Executive Committee Meeting September 4, 2012 Agenda 1. Approval of July 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes 2. Eduventures – Clinical Placement Models (handout) 3. Dispositions/Assessment – D. Lynch 4. Payment Forms for II’s, IS’s, and Internships 5. IDEA Objectives Due September 4 6. Freeze File Date – September 17 Student teacher sectioning 7. Counseling – Name Change Counseling and Student Affairs 8. Dual Certifications – Clinical Placements 9. As May Arise dhg:bls Cc: J. Cevallos C. Vargas University Senate University Curriculum COLLEGE OF EDUCATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE September 4, 2012 Minutes of Meeting Attendance: D. Barlieb, J. Burnett, C. Kirn, E. Long, D. Lynch, J. McCarthy, T. Stahler. Excused Absence: D. Garber 1. 2. 3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes Motion by D. Lynch, as seconded by T. Stahler, to approve the minutes from the July 16, 2012 meeting was approved unanimously. Eduventures – Clinical Placement Models An Eduventures study was distributed to all exploring the viability of moving from the current two-placement clinical model to a one-placement model. C. Kirn reviewed report with the group and discussion was held. Challenges in placing students were discussed. PreK programs will be difficult to place. C. Kirn asked if anyone knows of any schools for PreK placements to please send them to her. The group discussed how early field experience is placed in each of the departments to help project student teaching placements. Input on placement suggestions was invited as competition for spring is high. ELU 4-8 must be placed in the content area in which they are teaching. A Secondary Education certified co-op at the middle school level is acceptable for these placements. Discussion on how different schools, for example in Reading and Allentown school districts, are requiring their content to be taught and how it could impact placements. Dispositions Update D. Lynch updated the group on the COE Assessment Committee’s work on Dispositions. The committee’s first task was to integrate the individual department dispositions into one collective model. Drafts of the Conceptual Framework Alignment, the Candidate Disposition Inventory and the Candidate’s Statement of Commitment regarding Dispositions were distributed to all for review. 4. A question was asked as to whether we can require a student to receive counseling. This could be established in the specific requirements for students to successfully complete their respective program. The dispositions model would be instituted at the sophomore level, However students would be made aware of it during freshmen Connections. Upon finalization of the documents, a pilot will go into effect immediately. The process is targeted to officially start in Fall 2013. Chairs were asked to share these documents with their faculty for feedback as the documents and process are still being tweaked. Payment forms for II’s and IS’s 5. IDEA Objectives 6. Chairs were reminded of the freeze file date, September, 17, 2012. All student teaching sectioning needs to be completed before this date. Counseling Name Change 8. Chairs were reminded that the IDEA Objectives are due in the Dean’s Office September 4, 2012. Freeze File Date 7. It will be no longer necessary for faculty to complete payment forms for their Individualized Instructions and Independent Studies. The Counseling department officially changed their name from Counseling and Human Services to Counseling and Student Affairs. Dual Certifications – Clinical Placements The question was raised as to how many student teaching placements are required of dual majors, for example Art Education and ELU 4-8. PDE will be consulted and their response will be shared with the group. 9. As May Arise C. Kirn noted that the COE Club Organization Picnic held on the first day of school was very well received. E. Long requested a list of COE student organizations and their officers. B. Snyder will send a current list. The 70-Credit Rule was revisited from the July 16, 2012 meeting discussion. The group discussed if this rule should be reinstated. There was a general consensus to reinstate the policy. The Dean’s Office will work on the notification process for reinstituting this policy. The group revisited the July 16, 2012 meeting discussion regarding “Pass” grades and Teacher Candidacy. If a student appeals a grade of “F” and the grade changes to a “Pass” on a course required for Teacher Candidacy, it should be treated as an acceptable course for candidacy. J. McCarthy reminded all that Royce Robertson, the Taskstream consultant, will be on campus Friday, September 7 to primarily work with Elementary Education in setting up their programs on Taskstream. Chairs are welcome to invite any new faculty to meet with the consultant so that they can get acquainted with Taskstream. J. McCarthy reminded chairs that the SPA reports are due September 15, 2012. On a motion by C. Kirn, seconded by E. Long, to adjourn the meeting was passed unanimously.