11.1 Introduction
The earlier chapters of the vision document lead us to draw specific strategies and
plan of action for the implementation of quality components to attain the goal of
quality with equity under RMSA. This present chapter provides the overall
framework for the implementation of quality components enumerating the guidelines
for setting up academic structures at different layers at the national, state and district
levels involving various stakeholders interplaying at these layers for operational
purposes. The chapter consolidates as well as elaborates on the strategies and plan
of action for quality issues concerning ‘good quality education’ in terms of
curriculum, classroom processes, enabling learning environment, adolescent
education, use of ICT1 and processes through professional and quality teachers at
the secondary stage. The chapter will facilitate the State Governments and UT
Administration to:
1. Make realistic provisions in their own budget for meeting the expenditure
ensuring quality at the secondary stage specifically balancing the financial
and physical terms with progress in quality to be assessed independently.
2. Delineate quality concerns focussing on inputs, processes and the outcomes
including creation of State Resource Group (SRG) to reflect the vision of the
state/UT towards Universalisation of Secondary Education (refer figure 1).2
This will pave the path for AWP&B proposals to detail out the progress of
educational scenario in the state/UT reflecting the quality improvement in
concrete terms, commensurate with the perspective plan.
3. Balance AWP&B proposals with respect to access, equity and quality
components. Presently, the plans focus more on infrastructure and less on
quality and equity components.
4. Spell the specific roles and functions of the educational personnel at the
district level simultaneously enabling and empowering them to :
a. Constituting District Resource Group (DRG) for quality and academic
b. Prepare specific plans for each district based on the local needs. A
district plan should include sub-district priorities, focus and resource
c. Identify districts for special treatment based on clear, objective criteria
relating to educational backwardness. The districts should identify sub
ICT component is inbuilt in different quality components. For further details refer
chapter no. 7 of the document.
2 Details in point 11.2
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district levels that need greater attention and resources and reflect
them in their respective district plans.
d. Plan for quality teacher preparation for continuous professional
development of teachers, implementation of CCE, classroom
processes, need based bridge courses and monitoring mechanism for
academic aspects.
e. Converge the following centrally sponsored schemes with the scheme
of RMSA to achieve the goal of quality with equity at the secondary
stage :
ICT @ Schools
Girls Hostel
iii. Inclusive Education for Disabled at the secondary stage.
iv. Incentives for girls for secondary Education
v. National Merit cum Means Scholarship
vi. Financial Assistance for the Appointment of Language
Vocationalisation of Secondary Education
viii. Adolescence Education Programme
5. Establish online networked environment to facilitate micro (sub district and
school level), meso (district level) and macro (state) level planning which
have implications for the operation of various schemes of government,
availability of information ‘on tap’ and its use in survey, research, monitoring
and evaluation activities.
6. Provide inputs for updating and expansion of state wide MIS database for
secondary education incorporating the quality components adopting the
approach of accumulating queries/needs submitted by the teachers for
designing need based teacher development programmes, designing registry of
subject experts at the district level for continuous professional development
programmes, teacher profile, summative examination data under the adequate
supervision at the national level. .
7. To take necessary steps towards filling up the teaching and non teaching
positions for capacity the smooth functioning the proposed academic structure
for implementing quality inputs. This can be achieved by network data
collection through schools.
Strategies and Plan of Action
To enable a decentralised mode of education, the Resource Groups at the National
(NRG), State (SRG) and District (DRG) level will be constituted to provide academic
inputs at all levels and manage the progress of programme (refer figure 1 ).
National Level
1. National Resource Group will be set up to provide policy guidance, direction
and building for quality improvement with regard to: curriculum reforms,
quality and content of Textbooks, supplementary teaching learning materials,
identification of indicators of learning and their incorporation in curricula,
textbooks and teaching-learning process, ICT enabled secondary education,
appropriate pedagogic and evaluation practices, pre-vocational courses for
skill development, In-service professional development of secondary school
teachers, monitoring of quality components in various states/UT, capacity
building for research studies, action researches.
2. The composition of NRG will be as follows:
a. Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, MHRD will
be the Chairperson of NRG. Director NCERT will be the ViceChairperson.
b. Head, Department of Secondary Education will be the Member
c. Joint Secretary, School Education, MHRD, will be the member of
d. It will be the 8-10 member committee which will include Heads or
their nominees of NUEPA, Planning Commission, NCTE, IGNOU,
NIOS, COBSE/CBSE, Development Partners, TSG (Ed. CIL).
e. It can be broad based by inviting the participation from the following
organisations for obtaining feedback on specific issues relating
secondary education:
Directors- SCERT’s /SIE’s/SIMAT/CTE and other similar
ii. Ministry of Health, Agriculture, Labour Employment and
iii. Representatives from India Institutes of Technology,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Navodaya Vidyalaya
Samiti, Minority institutions, Boards of School Education
(one from each region).
iv. Representatives from FICCI/ASSOCHAM, CII, DST.
