AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School DR Rowan County Rhonda Banks, Principal 550 Viking Drive Morehead, KY 40351 Document Generated On December 10, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Executive Summary 3 Description of the School School's Purpose AF T Introduction 4 5 Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement 6 Additional Information 7 McBrayer CSIP 2015-16 Overview DR Goals Summary 10 11 Goal 1: Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 12 Goal 2: Increase program review needs improvement areas to proficient as well as sustain proficient areas on an ongoing basis. 17 Goal 3: By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. 19 Goal 4: Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by 2018-19. 21 Activity Summary by Funding Source 23 KDE Needs Assessment Introduction 30 Data Analysis 31 Areas of Strengths 32 Opportunities for Improvement 33 Conclusion 34 Introduction AF T KDE Compliance and Accountability - Schools Planning and Accountability Requirements KDE Assurances - School Introduction Assurances The Missing Piece Stakeholders DR Introduction 36 37 75 76 82 83 Relationship Building 84 Communications 85 Decision Making 87 Advocacy 89 Learning Opportunities 90 Community Partnerships 91 Reflection 92 Report Summary 93 Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Introduction 95 Improvement Planning Process 96 Introduction School Safety Requirements Equitable Access Diagnostic Introduction Needs Assessment Questions DR Equitable Access Strategies AF T School Safety Report 98 99 102 103 104 106 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction The process of Improvement Planning in Kentucky is used as the means of determining how schools and districts will plan to ensure that students reach proficiency and beyond by 2015. The process focuses school and district improvement efforts on student needs by bringing together all stakeholders to plan for improvement, by focusing planning efforts on priority needs and closing achievement gaps between subgroups of students, by building upon school and district capacity for high quality planning, and by making connections between the funds that flow into the district and the priority needs in schools. Your DR address gaps in student achievement. AF T school's plans for improvement must be based on careful and honest analysis of data, address all content areas, and clearly SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 1 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR Executive Summary SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 2 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction Every school has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by which the school makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school stays faithful to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school, and the kinds of programs and services that a school implements to support student learning. The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a school with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the strengths and AF T challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of how the school perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the school to reflect on how it DR provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 3 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Description of the School Describe the school's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated with the community/communities the school serves? McBrayer Elementary student population is 528 students Kindergarten through fifth grade. McBrayer is located at 550 Viking Drive directly AF T across from Rowan County Senior High School. The school is also surrounded by local hardwood lumber industry as well as other corporations, restaurants, and Maysville Community Technical College. Student Population consists of 46% females and 54% males. The ethnicity make up of students at McBrayer Elementary consists of 91% Caucasian, 2.4% Asian, 1.8% African American, 3.0% Hispanic, and 2% other ethnicities. McBrayer has 23 homeroom teachers, 2 special education teachers, part time art and part time music teacher , 1 speech/language teacher as well as a 1.5 P.E. teachers , and .6 media specialist. The support staff consists of 3 custodians, 4 cooks, 2 secretaries, 1 full time nurse in the health unit and 13 paraprofessionals. Administrative Staff consists of a full time Guidance Counselor, a part time Curriculum Resource Teacher, a Title 1/RTI Support Teacher, and the Family Resource Center Coordinator. McBrayer has an outdoor classroom that teachers use to help incorporate core curriculum into the outdoor learning environment. McBrayer is identified as a Leader In Me School and uses leadership strategies to support achievement and student involvement in theschool community. McBrayer has a superior partnership with Rowan County Senior High School located on the same campus. McBrayer also has a strong partnership with Morehead State University through a Professional Development School Model and a supportive Parent Teacher Organization. McBrayer Elementary has been identified as a focus school based on the 2014- 2015 KPREP scores. Teachers and staff consistently work together to build a true Professional Learning Community, measuring data, and making instructional decisions by implementing research based best practices to help McBrayer move forward with continuous progress. The goals for the 2014-2015 testing window will be to DR increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for reading and math; increase the program review area for needs improvement to proficient, as well as sustain proficient areas; and reduce number of students scoring at the novice level in math and reading. McBrayer Elementary, as well as the Rowan County School District, has been faced with a decrease in funding education. This has caused MES to face several challenges such as a decrease in services provided by a media specialist, in addition to the fact that student/teacher ratios have increased, and support teachers caseloads have increased. Common planning has only been possible during the day for grade level teachers and not for special area teachers. This does not allow specials teachers to collaborate with the regular education teachers. Common planning which is used by teachers to collaboratively plan instruction, generate assessments, and evaluate student learning, is essential in sustaining progress and increasing student achievement. Co- teaching pairs of teachers have been given one day a semester to plan and discuss common teaching methods in the classroom to improve co- teaching strategies. Special area teachers plan and meet together on Thursdays before school to conduct a PLC to discuss common activities that will enhance units of study across contents. This will ensure that program reviews and student activities continue to be enhanced. Executive Summary McBrayer Elementary School Page SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 4 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School School's Purpose Provide the school's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the school embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students. The mission, vision and beliefs of McBrayer Elementary is to assist all students in reaching high levels of academic performance enhanced through an emphasis on independent thinking, physical and emotional well being and proper social skills. Combined efforts of students, AF T parents and community, help foster growth in those areas; thus creating and promoting productive citizens. McBrayer's staff and Site Base Decision Making Council members continually search and discuss best practices that will support and motivate all students to be successful. Stakeholders and the school Lighthouse Team, in addition to SBDM council, developed MES's mission, vision and beliefs. Stakeholders hold one another accountable for keeping the mission, vision and beliefs moving forward through self and group assessment. McBrayer staff meets throughout the academic year and in Professional Learning Committees to review informal and formal assessment data, develop unit plans, and discuss strategies to improve student learning. An administrative Advisory team meets three times a year with each teacher to review student data, plan and reflect on best practices. Response To Intervention committee meetings are held to discuss DR individual needs of at-risk students and develop a plan for student success. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 5 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement Describe the school's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for improvement that the school is striving to achieve in the next three years. Students at McBrayer are recognized and eligible for many different types of awards. On a daily basis, all students are eligible to earn perfect attendance and be recognized as leaders. Fifth graders are recognized, during the end of the year celebration, for Citizenship, Duke AF T University Talent Identification, Presidential Academic, and Conservation awards. Throughout the year students are also recognized for theGrandparents and Veteran's Day Essay Awards. Fourth and Fifth grade students have the opportunity to participate in Academic Team and the School Choir. Fifth grade students are nominated by homeroom teachers to participate in a school wide student service club. All students have the opportunity to join the community Boy and Girl Scouts clubs. All elementary students in the county can join the crosscountry team which practices on the McBrayer campus. Fourth and fifth grade students who qualify for leadership identification have a leadership luncheon each month. Three times a year, a school-wide celebration is held for students to recognize them for various achievements: MAP tests, Dibels, art, music, PE, library, attendance, classroom leaders and school leaders.Stakeholders have developed a plan to increase a program for other students who exhibit leadership qualities in 2015 -16. The Leader in Me program helps to build leaders at McBrayer Elementary. The focus is to work toward a Kentucky Lighthouse School. The National Let's Move Active School has also been awarded to McBrayer. McBrayer, also, received the Fuel Up to Play grant sponsored by the American Dairy Association and the NFL. The goal for the 2015- 2016 testing window will be to increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for reading and math; increase the program review area for needs improvement to proficient, as well as sustain proficient areas; and reduce number of students scoring at the novice level in math and reading. Within the next two years, the entire staff at McBrayer Elementary will work diligently to bring Executive Summary DR school status to Distinguished and to take the Leader in Me status to a Lighthouse School. McBrayer Elementary School Page SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 6 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Additional Information Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous sections. The McBrayer Elementary School Comprehensive Improvement Planning process began in the fall of 2015. In September, the school faculty Improvement Plan (CSIP). AF T and Site Base Decision Making Group, Planning Committee and Lighthouse Team met to review the existing Comprehensive School In October, the faculty met in grade level groups to analyze previous end of year data, classroom baseline assessment results, and MAP data. The faculty participated in a two hour school-wide data review day to discuss test scores and develop strategies/activities to address school needs. Since the beginning of the year, PLC grade level groups have met weekly during common planning to discuss assessments, strategies and activities to help meet the various needs of students. A parent survey was conducted via AdvancEd to include stakeholder input. In October, the Principal Advisory Leadership Team met with all teachers individually to review classroom data and discuss strategies and activities to support improvements in reading, math, writing and school culture. The findings of the data reviews were a primary contributing factor to the CSIP process. In January, the SBDM Council, PTO , Lighthouse Team and Faculty will review, implement suggestions and approve the CSIP. The following tools/information were used: Informal and formal classroom assessments KPREP test results SBDM policies and procedures MAP test results DIBELS test results DR Parent and teacher surveys Progress Monitoring Information School wide walkthrough data common assessments Implementation and Impact checks are completed by the principal and shared with stakeholders each semester to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and make integral changes. Stakeholders involved in the development of the Comprehensive Improvement Plan: School Administrator: Rhonda Banks School Counselor: Nicole Powell District Liaison: Carolyn Blair District Special Education Coordinator: Carolyn Blair Executive Summary McBrayer Elementary School Pupil Support Personnel (FRC): Laura Coldiron School Council Teacher Representatives: Katy Ingles, Elizabeth Hutchinson, Brook Issac, and Casey Hall School Council Parent Representatives: Sandy Glover, Randa Gillliam, Michelle Bloomfield Teachers: Katy Ingles, Niki Cornett, Martha Thompson, Kim Mullins, Jody Caudill, Emily Stevens, Megan Collier, Amy Hunt McKenzi May, Brenda Carter, Brook Issac, Melissa Nickell SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 7 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Carol Neeper, Nancy Brown, Joyce Marin, Tinnah Sammons, Tiffany Elam, Denna Stamper Kim Little, Carla Thompson, Amanda Saylor, Lydia Padula, Kim Armstrong, Shari Clagett, Angela Lyon, Elizabeth Hutchinson, Jami Hearberlin, Casey Hall, Brooklyn Castle School Mission Statement The mission of McBrayer Elementary School's students, staff, families, and community members is to challenge each learner to earn full educational potential. AF T As a community of learners, staff will ensure learning takes place for all by guiding, monitoring, assessing academic achievement, addressing individual differences, learning styles, and promoting self-assessment and reflection while nurturing respectful, Vision Statement: We will.....Learn, Lead, Leave A Legacy responsible citizens who value individual roles as learners. Page 5 DR © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 8 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR McBrayer CSIP 2015-16 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 9 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Overview Plan Name McBrayer CSIP 2015-16 Plan Description DR AF T McBrayer CSIP 2015-16 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 10 McBrayer Elementary School Goals Summary AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. 