Event Planning Procedures and Checklist Key Definitions: An “event” may be anything other than a regularly-scheduled, Rose-Hulman faculty-led class. An external speaker (whether presenting as part of a regularly-scheduled class or not), a picnic, a webinar viewed by a small group, and a welcoming address from the President to the incoming class may all be classified as “events.” For regularly-scheduled, Rose-Hulman faculty-led classes, the Registrar’s office coordinates room scheduling, and the Instructional Technology office coordinates technology and technical support. A “venue” is any location in which an event may happen. A venue could be a room, a hallway, or a location outdoors. The Office: Office of Event Production is in Hatfield Hall. Randy Carle, Production Manager for Hatfield Hall, directs this office. This office will: Create and maintain a list of Rose-Hulman venues and their capabilities (seating, technologies available, special venue-related concerns or issues, etc.), Provide technology and technical support (including setup, on-site presence/help, and teardown) for events, coordinating with the individuals responsible for venues, Provide advice on standardization and improvement of Rose-Hulman venues. The Process: To host an event, individuals, departments, or organizations wishing to host an event on campus will complete up to four steps. To ensure quality service, it will be important to make any necessary contacts well in advance of - at least two weeks ahead of - a planned event. 1. First, reserve a venue or room through currently-existing procedures, by contacting the individual responsible for reserving that venue/room. The current list is below. If the venue is: An academic classroom, including the ‘new Myers’ classrooms (M103, M105, M107, M111, M115) Myers common areas or hallways, or conference/presentation rooms M137, M225, M242, M246D Myers senior design/project rooms (shared responsibility) Other Myers labs/rooms A departmental conference room, laboratory, or student area Please contact: Beverly Turner, Registrar’s Office Phone: 877-8298 Email: turner1@rose-hulman.edu Terri Gosnell, Graduate Studies 877-8885 gosnell@rose-hulman.edu Tom Rogge 877-8734 rogge1@rose-hulman.edu The individual responsible for that room The secretary for that department (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) 1 version 5 - printed 5/29/2016 Any room/area in the Student Union, or the Union Patio The White Chapel At Rose-Hulman Ventures The Branam Innovation Center At the Student Recreation Center or an athletic field At Hatfield Hall In a student residence hall In a hallway or other public space in an academic building Outside, on campus grounds, other than the areas listed below Oakley Observatory The Deming Lawn, Root Quadrangle, Speed Beach, Speed Lawn, or Root Amphitheater Tracy Crosby, Student Services 877-8346 crosby1@rose-hulman.edu Tracy Crosby, Student Services Patti Hoffa 877-8346 crosby1@rose-hulman.edu 244-4005 Patti.Hoffa@RHVentures.org Bill Kline, Academic Affairs 877-8136 kline@rose-hulman.edu Ryan Brimberry 877-8621 brimberr@rose-hulman.edu Dan Tryon 877-8864 tryon@rose-hulman.edu Kyle Rhodes and The RA in the hall Christa Maschmeyer Set Up Only Julie Lunsford Christa Maschmyer Set Up Only Julie Lunsford Richard Ditteon Tracy Crosby, Student Services 812-877-8651 (varies) 877-8571 877-8114 rhodeska@rose-hulman.edu (varies) maschmey@rose-hulman.edu lunsford@rose-hulman.edu 877-8571 877-8114 maschmey@rose-hulman.edu lunsford@rose-hulman.edu 877-8247 877-8346 Ditteon@rose-hulman.edu crosby1@rose-hulman.edu Note that a faculty member hosting an event (say, a speaker) within their regularly-scheduled class periods/rooms already have a room reserved for their event, so they can skip this step. 2. Second, if the event requires technology or technical services beyond what the hosting individual/group is comfortable individually providing, they should contact Randy Carle in the Office of Event Production. Randy will evaluate the event production needs, and connect with the individuals or offices listed in the table above to meet those production needs. Randy and/or his connections will work with the individual/department hosting the event to make arrangements. If the venue is an academic classroom, Randy will work with the Instructional Technology office. If the event requires real-time webcasting or professional video production/post-production work, Randy will also contact the Digital Resource Center and/or Communications & Marketing. Randy Carle Office Phone 877-8312 Email carle@rose-hulman.edu If the event does not require technology/technical services beyond what the hosting individual/group is comfortable individually providing, there is no need to call Randy. For example, if a faculty member wants to host a speaker in a classroom, and needs only their standard laptop and the computer projector in the room, they only need to reserve the classroom - they don’t need to call Randy. 