Education Department of Central University (ies), State
Universities (to be selected region wise).
vi. National Level Institutes in Sciences and Social Sciences,
Languages, Arts etc..
vii. Experts and Eminent educationists.
viii. Teacher Representatives, NGO’s and other educationally
focussed agencies.
3. NRG will function through sub committees constituted under it and will meet
once in six months i.e., two times a year. The notification for the constitution
of these sub committees to be issued by the chairperson of national resource
4. The composition of sub-committees constituted under NRG is discussed as
follows :
a. The Curriculum Reforms subcommittee will be constituted under
NRG. The Director NCERT will be the Chairperson. Head,
Department of Secondary Education will be the Member Secretary.
Director, School Education, MHRD, Joint Director, Council
(NCERT), Joint Director, Central Institute of Educational Technology
(CIET) and Joint Director Pandit Sunder Lal Sharma Central Institute
of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE-Bhopal), NIE departments and
Regional Institutes of Education (NCERT) will be the members of the
sub-committee. It will be broad based by inviting the participation
from the following organisations for obtaining feedback:
Representatives from Minority institutions (also
representing at NRG)
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and Navodaya Vidyalaya
Samiti (also representing at NRG).
Education Department of Universities: 04 from Central
and 04 from State universities also representing at NRG).
Representatives from FICCI/ASSOCHAM, CII, DST.
TSG (Ed. CIL).
Directors- SCERT’s /SIE’s/SIMAT (one from each region
– also representing at NRG).
Representatives from India Institutes of Technology,
Minority institutions, Boards of School Education
COBSE, CBSE (also representing at NRG).
Teacher Representatives, NGO’s and educationally
focussed agencies working in secondary education
(preferably drawn from NRG).
The main job of this subcommittee on curriculum reforms is to
facilitate the states/ UT’s for seeking academic support on curriculum
reforms. The sub committee will form small groups for the following:
review of state syllabi and textbooks as per the NCF-2005,
development of bridge course material for enhancing the learning,
abilities of learners, guidance and counselling, inclusiveness in
classroom, in-service professional development of secondary school
teachers, assessment and examination reforms, vocational inputs for
secondary education, research and evaluation studies (Independent and
Institutional), guidelines for independent and periodic (external
agency) monitoring.
b. A sub-committee on Teacher and Teacher Development may also be
constituted, parallel to the curriculum reforms sub-committee.
Chairman, NCTE will be the Chairperson of this subcommittee. Head,
DTEE (NCERT) will be the Member Secretary. Director School
Education, MHRD and Secretary, NCTE will be the members of the
sub-committee. It will be broad based as per the needs for obtaining
necessary inputs by inviting participation from the following
i. Directors’ of School Education of all states/UT
ii. Directors- SCERT’s /SIE’s/SIMAT (one from each region
– also representing at NRG)
iii. RIE’s (NCERT), NCTE Regional Centres, NUEPA,
iv. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and Navodaya Vidyalaya
Samiti, Education Department of Universities (02 from
Central and 02 State Universities, also representing at
v. Representatives from recognised school
(representation from Madrasa board is necessary).
The main job of this subcommittee is to ensure a uniform policy for
teacher recruitment and in service education of secondary stage
c. A separate sub-committee on ICT may be formed parallel to other sub
committees under NRG. Joint Director, CIET (NCERT) will be the
Member Secretary. The committee will have a major role in leading the
ICT based initiatives, catalysing processes, undertaking research and
programme evaluation. The sub committee on ICT will constitute a team
of educators, end users, IT professionals and software developers etc.,
and will invite participation from diverse sets of institutions and
affiliations like HBCSE, IISERs, IITs , representatives of centrally
sponsored scheme like NMEICT, ICT @ school. It can be broad based as
per needs.
d. A subcommittee on Out of School Children constituted under NRG
will facilitate the states/UTs for strengthening the state open schools
and develop guidelines for research, evaluation and monitoring
assessing the needs of out of school children. Chairman NIOS will the
Chairperson of this sub-committee. Director Academic, NIOS will be
the Member Secretary. The members of the sub committee will
i. Director School Education, MHRD.
