Event Planning Basics: How to Create an Effective and Successful...

Event Planning Basics: How to Create an Effective and Successful Event!
Does your organization want to plan an event? Not sure where to start? This short guide will help take you through the basic
steps of planning and executing a successful event!
Identify Needs
Who is the audience? What does the audience want to see or experience with this kind of program?
How big will the program be?
Does the type of event being planned limit the audience size? If so, how will attendance be determined?
Once an organization answers these questions, let the planning process begin!
Develop Program Goals and Objectives
What are the goals for the program?
What resources are needed to accomplish identified outcomes?
What’s the purpose of the event/program/project?
Does the purpose of the event/program/project impact the when, where, and how the program takes place?
Specifically identify what participants will gain or experience from the event/program/project. This will be the goal of
the program or event.
Organize Your Plans
What resources are needed to accomplish identified objectives?
When will the event be held?
Is there enough time to make all the necessary arrangements? Can members complete required tasks on time?
o Determine a timeline working in reverse: start at the day of the event and fill in publicity deadlines, facility
agreements, etc. Starting in reverse can help a planner determine if the event is logistically feasible
Take completed event plan to the student organization faculty/staff advisor for feedback.
The following are areas to focus on while executing an event plan.
Scheduling Facilities
Scheduling facilities is vital to the success of your program. Facilities can determine audience size, date, and time. Facilities can
also set the mood for formal, informal, or auditorium style programs.
Establishing Budgets
Establishing a budget is necessary because it helps shape the event. Budgets help to establish guidelines for spending, admission
fees, and the amount of fund raising or resource finding work an organization needs to accomplish.
Contracts are often required for facilities, catering, or entertainers. Student organization members may not sign contracts.
Please contact your faculty/staff advisor or stop by the Student Activities Office for more information.
Publicity/marketing is vital to the success of a program. Without advertising/marketing, no one will know to attend an event!
Publicity/marketing can include posters, fliers, napkin holders, emails through Sharepoint, Facebook etc.
Fliers may ONLY be posted on bulletin boards using staples or pins (please do not use tape as it rips the bulletin board paper).
Fliers may NOT be posted on windows, walls, stairwells or anywhere else that is NOT a bulletin board!
Napkin holder inserts: Contact Jess Ahlborn at ahlborjm@rose-hulman.edu
Union bulletin boards: Contact Kristen Latta at lattakn@rose-hulman.edu
Display cases in the Commons: Contact Kim Jones at jones@rose-hulman.edu
Determine Details
Determine the program’s details. Make a list of what needs to be done before, during, and after the event. These might include
equipment needs, registration tables, special power hookups, etc. Even the smallest details should be written down on a checklist.
Implement Plans
Assign tasks and roles appropriately. Once prepared for the event, determine who will implement it. In the beginning of the
process, make clear expectations as to who will perform what tasks and fulfill which roles. Give members enough time to
complete responsibilities and make sure that they are within their abilities. People support what they help to create - so involve as
many people as is meaningfully possible in the process.
Evaluate the Event
The evaluation process is threefold:
audience feedback
presenter/entertainer’s experience
planner’s thoughts and recommendations.
Each of these groups should be asked whether they felt the program’s goals and objectives were accomplished. What went well?
What could have gone better? There are several different methods of obtaining this information, but the most often used method
is a written evaluation distributed following the program. Evaluations should be kept on historical file with the organization so
future programmers may learn from past experiences.
Additional Tips and Suggestions
There are some other tips when planning an event. In the ideal program, everything runs so smoothly that the participants may
see little evidence of pre-planning or behind the scenes work.
Don’t compromise on details.
Don’t assume anything or allow situations to continue to a point where you are uncertain or nervous.
Meet all problems head-on.
Things rarely go as planned - but if you are prepared and avoid panicking, any problem can be solved.
Making Your Events Accessible to All
Rose-Hulman strives to improve access to programs, activities, and facilities for students with disabilities. For more information,
contact the Student Activities Office at 812/877-8346.
Need Help Planning an Event?
The Student Activities Office is here to help! Contact Kristen Latta, assistant director of student services, at lattakn@rosehulman.edu