2 3 4 Goal Name Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 Increase program review needs improvement areas to proficient as well as sustain proficient areas on an ongoing basis. By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by 201819. Goal Details Objectives:3 Strategies:8 Activities:19 Goal Type Organizational Total Funding $96000 Objectives:1 Strategies:3 Activities:7 Objectives:2 Strategies:3 Activities:3 Organizational $1500 Organizational $45000 Organizational $3000 DR # 1 Objectives:3 Strategies:2 Activities:2 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 11 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Goal 1: Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math KPREP scores from 48.3% to 58.0% by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP. DR Strategy 1: Math Common Core - K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and using Envisions math program as a tool to teach the core math program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculm for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: There is a need for a common math program to be used vertically so that a common core standards, common vocabulary, strategies, and procedures are built upon in a vertical foundation. Activity - Math Professional Dev. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will plan together during PLC meetings, school work day hours and/or summer PD to build on the importance of scaffolding the concepts in the Common Core Math and Reading Standards from grade level to grade level. Academic Support Program 01/11/2016 11/01/2016 Activity - Common Assessments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will disaggregate reading and math formative and summative assessments during weekly PLC's discussing strategies and interventions together so that students close or not likely to get the instruction can be taught with research based strategies and interventions. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 11/01/2016 Activity - Math KEDC Support Activity Type Begin Date End Date Administration and teachers will work with KEDC consultants to support teachers understanding of standards, plan classroom instruction by mapping out standards and matching assessments with standards and math Envisions program Professional Learning 01/04/2016 08/05/2016 Activity - Technology Activity Type Begin Date End Date SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All McBrayer Teachers Administration Team Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All McBrayer Teachers Administration Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All teachers, administration , KEDC representative , Charles Rutledge Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 12 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan All classrooms, 2nd-5th grade will make available opportunities for Academic students to use technology programs such as Moby Max, Front Row, Sum Support Dog to support reinforcement on math standards taught in the classroom. Program, Technology 01/04/2016 11/01/2016 $1500 Other Classroom teachers, administration , parent/teache r organization( PTO) Strategy 2: Small Group Instruction - Students who are identified needing extra support in gaining skills that have been previously taught or who have been identified as low performers and who are in TIER II or TIER III will be provided direct instruction in small groups based on specific skills needed in reading and math that will support them in the regular core classroom programs. Category: Continuous Improvement Begin Date End Date Students who are identified by their MAP scores will receive 30 min of Academic differentiated instruction based on specific needs that will support the core Support instruction they are receiving in reading and math. Program 01/05/2015 11/01/2016 Activity - ESS Day Time Waiver Begin Date End Date Small group instruction will support students who are identified as needing Academic additional support in math and reading Support Program 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 Activity - After School Tutoring Activity Type Begin Date End Date After school tutoring funds will be allocated for teachers who identify small group instruction (2-4 students) for students with deficits in reading and/or math. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 05/06/2016 Activity - RTI Tier II and III Small Groups Activity Type Begin Date End Date DR Activity - Small Group Instruction Activity Type Activity Type SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Resource Assigned $11000 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible Administration , classroom teachers, ESS teacher Resource Assigned $2000 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible Mrs. Banks, teachers applying to become after school ESS tutors. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Jody Caudill, RTI Teacher/Coor dinator Classroom Teachers Administration Page 13 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $20000 Other RTI Coordinator, Classroom teachers Strategy 3: Reading Common Core K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and will use resources such as Scott Foresman Reading Basil Program, Ready Common Core Reading Resources, and mentor texts to teach the core reading program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculum for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity Type Begin Date End Date All teachers will work in PLC grade level groups to disaggregate common summative assessments. This will guide them in determining deficit skills that will need to be focused on during core, small group, and during RTI groups. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 06/01/2016 Activity - Reading Co Teaching Activity Type Begin Date End Date Special Ed. teachers and classroom teachers will work together with Academic administration and KEDC staff to plan and carry out co teaching strategies Support in the area of reading and math in designated classrooms. Program 01/05/2015 05/06/2016 Activity - Reading Instructional Teaching Time Activity Type Begin Date End Date The master schedule will reflect a minimum of 120 minutes reading block for K-2 students and 90 minutes for 3-5 students. Direct Instruction 01/05/2015 05/02/2016 Activity - Reading Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date DR Activity - Data Analysis PLC SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Jody CaudillRTI coordinator, all classroom teachers, curriculum coach and adminsitration Resource Assigned $52500 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible Title II Part A KEDC Staff, Lori Dehart Liz Littleton Administration Classroom Teachers Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Classroom Teachers, Administration , Planning Comm. Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 14 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan All teachers will attend core reading/small group instruction, and close reading professional development to help strengthen classroom reading instruction. Academic Support Program, Professional Learning 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 $3000 Other Administration , Curriculum Coaches, All Teachers, and District Professional Dev. Coordinator, Lucy Moore Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program, Behavioral Support Program, Parent Involvement 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Resource Assigned $2000 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund Classroom teachers Strategy 4: Communication - Teachers will share weekly newsletters with parents and families. Category: Stakeholder Engagement Activity - Newsletters DR Teachers will share models of/and learning targets,classroom instructional focus, student accomplishments/student of the week, and school wide important dates and information weekly on classroom newsletters, emails, and/or webpages. Measurable Objective 2: increase student growth by setting individual goals with students by 11/01/2016 as measured by monitoring monthly attendance, data on benchmark assessments and students self reflection in leadership binders.. Strategy 1: Individual Student Goal Setting - Students will set individual goals for each benchmark assessment in reading, writing, and math three times a year. Each classroom will graph classroom attendance, set goals for improvement and reflect upon class goals set for attendance. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - Goal Setting/Reflection Sheets Activity Type Each teacher will guide students in setting individual goals on personal Academic goal sheet three times a year in reading, math and writing. Student goal Support sheets will be added to student leadership binder/folder. At end of the year Program students will reflect on growth made over time in reading, writing, and math. Begin Date End Date 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund All teachers, administration Strategy 2: PBIS - Students will be celebrated and recognized for accomplishments. Category: Other - PBIS SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 15 McBrayer Elementary School Activity - School Assembly AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students will be celebrated during grade level assembly for their accomplishments towards improvements in attendance, leadership skills, achievement, MAP and DIBELS benchmark assessment growth, behavior improvements, music, art, physical education, and reading goals. Other Program Review, Behavioral Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Activity - CHAMPS/ Clip Up Chart Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program, Behavioral Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 All teachers and support staff will use school wide behavior system and procedures to support student engagement and decrease behavior referrals. Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Kim Armstrong, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, Angela Lyon Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All certified and classified staff, administration DR Measurable Objective 3: collaborate to support teacher needs and student achievement. by 11/07/2016 as measured by student growth on benchmark assessments, individual teacher discussions and school wide walk through feedback. . Strategy 1: Discussion and Data - Teachers will meet with administrative team a minimum of three times a year to discuss student data, professional support needed and classroom/school curriculum. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - Individual Teacher Data Meetings Activity Type Begin Date End Date School administrative team will schedule individual data team meetings three times a year. Academic Support Program, Professional Learning 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Activity - Data Sheets Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will complete submit to administration classroom data sheets 3 times a year after benchmark assessments have been completed. Professional Learning 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible District and School Administrative team, all teachers Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All teachers, administration , curriculum coaches Strategy 2: Professional Development - Teachers will be provided professional learning experiences identified in their individual growth plans,TPGES observations, and SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 16 McBrayer Elementary School walkthroughs as areas for improvment. Category: Professional Learning & Support Activity - Professional Learning AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan A school professional development plan will be developed using data and input from teachers, TPGES observations and walkthroughs to determine individual and school professional learning needs. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Professional Learning 02/01/2016 05/16/2016 Resource Assigned $3000 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund Professional Dev. Committee, Administrator s, and SBDM Goal 2: Increase program review needs improvement areas to proficient as well as sustain proficient areas on an ongoing basis. DR Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the overall score on the Writing, Arts/Humanities, P/L and Career Studies and Primary Program Reviews scores to 8.0 or greater. by 06/01/2016 as measured by program review scores. Strategy 1: Writing Program - The writing plan will be implemented in K-5 curriculum with fidelity. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - Data Analysis of Writing in PLC Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will administer a pre writing prompt for all forms of writing the first Academic two weeks of schools. Each form of writing will have 6- 8 weeks of Support instruction devoted to the teaching of that type of writing. A post Program assessment will be administered after each writing unit has been taught. Writing pieces will be reviewed and scored using the Steve Ventura Packet by each teacher and brought to grade level PLC's for discussion of strengths and weaknesses of writing. During PLC meetings the grade level team will look for strategies and interventions to help students self assess and improve their writing scores to a 4 on the Lucy Calkins rubric. 01/05/2015 05/02/2016 Activity - Vertical Writing Review Begin Date End Date Activity Type SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Curriculm Coachj Liz Pettit and Mary Alice Collier, All classroom teachers, and administration Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 17 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Teachers and administration will meet in vertical grade level teams to Academic review year long evidence of writing in each grade level. Strengths and Support weaknesses of school wide writing program will be determined, next steps Program developed, and plan for future implementation of school wide writing program will be developed for following school year. 05/06/2016 08/05/2016 $0 No Funding Required All teachers, curriculum writing support, Mary Alice Collier, and administration . Activity - Student self reflection/goal setting Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 05/13/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All teachers, writing curriculum support, Mary Alice Collier and administration . After instruction of each form of writing has happened and students have completed each form or writing, teachers will score and give students feedback on writing. Students will then set writing goals for improvement. This will occur a minimum of two times a year. Activity - Arts PLC DR Strategy 2: Arts PLC - A district (monthly) and school(weekly) PLC for all special area teachers will occur so that teachers and administration can share strategies and activities that can be implemented across grade level and school to support the arts and practical living programs. These PLC members will plan school and grade level activities that increase student access to a variety of programs and activities. These PLC members will share strategies and information with all stakeholders to support implementation of arts and practical living standards into classroom instruction. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity Type Begin Date End Date Arts teachers will share strategies to incorporate the arts into regular classroom curriculumn on an ongoing basis through vertical school team meetings, handouts, scheduled PLC meetings for sharing out, and faculty program review meetings. Academic Support Program 11/02/2015 11/01/2016 Activity - Arts Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Genny Etherton, Rhonda Banks, Angela Lyons, Jami Heaberlin, All Classroom Teachers, Kim Alderman, Melissa Nickell Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 18 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Professional development will be provided for classroom teachers to support arts integration into classroom instruction. Professional Learning 06/03/2016 09/01/2016 $0 No Funding Required Kim Armstrong, Angela Lyon, Melissa Nickell, Nicole Powell, and Jami Heaberlin and all classroom teachers Activity - School Wide Programing Activity Type Begin Date End Date 01/04/2016 11/01/2016 Resource Assigned $1500 Source Of Funding School Council Funds Staff Responsible Rhonda Banks, Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Angela Lyon, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, and Kim Armstrong. DR The "Arts" School Wide Team will develop schoolwide programs to support Academic art, health, consumerism, drama, dance, music, and technology integration Support to be carried out at grade level and schoolwide. Program Strategy 3: Professional Development - Specialist teachers will plan and carryout professional learning experience for regular education teachers which will support the carryover "the arts" curriculum in the core classroom instruction. Category: Professional Learning & Support Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date "Arts" Professional Learning Academic Support Program, Professional Learning 05/02/2016 11/01/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Kim Armstrong, Jami Heaberlin, Melissa Nickell, Angela Lyon Goal 3: By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. Measurable Objective 1: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 19 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan collaborate to monitor all students scoring at the novice level in math and reading content by 06/03/2016 as measured by student growth on progress monitoring, classroom assessments and district benchmark assessments.. Strategy 1: Progress Monitor - Teachers and administrators will meet in PLC groups weekly to review assessment data on identified novice students in reading and math. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Professional Learning Communities Activity - Data Disaggregation Student progress on standard based assessments will be documented on SV packets an instructional strategies will be discussed to help support student improvment Activity Type Begin Date End Date Policy and Process 01/04/2016 11/30/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Administration and all teachers Resource Assigned $45000 Source Of Funding District Funding Staff Responsible Jody Caudill, RTI coordinator, Liz Pettit, Curriculum Coach, Rhonda Banks, Principal and classroom teachers DR Strategy 2: Tier II Meetings - All reading and math data for students who have a Novice Plan will be monitored every 30 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Activity - Teacher/RTI Coordinator Data/Plan Review Activity Type Begin Date End Date RTI Coordinator and Classroom teachers will monitor data for students scoring novice on KPREP every 30 days. Academic Support Program 01/08/2016 11/30/2016 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to carryout district Novice Reduction Plan by 05/02/2016 as measured by completion of goals by designated dates on the Rowan County Schools novice reduction plan. . Strategy 1: Monitoring of Novice Reduction Plan - The McBrayer novice reduction team will monitor and complete 30/60/90 day plan Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 20 McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Monthly Novice Reduction Checks AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Novice Reduction team will meet in 30, 60, 90 days to review implementation of school Novice Reduction plan Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 01/01/2016 05/13/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible School Novice Reduction Team Goal 4: Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by 2018-19. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase students at the proficiency level who are identfied in the gap population in the area of reading and math by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP data. DR Strategy 1: Least Restrictive Environment - All Special education teachers will work with ARC committee to review progress toward goals, determine least restrictive environment, and services appropriate for students achievement. All staff will give and increased effort to improve co-teaching practices and support students in the reguar classroom setting when possible and ARC agrees that this is the LRE. Category: Activity - Co Teaching/Planning Activity Type Begin Date End Date Special Education Staff and Regular Edcuation Staff will work together weekly in a defined a time to discuss and plan learning targets, skills, and strategies that are being co taught during reading instruction so that all students are being taught with fidelity and best practices. Academic Support Program 11/02/2015 11/01/2016 Resource Assigned $3000 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund All Special Education Teachers, All Regular Education Teachers, Administration Measurable Objective 2: demonstrate student proficiency (pass rate) on DIBELS and DAZE in reading. by 06/01/2016 as measured by Student growth on DIBELS and DAZE assessment. (shared) Strategy 1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 21 McBrayer Elementary School Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Type Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a Academic skill based group on deficits that are exhibited in progress monitoring Support completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, Program and Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date 09/15/2014 08/03/2015 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding Title I Part A Staff Responsible Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers Measurable Objective 3: increase student growth in the area of reading fluency by 06/01/2016 as measured by student growth on fluency rate. (shared) Strategy 1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity Type DR Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a Academic skill based group on deficits that are exhibited in progress monitoring Support completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, Program and Classroom Math assessments. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date End Date 09/15/2014 08/03/2015 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding Title I Part A Staff Responsible Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers Page 22 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Summary by Funding Source Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source District Funding Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teacher/RTI Coordinator Data/Plan Review RTI Coordinator and Classroom teachers will monitor data for students scoring novice on KPREP every 30 days. Academic Support Program 01/08/2016 11/30/2016 Resource Assigned $45000 Total $45000 Title I Part A Activity Name DR Activity Name RTI Tier II Instruction Other Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group on deficits that are exhibited in progress monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Classroom Math assessments. Academic Support Program 09/15/2014 08/03/2015 Resource Assigned $0 Total $0 Resource Assigned $20000 Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date RTI Tier II and III Small Groups RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Staff Responsible Jody Caudill, RTI coordinator, Liz Pettit, Curriculum Coach, Rhonda Banks, Principal and classroom teachers Staff Responsible Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers Staff Responsible RTI Coordinator, Classroom teachers Page 23 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Small group instruction will support students who are Academic identified as needing additional support in math and reading Support Program 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 $11000 Technology All classrooms, 2nd-5th grade will make available opportunities for students to use technology programs such as Moby Max, Front Row, Sum Dog to support reinforcement on math standards taught in the classroom. 01/04/2016 11/01/2016 $1500 Reading Professional Development All teachers will attend core reading/small group instruction, Academic and close reading professional development to help Support strengthen classroom reading instruction. Program, Professional Learning 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 $3000 After School Tutoring After school tutoring funds will be allocated for teachers who identify small group instruction (2-4 students) for students with deficits in reading and/or math. 01/04/2016 05/06/2016 $2000 Total $37500 General Fund Activity Name DR ESS Day Time Waiver Academic Support Program, Technology Academic Support Program Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Professional Learning A school professional development plan will be developed using data and input from teachers, TPGES observations and walkthroughs to determine individual and school professional learning needs. Professional Learning 02/01/2016 05/16/2016 Resource Assigned $3000 Goal Setting/Reflection Sheets Each teacher will guide students in setting individual goals on personal goal sheet three times a year in reading, math and writing. Student goal sheets will be added to student leadership binder/folder. At end of the year students will reflect on growth made over time in reading, writing, and math. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $500 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Administration , classroom teachers, ESS teacher Classroom teachers, administration , parent/teache r organization( PTO) Administration , Curriculum Coaches, All Teachers, and District Professional Dev. Coordinator, Lucy Moore Mrs. Banks, teachers applying to become after school ESS tutors. Staff Responsible Professional Dev. Committee, Administrator s, and SBDM All teachers, administration Page 24 McBrayer Elementary School Newsletters AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Teachers will share models of/and learning targets,classroom instructional focus, student accomplishments/student of the week, and school wide important dates and information weekly on classroom newsletters, emails, and/or webpages. School Assembly 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $2000 Classroom teachers 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $500 Special Education Staff and Regular Edcuation Staff will Academic work together weekly in a defined a time to discuss and Support plan learning targets, skills, and strategies that are being co Program taught during reading instruction so that all students are being taught with fidelity and best practices. 