ii. Department of Secondary Education, NCERT,
iii. TSG (Ed.CIL)
iv. SPD’s of RMSA,
v. IGNOU , state open schools
vi. NGO’s and educationally focussed agencies working for out
of school children in the area of secondary education.
e. A subcommittee on Planning and Management constituted under NRG
will visualise the planning, monitoring and management aspect of the
scheme of secondary education in the country and to guide NRG in
evolving the monitoring and programme evaluation mechanism for
quality improvement. Vice Chancellor NUEPA will be the
Chairperson. Head Department of Educational Planning, NUEPA will
be the Member Secretary. The members of the sub committee will
i. Director, School Education, MHRD
ii. Head, Department of Educational Foundations, NUEPA
iii. Department of Secondary Education, NCERT
iv. Planning Commission
v. 3-5 Directors of SCERT (also representing at NRG)
vi. State/UT RMSA functionaries
vii. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and Navodaya Vidyalaya
Representative from NIPFP
ix. TSG (Ed.CIL)
x. It will be broad based as per need to obtain necessary
5. The subcommittees will meet once in four months i.e., 3 times a year to
discuss the assigned tasks among it group members. Report(s) of the subcommittees will be presented to NRG. Budget allocation for the NRG subcommittee meetings will be met from the National fund under RMSA.
Figure 1
Sub Committee Curriculum
Policy Guidance, Direction and
Capacity Building for Quality
Resource Group
Sub Committee on Teacher
and Teacher Development
Formatted: Left, Space After: 0 pt,
Line spacing: single
Sub Committee on Out of
School Children
Formatted: Left, Space After: 0 pt,
Line spacing: single
Sub Committee on ICT
Formatted: Left
Sub Committee on Planning
and Management
Reviewing, Guiding,
Coordination and
Managing quality
components through the
Planning, management
and implementation of
quality components and its
time frame
State Resource
Formatted: Left, Right: -0.22", Line
Sub Committee on Curriculum Reformspacing: single
Sub Committee on Teacher
and Teacher Development
Formatted: Left, Line spacing:
Sub Committee on Out of
School Children
Formatted: Left, Line spacing:
Sub Committee on ICT
Formatted: Left
Formatted: Left
Sub Committee on Planning
and Management
Sub Groups: subject
specific, ICT and Planning
and Management
State Level
1. The State Governments and Union Territory Administrations will take the
responsibility for setting up SRG for reviewing and guiding quality
components in their annual plans, facilitating the execution of Annual Plans
with regard to quality components, capacity building of district level
functionaries on quality issues for the execution of annual plans, ICT enabled
secondary education, evolving effective and operational mechanism for
effective programme evaluation through researches, use of tools and
techniques and visits, coordination and Feedback to MHRD/TSG.
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line: 0", Right: 0.21"
2. Composition of SRG may be as follows:
a. The Secretary Education will be the Chairperson.
b. SPD-RMSA will be the Member Secretary.
c. Director, SCERT will be the member.
d. SRG will invite participation from the following organisations for its
ii. TSG , state level
iii. Representatives from IASEs/CTEs/other similar
institutions and Regional organisations of repute in
sciences, social sciences, Languages, ICT, and other
curricular areas., state open schools, state chamber
of commerce
iv. Representation of the resource persons trained at the
national level for ITPD.
v. Recognised Boards of School Education
vi. ITIs, Polytechnics and Vocational Institutions
vii. State Bureau of Guidance and Counselling
viii. President of the Principals and Secondary Teacher
ix. Educationists, Pedagogues, Educational Planners
and Administrators
x. MLA elected through teacher constituency and
graduate constituency
xi. NGO’s and educational agencies working in the
area of secondary education in states
3. The State Resource Group (SRG) will meet once in 4 months i.e., 3 times a
year. In line with NRG, SRG may also constitute sub committees on
Curriculum Reforms, Teacher and Teacher Development, ICT and Out of
School Children for obtaining expert advice on management strategies and
feedback. However, the Chairperson, SRG may constitute other sub
committees depending upon the state/UT educational needs nominating the
members from state level institutions, NGO’s and educationally focussed
agencies, educationists, pedagogues, educational planners and
administrators etc.
4. It will be mandatory for the sub committees to draw member
representatives from SRG including senior teachers at secondary stage, the
national/state award recipients (at least 2 in each subject), Secondary
school Principals, Representatives of recognised boards of school
education, Faculty of RIEs (NCERT), IASE/CTE and other similar
organisations and NGO’s and educationally focussed agencies working in
the area of secondary education. It can be broad based as per the needs.
