LIB 526: TECHNOLOGIES IN LIBRARIES Description of Core Assignment Use a current technology to instruct or promote a library service. Example: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to teach the parts of a computer workstation. You can use any technology; i.e., PowerPoint, video, blog, etc. and promote any part of the library discussed in this class (use of catalog, a Web 2.0 tool, adaptive technology, etc. Describe the target audience including age level of users and type of library. Course rationale – Advancements in information technology are constant reminders that the role of the librarian is expanding. The librarian becomes an integral part of the exploration, planning and implementation of these advancements. In order to carry out this leadership role, it is necessary for the librarian to be knowledgeable about current and emerging technologies. The course also emphasizes the evaluation and use of automated library systems. This course is typically the seventh course taken in the candidate’s program. They have already had the course, Computers in Education, which covers basic multimedia production. Assignment rationale and alignment to standards: The candidate is required to complete four hours of fieldwork during this class and frequently designs a presentation appropriate for their own situation. Several candidates used screen capture software to develop a presentation that could reside on the library computers to aid students in using a specific aspect of the OPAC. Other presentations included directions on the procedures to borrow and use the library’s e-book readers. . This assignment demonstrates candidate knowledge of content. In designing a multimedia presentation, the candidate must be aware of student interest and motivation (1.1), and show evidence of knowledge of learner characteristics (2.1). The presentation also ensures a working knowledge of library services; thereby being able to facilitate access to information for the entire school community (1.3). The multimedia aspect is evidence of the candidate’s knowledge of technology and their ability to incorporate technology to promote access to information (2.3). Rubric Target Audience (1.1, 2.1) Target Clearly defines users in regard to age level and type of library service Acceptable Unacceptable Defines users in Lacks definition of regards to age level and age level of user and type of library type of library Content (1.3) Content of presentation thoroughly enhanced the instruction or promotion of a library service Content of presentation supported the instruction or promotion of a library service Lacks content that supports the instruction or promotion of a library service Rationale (1.1, 2.1) Content appropriate for target audience Clearly explains the rationale for using this method of technology to instruct or promote a service Strong evidence of reflection and synthesis of ideas presented in lecture, readings, and discussion in regards to use of different technologies Majority of content appropriate for target audience Explains the rationale for using this method of technology to instruct or promote a service Relevant to readings and but lacks reflection and synthesis of ideas presented in lecture, readings, and discussion in regards to use of different technologies Majority of content not appropriate for target audience Lacks a clear rationale for selecting this method of technology to instruct or promote a service Lacks relevance to reading and reflection and synthesis of ideas presented in lecture, reading, and discussion in regards to use of different technologies Technology Design Element (2.3) Design of technology follows the established guidelines for the chosen technology Design of technology follows some of the established guidelines for the chosen technology Design of technology fails to follow the established guidelines or the chosen technology.