Survey of Program Quality Attributes Greetings!

Survey of Program Quality Attributes
You are being invited to participate in the
Department of Counseling & Human Services’
Program Survey. This survey that gives you the
opportunity to share your perspective on what
should be in a quality counseling program and what
actually is the reality in our program.
We are interested in honest and useful feedback
from you, and we urge you to take the fifteen to
twenty minutes necessary to take the survey. The
information will be summarized and we will be
looking at aggregate group data; we are not
collecting this information for research or
presentation, but in order to evaluate our program
and improve it.
What you think really matters to us, and we again
wish to solicit your cooperation!
Survey of Program Quality Attributes
What Should Be:
Responses in this section should indicate how important you perceive each statement to be in terms of "what should be ideally" the case
in a quality master's-level counselor education program
1. Faculty members introduce a variety of methodological, theoretical, and experiential
perspectives in classroom lectures and discussions.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
2. Students - with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and so on - bring new
perspectives to class discussions they have with one another and with faculty.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
3. Faculty and students frequently engage in two-way interactive dialogue.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
4. Leaders (department administrators, program chairs) encourage the participation of faculty
and students in the governance of the program.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
5. Career counseling and job placement services are provided to students to assist them in
learning job-search strategies and developing networks for employment.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
6. Students receive hands-on instructional activities such as role plays and case studies,
aimed at connecting theoretical and practical knowledge to tangible issues and real-world
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
7. Faculty displays a significant commitment to teaching (interested in teaching; significant
amount of time and effort put into teaching).
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
8. Students are committed to their own as well as others' learning through active participation
in formal and informal learning activities.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
9. Basic infrastructure needs such as a university library, computing facilities, and
classroom/office facilities are provided which help students broaden their learning experiences
and learn advanced techniques.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
10. Faculty engages in out-of-class instructional activities with students such as supervising
tutorials, independent studies, and internships.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
11. Diverse stakeholders such as students, faculty, administrators, and employers share a
common understanding of the program's direction/mission, which they reached at formal and
informal committees or in communications with each other.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
12. Financial aid (in the form of student assistantships and travel to conferences) and flexible
course delivery formats (e.g. evening, weekend, and summer courses) are offered to help
students concentrate more fully on their learning.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
13. There is good rapport among and between students and faculty that supports the sense of
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
14. Students are provided with frequent opportunities to take risks in their learning (e.g.,
explore new ideas, advance alternative perspectives, test developing skills).
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
15. Students are encouraged to question each other and critically evaluate knowledge and
practice in the field.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
16. The program's direction/mission is reflected in teaching and learning experiences in the
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
17. Students receive individualized guidance from faculty in developing their career goals and
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
18. Faculty receive adequate financial and non-financial (e.g., tenure and promotion guidelines)
support that allows them to invest significant time and effort in teaching and mentoring
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
19. During group activities, students actively seek to learn from one another to enrich their
understanding of knowledge and practice in the field.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
20. Students and faculty attend various out-of-class activities (e.g. brown bag lunches, end-ofsemester parties) in which they explore topics of mutual interest and help each other's
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
21. In class discussions, students and faculty present new ways of understanding knowledge
and practice in the field.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
22. Students complete a combination of core and specialized course work which provides
them with broad and in-depth understandings of knowledge in the field.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
23. Faculty provide students with regular and timely feedback on their professional
development (e.g. course work, research, and projects) through one-on-one interactions
outside of class, individualized tutorials, or independent research courses.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
24. Students participate in professional (residential) learning experiences such as internships,
practica, and teaching assistantships to connect what they learn in class to situations in a realworld setting.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
25. Leaders (department administrators, program chairs) effectively promote their program to
people inside and outside of the program - campus administrators and employers - and obtain
funding to support the program.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
26. Faculty and students see themselves, and treat one another, as members of a community.
not important
of little importance
moderately important
very important
Survey of Program Quality Attributes
What Is:
This section contains statements that are identical to those on page 1. However, your responses in this section should indicate your
degree of agreement with the statements in terms of "what is the reality" in the Kutztown University counselor education program.