5. The subcommittees will function through subject specific groups in
science, social science, mathematics, languages and other curricular areas
at the secondary stage for:
a. Subject specific inputs.
b. ICT in secondary education for identifying the niche areas in
secondary education which require urgent attention and at the same
time suitable for addressing through ICT.
c. Draw up a plan to establish infrastructure, develop and implement
the ICT solutions for secondary schools inviting the participation
from diverse sets of institutions and affiliations.
d. ITPD inputs for secondary school teachers.
e. CCE implementation in different subject areas.
f. Inclusiveness in classroom processes.
g. Need assessment for future professional development of secondary
h. Mentoring and the study groups created at the district level for the
academic growth of secondary teachers.
i. Documentation and dissemination of innovative teaching learning
practices at secondary schools in various districts of the state.
6. Apart from the above sub committees, it is proposed to constitute a
subcommittee on Planning and Management, under SRG. The Director,
School Education will be the Member Secretary of this subcommittee. It
will be mandatory for the states/ut’s to have representatives from SRG and
the other sub committees constituted under it along with eminent
professionals in education from state level institutions of repute, university
(ies), state level research organisations and NGO’s and educationally
focussed agencies working in the area of secondary education. This sub
committee will help in strengthen the task of SEMIS in the states/UTs.
a. The role of this committee will include:
To suggest and approve topics of research keeping in view the
state needs and the review of the undertaken studies.
ii. Managing the quality interventions including evaluation of
ITPD programmes and implementation of CCE in the state
through researches, tools and techniques and visits to schools
in the districts.
b. The states will develop their own procedures of commissioning research
studies by empanelling agencies and inviting proposals from them
through advertisement in the newspapers.
c. The subcommittee will work in close collaboration with District Resource
Group (DRG) to enable the school administrators develop simple school
development plans, both short term (3-6 months) and intermediate term
(1-2 years). These action plans would then become rallying points for
providing operational definitions of the nature of change desired in
classroom processes, student’s performance and assessing the efficacy of
the interventions for quality improvement with equity.
d. This committee will furnish the SRG about the educational needs and
scenario at the secondary state.
e. The sub committees under SRG will meet once in 3 months i.e., 4 times a
year and will submit the academic progress review report to the SRG
where it will be compiled for submission to NRG.
District Level
1. The State Governments and Union Territory Administrations will take the
responsibility for setting up DRG for planning and managing all quality
components within the time frame and reflecting adequately in the district level
plans, helping to establish ICT infrastructure for secondary schools,
particularly the portals and the networks and internet connectivity of adequate
bandwidth and ensure adequate comfort levels with the use of technology,
facilitating research, evaluation and monitoring of quality aspects in secondary
schools, encouraging innovations in school education and conduct of action
research by secondary school teachers, Providing on site guidance to academic
problems of secondary stage teachers.
2. Composition of DRG will be as follows:
a. Regional Deputy Director of Education will be the Chairperson.
b. District Project Coordinator (RMSA) will be the Member
c. The members of the DRG will include:
i. Representative from Health Department, Department of Rural
Development, and District level industries, PTA, Civil Works,
School Principals and Teacher Associations.
ii. Awardees Secondary School teachers (recipients of National
iii. Secondary school principals.
iv. District level
v. Village Pradhans, Artisans and Crafts persons, self help groups
vi. NGO’s and educationally focussed agencies
3. In line with SRG, DRG may form separate groups relating to its functions
for obtaining expert advice on management strategies and feedback. A sub
group on ICT may be constituted at the district level to articulate the
problems, visualising the solutions and establish the appropriate solutions
to the identified problems for ICT enabled secondary education. However,
Formatted: Footnote Text, Left
the Chairperson, DRG may constitute other groups depending upon the
district educational needs nominating the members from district level
institutions, NGO’s and educationally focussed agencies working for
secondary education. However, it will be mandatory for these groups to
draw representatives from SRG also. DRG will meet once in two months
i.e., two times a year.
4. Apart from this, a Planning and Management Group under DRG will be
constituted which will work in close collaboration with Planning and
Management sub-committee under SRG for fulfilling the state educational
needs and improvement of quality for managing quality interventions at the
secondary stage and provide inputs for uploading school related data for
SEMIS. The main job of planning and management group will include:
a. Monitoring and Evaluation at the school level.
b. Designing need based quality monitoring tools and techniques.
c. Conducting district level researches for quality improvement.
d. Bring out clear steps/guidelines/criteria of monitoring and
supervision for seeking financial assistance under DP’s
Innovative Fund.
e. Set out quality interventions in a project mode with clear
financial requirements.
f. Provide quarterly and annual information on quality related
g. Result Framework (quarterly) to measure outcomes against set
targets and baseline to track progress towards USE in the state.