11/02/2015 11/01/2016 $3000 Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Kim Armstrong, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, Angela Lyon All Special Education Teachers, All Regular Education Teachers, Administration Total $9000 DR Co Teaching/Planning Academic Support Program, Behavioral Support Program, Parent Involvement Students will be celebrated during grade level assembly for Other their accomplishments towards improvements in Program attendance, leadership skills, achievement, MAP and Review, DIBELS benchmark assessment growth, behavior Behavioral improvements, music, art, physical education, and reading Support goals. Program School Council Funds Activity Name School Wide Programing Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date The "Arts" School Wide Team will develop schoolwide programs to support art, health, consumerism, drama, dance, music, and technology integration to be carried out at grade level and schoolwide. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 11/01/2016 Resource Assigned $1500 Total $1500 End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsible Rhonda Banks, Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Angela Lyon, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, and Kim Armstrong. No Funding Required Activity Name Activity Description SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Activity Type Begin Date Staff Responsible Page 25 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Teachers will complete submit to administration classroom data sheets 3 times a year after benchmark assessments have been completed. 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $0 Reading Instructional Teaching Time The master schedule will reflect a minimum of 120 minutes Direct reading block for K-2 students and 90 minutes for 3-5 Instruction students. 01/05/2015 05/02/2016 $0 Individual Teacher Data Meetings School administrative team will schedule individual data team meetings three times a year. 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $0 Professional Development "Arts" Professional Learning Academic Support Program, Professional Learning Academic Support Program, Professional Learning 05/02/2016 11/01/2016 $0 Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 11/01/2016 $0 Policy and Process 01/04/2016 11/30/2016 $0 Professional Learning 06/03/2016 09/01/2016 $0 01/04/2016 05/13/2016 $0 DR Data Sheets Common Assessments Data Disaggregation Arts Professional Development Student self reflection/goal setting Teachers will disaggregate reading and math formative and summative assessments during weekly PLC's discussing strategies and interventions together so that students close or not likely to get the instruction can be taught with research based strategies and interventions. Student progress on standard based assessments will be documented on SV packets an instructional strategies will be discussed to help support student improvment Professional development will be provided for classroom teachers to support arts integration into classroom instruction. Professional Learning After instruction of each form of writing has happened and Academic students have completed each form or writing, teachers will Support score and give students feedback on writing. Students will Program then set writing goals for improvement. This will occur a minimum of two times a year. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. All teachers, administration , curriculum coaches Classroom Teachers, Administration , Planning Comm. District and School Administrative team, all teachers Kim Armstrong, Jami Heaberlin, Melissa Nickell, Angela Lyon All McBrayer Teachers Administration Administration and all teachers Kim Armstrong, Angela Lyon, Melissa Nickell, Nicole Powell, and Jami Heaberlin and all classroom teachers All teachers, writing curriculum support, Mary Alice Collier and administration . Page 26 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Data Analysis PLC All teachers will work in PLC grade level groups to disaggregate common summative assessments. This will guide them in determining deficit skills that will need to be focused on during core, small group, and during RTI groups. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 06/01/2016 $0 Small Group Instruction Students who are identified by their MAP scores will receive Academic 30 min of differentiated instruction based on specific needs Support that will support the core instruction they are receiving in Program reading and math. 01/05/2015 11/01/2016 $0 Teachers and administration will meet in vertical grade level Academic teams to review year long evidence of writing in each grade Support level. Strengths and weaknesses of school wide writing Program program will be determined, next steps developed, and plan for future implementation of school wide writing program will be developed for following school year. 05/06/2016 08/05/2016 $0 Teachers will plan together during PLC meetings, school work day hours and/or summer PD to build on the importance of scaffolding the concepts in the Common Core Math and Reading Standards from grade level to grade level. All teachers and support staff will use school wide behavior system and procedures to support student engagement and decrease behavior referrals. Academic Support Program 01/11/2016 11/01/2016 $0 Academic Support Program, Behavioral Support Program Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $0 All certified and classified staff, administration 11/02/2015 11/01/2016 $0 Genny Etherton, Rhonda Banks, Angela Lyons, Jami Heaberlin, All Classroom Teachers, Kim Alderman, Melissa Nickell DR Vertical Writing Review Math Professional Dev. CHAMPS/ Clip Up Chart Arts PLC Arts teachers will share strategies to incorporate the arts into regular classroom curriculumn on an ongoing basis through vertical school team meetings, handouts, scheduled PLC meetings for sharing out, and faculty program review meetings. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Jody CaudillRTI coordinator, all classroom teachers, curriculum coach and adminsitration Jody Caudill, RTI Teacher/Coor dinator Classroom Teachers Administration All teachers, curriculum writing support, Mary Alice Collier, and administration . All McBrayer Teachers Administration Team Page 27 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Monthly Novice Reduction Checks McBrayer Novice Reduction team will meet in 30, 60, 90 days to review implementation of school Novice Reduction plan Academic Support Program 01/01/2016 05/13/2016 $0 Data Analysis of Writing in PLC Teachers will administer a pre writing prompt for all forms of writing the first two weeks of schools. Each form of writing will have 6- 8 weeks of instruction devoted to the teaching of that type of writing. A post assessment will be administered after each writing unit has been taught. Writing pieces will be reviewed and scored using the Steve Ventura Packet by each teacher and brought to grade level PLC's for discussion of strengths and weaknesses of writing. During PLC meetings the grade level team will look for strategies and interventions to help students self assess and improve their writing scores to a 4 on the Lucy Calkins rubric. Administration and teachers will work with KEDC consultants to support teachers understanding of standards, plan classroom instruction by mapping out standards and matching assessments with standards and math Envisions program Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 05/02/2016 $0 Professional Learning 01/04/2016 08/05/2016 $0 Total $0 Title II Part A Activity Name DR Math KEDC Support Reading Co Teaching Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Special Ed. teachers and classroom teachers will work together with administration and KEDC staff to plan and carry out co teaching strategies in the area of reading and math in designated classrooms. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 05/06/2016 Resource Assigned $52500 Total $52500 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. School Novice Reduction Team Curriculm Coachj Liz Pettit and Mary Alice Collier, All classroom teachers, and administration All teachers, administration , KEDC representative , Charles Rutledge Staff Responsible KEDC Staff, Lori Dehart Liz Littleton Administration Classroom Teachers Page 28 McBrayer Elementary School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan DR KDE Needs Assessment SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 29 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction DR AF T The purpose of the School Needs Assessment is to use data and information to prioritize allocation of resources and activities. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 30 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Data Analysis What question(s) are you trying to answer with the data and information provided to you? What does the data/information tell you? What does the data/information not tell you? McBrayer Elementary has been identified as a focus school previously based on KPREP data. In 2014 McBrayer was identified as proficient school based on the program review, student achievement and student growth data. Again in 2015 based on KPREP data McBrayer was AF T identified as a focus school due to not meeting all AMO goals. The data indicates weaknesses in Tier 1, classroom instruction. The Comprehensive Improvement Plan is focused on student achievement for all students in reading, math and writing. There are goals to support consistent programs in the areas of Arts/Humanities, Practical Living, Primary Program and Writing. Parents reported on the Missing Piece survey that stakeholders are welcomed by the school staff and the students perceive themselves as cared for by staff. Parents however would appreciate meetings and communication to occur in a variety of ways and on a more parent friendly schedule. Parents presently receive information through newsletters, teacher webpages, phone systems and notes in agenda books. After disaggregating the parent survey data it was determined that parent meeting opportunities and times need to vary to accommodate parents in order to increase DR parent involvement. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 31 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Areas of Strengths What were the areas of strength you noted? What actions are you implementing to sustain the areas of strength? What is there cause to celebrate? McBrayer has a very dedicated and hard working faculty, staff, community, parent group, and students. We are confident that being a focus school will not be our status in the upcoming year. McBrayer was identified as a proficient school based on the 2013-2014 KPREP data. AF T McBrayer Elementary implements the Leader In Me Program and is dedicated to building leaders in the school and community.Teachers disaggregate student formative and summative data and make instructional decisions by implementing research based best practices to help McBrayer students move forward with continuous progress. The goal for 2015-2016 testing window will be to close the achievement gap in the area of reading and math as well as improve writing mechanics. We are focused on consistent growth in the program review areas. Staff will continue to have weekly data meetings, school wide celebrations, and teacher one on one discussions to improve student engagement and effectiveness. DR . SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 32 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Opportunities for Improvement What were areas in need of improvement? What plans are you making to improve the areas of need? Specific objectives for 2015- 2016 school year are to increase proficiency for all students in the areas of reading, math and writing. There is also a need to improve specific areas in Writing, Arts and Humanities, Primary Program and Practical Living Program Reviews as well as set a benchmark for World Language and Global Competency. There are embedded strategies and activities in the CSIP to support those areas. AF T In addition, the goal for the 2015-2016 is to move more students into the proficient and distinguished categories in all academic areas. The Comprehensive Improvement Plan is focused on student achievement in all these areas. Developing DR strong program reviews and teacher effectiveness through the TPGES system is also crucial. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 33 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Conclusion Reflect on your answers provided in the previous sections. What are your next steps in addressing areas of concern? In 2014-2015 McBrayer Elementary was named a proficient school. Goals were met in the areas of Social Studies and Math. Numerous steps have been taken to improve instruction and academic sucess at McBrayer. Professional development on Co-Teaching for GAP Closure, Reading Small Group Instruction, Writing, Science and the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System have all been planned AF T and included in the Comprehensive Improvement Plan. Students identified needs through DIBELS/PSI, DNK/SNAP, and GT enrichment needs will be discussed in PLC and implemented in small group instruction kindergarten through fifth grade. The ESS daytime waiver will be continued to provide students identified who need extra support in reading and math skills. Teachers will continue to compile and analyze summative and formative assessment in weekly grade level PLC meetings using the data team process. Teachers will Implement student goal setting and self reflection as a class and individual activity on an ongoing basis. McBrayer will use CHAMPS, Clip Up Clip Down, and 7 Habits procedures for classroom and school wide behavior system. The SBDM council will develop polices that will continue to support a highly collaborative, data driven, community of DR learners. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 34 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR KDE Compliance and Accountability - Schools SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 35 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction The process of Improvement Planning in Kentucky is used as the means of determining how schools and districts will plan to ensure that students reach proficiency and beyond by 2015. The process focuses school and district improvement efforts on student needs by bringing together all stakeholders to plan for improvement, by focusing planning efforts on priority needs and closing achievement gaps between subgroups of students, by building upon school and district capacity for high quality planning, and by making connections between the funds that flow into the district and the priority needs in schools. Your school’s plans for improvement must be based on careful and honest analysis of data, address all content areas, and clearly address DR AF T gaps in student achievement. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 36 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Planning and Accountability Requirements The school has identified specific strategies to address areas for improvement identified in the TELLKY Survey results. Goal 1: Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. Measurable Objective 1: AF T students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math KPREP scores from 48.3% to 58.0% by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP. Strategy1: Reading Common Core - K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and will use resources such as Scott Foresman Reading Basil Program, Ready Common Core Reading Resources, and mentor texts to teach the core reading program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculum for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Research Cited: DR Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - Reading Professional Development Activity Begin Date End Date Type All teachers will attend core reading/small group Academic Support instruction, and close reading professional Program 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 development to help strengthen classroom Professional reading instruction. Learning Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $3000 - Other Administration, Curriculum Coaches, All Teachers, and District Professional Dev. Coordinator, Lucy Moore Measurable Objective 2: increase student growth by setting individual goals with students by 11/01/2016 as measured by monitoring monthly attendance, data on benchmark assessments and students self reflection in leadership binders.. Strategy1: PBIS - Students will be celebrated and recognized for accomplishments. Category: Other - PBIS Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 37 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity Type Students will be celebrated during grade level assembly for their accomplishments towards improvements in attendance, leadership skills, achievement, MAP and DIBELS benchmark assessment growth, behavior improvements, music, art, physical education, and reading goals. Behavioral Support Program Other Program Review Activity - CHAMPS/ Clip Up Chart Activity Type Behavioral Support Program Academic Support Program All teachers and support staff will use school wide behavior system and procedures to support student engagement and decrease behavior referrals. Measurable Objective 3: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $500 - General Fund Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Kim Armstrong, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, Angela Lyon Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 11/07/2016 Begin Date End Date AF T Activity - School Assembly 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All certified and classified staff, administration collaborate to support teacher needs and student achievement. by 11/07/2016 as measured by student growth on benchmark assessments, individual teacher discussions and school wide walk through feedback. . Strategy1: Discussion and Data - Teachers will meet with administrative team a minimum of three times a year to discuss student data, professional support needed and classroom/school curriculum. Category: Continuous Improvement DR Research Cited: Activity - Data Sheets Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will complete submit to administration Professional classroom data sheets 3 times a year after 01/04/2016 benchmark assessments have been completed. Learning Activity - Individual Teacher Data Meetings School administrative team will schedule individual data team meetings three times a year. 11/07/2016 Activity Begin Date End Date Type Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Professional Learning Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, curriculum coaches Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required District and School Administrative team, all teachers Goal 2: Increase program review needs improvement areas to proficient as well as sustain proficient areas on an ongoing basis. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the overall score on the Writing, Arts/Humanities, P/L and Career Studies and Primary Program Reviews scores to 8.0 or greater. by 06/01/2016 as measured by program review scores. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 38 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy1: Arts PLC - A district (monthly) and school(weekly) PLC for all special area teachers will occur so that teachers and administration can share strategies and activities that can be implemented across grade level and school to support the arts and practical living programs. These PLC members will plan school and grade level activities that increase student access to a variety of programs and activities. These PLC members will share strategies and information with all stakeholders to support implementation of arts and practical living standards into classroom instruction. Category: Continuous Improvement AF T Research Cited: Activity - Arts Professional Development Activity Type Professional development will be provided for classroom teachers to support arts integration into classroom instruction. Professional 06/03/2016 Learning Activity - Arts Integration Activity Type Activity - Arts PLC Arts teachers will share strategies to incorporate the arts into regular classroom curriculumn on an ongoing basis through vertical school team meetings, handouts, scheduled PLC meetings for sharing out, and faculty program review meetings. Strategy2: Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Kim Armstrong, Angela Lyon, Melissa Nickell, Nicole Powell, and Jami Heaberlin and all classroom teachers Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $250 - General Fund Kim Armstrong, Kim Dehart, Shari Clagett, Anglea Lyon, Nicole Powell, Rhonda Banks, Ronetta Brown, Jody Caudill, and Darinda Ramey Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Academic Support Program 08/11/2014 $0 - No Funding Required Genny Etherton, Rhonda Banks, Angela Lyons, Shari Clagett, All Classroom Teachers, Kim Alderman, Ronetta Brown 09/01/2016 Begin Date End Date 11/03/2014 DR The Art teachers will work in collaboration with the Lexington Children's Theatre, Octavia Biggs/Drama instructor, MSU dance program, Academic Folk Art Center, Traditional Music Program, and Support other community resources to bring dance, Program music, theatre, and art integration activities into the school for students participation. Funding Amount & Source Begin Date End Date 07/01/2015 05/01/2015 Writing Program - The writing plan will be implemented in K-5 curriculum with fidelity. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 39 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Vertical Writing Review Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Teachers and administration will meet in vertical grade level teams to review year long evidence of writing in each grade level. Strengths and weaknesses of school wide writing program will be determined, next steps developed, and plan for future implementation of school wide writing program will be developed for following school year. Academic Support Program 05/06/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, curriculum writing support, Mary Alice Collier, and administration. Activity - Data Analysis of Writing in PLC Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible AF T Teachers will administer a pre writing prompt for all forms of writing the first two weeks of schools. Each form of writing will have 6- 8 weeks of instruction devoted to the teaching of that type of writing. A post assessment will be administered after each writing unit has been Academic taught. Writing pieces will be reviewed and scored using the Steve Ventura Packet by each Support Program teacher and brought to grade level PLC's for discussion of strengths and weaknesses of writing. During PLC meetings the grade level team will look for strategies and interventions to help students self assess and improve their writing scores to a 4 on the Lucy Calkins rubric. 08/05/2016 Curriculm Coachj Liz Pettit and Mary Alice Collier, All classroom teachers, and administration Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, writing curriculum support, Mary Alice Collier and administration. 05/02/2016 05/13/2016 DR Activity - Student self reflection/goal setting Activity Type After instruction of each form of writing has happened and students have completed each Academic form or writing, teachers will score and give students feedback on writing. Students will then Support Program set writing goals for improvement. This will occur a minimum of two times a year. $0 - No Funding Required 01/05/2015 The school identified specific strategies to increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep proficiency scores. Goal 1: Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to support teacher needs and student achievement. by 11/07/2016 as measured by student growth on benchmark assessments, individual teacher discussions and school wide walk through feedback. . Strategy1: Discussion and Data - Teachers will meet with administrative team a minimum of three times a year to discuss student data, professional support needed and classroom/school curriculum. Category: Continuous Improvement SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 40 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Research Cited: School administrative team will schedule individual data team meetings three times a year. Activity - Data Sheets Activity Begin Date End Date Type Professional Learning Academic 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required District and School Administrative team, all teachers Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, curriculum coaches Begin Date End Date AF T Activity - Individual Teacher Data Meetings Teachers will complete submit to administration Professional classroom data sheets 3 times a year after 01/04/2016 benchmark assessments have been completed. Learning Measurable Objective 2: 11/07/2016 increase student growth by setting individual goals with students by 11/01/2016 as measured by monitoring monthly attendance, data on benchmark assessments and students self reflection in leadership binders.. Strategy1: PBIS - Students will be celebrated and recognized for accomplishments. Category: Other - PBIS DR Research Cited: Activity Type Academic Support Program Behavioral Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All certified and classified staff, administration Activity - School Assembly Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Students will be celebrated during grade level assembly for their accomplishments towards improvements in attendance, leadership skills, achievement, MAP and DIBELS benchmark assessment growth, behavior improvements, music, art, physical education, and reading goals. Behavioral Support Program Other Program Review 01/04/2016 $500 - General Fund Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Kim Armstrong, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, Angela Lyon Activity - CHAMPS/ Clip Up Chart All teachers and support staff will use school wide behavior system and procedures to support student engagement and decrease behavior referrals. 11/07/2016 11/07/2016 Strategy2: Individual Student Goal Setting - Students will set individual goals for each benchmark assessment in reading, writing, and math three times a year. Each classroom will graph classroom attendance, set goals for improvement and reflect upon class goals set for attendance. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 41 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Goal Setting/Reflection Sheets Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Each teacher will guide students in setting individual goals on personal goal sheet three times a year in reading, math and writing. Student goal sheets will be added to student leadership binder/folder. At end of the year students will reflect on growth made over time in reading, writing, and math. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 $500 - General Fund All teachers, administration 11/07/2016 Measurable Objective 3: KPREP. Strategy1: AF T collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math KPREP scores from 48.3% to 58.0% by 11/01/2016 as measured by Math Common Core - K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and using Envisions math program as a tool to teach the core math program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculm for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: There is a need for a common math program to be used vertically so that a common core standards, common vocabulary, strategies, and procedures are built upon in a vertical foundation. Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All McBrayer Teachers Administration Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 12/01/2014 $0 - No Funding Required All Teachers / PLC Groups Administration Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, KEDC representative, Charles Rutledge Begin Date End Date DR Activity - Common Assessments Teachers will disaggregate reading and math formative and summative assessments during weekly PLC's discussing strategies and Academic interventions together so that students close or Support not likely to get the instruction can be taught Program with research based strategies and interventions. Activity - Data Analysis/PLC Groups Activity Type Teachers will use DNK/SNAP and/or classroom assessment data on an ongoing Academic basis to regroup students based on their needs Support and differentiation of instruction to improve Program student learning. 01/05/2015 Activity - Math KEDC Support Activity Type Administration and teachers will work with KEDC consultants to support teachers understanding of standards, plan classroom instruction by mapping out standards and matching assessments with standards and math Envisions program Professional 01/04/2016 Learning 11/01/2016 08/03/2015 Begin Date End Date 08/05/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 42 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Math Professional Dev. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Teachers will plan together during PLC meetings, school work day hours and/or summer PD to build on the importance of scaffolding the concepts in the Common Core Math and Reading Standards from grade level to grade level. Academic Support Program 01/11/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All McBrayer Teachers Administration Team Activity - Technology Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible All classrooms, 2nd-5th grade will make available opportunities for students to use technology programs such as Moby Max, Front Row, Sum Dog to support reinforcement on math standards taught in the classroom. Technology Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 $1500 - Other Classroom teachers, administration, parent/teacher organization(PTO) Reading Common Core - AF T Strategy2: 11/01/2016 11/01/2016 K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and will use resources such as Scott Foresman Reading Basil Program, Ready Common Core Reading Resources, and mentor texts to teach the core reading program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculum for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement DR Research Cited: Activity - Data Analysis PLC Activity Type All teachers will work in PLC grade level groups to disaggregate common summative Academic assessments. This will guide them in Support determining deficit skills that will need to be Program focused on during core, small group, and during RTI groups. Activity - Reading Professional Development Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill- RTI coordinator, all classroom teachers, curriculum coach and adminsitration Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $3000 - Other Administration, Curriculum Coaches, All Teachers, and District Professional Dev. Coordinator, Lucy Moore 06/01/2016 Activity Begin Date End Date Type All teachers will attend core reading/small group Professional Learning instruction, and close reading professional Academic 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 development to help strengthen classroom Support reading instruction. Program SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 43 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Reading Co Teaching Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Special Ed. teachers and classroom teachers will work together with administration and KEDC staff to plan and carry out co teaching strategies in the area of reading and math in designated classrooms. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 $52500 - Title II Part A KEDC Staff, Lori Dehart Liz Littleton Administration Classroom Teachers Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Direct Instruction 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Classroom Teachers, Administration, Planning Comm. Strategy3: 05/02/2016 AF T Activity - Reading Instructional Teaching Time The master schedule will reflect a minimum of 120 minutes reading block for K-2 students and 90 minutes for 3-5 students. 05/06/2016 Communication - Teachers will share weekly newsletters with parents and families. Category: Stakeholder Engagement Research Cited: Activity - Newsletters Strategy4: DR Teachers will share models of/and learning targets,classroom instructional focus, student accomplishments/student of the week, and school wide important dates and information weekly on classroom newsletters, emails, and/or webpages. Activity Begin Date End Date Type Behavioral Support Program Parent Involvement 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Academic Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $2000 - General Fund Classroom teachers Small Group Instruction - Students who are identified needing extra support in gaining skills that have been previously taught or who have been identified as low performers and who are in TIER II or TIER III will be provided direct instruction in small groups based on specific skills needed in reading and math that will support them in the regular core classroom programs. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity Type Small group instruction will support students Academic who are identified as needing additional support Support in math and reading Program Activity - ESS Day Time Waiver Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $11000 - Other Administration, classroom teachers, ESS teacher 06/01/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 44 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - RTI Tier II and III Small Groups Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 $20000 - Other RTI Coordinator, Classroom teachers Activity - Small Group Instruction Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Students who are identified by their MAP scores will receive 30 min of differentiated instruction based on specific needs that will support the core instruction they are receiving in reading and math. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 Activity - After School Tutoring Activity Type AF T After school tutoring funds will be allocated for Academic teachers who identify small group instruction (2- Support 4 students) for students with deficits in reading Program and/or math. Goal 2: 11/07/2016 $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill, RTI Teacher/Coordinator Classroom Teachers Administration Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $2000 - Other Mrs. Banks, teachers applying to become after school ESS tutors. 11/01/2016 05/06/2016 By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no DR less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to monitor all students scoring at the novice level in math and reading content by 06/03/2016 as measured by student growth on progress monitoring, classroom assessments and district benchmark assessments.. Strategy1: Tier II Meetings - All reading and math data for students who have a Novice Plan will be monitored every 30 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Activity - Teacher/RTI Coordinator Data/Plan Activity Review Type RTI Coordinator and Classroom teachers will monitor data for students scoring novice on KPREP every 30 days. Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/08/2016 $45000 - District Funding Jody Caudill, RTI coordinator, Liz Pettit, Curriculum Coach, Rhonda Banks, Principal and classroom teachers 11/30/2016 Strategy2: Progress Monitor - Teachers and administrators will meet in PLC groups weekly to review assessment data on identified novice students in SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 45 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School reading and math. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Professional Learning Communities Activity - Data Disaggregation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Student progress on standard based assessments will be documented on SV packets an instructional strategies will be discussed to help support student improvment Policy and Process 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required Administration and all teachers AF T Measurable Objective 2: 11/30/2016 collaborate to carryout district Novice Reduction Plan by 05/02/2016 as measured by completion of goals by designated dates on the Rowan County Schools novice reduction plan. . Strategy1: Monitoring of Novice Reduction Plan - The McBrayer novice reduction team will monitor and complete 30/60/90 day plan Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Goal 3: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/01/2016 $0 - No Funding Required School Novice Reduction Team 05/13/2016 DR Activity - Monthly Novice Reduction Checks Activity Type McBrayer Novice Reduction team will meet in Academic 30, 60, 90 days to review implementation of Support school Novice Reduction plan Program Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by 2018-19. Measurable Objective 1: increase student growth in the area of reading fluency by 06/01/2016 as measured by student growth on fluency rate. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 46 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers 08/03/2015 Measurable Objective 2: demonstrate student proficiency (pass rate) on DIBELS and DAZE in reading. by 06/01/2016 as measured by Student growth on DIBELS Strategy1: AF T and DAZE assessment. RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers 08/03/2015 DR Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date Measurable Objective 3: collaborate to increase students at the proficiency level who are identfied in the gap population in the area of reading and math by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP data. Strategy1: Least Restrictive Environment - All Special education teachers will work with ARC committee to review progress toward goals, determine least restrictive environment, and services appropriate for students achievement. All staff will give and increased effort to improve coteaching practices and support students in the reguar classroom setting when possible and ARC agrees that this is the LRE. Category: Research Cited: Activity - Co Teaching/Planning Activity Type Special Education Staff and Regular Edcuation Staff will work together weekly in a defined a time to discuss and plan learning targets, skills, Academic Support and strategies that are being co taught during reading instruction so that all students are being Program taught with fidelity and best practices. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 11/02/2015 $3000 - General Fund All Special Education Teachers, All Regular Education Teachers, Administration 11/01/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 47 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School All children-were screened for kindergarten readiness. If yes, name the assessment. Goal 1: Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. Measurable Objective 1: AF T students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 collaborate to support teacher needs and student achievement. by 11/07/2016 as measured by student growth on benchmark assessments, individual teacher discussions and school wide walk through feedback. . Strategy1: Discussion and Data - Teachers will meet with administrative team a minimum of three times a year to discuss student data, professional support needed and classroom/school curriculum. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - Data Sheets Activity Type Begin Date End Date 11/07/2016 DR Teachers will complete submit to administration Professional classroom data sheets 3 times a year after 01/04/2016 benchmark assessments have been completed. Learning Activity - Individual Teacher Data Meetings School administrative team will schedule individual data team meetings three times a year. Activity Begin Date End Date Type Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Professional Learning Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, curriculum coaches Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required District and School Administrative team, all teachers Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math KPREP scores from 48.3% to 58.0% by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP. Strategy1: Communication - Teachers will share weekly newsletters with parents and families. Category: Stakeholder Engagement Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 48 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Newsletters Teachers will share models of/and learning targets,classroom instructional focus, student accomplishments/student of the week, and school wide important dates and information weekly on classroom newsletters, emails, and/or webpages. Activity Begin Date End Date Type Parent Involvement Behavioral Support 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Program Academic Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $2000 - General Fund Classroom teachers Strategy2: Reading Common Core - AF T K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and will use resources such as Scott Foresman Reading Basil Program, Ready Common Core Reading Resources, and mentor texts to teach the core reading program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculum for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - Reading Professional Development Activity Begin Date End Date Type All teachers will attend core reading/small group Academic Support instruction, and close reading professional Program 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 development to help strengthen classroom Professional reading instruction. Learning Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $3000 - Other Administration, Curriculum Coaches, All Teachers, and District Professional Dev. Coordinator, Lucy Moore Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $52500 - Title II Part A KEDC Staff, Lori Dehart Liz Littleton Administration Classroom Teachers Activity Type Special Ed. teachers and classroom teachers will work together with administration and KEDC staff to plan and carry out co teaching strategies in the area of reading and math in designated classrooms. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 Activity - Reading Instructional Teaching Time The master schedule will reflect a minimum of 120 minutes reading block for K-2 students and 90 minutes for 3-5 students. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Direct Instruction 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Classroom Teachers, Administration, Planning Comm. Activity - Data Analysis PLC Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill- RTI coordinator, all classroom teachers, curriculum coach and adminsitration DR Activity - Reading Co Teaching All teachers will work in PLC grade level groups to disaggregate common summative Academic assessments. This will guide them in Support determining deficit skills that will need to be Program focused on during core, small group, and during RTI groups. 05/06/2016 05/02/2016 06/01/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 49 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy3: Small Group Instruction - Students who are identified needing extra support in gaining skills that have been previously taught or who have been identified as low performers and who are in TIER II or TIER III will be provided direct instruction in small groups based on specific skills needed in reading and math that will support them in the regular core classroom programs. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students who are identified by their MAP scores will receive 30 min of differentiated instruction based on specific needs that will support the core instruction they are receiving in reading and math. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 Activity - RTI Tier II and III Small Groups Activity Type RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Academic Support Program Measurable Objective 3: Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill, RTI Teacher/Coordinator Classroom Teachers Administration Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $20000 - Other RTI Coordinator, Classroom teachers AF T Activity - Small Group Instruction 11/01/2016 11/07/2016 DR increase student growth by setting individual goals with students by 11/01/2016 as measured by monitoring monthly attendance, data on benchmark assessments and students self reflection in leadership binders.. Strategy1: PBIS - Students will be celebrated and recognized for accomplishments. Category: Other - PBIS Research Cited: Activity - School Assembly Activity Type Students will be celebrated during grade level assembly for their accomplishments towards improvements in attendance, leadership skills, achievement, MAP and DIBELS benchmark assessment growth, behavior improvements, music, art, physical education, and reading goals. Other Program Review Behavioral Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $500 - General Fund Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Kim Armstrong, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, Angela Lyon 11/07/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 50 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - CHAMPS/ Clip Up Chart All teachers and support staff will use school wide behavior system and procedures to support student engagement and decrease behavior referrals. Activity Type Behavioral Support Program Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All certified and classified staff, administration 11/07/2016 Goal 2: By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no Measurable Objective 1: AF T less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. collaborate to monitor all students scoring at the novice level in math and reading content by 06/03/2016 as measured by student growth on progress monitoring, classroom assessments and district benchmark assessments.. Strategy1: Tier II Meetings - All reading and math data for students who have a Novice Plan will be monitored every 30 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Activity - Teacher/RTI Coordinator Data/Plan Activity Review Type Strategy2: Academic Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/08/2016 $45000 - District Funding Jody Caudill, RTI coordinator, Liz Pettit, Curriculum Coach, Rhonda Banks, Principal and classroom teachers DR RTI Coordinator and Classroom teachers will monitor data for students scoring novice on KPREP every 30 days. Begin Date End Date 11/30/2016 Progress Monitor - Teachers and administrators will meet in PLC groups weekly to review assessment data on identified novice students in reading and math. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Professional Learning Communities Activity - Data Disaggregation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Student progress on standard based assessments will be documented on SV packets an instructional strategies will be discussed to help support student improvment Policy and Process 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required Administration and all teachers 11/30/2016 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to carryout district Novice Reduction Plan by 05/02/2016 as measured by completion of goals by designated dates on the Rowan County Schools novice reduction plan. . SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 51 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy1: Monitoring of Novice Reduction Plan - The McBrayer novice reduction team will monitor and complete 30/60/90 day plan Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Goal 3: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/01/2016 $0 - No Funding Required School Novice Reduction Team 05/13/2016 AF T Activity - Monthly Novice Reduction Checks Activity Type McBrayer Novice Reduction team will meet in Academic 30, 60, 90 days to review implementation of Support school Novice Reduction plan Program Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by 2018-19. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase students at the proficiency level who are identfied in the gap population in the area of reading and math by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP data. Strategy1: Least Restrictive Environment - All Special education teachers will work with ARC committee to review progress toward goals, determine least restrictive environment, and services appropriate for students achievement. All staff will give and increased effort to improve co- Category: Research Cited: DR teaching practices and support students in the reguar classroom setting when possible and ARC agrees that this is the LRE. Activity - Co Teaching/Planning Activity Type Special Education Staff and Regular Edcuation Staff will work together weekly in a defined a time to discuss and plan learning targets, skills, Academic Support and strategies that are being co taught during reading instruction so that all students are being Program taught with fidelity and best practices. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 11/02/2015 $3000 - General Fund All Special Education Teachers, All Regular Education Teachers, Administration 11/01/2016 Measurable Objective 2: increase student growth in the area of reading fluency by 06/01/2016 as measured by student growth on fluency rate. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 52 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Measurable Objective 3: Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers 08/03/2015 AF T Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date demonstrate student proficiency (pass rate) on DIBELS and DAZE in reading. by 06/01/2016 as measured by Student growth on DIBELS and DAZE assessment. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Narrative: DR Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date 09/15/2014 08/03/2015 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers All incoming Kindergarten students were given the Brigance Kindergarten Screener within the first 30 days of school. Data reported that 45.7% of McBrayer Elementary incoming Kindergartners were ready for Kindergarten. The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of students who are Kindergarten ready. Goal 1: Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 Measurable Objective 1: increase student growth by setting individual goals with students by 11/01/2016 as measured by monitoring monthly attendance, data on benchmark assessments and students self reflection in leadership binders.. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 53 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy1: PBIS - Students will be celebrated and recognized for accomplishments. Category: Other - PBIS Research Cited: Activity Type Students will be celebrated during grade level assembly for their accomplishments towards improvements in attendance, leadership skills, achievement, MAP and DIBELS benchmark assessment growth, behavior improvements, music, art, physical education, and reading goals. Behavioral Support Program Other Program Review Activity - CHAMPS/ Clip Up Chart Activity Type Academic Support Program Behavioral Support Program All teachers and support staff will use school wide behavior system and procedures to support student engagement and decrease behavior referrals. Strategy2: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source AF T Activity - School Assembly Staff Responsible $500 - General Fund Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Kim Armstrong, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, Angela Lyon Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All certified and classified staff, administration 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 11/07/2016 Individual Student Goal Setting - Students will set individual goals for each benchmark assessment in reading, writing, and math three times DR a year. Each classroom will graph classroom attendance, set goals for improvement and reflect upon class goals set for attendance. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - Goal Setting/Reflection Sheets Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Each teacher will guide students in setting individual goals on personal goal sheet three times a year in reading, math and writing. Student goal sheets will be added to student leadership binder/folder. At end of the year students will reflect on growth made over time in reading, writing, and math. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 $500 - General Fund All teachers, administration 11/07/2016 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math KPREP scores from 48.3% to 58.0% by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP. Strategy1: Math Common Core - K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and using Envisions math program as a tool to teach the core math program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 54 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School together. This will allign our curriculm for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: There is a need for a common math program to be used vertically so that a common core standards, common vocabulary, strategies, and procedures are built upon in a vertical foundation. Activity - Common Assessments Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All McBrayer Teachers Administration Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $1500 - Other Classroom teachers, administration, parent/teacher organization(PTO) AF T Teachers will disaggregate reading and math formative and summative assessments during weekly PLC's discussing strategies and Academic interventions together so that students close or Support not likely to get the instruction can be taught Program with research based strategies and interventions. Begin Date End Date 01/05/2015 11/01/2016 Activity - Technology Activity Type All classrooms, 2nd-5th grade will make available opportunities for students to use technology programs such as Moby Max, Front Row, Sum Dog to support reinforcement on math standards taught in the classroom. Technology Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 Activity - Math Professional Dev. