Academic Technology Committee Minutes

Academic Technology Committee
September 17, 2013
Minutes for 09/17/13 11:00am
11 AM
SH 412
submitted by C. Gardner
Roll Call not taken.
I. The meeting was called to order.
 Agenda approval moved by M. Decoster, seconded by C. Gardner, passed unanimously.
 Minutes approval moved by M. Decoster, seconded by M. Downing, passed
II. Introductions of ATC members
III. Election of Secretary
 Carolyn Gardner was elected secretary to serve this academic year.
IV. Technology Priorities
 Lisa explains: we asked faculty what technology they needed. Over 50% responding
faculty said they would use EndNotes. The response was comprised of 130 faculty.
Although the Provost reminded us we are in a budget crisis, if the purchase of EndNotes
is a top priority for this committee the Provost’s office will find the money. Therefore,
Lisa is asking us to check to see if there another technology issue more important for
faculty than the purchase of Endnotes.
 The cost of Endnotes was given as $5K to 10K per year. There are two ways to purchase
a license for this product—first, an annual purchase with a three-year commitment; or, an
outright purchase for all faculty, at approximately $10K. A 100 user site license cost an
average of $5K per year.
 Further results of the survey were: 53% of the faculty said they would use Dragon Speak;
43% a qualitative analysis software; 67% said they would use Endnote.
 Holly Fox announced that MyKU can now provide transcripts for students with holds.
Also, a student’s current schedule is now shown on the Quick Enroll screen.
 The post enrollment checker now checks to see if students attempting to enroll in a
course meets pre-requisites for the course. The students that do not meet the prerequisites are flagged but not automatically dropped from class. The registrar notifies the
departments of the flagged students. Kunio asked if the advisors (of flagged students)
could be notified. The flag is NOT visible to faculty when looking at class list.
 A top priority raised was room rollover for scheduling and office hours workflow.
 Graduate candidacy workflow has been completed. The next workflows to be
implemented are change of majors; followed by change of grade.
Academic Technology Committee
E. Landquist reported that grade rosters do not alphabetize students correctly; it follows
ASCII so DiCarlo is before Diaz. Holly will log a tar with Oracle.
Registration Wait list: Registrar’s Office is concerned about procedures for this. Holly
and Lisa will meet with Michelle Hughes.
VI. Distance Education / D2L
 Interface changes for D2L 10.2 will be occurring on December 14th (date was established
by D2L and PASSHE). BlackBoard has been integrated with D2L (in place of WIMBA).
 Re-lauched KU ONLINE.
 KU Converge: Faculty resource page. For faculty teaching online there are articles by
faculty. There is a plan to integrate social media and have web forum at some point.
Workshops (face-to-face) will no longer be offered because they are poorly attended,
instead there will be one-one with departments, perhaps in a brown bag setting.
VII. OIT Projects – Status Updates
1. KU Portal: good progress has been made on the single sign-on project using Federated
identity. Products now using this are student email,, KU United and
Simplicity for Career Development Center. D2L may come over winter break.
2. Email options for faculty: IT is migrating to Exchange 2013 (no date yet), which will
include quota increases
3. Integration of SharePoint with TracDat: Some progress but IT still working with
IT Report (Mitch’s option) – handout distributed
Terms and Conditions for KU Alert: intention is in January to present new module where
users can sign up for KU Alert, but have the ability to opt out. Intention is to increase
participation in KU Alert (move from 4,000 participants to 9,000). Faculty would sign-up
the same way as they currently do.
Document management: A SharePoint site can be used for document management. Key
tools are that it is built around office products.
Kunio inquired about a Mac interface for TracDat, is there a browser add-on? IT has not
done much testing on Macs yet.
Mitch brought up help center hours. The 3-1511 number works for early hours and
evening instruction. Extension 3-4909 is the priority response system.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:50 (motion by M. DeCoster, seconded by M. Downing)
Next meeting: October 15 & 17, 2013 in DeFran 207
Items in current ATC purview but with no progress
 Implementation of strategic plan