Curriculum Reforms 3
1. The NCF-2005 prepared by the NCERT should become the guiding
document for States and UT’s to work on revising their curricula and
2. States/UTs to develop their own curriculum guidelines aligned with
NCF-2005 incorporating state-specific educational needs.
3. NCERT will provide academic support the states/UTs to set up core
group(s) for examining and review of state curricula and syllabi,
For details refer chapter no . 3 and 4.
textbooks, workbooks, teacher educators manual and other support
materials developed by state/UT based on NCF-2005.
There should be a shared understanding of the meaning of ‘improved
quality’ at all levels. The academic structures created at national, state
and district level will act as academic mentors for phase wise
monitoring of periodic curriculum reforms.
NCERT, at the national level will initiate action in development and
implementation of monitoring tools to the quality indicators within the
framework of RMSA. NCERT will institutionalise it as a regular and
integral part of RMSA scheme. The funds will be apportioned for the
development, administration of tools and evolving a monitoring
mechanism from the National Fund under RMSA.
Major quality dimensions of secondary education covered under these
quality monitoring Formats will be based on:
State Curriculum and Classroom Practices & Processes
Teacher and Teacher Preparation
Curriculum and Teaching learning material
Observation of classroom processes and on site guidance
Community Support and Participation
Learner’s Assessment, and Follow up mechanism for
appropriate remediation and enrichment
Conformity with the prescribed infrastructure in a time frame.
The Planning and Management subcommittee under SRG in close
collaboration with DRG will develop a continuous and comprehensive
monitoring and evaluation system to manage the progress of phase wise
curriculum reforms, as reflected in the long term perspective plan of
8. The diversity in terms of pursuance of educational ladder at secondary
education poses a challenge for development of coherent curriculum
across educational levels and states/UT. All states and Union Territories
should adopt 8+2+2 system of school education. This will facilitate
inter-state mobility of students and smooth operationalisation of
curricula besides capacity building programmes for teachers in order to
improve quality of secondary education.
Enabling School Environment4
Quality implies ‘Quality of Life in schools’. Each state must define standards for
basic learning conditions keeping in mind the geographical, socio-cultural, linguistic
and demographic conditions for each school in the district.
1. Basic facilities specific to secondary stage of education must be available in
each school including availability of qualified teachers as per the norm,
For details refer chapter no. 2.
usable space per child, textbooks and other TLM, laboratories, library, time
on task for secondary teachers etc. The minimum facilities that must be
available in each school should be clearly defined and notified by the
2. The secondary education essentially has to be the education of the
adolescence. Experiences in schooling have to be responsive to the needs of
transition and stabilisation. Since, large number of students is likely to transit
from education to the world of work, secondary education must foster skills
of transition.
3. There is a consensus that equity is a cross-cutting issue to get attention in
RMSA. It is important to understand the close connection between equity and
quality i.e., poor quality, for instance, impacts on equity and poor equity
reinforces poor quality. Therefore, efforts which are aimed at one must also
include the other.
a. Though both boys and girls experience transition, there is a special
case for girls and it needs special attention. It is necessary to
develop gender friendly curriculum. Apart from this, there is a
need to improve the girls access with the initiatives like:
Upgrading 2000 KGBV’s to secondary stage
Availability of female teachers for secondary stage.
Incentives schemes such as free textbooks, free uniforms,
differential fee structure, scholarships, safe and secured
hostel facilities etc.
b. For ensuring equity in participation, bursaries for SC’s and ST’s
and other marginalised groups along with specific support for
differently able and migrant children is to be provided for.
4. Health, Hygiene and Physical Education is an important issue and concern in
secondary education. The existing data on secondary schools show the non
availability of urinals and lavatories, drinking water facilities and play
grounds in a large number of schools in the country. This is particularly
important in the context of increasing enrolment in secondary schools.
These issues provide adequate inputs to develop district level plan of expansion of secondary
education in tandem with up-gradation of quality at this stage. The foremost initiative is to
build a long term district and block plans. These plans need to be reviewed from time to time
indicating the development of secondary education in a phased manner by the states/UTs i.e.,
the remaining years of 11th plan extending to the 12th plan spreading to the beginning of the
13th plan. It is really necessary to bring out the annual reviews of state secondary education
plans. The SEMIS designed by NUEPA will be of great help in this regard.
