1 Department of Elementary Education College of Education Kutztown University of Pennsylvania PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER (PROSEM) EVALUATION DESCRIPTORS A. Professional Attributes – At this pre-student teaching stage, the teacher candidate displays: 1. Self-confidence and poise § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS- Strong knowledge base supports calm, positive, self-assured responses; exercises appropriate judgment and displays willingness to learn; remains composed during unnerving or frustrating situations; does not hesitate to “step in” when appropriate. § PROFICIENT- Maintains a reasonable level of composure; recognizes a need to improve knowledge base; returns to appropriate classroom decorum after unsettling situations. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Appears uncomfortable with student questions and challenges; body language may indicate a lack of composure. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use resources to improve knowledge base in content areas; study developmental stages of students; immerse self in school culture; observe and note positive behaviors of self-selected professional models; rehearse and practice one-one with cooperating teacher/supervisor. Videotape self to heighten awareness of detracting behaviors. 2. A positive attitude toward students and school personnel § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Consistently demonstrates a keen awareness of and respect for the culture of the school as a community of learners; uses professionally appropriate social behavior and good manners; treats school and student property and materials with care. Displays kindness and compassion. Keeps school matters confidential. Avoids gossip. § PROFICIENT – Sometimes appears unsure about culturally appropriate behavior; professional and social etiquette are adequate; hesitant about joining small group discussions; body language displays a lack of comfort in the environment. Tries to be kind and considerate. Keeps school matters confidential. Avoids gossip § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Avoids contact with students and school personnel; perceived as being inconsiderate and rude; careless with property and materials. Gossips about students and/or teachers in an inappropriate manner at school, and/or outside of school. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Greet students and school personnel cordially, and by name; consult business etiquette books/manuals to learn appropriate professional and social behavior; avoid sitting on desks, tables, cabinets, etc.; attend etiquette dinner at University to learn about appropriate casual conversations in professional situations. Learn appropriate school laws such as FERPA (Federal Education Right to Privacy Act). 3. Dependability § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Always punctual. Attends school, classes, meetings and seminars with a high level of reliability, except when ill; keeps the teachers’ day as determined by the school; lesson plans prepared 2 days in advance to assure cooperating teacher’s timely approval; has materials ready the day before the lesson; paces lessons to maintain efficient class schedule. 2 § PROFICIENT - Punctual and in attendance as required most of the time; materials and lesson plans are usually prepared in a timely manner; lessons are usually well-paced within the time limits. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Frequently tardy; leaves early for no given reason; absent without reasonable cause; lesson planning and implementation does not reflect timeliness. Careless with property and materials. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use an expanded planning calendar; attend a counseling center or Developmental Studies seminars to explore issues of time management; use notebooks, binders, folders, book bags, briefcases, etc. to organize materials. Keep a log to note date and time of school arrival and departure. 4. Ability to take and use constructive criticism § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Initiates self-evaluation and reflection process consistently and independently; actively pursues self-improvement activities and experiences; seeks constructive criticism and implements suggestions without being reminded. § PROFICIENT - Actively participates in discussions related to improvement; verbally accepts criticism; needs to be encouraged to implement suggestions. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Avoids criticism; argues; deflects criticism; blames others for mistakes or inaction; makes excuses; does not implement suggestions. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT – Keep a journal with cooperating teacher; self reflect about lessons on a daily basis; read comments from cooperating teacher; devise written contract for improvement steps; seek advice from coordinator, department chair or counseling center. Read self-help conflict management books to learn about positive responses to confrontations. 5. Ability to follow directions § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Paperwork is usually completed accurately and efficiently. Verbal, as well as written instructions, are usually followed explicitly. § PROFICIENT - Paperwork is completed adequately; written and verbal instructions are usually followed adequately. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Paperwork is inaccurate and/or incomplete; verbal instructions are not followed efficiently. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT – Keep a journal with cooperating teacher; devise written contract for improvement steps; seek advice from coordinator, department chair or counseling center. Seek vision and hearing screening to explore the possibility of any physical cause for missed details. 