27. Faculty members introduce a variety of methodological, theoretical, and experiential
perspectives in classroom lectures and discussions.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
28. Students - with diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, and so on - bring new
perspectives to class discussions they have with one another and with faculty.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
29. Faculty and students frequently engage in two-way interactive dialogue.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
30. Leaders (department administrators, program chairs) encourage the participation of faculty
and students in the governance of the program.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
31. Career counseling and job placement services are provided to students to assist them in
learning job-search strategies and developing networks for employment.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
32. Students receive hands-on instructional activities such as role plays and case studies,
aimed at connecting theoretical and practical knowledge to tangible issues and real-world
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
33. Faculty displays a significant commitment to teaching (interested in teaching; significant
amount of time and effort put into teaching).
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
34. Students are committed to their own as well as others' learning through active participation
in formal and informal learning activities.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
35. Basic infrastructure needs such as a university library, computing facilities, and
classroom/office facilities are provided which help students broaden their learning experiences
and learn advanced techniques.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
36. Faculty engages in out-of-class instructional activities with students such as supervising
tutorials, independent studies, and internships.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
37. Diverse stakeholders such as students, faculty, administrators, and employers share a
common understanding of the program's direction/mission, which they reached at formal and
informal committees or in communications with each other.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
38. Financial aid (in the form of student assistantships and travel to conferences) and flexible
course delivery formats (e.g. evening, weekend, and summer courses) are offered to help
students concentrate more fully on their learning.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
39. There is good rapport among and between students and faculty that supports the sense of
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
40. Students are provided with frequent opportunities to take risks in their learning (e.g.,
explore new ideas, advance alternative perspectives, test developing skills).
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
41. Students are encouraged to question each other and critically evaluate knowledge and
practice in the field.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
42. The program's direction/mission is reflected in teaching and learning experiences in the
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
43. Students receive individualized guidance from faculty in developing their career goals and
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
44. Faculty receive adequate financial and non-financial (e.g., tenure and promotion guidelines)
support that allows them to invest significant time and effort in teaching and mentoring
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
45. During group activities, students actively seek to learn from one another to enrich their
understanding of knowledge and practice in the field.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
46. Students and faculty attend various out-of-class activities (e.g. brown bag lunches, end-ofsemester parties) in which they explore topics of mutual interest and help each other's
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
47. In class discussions, students and faculty present new ways of understanding knowledge
and practice in the field.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
48. Students complete a combination of core and specialized course work which provides
them with broad and in-depth understandings of knowledge in the field.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
49. Faculty provide students with regular and timely feedback on their professional
development (e.g. course work, research, and projects) through one-on-one interactions
outside of class, individualized tutorials, or independent research courses.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
50. Students participate in professional (residential) learning experiences such as internships,
practica, and teaching assistantships to connect what they learn in class to situations in a realworld setting.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
51. Leaders (department administrators, program chairs) effectively promote their program to
people inside and outside of the program - campus administrators and employers - and obtain
funding to support the program.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
52. Faculty and students see themselves, and treat one another, as members of a community.
strongly disagree
moderately disagree
neither agree nor disagree
moderately agree
strongly agree
Survey of Program Quality Attributes
Student Satisfaction
Please respond to the following items in terms of your satisfaction with each aspect of your program.
53. Challenge of program
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
54. Integration of courses
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
55. Quality of instruction
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
56. Texts and instructional materials
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
57. Classroom evaluation procedures
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
58. Accessibility of professors
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
59. Academic Advising
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
60. Vocational guidance
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
61. Faculty-student communication
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
62. Worth of program
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
63. Overall satisfaction with program
not satisfied
somewhat satisfied
moderately satisfied
highly satisfied
Survey of Program Quality Attributes
Once you have completed the following demographic questions, click "finish" to submit your survey.
64. In which specialty track are you currently enrolled?
College counseling
Mental health counseling
Marriage and family therapy
Child and adolescent counseling
School counseling
65. What is your current enrollment status?
Part-time (less than 9 credits)
Full-time (9 or more credits)
66. Prior to this semester, how many semester-hours have you completed in your current
master's-level program?
more than 60
67. Are you:
(check all that apply)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian or Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
Other (please specify)
68. Are you:
69. What is your chronological age?
70 or above