Formatted: Footnote Text, Left
Teacher and Teacher Development
1. NCTE, at the national level, to take lead and check the uniformity of teacher
recruitment norms of states/UT.
2. States/UTs have to follow the recruitment rules for appointment of subjectwise teachers at secondary stage as per NCTE norms.
5. Provision for 1.5 teachers per section for all schools, for strengthening teachinglearning processes at the secondary stage so as to maintain the PTR norm of 1:30.
6. Availability of 01 full time Teacher counsellor in each secondary school
catering to the adolescent needs of boys and girls.
7. Special teachers in the ratio of 1:5 for inclusive secondary classrooms.
8. Provision for Teachers in other scholastic areas: Art and Craft teacher: 01, Physical
Education and yoga Instructor: 01 Computer teacher: 01 ; Librarian (full time)
01, Librarian cum Computer Assistant
In-Service Teacher Professional Development (ITPD)5
1. The Department of Secondary Education, NCERT will coordinate in the
development of material for in-service Teacher Professional Development
(ITPD) at the secondary stage.
2. For organising ITPD programmes in states/UTs, the following strategies may
be adopted at the national level:
a. Development of Curriculum Framework and Curriculum for ITPD.
b. Development of subject specific training Packages based on Curriculum
Framework and the Curriculum for ITPD which will include:
i. State specific need assessment survey.
ii. Feedback from quality monitoring survey.
iii. Identifying the learning gaps base on quality indicators.
c. Identification of Resource Persons (RP’s) at national level for training
the Master Trainers/Key Resource Persons of states/UTs and creating a
registry for them.
d. Identification of Master Trainers/Key Resource Persons by the
states/UTs as per the guidelines/criteria provided by NCERT. (Action:
e. Orientation of Resource Persons at national level by NCERT on ITPD
curriculum in a phase wise manner.
f. Professional Development of Master Trainers/key resource persons by
resource persons oriented at national level.
g. Feedback will be obtained from master trainers/key resource persons on
various aspects of the ITPD programme for further improvement and
implementation in states/UTs.
3. State level continuous professional development programmes will be
coordinated by State Project Director, RMSA/Director SCERT/School
For details refer chapter 6
Education, in collaboration with SCERT, State School Secondary Education
Board, and Directorate of School Education.
4. District Education Officer/District Project Officer, RMSA will coordinate the
ITPD programmes at the district level seeking the cooperation of Deputy
Education Officers, sub district level office and secondary school head
teachers/ principals.
5. Continuous professional development of secondary school teachers will be
provided at the district level by master Trainers/key resource persons who are
trained by resource persons already trained at national level.
6. aster Trainers/key resource persons will act as (subject wise) mentors through
out for providing continuous professional support to teachers.
7. Feedback will be obtained from secondary school teachers on various aspects
of ITPD programmes for further improvement and implementation.
8. The states will formulate the monitoring and evaluation mechanism for ITPD
a. Programme evaluation/Impact studies for ITPD programmes in
states/UTs will be undertaken by SRG in collaboration with
IASEs/CTEs and other similar teacher training institutions
b. The faculty of these organisations visit the centres of ITPD
programmes as a follow up and submit the report through SPD,
9. It will be the responsibility of the state/UT to prepare the system to leverage
ICT for teacher professional development which will include:
Identification of teacher needs and evolution of a scheme of teacher
professional development, mapping the status of training in the
state/UT and integrating teacher development into the state policy.
b. Developing online portals with a range of teacher support services and
content, establishing online teacher networks, participation of teachers
in development and sharing of resources and participation of teacher
educators in mentoring, quality monitoring and research.
Development and delivery of online courses, need based credit based
courses and their certification, evolving a policy framework for
making these courses mandatory, participation of teacher educators in
the management of these courses, practice based courses such as
action research, guidance and counselling activities etc.`
Induction Programme for newly recruited teachers
The conduct of induction programmes for newly recruited teachers will rest with
the states/UTs in collaboration with Directorate of School Education/ SCERT. It
is however, proposed to have a 12 days induction programme (6 days plus 6
days) for these teachers. The modalities for holding such induction programmes
may be in the form of both face to face and teleconferencing. The involvement of
experts from SRG is enforced for organising induction programmes. In addition
to these, the self instructional material for secondary school teachers will also be
developed by NCERT in collaboration with IGNOU which will be uploaded on
the state/UT website for free download by the teachers. It will be mandatory for
the states/UTs to organise induction programmes for secondary stage teachers
immediately after joining for the successful completion of probation time.