6. Initiative § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Begins tasks enthusiastically and without being told. Notices potential for improvement in learning community; generates efficient action plan that includes others; uses novel materials and designs; follows through effectively and in a timely manner. § PROFICIENT - Generates credible ideas, but needs to be told, or reminded to follow through. Needs to be encouraged to act as a thoughtful member of a team. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Does not initiate tasks. Avoids working with others. 3 § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use curriculum resources to increase knowledge base; explore cooperative learning structures; study problem-solving strategies; take additional courses in areas of greatest need; join professional groups to learn to network with others. 7. Willingness to put forth consistent and appropriate effort § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Always finishes projects in a timely manner; demonstrates comfort as a dependable member of an educational team; volunteers to work on special projects that will enhance student learning; has appropriately high expectations. § PROFICIENT - Task commitment is varied; completes requirements in a cursory manner; has adequate expectations. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Avoids work; does not allocate appropriate time to teaching responsibilities. Professional goals need to be clearly defined. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT – Put due date “tickler” reminders on calendar; have work finished one day early; seek advice about goal articulation from family, counseling center, coordinator or department chair; establish priorities and nurture professional work ethic; seek advice about communicating goals and responsibilities to friends. 8. Willingness to take charge § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Demonstrates leadership qualities; identifies classroom needs and takes necessary action; frequently volunteers for duties beyond assigned responsibilities. § PROFICIENT - Will take charge if asked, but appears unsure of self or situation. Looks to others for authority. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Does not demonstrate desire to take charge. Tends to “disappear” in the heat of the moment; sometimes over reacts by being authoritarian. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Study self-help literature related to leadership strategies. Take additional course(s) in classroom management and discipline. Seek advice from counseling center, coordinator, advisor, and/or department chair. 9. Enthusiasm § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Seems inspired to teach well; thus, inspires a lively interest and excitement in all aspects of preparation and teaching. Adapts and enhances materials to show respect for self and diverse members of the learning community. § PROFICIENT - Demonstrates some interest in materials and lesson preparation; follows teaching manuals closely, sometimes without appropriate attention to application and need. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Teaches in a linear fashion with no attempt to adapt lessons to needs of the community. More talk than action. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use curriculum resources to increase knowledge base; explore cooperative learning structures; take additional courses in areas of greatest need; join professional groups to learn to network with others; attend cultural events. 4 10. Professional appearance § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Well groomed, clean and neat in overall appearance; clothing is in keeping with professional culture of the learning community; shoes are designed for safety and “on-your-feet” action; posture and body language implies respect for self and others. § PROFICIENT - Well-groomed most of the time; clothing mirrors college campus more than professional community. Body language is sometimes too casual for learning community. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Appears disheveled overall; clothing detracts from learning (too tight, too low, too short, too rumpled, etc.); fiddles with hair, nails, face, jewelry, etc. Accessories do not fit professional culture of learning community. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Seek advice from career services, counseling center, health center coordinator, department chair, and academic/organization advisor. Set aside several outfits for professional use; keep these garments clean and well pressed. Give careful attention to grooming and personal hygiene. Communication skills – at this stage, the teacher candidate B. 1. Uses correct and effective oral English § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Consistently uses English language that is acceptable in scholarly environments. Expresses ideas clearly and concisely. Articulates words appropriately. § PROFICIENT - Makes some errors in English usage, but is aware of mistakes. Usually expresses ideas clearly. Articulation is adequate most of the time. (Ex.: affixes are not clearly modeled). § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- English used is not appropriate for scholarly and professional environments. Diction is awkward; commits many errors in subject-verb agreement and/or pronoun usage; has difficulty presenting ideas. Does not recognize mistakes. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Self-selected language study guides and/or books such as Writers’ Express; individual/small group tutorial; additional course(s) in Speech/Communication. Seek speech and hearing evaluation. 2. Uses correct and effective written English § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Consistently uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Presents ideas clearly and concisely. Constructs interesting, informative, well-organized written products such as business letters, friendly letters, reaction papers, lesson plans, graphic arrays or charts, notes to other professionals, etc. Models appropriate, effective, scholarly vocabulary. § PROFICIENT - Uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation in most situations. Expresses ideas clearly; organizes products adequately. Use average vocabulary. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation; does not apply rules of formal grammar and document structure; disorganized, unclear written work. Vocabulary does not reflect standards of professional education and scholarship. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use spell checker/dictionary ; self-selected language study guides and/or books such as formal writing style guides (APA, Harcourt Style Guide, Writers’ Express, etc.). Attend individual/small group tutorial at writing lab; take additional course(s) in composition (Business Writing). 5 3. Uses age appropriate vocabulary § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Consistently uses developmentally appropriate, novel, interesting language to explain concepts during lessons. Models correct and effective language during informal discussions. § PROFICIENT - Choice of vocabulary may sometimes be too difficult or too simplistic to stimulate interest, but is adequate for the situation. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Selected vocabulary is outside the developmental stages of the students. Language used with parents and other professionals does not reflect scholarship. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use thesaurus; read self-selected vocabulary building study guides and/or books such as Writers’ Express; study developmental language stages of students; attend individual/small group tutorial; take additional course(s) in Speech/Communication. 4. Produces correct and legible handwriting § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Handwriting is consistently an excellent model. It is correct in all aspects of form and is consistent with what students are taught. Informal writing is legible. § PROFICIENT - Handwriting usually shows correct form and is consistent with what students are taught. Informal handwriting is legible most of the time. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Handwriting is weak in many areas of form. Students find many inconsistencies from what they are taught. Informal handwriting is not always legible. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use Zaner-Bloser, Denealian, Palmer, or other penmanship manuals to learn appropriate style. Practice writing on chalkboard. To compensate for dysgraphia, use computer to prepare as many materials as possible in advance (transparencies, charts, etc.). 5. Appropriately modulated voice (projection) § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Voice is clear and well modulated. Use of voice greatly enhances presentation. Projection is skillfully geared to the size and needs of the group. § PROFICIENT - Voice is pleasant, distinct and reasonably flexible. Projection is usually appropriate. Tone and pitch do not hamper effectiveness. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Speech problems affect clarity. Tone and pitch detract from presentation. Voice may be inappropriately harsh, loud, soft or monotonous. Speech is difficult to understand. Tone, pitch and projection are not satisfactory. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Tape record lessons to analyze problems. Seek evaluation from Speech Department professionals; take additional course(s) in Speech Communication. 6. Appropriate expression in voice § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Enthusiasm for content and respect for listeners are modeled consistently in various verbal expressions that are appropriate for the situation. Use of voice greatly enhances presentation. Body language supports enthusiasm. § PROFICIENT - Lack of interest and/or clear purpose is sometimes evident in voice, but routine expression is generally adequate. Gesticulations and body language are somewhat tentative, but adequate. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Verbal interactions are bland and monotonous. Lack of interest and/or clear purpose is evident in voice. Body language is awkward and closed. 6 § C. SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Videotape record lessons to analyze problems. Seek evaluation from Speech Department professionals; take additional course(s) in Speech Communication. Instructional Skills- At this stage, the teacher candidate: 1. Has rapport with students § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Models a high level of respect and enhances mutual trust; demonstrates emotional affinity for students. Knows what the students want to learn. Body language indicates cheerful comfort in the learning community and an excellent sense of humor. § PROFICIENT - Appears to enjoy being around children and is beginning to explore students’ interests. Body language is tentatively warm; seems to be trying to become invested in the learning community. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Avoids contact with students; body language is closed. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Participate in student activities such as recess, lunch and homework club. Walk around the neighborhood of the school; visit local supermarkets, restaurants and places of worship. Seek support and insights from cooperating teacher, advisors and professional associations. 2. Writes complete, correct and appropriate lesson plans in KU format § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Consistently follows Kutztown University lesson plan outline and rubric correctly. Writes developmentally appropriate lessons within the parameters of the curriculum. § PROFICIENT - Basic plan contains varied levels of correctness as indicated by the rubric; overall lesson plan is adequate. Curriculum of district is observed. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- KU plan/rubric are not followed; needs of students are ignored. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Enter a template of KU plan into computer and follow the plan. Work with coordinator and cooperating teacher to learn missing links. Read Yardsticks by Chip Wood to learn about developmentally appropriate stages of students. Be sure to write reflection about each lesson. 3. Implements effective lessons § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Captures students’ interest in novel/meaningful ways; focuses on important, developmentally appropriate concepts; makes relevant use of resources; paces lesson well; emphasizes interaction among all members of the learning community (hands-on/brains-on); uses questioning strategies appropriately; demonstrates that students learned new information as set forth in the lesson plan; closure reinforces purpose of lesson; reflects and plans for improvement. § PROFICIENT - Lessons tend to be good overall, but more opportunities for connections to authentic situations could be included. Some people are left out of the action/thinking processes (teacherstudent/student-student). Important components of the lesson are given appropriate attention, but details need to be expanded. Sometimes follows commercial material too closely. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- “Goes over” information; bores self and others with material that is too difficult, too easy, too bland, etc. Ignores interests and needs of students. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Follow “Kutztown University Lesson Plan Guidelines” by the number, point by point. Use “Constructivist Framework” rubric. Work with team members, coordinator and cooperating teacher to implement suggestions. 7 4. Uses varied and appropriate instructional strategies § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Promotes responsibility for learning for all members of learning community; uses social interaction of learners to make learning effective; orchestrates curiosity about content; uses materials, models and management designs well. Builds on prior knowledge; uses developmentally appropriate materials and manipulatives wisely. § PROFICIENT - Attempts to involve students in learning but sometimes needs to provide more appropriate modeling and practice; tries to make procedures and expectations clear. Relies upon too much teacher-talk. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Expectations of students are unrealistic; ignores developmentally appropriate practice; observed as didactic basal hugger. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Focus on learning processes and procedures; practice elements such as cooperative learning and questioning strategies; work with cooperating teacher, coordinator and team members to learn how to promote learning in a safe, caring learning community where everyone is a valuable learner. 5. Uses varied and appropriate learning aids and materials § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Uses models and innovative teacher/student made materials that are aesthetically appealing. Uses developmentally appropriate materials that enhance learning. § PROFICIENT - Uses commercially prepared materials with little or no modifications. Worksheets supplied by district are used routinely. Manipulatives are used occasionally. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Teaches directly from the book; ignores research based skills and strategies suggested in teachers’ edition. Avoids using manipulatives or props to enhance the presentation. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use resources available in curriculum library and professional resources files. Take additional courses related to materials and technology. 6. Uses technology when and where appropriate § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Uses video, audio and computer technology interactively. Technology is a genuine part of the developmentally appropriate, constructivist approach in the learning community. Demonstrates confidence when employing technology. § PROFICIENT - Demonstrates knowledge of technology, but needs to implement its use consistently in the learning community. Transparencies tend to be appropriately constructed for students to follow. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Avoids use of technology. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Take additional courses to learn about appropriate use of technology. Make a concerted effort to use technology in every lesson. 