3. Third, if the event is not in the Student Recreation Center or the Student Union, and requires special facilities or setup, contact Facilities Operations to submit an Event Setup Request and/or a Furniture Request. This is only necessary if the event requires additional or unusual chairs, tables, electrical power, trash and 2 version 5 - printed 5/29/2016 recycle cans, setup and teardown services, etc. Special setups at the Student Recreation Center and in the Student Union should be arranged directly with the venue contacts, when making event reservations. Facilities Services can be contacted in the following ways: Facilities Operations Facilities Receptionist 877-8425 M-F 8am-5PM After Business Hours 877-8425 File an event setup or furniture request online at: http://iservicedesk.rose-hulman.edu 4. Fourth, if the event requires food/beverage services from Dining Services, contact Darnel Tanner , ARAMARK Catering Director. ARAMARK Catering Director Office Phone Email Website Darrnel Tanner 812-877-8167 tanner3@rosehulman.edu http://rosehulman.campusdish.com/Catering.aspx or catering@rosehulman.edu Important Notes: Because many behind-the-scenes decisions about venue setup and capabilities depend on the planned location of the event, it will be important to reserve the venue first, before contacting the Office of Event Production, Facilities Operations, or Dining Services. To ensure quality service, it will be important to make any necessary contacts well in advance - preferably, two weeks in advance - of a planned event. For the convenience of our campus community, a checklist for event planning is provided on the following pages. 3 version 5 - printed 5/29/2016 Event Planning Checklist Well in advance of (at least two weeks before) a planned event, 1. Reserve the venue. If the venue is: An academic classroom Any room or area in Myers Hall other than the “new classrooms” (M115, 111, 107, 105, 103) Myers common areas or hallways, or conference/presentation rooms M137, M225, M242, M246D Myers senior design/project rooms (shared responsibility) Other Myers labs/rooms A departmental conference room, laboratory, or student area Any room/area in the Student Union, or the Union Patio Oakley Observatory The White Chapel At Rose-Hulman Ventures The Branam Innovation Center At the Student Recreation Center or an athletic field Or Sand Volleyball Courts At Hatfield Hall In a student residence hall In a hallway or other public space in an academic Outside, on campus grounds, other than the areas listed below The Deming Lawn, Root Quadrangle, Speed Beach, Speed Lawn, or Root Amphitheater Please contact: Beverly Turner, Registrar’s Office Terri Gosnell, Graduate Studies Phone: 877-8298 Email: turner1@rose-hulman.edu 877-8885 gosnell@rose-hulman.edu Terri Gosnell, Graduate Studies 877-8885 gosnell@rose-hulman.edu Tom Rogge 877-8734 rogge1@rose-hulman.edu The individual responsible for that room The secretary for that department (varies) (varies) (varies) (varies) Tracy Crosby, Student Services 877-8346 crosby1@rose-hulman.edu Richard Ditteon Tracy Crosby, Student Services Drew Gehman Bill Kline, Academic Affairs Ryan Brimberry 877-8247 877-8346 ditteon@rose-hulman.edu crosby1@rose-hulman.edu 244-4060 877-8136 gehmand@rose-hulman.edu kline@rose-hulman.edu 877-8621 brimberr@rose-hulman.edu Seth Woodason Dan Tryon Kyle Rhodes The RA in the hall Christa Maschmeyer Julie Lunsford Christa Maschmeyer Julie Lunsford 877-8068 (varies) 877-8571 877-8114 877-8571 877-8114 woodason@rose-hulman.edu tryon@rose-hulman.edu rhodeska@rose-hulman.edu (varies) maschmey@rose-hulman.edu lunsford@rose-hulman.edu maschmey@rose-hulman.edu lunsford@rose-hulman.edu Tracy Crosby, Student Services 877-8346 crosby1@rose-hulman.edu 877-8864 877-8651 4 version 5 - printed 5/29/2016 2. Will the event will require technology/technical services beyond what you/your group can provide? Yes: Contact Randy Carle in the Office of Event Production. Please contact: Randy Carle Phone: 877-8312 Email: carle@rose-hulman.edu No: Move on to step 3. 3. Do you need a special setup? (Extension cords, extra chairs, trash/recycle bins, etc.) Yes: Have you reserved a venue inside the Student Union or the Student Recreation Center? Yes: Please arrange these with the venue contacts listed. Student Union: Tracy Crosby 877-8346 crosby1@rose-hulman.edu Student Recreation Center: brimberr@rose-hulman.edu Ryan Brimberry 877-8621 No: Please arrange these with Facilities Operations. Office Phone After File an event setup or furniture 8am -5pm Business request online at: Hours 877-8425 877-8425 http://iservicedesk.rose-hulman.edu No: Move on to step 4. 4. Do you need food/beverages from Dining Services? Yes: Contact ARAMARK Catering. ARAMARK Catering Director Darrnel Tanner Phone: Email: 877-8167 catering@rose-hulman.edu or tanner3@rose-hulman.edu Website: http://rose-hulman.campusdish.com/Catering.aspx No: You’re finished with this part of planning your event. 5 version 5 - printed 5/29/2016