 Create a clear heading for each lesson plan and place it at the top of page one.
 The required information for the heading is: student teacher’s name; date lesson is to be taught;
cooperating teacher’s name; group size; allotted time; grade level; and the subject or topic of the
 Be sure to have to have the cooperating teacher initial the plan.
 Type the standard(s) being addressed in the lesson.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
 One or more objectives must be stated for each lesson.
 Objectives are stated as learning outcomes in behavioral terms that are clear and measurable.
 Objectives should reflect cognitive, psychomotor and/or affective goals as appropriate.
 Objectives should follow a three part format: (1) identify who is to perform the desired behavior;
(2) identify the actual behavior to be employed in demonstrating mastery of the objective; (3)
identify the result, the product or the performance of the behavior that will be evaluated to
determine whether the objective has been mastered.
 The five-part “Mager” objective with the three parts mentioned above plus (1b) the conditions
under which the behavior should occur and (3b) the criteria for acceptable performance can be
used as an alternative format for writing objectives.
II. Instructional Materials:
 This section requires a list of all materials needed to implement the lesson.
 The list should include the quantity, source, and title of print and non-print materials.
 The list should include the quantity and source of any consumable materials or supplies.
 All handouts should be attached to lesson plan when it is submitted for evaluation.
III. Subject Matter:
 An accurate and complete outline of WHAT is to be taught in the lesson is required in this section
of the plan.
 Big ideas and new content, including vocabulary should be listed
 This material could be factual information, concepts, skills or values depending on the lesson.
 Prerequisite content and skills should be listed in this section of the plan.
IV. Implementation
 This section of the plan requires a complete explanation of HOW the lesson will be taught. It
should flow in a developmental, logical, and sequential manner. Short phrases or narrative may
be used for this section and it may be written in outline or bulleted format.
A. Introduction – This sub-section should: (1) establish the purpose or objective of the lesson
for the students (anticipatory set); (2) connect this lesson to prior knowledge; (3) engage the
learners and establish relevance i.e. motivate them.
B. Development – This sub-section should include a detailed and sequential explanation of the
developmentally appropriate methods (strategies and techniques) that will be employed to teach
this lesson. Such things as teacher modeling, ways to check for students’ understanding, and
techniques to provide for guided practice should be considered, This section can also include an
explanation of room arrangement, a listing of questions to be asked, and even expected student
C. Closure – This sub-section should include an explanation of the techniques(s) that will be
used to summarize or review the lesson’s content and reference to the lesson’s purpose or
objective that was presented at the beginning of the lesson. An assignment, if appropriate, should
be listed. (Note: assigning homework is not considered closure).
D. Accommodations – This sub-section should include well-planned and suitable
accommodations where appropriate
E. Evaluation of Students - This subsection should include a description of the measurable
criteria and the specific assessment(s) that will be used for evaluating student performance of
each objective. This section is completed BEFORE the lesson is taught.
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives
1. This section is to be completed after the lesson is taught.
2. A report of how the students actually performed in assessment process
will address the evaluation plan stated in Section IV–E (above)
3. Leave blank space for this handwritten report.
B. Personal Reflection (Experience + Reflection = Growth)
1. Teacher candidates will thoughtfully consider every lesson taught in light of how their
latest performance as a teacher correlates with what they believe teaching and
learning to be.
2. Prior to teaching the lesson, the teacher candidate will list two or three questions to
consider for reflection on their teaching behavior.
3. After each question, leave blank space for this reflection. Questions such as the
following could be considered:
 What instructional/management strategies worked? Which did not work and
 Was my closure effective?
 Was I able to pace my lesson to fit the allotted time?
 How could this lesson be improved?
4. After the lesson is taught, the questions are answered with a handwritten reflection
and self-evaluation.
VI. Resources – A complete list of resources, including electronic sources, should be included in this
section. Resources should be written in APA format