Deputing untrained teachers for procuring professional degree
It will be the respective state/UT responsibility to train the untrained secondary
stage teachers existing in the system not later than 2 years of time frame. These
will be no provision of the appointment of untrained secondary stage teachers in
the system under RMSA.
Leadership and School Management Programmes for Headmasters/Principals of
Secondary Schools
The quality of secondary education depends closely on effective academic leadership
and accountability of head teachers/principals i.e., evolving an internal monitoring
mechanism for quality improvement. In this regard, a 5 day orientation programme
for secondary school principals/headmasters is to be conducted at the state/UT level
for enhancing the efficiency of secondary schools in the states/UTs.
Strengthening Resource Institutions
Effective implementation of RMSA requires involvement of several institutions e.g.,
NCERT, NCTE, NUEPA, IGNOU, CBSE, NIOS etc. The RMSA framework do
provide for the necessary strengthening of national and state level resource
institutions (page 7 of 65). However, the document does not state the clear guidelines
for strengthening the resource institutions at the various levels.
1. The Department of Secondary Education, NCERT would be acting as the
nodal agency which will also house the secretariat of National Resource
Group for quality improvement for Secondary Education, under RMSA. The
strengthening may be done through the following:
a. Providing infrastructure and support facilities as per their
requirements to be proposed and approved by respective Programme
Advisory Boards.
b. Capacity building of the NCERT faculty engaged in the tasks of
RMSA and its operationalisation and of the state functionaries
through NCERT in the areas of monitoring quality dimensions and
programme evaluation strategies. This can be accomplished by the
way of the following:
i. exposure of NCERT faculty to the best practices in the area of
secondary education in reference to quality issues testing at
various levels using the modern techniques and impact
Formatted: Left
ii. capacity building of the NCERT faculty and that of the statesUTs
through NCERT in such areas through internationally recognised
institutions, participation in international conferences and
seminars and conducting short term courses by inviting
international experts to NCERT.
iii. for affecting (a) and (b), possibilities may be explored with DP’s
for financial and technical support.
iv. such a Technical support may be finalised by MHRD and
assigned to NCERT for a period of 3-5 years.
2. Such an effort would ensure long term benefits, both for national state level
agencies, for smooth and effective implementation of RMSA. Its impact
would also be ascertained through concurrent programme evaluation studies
which will be undertaken over a period of time.
3. States/UT’s to develop modalities for strengthening of state resource
institutions, namely, SCERTs, IASEs, CTEs and other similar teacher training
institutions which will include:
a. Infrastructure and support facilities with a provision to procure
b. Capacity Building and Professional Development of Teacher
Educators to implement ITPD model.
c. Library enriched with journals, periodicals and Reading material for
academic growth.
Evaluation and Examination Reforms6
1. NCERT to develop a source book on Evaluation and Assessment, both in English and
Hindi, for the secondary stage. It will be an exemplar for the states/UTs to adapt and
adopt it in its regional language(s).
2. NCERT will organise six Advocacy Conferences (one at national level and 5 at
regional level) on the implementation of CCE at the secondary stage involving CBSE,
COBSE and other national level institutions leading towards examination reforms.
3. At the state and district level, Advocacy campaigns for RMSA functionaries,
school administrators and secondary school teachers will be undertaken
through SRG and DRG respectively. This will help in enhancing the
understanding of various stakeholders on the need of CCE and examination
4. States/UT’s will take initiatives develop a training package for CCE which includes
tools and techniques, CCE scheme and design for its effective implementation. This
will help the boards to come out of the current rigidity and change in the typology of
For details refer chapter no.:
5. The Planning and Management Committee under SRG in close collaboration with
DRG will evolve strategies for the independent monitoring the implementation of
CCE in respective secondary schools.
6. The Boards of School Education will coordinate the recording and reporting of CCE
for secondary schools.
7. States/UTs with the help of external agencies will take up sample based periodic
evaluation once in 3 years with the help of state boards and other state level agencies
to manage examination reforms.
8. It will be the responsibility of states/UTs to prepare the system for deploying ICT for
reform in assessment which will include:
a. storing student records of performance, longitudinal tracking of students and
guiding students towards improved performance in different areas of growth
and development.
b. developing question banks and software applications to serve a range of tests
and examinations, student support materials and resources and guidance and
counselling to student s under stress.
c. integrating student performance data into a state wide MIS to facilitate
analysis and research; feedback for system level planning; participation of
teacher educators, researchers and educational planners.
Vocational Inputs
1. At the national level, PSSCIVE in collaboration with state/UT agencies
a. pre vocational courses in modular form for developing vocational
and life skills among secondary stage students.
b. guidelines and training materials including for e-learning, multimedia, satellite learning, etc.
c. Performance indicators for the assessment of vocational
competencies for improving upon the quality of skill training and
gradation of vocational sites in states/UTs.
