MA330: Assignment 4

MA330: Assignment 4
Required Reading.
• Read Chapter 4, § 42
To be turned in April 12th at the start of class.
1. Recall Maxwell’s equations, as stated in class.
∇ × B = µ0 J + µ0 0
Assume that {µ0 , 0 } are constants.
(a) In class, we showed that the electric field, E, obeys an inhomogeneous wave equation. Using a similar method,
show that the magnetic field, B, also obeys an inhomogeneous wave equation.
(b) Using Maxwell’s equations, derive the following relationship between current density and charge density.
2. Consider the transformation
x2 + y 2
x2 + y 2
and its inverse
y= 2
u2 + v 2
u + v2
If the point (x, y) corresponds to (r, θ) in polar coordinates, show that the transformed point (u, v) corresponds
to (1/r, θ) in polar coordinates. In visual terms, this transformation reflects (x, y) across the unit circle.
If f (u, v) is a scalar function, show how to compute grad(f ) in this new coordinate system.
If g(u, v) is a vector function, show how to compute div(g) in this new coordinate system.
If g(u, v) is a vector function, show how to compute curl(g) in this new coordinate system.
If f (u, v) is a scalar function, show how to compute the Laplacian of f in this new coordinate system.
3. In class, we discussed 2D irrotational flows, described by scalar and vector potentials, φ and ψ. We showed that
both potentials satisfy Laplace’s equation. There is a much easier way to do this.
(a) If the flow is two dimensional, and u = grad(φ) and u = curl(ψk), then show that the following equations hold.
φy = −ψx .
φx = ψy ,
(b) Supposing that φ and ψ are both twice differentiable, use the result from the previous part to show ∆φ = 0
and ∆ψ = 0.
4. Consider the vector field u = hax + by, cx + dyi, where {a, b, c, d} is a set of nonzero constants. Give conditions on
the constants so that u could be the velocity field of a potential flow. Under these conditions, show that the system
= ax + by
= cx + dy
has a saddle point at the origin, then sketch the vector field and some trajectories. Why is it not surprising that this
equilibrium point isn’t a node, spiral, or center? (Hints: Recall things you learned in DE2. Talk about divergence
and curl.)