Teacher candidates demonstrate thorough knowledge of content, pedagogical and instructional skills in planning and preparation. Teacher candidates general knowledge of special education, impairing conditions as they affect students’ lives and development, legal considerations and professional ethics, planning and implementation of instruction, and professional interactions and relationships in the educational process. The exam addresses the CEC Standards: CEC Standard 1 - Foundations is evident in knowledge of education content and pedagogy including visual impairment. CEC Standard 2 - Development and Characteristics of the Learner is evident in the candidate’s appropriate demonstration of the similarities and differences in human developmental characteristics of individuals with varied abilities/exceptionalities including visual impairment and communication issues. CEC Standard 3 - Individual Learning Differences is evident in pedagogy, instructional skills for students, including visual impairment and exceptional learning needs (ELN) of cross-disability categories. CEC Standard 4 - Instructional Strategies is evident in the use of technology, specialized equipment for students with visual impairment and the sequencing and organization of lessons in the core and expanded core curriculum. CEC Standard 5 – Learning Environment/Social Interaction is evident in the candidate’s appropriate demonstration of the ability to actively create learning environments for individuals with exceptional learning needs (ELN) that foster cultural understanding, safety and emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and active engagement of individuals with ELN. Additionally, foster environments in which diversity is valued and individuals are taught to live harmoniously and productively in a culturally diverse world. CEC Standard 6 - Language and its impact is evident with families of culturally diverse and linguistic different backgrounds, the use of augmented and assistive communication devices, as well as communication issues for students who are non-verbal and students who are deafblind. CEC Standard 7 - Instructional Planning is evident in the candidate’s appropriate demonstration of decision-making and instructional planning/preparation. CEC Standard 8 - Assessment is evident in the candidate’s appropriate demonstration of the use of Functional Vision Assessment and Learning Media assessment, effectively selecting and implementing multiple types of non-biased, meaningful assessment tools to identify supports and adaptations required for individuals with visual impairment, including exceptional learning needs (ELN), to access the general curriculum and to participate in school, system, and statewide assessment programs. CEC Standard 9 - Professional and Ethical Practice is evident in the candidate’s appropriate demonstration of ethical and professional standards. CEC Standard 10 - Collaboration is evident in the candidate’s appropriate demonstration of the ability to collaborate with families, other educators, related service providers, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways. Individual elements from the CEC standards are aligned with specific items from the Comprehensive Final Exam attached as Comprehensive Final Exam Standards Alignment. Further, the actual Comprehensive Final Exam is also attached. Comprehensive Final Exam The comprehensive final exam is the capstone assessment in the program on visual impairment prior to clinical experience. It is completed at the end of SPU302 Methods and Materials. The exam is divided into two parts. Part 1 is a closed book exam; part 2 is open book. The comprehensive final exam is attached in a separate fine. Scoring Rubric Comprehensive Final Exam SPU 302 Comprehensive Final Exam with Standards attached in Assessment 2. Component Exemplary 10-9.2 Superior 9.1-8.5 Satisfactory 8.4-7.5 Unsatisfactory 7.4-0 Exam Correctly answer 92% or more of the questions Correctly answer 85-91% of the questions Correctly answer 75-84% of the questions Correctly answer 74% or less of the questions CEC Standards included on exam in Assessment 2