2. PSSCIVE will conduct short orientation programmes (both face to face and
through teleconferencing) for RMSA functionaries in the states/UTs on work
centred pedagogy at the secondary stage.
3. The states/UTs will take vocational inputs as an important component under
curriculum reforms and will select the courses keeping in view the local skill
needs and availability of training facilities by collaborating with industry and
training organisations and community for skill development.
4. At the state level, full time vocational teachers for work education should be
made in secondary schools with the fixation of salaries as per the state norms.
5. The states/UTs to ensure the community involvement at the district level for
inviting artisans, crafts persons for interaction with students relating to their
vocational module.
6. The states/UTs will set up infrastructural facilities such as workshops,
furniture, etc. in secondary schools as per the guidelines for pre-vocational
education/work education prepared by PSSCIVE (NCERT).
7. The State/UT to ensure that the school provide an enabling environment for
the promotion of generic vocational competencies by offering a choice to the
students to select modules as per their interest and ability.
8. The states/UTs will make the provision of recurring expenses in the annual
plans with regard to the following:
a. Provision for maintenance grant of equipment.
b. Provision for purchase of raw materials and tools for each student.
c. Field visits to nearby vocational sites.
d. Inviting experts, artists and crafts persons for interaction with students
and demonstrations.
Financial Components
In addition to the illustrative financial components given at point 4.6 of RMSA framework
(page no. 23-28) the financial norms for the following components is proposed as under:
1. A maximum of Rs.10,00,000 is proposed for curriculum reforms in tune with
NCF2005 for states/UTs which can be taken in phases for undertaking following
Curriculum guidelines aligned with NCF-2005 incorporating
state specific educational needs.
b. Review of state/UT curricula, syllabi, textbooks, workbooks.
Developing training package on CCE including tools and techniques
and scheme of CCE, Teacher Educator manual.
d. Development of training package for the orientation of
headmasters/principals of secondary schools in the area of educational
leadership, personal leadership, relational relationship and
organisational leadership.
Developing bridge courses, particularly in science, mathematics and
Preparing local specific pre-vocational modules.
g. Preparing supplementary reading materials and other support study
materials for secondary stage teachers and students.
2. It is proposed to earmark 5% of the annual allocation to the RMSA scheme
for the creation of ‘Quality Fund’ in order to ensure the quality interventions
with regard to curriculum and examination reform in states/UTs. Since,
research is seen as an ongoing and continuous process under RMSA,
undertaking research studies, both institutional and independent, will be
carried out under this fund. The periodic programme evaluation of quality
interventions in terms of inputs, processes and learning outcomes will also be
covered under this fund in the form of quality research and monitoring.
3. To bring out the quarterly indices on quality parameters, an annual assistance
of 50,000 per district is proposed for DRG which will work in close
collaboration with SRG for managing the review of progress of phase wise
curriculum reforms in states and UTs. To begin with, it is proposed that
depending on the size of districts and number of secondary schools, a
percentage of districts/secondary schools will be selected as a pilot project for
initiating this programme.
4. The financial assistance of Rs.25 per student will be provided to state boards
for recording and reporting of CCE at the secondary stage.
5. A recurring amount of Rs.15,000 per school p.a. is proposed for the
maintenance of a wide variety of software applications and tools, such as
graphics and animation, desktop publishing, web designing, databases, and
programming tools which are required to meet the demands of a broad based
ICT literacy and ICT enabled teaching learning programme.
11.5 Environment Building
The multi layer guidelines, as mentioned above, provide adequate inputs to enable
the states/UTs to plan for expansion of secondary education in tandem with up
gradation of quality with equity at this stage. The foremost initiative is to prepare the
perspective plan spreading up to the year 2020. The perspective plan need to be
reviewed from time to time indicating the development of secondary education in a
phased manner i.e., remaining years of 11th plan extending to the 12th plan spreading
to the beginning of the 13th plan. It is of utmost need to bring out the annual reviews
of state secondary education plans. The SEMIS designed by NUEPA will be of great
help in this regard. It is also proposed to set up a Secondary Education Financial
Management Information System (SEFMIS) which will be linked to the SEMIS
through unique institutional identity code to ensure transparency in the flow of funds
from central fund to the school7. Finally, an important parameter for universal
secondary education is to build and generate public opinion in its favour through out
the country.
As discussed in the Financial procurement manual prepared by NIPFP.