7. Uses appropriate assessment techniques § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Formative assessments, as well as summative evaluations, are established before lessons are taught. Clear, measurable, developmentally appropriate criteria are communicated to the students. Students are given responsibility for contributing to traditional and alternative forms of assessment, within reasonable parameters. § PROFICIENT - Assessments are routine worksheets and pencil/paper tests. Projects are assigned occasionally and students understand evaluation plans most of the time. 8 § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Assessments are afterthoughts. Students waste instructional time “going over homework answers.” § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Consult curriculum resources to learn about alternative assessment. Take additional courses in assessment. Write lesson plans backwards; for example, begin with evaluation, then write subject matter, objectives, materials, and then implementation. Ask “How will I know that I have taught the students new concepts and they have learned the information?” Work closely with cooperating teacher, coordinator and other members of the learning community. 8. Demonstrates an adequate knowledge base in content areas § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Displays in-depth understanding of the knowledge, skills, strategies and attitudes related to content area. Generates developmentally appropriate questions at each and every level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Actively seeks more than one way to solve problems. § PROFICIENT - Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of content; teaches at the literal level most of the time. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Does not know that he/she does not know. Does not use appropriate resources to develop content knowledge. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Use resources of curriculum center, library and Internet to learn content. Take additional courses in area(s) of greatest need. Meet with coordinator, department chair and counselor to determine academic priorities. 9. Is able to accommodate the learning needs of students § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Teaches concepts in several different ways; celebrates students’ creativity and diversity. Provides opportunities for musical, artistic, kinesthetic, verbal and written student responses. Uses developmentally appropriate realia and authentic materials, as well as technology and other resources to ensure that students learn well. § PROFICIENT - Reaches most of the learners most of the time; includes some variety in response activities to enhance students’ creativity and diversity. § UNSATISFACTORY- Teaches one way. Makes excuses or blames students for incomplete learning. Intolerant of individual differences. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Explore curriculum resources to learn about additional strategies. Participate in sensitivity training related to physically challenging situations. For example: spend a day wearing some else’s glasses in order to experience visual acuity differences; walk in shoes that are too big so that you will trip and feel clumsy like someone with gross motor challenges; wear ear plugs so that you cannot hear clearly; wear mittens when you write to experience small motor problems, etc. 10. Is able to pace instruction according to the lesson plan § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Monitors students’ learning and adjusts lesson in progress. Stays within time limits; maintains interest of members of learning community; stops gently when necessary and revamps lesson for another time. § PROFICIENT - Lessons vary in length and timing. Members of learning community frequently require more time to finish work. § NEEDS IMPROVEMENT- Uses homework as a means to finish incomplete work. Disrupts classroom schedule by spending too much time on one lesson. Lessons of least favorite content suffer by being too brief or too drawn out. Lack of preparation is obvious. 9 § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Plan selectively by using “if-then” branching. Read all material in advance; rehearse lesson; write questions; make a prototype of all projects, activities and projects to ascertain tangles, glitches, etc. Take additional courses in content areas of most need. Seek advice from cooperating teacher, coordinator and counseling center. 11. Is able to manage and control a classroom environment and students § EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS - Feeling-tone of the classroom is positively focused on learning. Classroom ambiance is organized and pleasant. Students help develop rules and routines. Participants make academic choices, take care of themselves, others and their classroom in a respectful manner. Everyone in the learning community is expected to learn something new every day. People are treated equitably, not equally (meaning the same). The learning community is a safe place. § PROFICIENT - Learning appears to occur in a purposeful manner. Students are asked for attention, then teacher is usually ready to move forward and maintain attention. Rules are usually followed. Classroom environment appears to be organized and made attractive with student work. Plants and a variety of furniture are added or rearranged to improve the physical comfort level for the students and other members of the learning community. § UNSATISFACTORY- Students are not in control of their behavior or learning. Rules and procedures are not clear; teacher attempts to control students by humiliation and embarrassment (name on board, public shaming, sarcastic remarks, etc.). Classroom needs an “enter at own risk” sign. § SUGGESTIONS for IMPROVEMENT - Study publications related to “Responsive Classroom.” Take additional courses related to classroom management and discipline and/or child psychology. Work with cooperating teacher, coordinator, advisor, professional organizations and counselors to clarify educational expectations. 09/03