classes, upon each of which L acts freely. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Tilings and dessins Example: Icosahedral triangular tiling and dessins Describe G-classes and quotient. Show the three dessins: dodecahedral, icosahedral, and rhombic. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Tilings and dessins The standard regular dessin d’enfant induced by G The dessin d’enfant (dessin) of a Belyi function is D = β −1 ([0, 1]). G acts simply transitively on the edges of D. D is a bipartite graph in S whose complement is a union of congruent dihedrally symmetric polygons. The polygons are regular polygons if a boundary edge has a vertex of order 2. This is a clean dessin. The tiling or map on S defined by the dessin is the origin of terminology platonic and quasi-platonic action. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Galois actions on dessins and QP actions Belyi’s Theorem and Galois action Belyi’s Theorem: A quasi-platonic surface is defined over a number field. An element θ ∈ Gal(C) determines a new surface S θ by acting on the coefficients of a defining equation of S. Applying θ pointwise induces a bijection θS : S → S θ . There is an action of Gal(Q) ⊂ Gal(C) on quasi-platonic surfaces and hence their dessins. Defining equations are hard to find so we look at the action of Gal(C) on generating triples. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Galois actions on dessins and QP actions Galois action - 1 Given a G action : G → Aut(S), the action may be transferred to S θ via θS θ (g) = θS ◦ (g) ◦ θS−1 The quotient maps β : S → S/G = P 1 and β θ : S θ → S θ /G = P 1 satisfy: S ↓β θ S −→ θ 1 Sθ ↓ βθ P P 1 (C) −→ P 1 (C) Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Galois actions on dessins and QP actions Galois action - 2 The θ action is quasi-platonic and has the same signature as the action. θ S The bijection S −→ S θ maps β −1 (0, 1, ∞) = vertices of tiling on S to (β θ )−1 (0, 1, ∞) = vertices of tiling on S θ . However, θS does not map the edges and faces of the dessin on S to those on S θ . Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Galois actions on dessins and QP actions Galois action - 3 If g ∈ G fixes w ∈ β −1 (0) by (g) then g acts at w as a local rotation by ζ an l’th root of unity. Call ζ the rotation number. But g also fixes θ(w) ∈ (β θ )−1 (0) via θ (g) and g acts at θ(w) as a local rotation by θ(ζ). Similar remarks apply to w ∈ β −1 (1) and w ∈ β −1 (∞). Let N = lcm(l, m, n) then θ acts on the Nth roots of unity, and hence the rotation numbers, by ζ → ζ s for an s relatively prime to N. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Galois actions on dessins and QP actions Galois action on generating triples Theorem Let notation be as above and let (a, b, c) be a generating (l, m, n)-triple for the (G) action on S, and select t so that st = 1 mod N. Then there are x, y , z ∈ G such that a generating triple for the θ (G) action on S θ is (a0 , b0 , c 0 ) = (xat x −1 , ybt y −1 , zc t z −1 ). Remark The Galois action on QP-actions maps the set L◦G (a, b, c) to L◦G (at , bt , c t ). If L◦G (a, b, c) consists of several L-orbits then more information is needed to specify the Galois action. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Facts about PSL2 (q) PSL2 (q) and its Automorphisms For q = pe , p a prime, Fq is the finite field of order q. PSL2 (q) = PSL2 (Fq ) the projective special linear group. PGL2 (q) = PGL2 (Fq ) the projective general linear group. PGL2 (q) acts on PSL2 (q) by matrix conjugation. Call these automorphisms geometric automorphisms. Gal(Fq ) acts on PSL2 (q) by action on the matrix entries. Call these automorphisms Galois automorphisms. Gal(Fq ) is cyclic of order e. Aut(PSL2 (q) = Gal(Fq ) n PGL2 (q) For the remainder of this let G denote PSL2 (q) and PG denote PGL2 (q) Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) Facts about PSL2 (q) Subgroups of PSL2 (q) L.E. Dickson classified all the proper subgroups of PSL2 (q), into three types. Affine: Irrelevant for our discussion, but includes all cyclic subgroups. Projective: PSL(2, q 0 ) and PGL(2, q 0 ) for Fq 0 ⊂ Fq with certain restrictions. Exceptional - dihedral, tetrahedral, octahedral, and icosahedral groups of the sphere. These are mostly irrelevant. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) QP actions of PSL2 (q) Lifting triples to the covering group - 1 There is an exact covering sequence. h±1i ,→ SL2 (q) PSL2 (q) For an (l, m, n)-triple (a, b, c) of PSL2 (q), let (A, B, C) be a triple in SL2 (q), with ABC = I, projecting to (a, b, c). Let α = trace(A), β = trace(B), γ = trace(C) then (A, B, C) lies in Tr (α, β, γ) = {(A, B, C) ∈ (SL2 (q))3 : ABC = I, trace(A) = α, trace(B) = β, trace(C) = γ} Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) QP actions of PSL2 (q) Lifting triples to the covering group - 2 The union of the (potential) eight sets Tr (±α, ±β, ±γ) map onto PGG (a, b, c) The four classes Tr (α, β, γ), Tr (α, −β, −γ), Tr (−α, β, −γ), Tr (−α, −β, γ) have the same PG-invariant image in PGG (a, b, c). Likewise for the remaining four classes. So PGG (a, b, c) could contain two distinct PG-classes of generating triples, but not more. These are called fused classes. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) QP actions of PSL2 (q) Lifting triples to the covering group - 2 For (A, B, C) ∈ Tr (α, β, γ) set 0 −1 β−x A= ,B = 1 α z y x Then x 2 + αxy + y 2 − βx − γy + 1 = 0 giving a solution of the form (x, y , 1) of Q(x, y , z) = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + αxy − βxz − γyz = 0 The discriminant of the form above is DQ(α, β, γ) = α2 + β 2 + γ 2 − αβγ − 4. Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) QP actions of PSL2 (q) Macbeath’s results Macbeath proves the following, suitably paraphrased for our context The subgroup hA, B, Ci is affine (hence proper) if and only if (α, β, γ) is singular, i.e., DQ(α, β, γ) = α2 + β 2 + γ 2 − αβγ − 4 = 0. If a triple (α, β, γ) is non-singular then |Tr (α, β, γ)| = |PGL2 (q)| Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) QP actions of PSL2 (q) Admissible trace triples Definition Let (A, B, C) ∈ SL2 (q)3 and (a, b, c) ∈ PSL2 (q)3 be the projection. Let (α, β, γ) be the traces of (A, B, C) and (l, m, n) be the orders of (a, b, c). Then (α, β, γ) is admissible if (α, β, γ) is non-singular i.e. DQ(α, β, γ) 6= 0. (a, b, c) is hyperbolic i.e., (l, m, n) 6∈ {(2, 2, d), (2, 3, 3), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 5), (2, 3, 6), (3, 3, 3)} Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) QP actions of PSL2 (q) Admissible trace triples - generated subgroups The table below tells us when an admissible triple may or may not yield a generating triple. Subgroup type Projective Exceptional Subgroup PSL2 (q) PSL2 (q 0 ), PGL2 (q 0 ) Octahedral Exceptional Icosahedral Note Fp (α, β, γ) = Fq Fp (α, β, γ) = Fq 0 ⊂ Fq (l, m, n) = (3, 3, 4), (3, 4, 4), (4, 4, 4) (l, m, n) = (2, 5, 5), (3, 3, 5), (3, 5, 5), (5, 5, 5) Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) results Specific results Show tables of results Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) done Any Questions? Overview QP-actions Dessins d’Enfant QP actions and dessins of PSL2 (q) done References L.E. Dickson, Linear groups: With an exposition of the Galois field theory. (1901). A.M. Macbeath, Generators of the Linear Fractional Groups, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Vol. XII, Amer. Math. Soc. (1969), pp. 14–32. H. Glover & D. Sjerve, Representing PSL2 (p) on a Surface of Least Genus, L’Enseignement Mathématique, Vol. 31 (1985), pp. 305–325. H. Glover & D. Sjerve, The Genus of PSL2 (q), J. reine angew. Math, Vol. 380 (1987), pp. 59–86.