Institutional Climate Committee Minutes

Institutional Climate Committee
March 13, 2014
OM 3
11:00 a.m.
Attached: Crime Alerts Subcommittee
Attendance: A. Adams, M. Borst, Y. Davila, J. C. Hamilton, K. Lynch, J.
J.C. Hamilton reported on meeting with S. Kong who developed CHD webpage and
will take the lead with webpage for ICC. Dr. Kong shared Obama’s “We the
people” webpage and petition format for interactive communications of
perception and opinion. Pam Reichert-Rix will be administering all Senate
pages. We discussed getting student help for ICC page as part of grant.
Aimee Adams reported the status of the ICC subcommittee work on the Clery
act. A subcommittee of J. Kremser, A. Adams & K. Lynch developed a statement
that ICC reviewed. The statement is intended to help educate the community
about crime reports. The subcommittee is in the stage of getting feedback
from Thomas Robinson and his group as well as Senate and APSCUF. The ICC is
suggesting places to post and announce this statement/information with the
intent to assuage alarm, address issues of stereotyping, and assure nondiscrimination.
ICC discussed low rates of reporting of experienced and perceived harassment
and challenging but important role of open communication. There was
discussion of fears of negative consequences of reporting, including the
likelihood that reports will increase before incidence goes down and the
concern of reporter confidentiality. We discussed current mandated reporter
J.C. Hamilton will be putting together an assessment grant proposal (category
4, campus wide) to help fund climate change initiatives and transformation.
Proposals are due March, 31, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Cohen Hamilton
Move approval: J. Kremser, K. Lynch motion. Recorded in favor: Y. Davila , S. Gaisey, S. Kong, A. PfeilerWunder, C. Weiler, Chairs: Adams & Hamilton. Motion passes 4/14/14
Draft Proposal for Addressing Crime Alert Concerns
Submitted by: Aimee Adams, Jonathan Kremser, Kathy Lynch
Suggestions for Revisions to Crime Alerts:
Add “race/identity unknown” to crime alerts as needed
Add “disclaimer” to all Crime Alerts:
These alerts are shared with the community in a timely manner in compliance with requirements of the
Clery Act. Information included in this alert is required to be in compliance with this act. For example,
the identity or characteristics of the alleged offender are reported only when they are known to the
victim. For more information, please visit: (link to ICC webpage)
On the webpage, add a more extensive explanation of the guidelines for Crime Alerts:
Guidelines for Issuing a Crime Alert: e.g., Is it a reportable crime? Was a weapon used? Was
there injury to the victim?
Types of Alerts:
Crime Alerts: Issued about individual crimes against persons (e.g., assault, robbery) and any
patterns of personal or property crimes (e.g., multiple thefts/burglaries)
Safety Alerts: Crimes in off-campus areas where students are likely to frequent
Resident Hall/Workplace Crime Prevention Advisories: similar to crime alert, issued when a
crime/pattern of crimes occurs only at one specific campus or off-campus location
University Relations is notified before reports are issued
Content to be included:
Title, using PA Crimes Code classification
Factual text including who, what, when, where of crime, and who the crime was reported to
Tone: “business-like and professional, yet sensitive to the victim”
Suspect Description: detailed description if possible. Indicate if victim cannot give a description
or if the alleged offender is known to the victim. If alleged offender is known to the victim, a
physical description is not needed.
Citizen Assistance – request to notify police if suspect is observed on/near campus
Crime prevention tips”
Where information is to be disseminated: Student union crime board and all other designated
Information about what happens after a crime is reported, why information cannot be shared.
Suggestions for where to disseminate a notice about this information:
Email to campus community
Include brief disclaimer at the bottom of all crime alert emails (or at least include a link to the ICC page)
Add disclaimer to KU facebook page
Other notes: Coordinate our response w/ Tom Robinson’s committee.
March 13, 2014