McBrayer Afterschool Child Care Program

McBrayer Afterschool Child Care Program
This program is open to any child that has completed Kindergarten through 12 years of age and who is
enrolled at McBrayer Elem.
Days and Hours of Operation
The program will open Monday through Friday
*The program will follow the Rowan County Schools Calendar- if school is closed the after school
program will be closed as well.
3:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Phone: 784-1204
Goals and Objectives:
The goal of this program is to provide quality care and supervision 3:30pm-5:30pm in an after school
program for children enrolled at McBrayer Elementary School.
We will strive to provide students with quality supervision that is positive, exciting, and enriching.
Enrollment Policy:
Enrollment shall be open to any child, who has completed Kindergarten through 12 years of age that is
enrolled at McBrayer Elementary. The program will not discriminate, regardless of race, creed, sex,
political or religious beliefs.
Enrollment is accepted in the order received, until program capacity has been reached. Capacity
will be limited to 40 full-time participants. Once capacity has been reached, a waiting list will be
A parent or legal guardian must complete a registration form to be kept on file at McBrayer Elementary.
The following information must be completed:
1. Child’s name, age, grade level and teachers name
2. Child’s home address and phone number
3. Parent/guardian name(s), work location, phone number and e-mail address
4. Custodial papers in the event the natural parent is not the legal guardian
5. Emergency contact persons and phone numbers (minimum of two names)
6. Persons authorized to sign out and leave with child
7. Emergency care form
You may list as many emergency contacts as you wish after the minimum of two. Anyone you list
on the form as an emergency contact or person authorized to sign your child out is being given
permission to pick your child up if the parent or guardian cannot be reached.
Full Time $50.00 per week in advance
Part Time $10.00 per day
Payment may be made on a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly basis, but is due on the Friday before
the week of service.
If your child is enrolled, but does not attend, you will be required to pay due to staffing schedules and
If your child misses more than one week, your child’s enrollment may be cancelled and replaced by
students from the waiting list.
Late payment will be subject to a late fee of $5.00 per day for every day late.
If you are more than three (3) days late with your payment, your child will not be allowed to attend
until all back fees and late fees are paid in full.
Check-in and Check-out Procedures:
A child will be checked in from school personnel at 3:30pm.
In the event a child comes to child care without a payment made in advance the parent/guardian will be
contacted immediately for pick up.
A parent/guardian must come into the school to sign out their child. The parent/guardian will list on the
registration form all persons being authorized to pick their child up from the after school program or in
case of illness or emergency. Any person picking up that child shall be required to sign out the child.
Identification may be required in the event the worker is not familiar with that person.
In the event a person not authorized by the parent/guardian attempts to pick up a child, the
following procedure will be followed:
1. The parent/guardian will be contacted for verbal permission to release the child.
2. The person will be required to produce identification.
3. The person must sign the sign out sheet.
4. The after school worker reserves the right to refuse to dismiss the child to the
person or call law enforcement if staff feels the safety of the child is in question.
Illness, Injury and Medication Procedures:
A child will not be admitted to afterschool care if he/she exhibits any of the following:
1. High Fever
2. Diarrhea
3. Vomiting
4. Symptoms of communicable disease
Should a child develop these symptoms after arriving at the program, he/she will be isolated from
the other children and the parent/guardian will be immediately notified. In the event they cannot be
reached, the persons listed as emergency contacts will be contacted to pick the child up. If your child
has medication that he/she requires daily, parent/guardian will be required to sign a daily medication log.
In the event a minor injury occurs during the after school program, staff will administer the appropriate
treatment. An incident report will be completed and kept on file. The parent/guardian will be notified
when the child is picked up. If a non-emergency injury occurs that requires medical treatment, the
parent/guardian will be notified and asked for their preferred procedure. In the event of a traumatic
injury, professional emergency medical attention will be sought and the parent/guardian will be
notified as quickly as possible. If possible, a staff member will accompany the child if removal from
the center is required.
Delayed Parent/Guardian Arrivals:
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to make sure their child is picked up by 5:30pm, and by a
designated person.
In the event that the child is not picked up at closing time, the afterschool worker will make every effort to
contact the parent/guardian at home or at work. If the afterschool worker is unable to reach the
parent/guardian, the emergency contact list will be used.
When the child is picked up, a fee of $5.00 will be charged for each additional ten minute period.
This additional fee will be due at the time the child is picked up. Three occurrences of this nature
during the year may result in the dismissal of that child from the program.
Parent/Guardian / Staff Communication:
Parent/guardian should communicate with staff by personally talking with them or by a written note.
Verbal messages to staff by the child will not be accepted.
Should a parent/guardian have a grievance, the following procedure should be followed:
1. Talk with staff person involved in an attempt to solve the problem.
2. Contact the principal if a settlement is not reached.
All information concerning children, their parents, relatives or guardians shall be kept in strict
confidence by the staff except for sharing information with individuals who are personally or
professionally responsible for the well being of the child.
An afternoon snack is allowed, each child should bring a snack with them for afterschool; there will not be
a snack provided by the after school care workers.
Disciplinary methods will be implemented through positive guidance to help the child develop self-control
and assume responsibility for his/her actions.
The corrections will be made without shamming the child or invalidating his/her personal feelings.
Efforts will be made to assist the child in development of acceptable ways of expressing thoughts
and feelings.
When a child breaks a rule, two (2) verbal warnings are issued. If the verbal warnings are not
effective, the child is placed in time out. Time out is based on one (1) minute per year of age of the
child. (Example: A 6-year old can be in time out for up to 6 minutes.)
Persistent behavior problems are handled through a “Three Strikes, You’re Out” system. When a
child becomes a persistent behavior problem, the after school worker will notify the principal who will then
contact the child and their parent/guardian that he/she is being issued a “strike.” After three strikes the
child will be removed from the after school program.
We reserve the right to dismiss any child from the program, without advance notice to the
parent/guardian, who endangers the safety, or shows a continuous lack of respect for the
rules, for others; including both staff and other program participants.
Custodial Documents:
The following legal documents must be on file with the school addressing custodial issues:
1. Temporary custody orders
2. Termination of parental rights
3. Statement of guardianship if biological/adoptive parents are not the legal guardians
In the event custodial arrangements change, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the
school and to provide up to date documents.
Note to Parent/Guardian:
Please be advised that the afterschool program will adhere to any and all guidelines established by
the Rowan County Board of Education Code of Conduct.
McBrayer Elementary is not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken items your child brings
from home. Students are advised not to bring toys from home.
Monday through Friday Schedule:
3:30 P.M. – 3:45 P.M. After school workers will pick up students from Gymnasium
3:45P.M. – 4:15 P.M. Snack
4:15P.M.- 4:45 P.M. Group 1 (20 students) Playground/Gymnasium Activities; Group 2 (20 Students)
Homework/Enrichment Help
4:45 P.M. – 5:15 P.M. Group 1 (20 students) Homework/Enrichment Help; Group 2 (20 students)
Playground/Gymnasium Activities
5:15 P.M.-5:30 P.M. Cafeteria - Sustained Reading Time (everyone reads for 15 min. a book/books of
their choice)
5:30 P.M All students should be picked up.