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Teachers will plan together during PLC meetings, school work day hours and/or summer PD to build on the importance of scaffolding the concepts in the Common Core Math and Reading Standards from grade level to grade level. Academic Support Program 01/11/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All McBrayer Teachers Administration Team Activity - Math KEDC Support Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Administration and teachers will work with KEDC consultants to support teachers understanding of standards, plan classroom instruction by mapping out standards and matching assessments with standards and math Envisions program Professional 01/04/2016 Learning $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, KEDC representative, Charles Rutledge Activity - Data Analysis/PLC Groups Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 12/01/2014 $0 - No Funding Required All Teachers / PLC Groups Administration DR Begin Date End Date Teachers will use DNK/SNAP and/or classroom assessment data on an ongoing Academic basis to regroup students based on their needs Support and differentiation of instruction to improve Program student learning. 11/01/2016 11/01/2016 08/05/2016 08/03/2015 Strategy2: Reading Common Core SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 55 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and will use resources such as Scott Foresman Reading Basil Program, Ready Common Core Reading Resources, and mentor texts to teach the core reading program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculum for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill- RTI coordinator, all classroom teachers, curriculum coach and adminsitration AF T Activity - Data Analysis PLC All teachers will work in PLC grade level groups to disaggregate common summative Academic assessments. This will guide them in Support determining deficit skills that will need to be Program focused on during core, small group, and during RTI groups. 01/05/2015 06/01/2016 Activity - Reading Co Teaching Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Special Ed. teachers and classroom teachers will work together with administration and KEDC staff to plan and carry out co teaching strategies in the area of reading and math in designated classrooms. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 $52500 - Title II Part A KEDC Staff, Lori Dehart Liz Littleton Administration Classroom Teachers Activity Begin Date End Date Type All teachers will attend core reading/small group Professional Learning instruction, and close reading professional Academic 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 development to help strengthen classroom Support reading instruction. Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $3000 - Other Administration, Curriculum Coaches, All Teachers, and District Professional Dev. Coordinator, Lucy Moore Activity - Reading Instructional Teaching Time The master schedule will reflect a minimum of 120 minutes reading block for K-2 students and 90 minutes for 3-5 students. Strategy3: DR Activity - Reading Professional Development 05/06/2016 Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Direct Instruction 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Classroom Teachers, Administration, Planning Comm. 05/02/2016 Small Group Instruction - Students who are identified needing extra support in gaining skills that have been previously taught or who have been identified as low performers and who are in TIER II or TIER III will be provided direct instruction in small groups based on specific skills needed in reading and math that will support them in the regular core classroom programs. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 56 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Small Group Instruction Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Students who are identified by their MAP scores will receive 30 min of differentiated instruction based on specific needs that will support the core instruction they are receiving in reading and math. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill, RTI Teacher/Coordinator Classroom Teachers Administration Activity - RTI Tier II and III Small Groups Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 Activity - After School Tutoring Activity Type RTI Coordinator, Classroom teachers Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $11000 - Other Administration, classroom teachers, ESS teacher Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $2000 - Other Mrs. Banks, teachers applying to become after school ESS tutors. Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $2000 - General Fund Classroom teachers DR After school tutoring funds will be allocated for Academic teachers who identify small group instruction (2- Support 4 students) for students with deficits in reading Program and/or math. Strategy4: $20000 - Other AF T Activity Type Small group instruction will support students Academic who are identified as needing additional support Support in math and reading Program Activity - ESS Day Time Waiver 11/01/2016 11/07/2016 06/01/2016 05/06/2016 Communication - Teachers will share weekly newsletters with parents and families. Category: Stakeholder Engagement Research Cited: Activity - Newsletters Teachers will share models of/and learning targets,classroom instructional focus, student accomplishments/student of the week, and school wide important dates and information weekly on classroom newsletters, emails, and/or webpages. Activity Begin Date End Date Type Academic Support Program Behavioral 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Support Program Parent Involvement Measurable Objective 3: collaborate to support teacher needs and student achievement. by 11/07/2016 as measured by student growth on benchmark assessments, individual teacher discussions and school wide walk through feedback. . SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 57 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy1: Discussion and Data - Teachers will meet with administrative team a minimum of three times a year to discuss student data, professional support needed and classroom/school curriculum. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: School administrative team will schedule individual data team meetings three times a year. Activity - Data Sheets Activity Begin Date End Date Type Professional Learning Academic 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required District and School Administrative team, all teachers Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, curriculum coaches AF T Activity - Individual Teacher Data Meetings Begin Date End Date Teachers will complete submit to administration Professional classroom data sheets 3 times a year after 01/04/2016 benchmark assessments have been completed. Learning Goal 2: 11/07/2016 By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. Measurable Objective 1: DR 40% of All Students will increase student growth so that the total number of students scoring at the novice level in math and readingwill decrease from 40% to no less than 36% in English Language Arts by 05/13/2016 as measured by KPREP. Strategy1: Reading Tier 1 Instruction - Reading Block criteria will guide teachers in rigurous and differentiated reading instruction. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Reading Block Instruction Activity - Reading Non Negotiable Criteria Check List Teacher representatives and administration who have attended reading profressional learning sessions will develop Tier 1 reading block checklist that will describe non negotiables to be implemented that will support rigorous and differentiated reading instruction. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Policy and Process 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required Grade level teacher representatives and administration 09/01/2016 Strategy2: Professional Dev. - Teachers will meet in 2 hour blocks with Leader in Me staff to continue to receive leadership training that will give them details on how to implement leadership traits into their classroom instruction on a daily basis. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 58 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Category: Research Cited: Activity - Smekens Reading Training Reading Professional Dev. Activity Begin Date End Date Type Professional 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 Learning Funding Amount & Source $1500 - Title I Part A Staff Responsible All teachers, All administration Goal 3: less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. Measurable Objective 1: AF T By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no collaborate to carryout district Novice Reduction Plan by 05/02/2016 as measured by completion of goals by designated dates on the Rowan County Schools novice reduction plan. . Strategy1: Monitoring of Novice Reduction Plan - The McBrayer novice reduction team will monitor and complete 30/60/90 day plan Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Begin Date End Date DR Activity - Monthly Novice Reduction Checks Activity Type McBrayer Novice Reduction team will meet in Academic 30, 60, 90 days to review implementation of Support school Novice Reduction plan Program 01/01/2016 05/13/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required School Novice Reduction Team Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to monitor all students scoring at the novice level in math and reading content by 06/03/2016 as measured by student growth on progress monitoring, classroom assessments and district benchmark assessments.. Strategy1: Tier II Meetings - All reading and math data for students who have a Novice Plan will be monitored every 30 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Activity - Teacher/RTI Coordinator Data/Plan Activity Review Type RTI Coordinator and Classroom teachers will monitor data for students scoring novice on KPREP every 30 days. Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/08/2016 $45000 - District Funding Jody Caudill, RTI coordinator, Liz Pettit, Curriculum Coach, Rhonda Banks, Principal and classroom teachers 11/30/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 59 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy2: Progress Monitor - Teachers and administrators will meet in PLC groups weekly to review assessment data on identified novice students in reading and math. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Professional Learning Communities Activity Type Begin Date End Date Student progress on standard based assessments will be documented on SV packets an instructional strategies will be discussed to help support student improvment Policy and Process 01/04/2016 Goal 4: Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Administration and all teachers AF T Activity - Data Disaggregation 11/30/2016 Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by 2018-19. Measurable Objective 1: increase student growth in the area of reading fluency by 06/01/2016 as measured by student growth on fluency rate. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress DR monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers 08/03/2015 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase students at the proficiency level who are identfied in the gap population in the area of reading and math by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP data. Strategy1: Least Restrictive Environment - All Special education teachers will work with ARC committee to review progress toward goals, determine least restrictive environment, and services appropriate for students achievement. All staff will give and increased effort to improve coSY 2015-2016 Page 60 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School teaching practices and support students in the reguar classroom setting when possible and ARC agrees that this is the LRE. Category: Research Cited: Activity - Co Teaching/Planning Activity Type Measurable Objective 3: Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 11/02/2015 $3000 - General Fund All Special Education Teachers, All Regular Education Teachers, Administration 11/01/2016 AF T Special Education Staff and Regular Edcuation Staff will work together weekly in a defined a time to discuss and plan learning targets, skills, Academic Support and strategies that are being co taught during reading instruction so that all students are being Program taught with fidelity and best practices. Begin Date End Date demonstrate student proficiency (pass rate) on DIBELS and DAZE in reading. by 06/01/2016 as measured by Student growth on DIBELS and DAZE assessment. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity Type Begin Date End Date DR Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. 09/15/2014 08/03/2015 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers The school identified specific K-3 strategies to increase the average 3rd grade math and reading combined K-Prep proficiency scores. Goal 1: Increase the percentage for proficient/distinguished students for averaged combined reading and math K-prep scores for McBrayer Elem. students from 48.3% to 73.8%.% by 2018-19 Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to support teacher needs and student achievement. by 11/07/2016 as measured by student growth on benchmark assessments, individual teacher discussions and school wide walk through feedback. . SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 61 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy1: Discussion and Data - Teachers will meet with administrative team a minimum of three times a year to discuss student data, professional support needed and classroom/school curriculum. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: School administrative team will schedule individual data team meetings three times a year. Activity - Data Sheets Activity Begin Date End Date Type Professional Learning Academic 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required District and School Administrative team, all teachers Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, curriculum coaches AF T Activity - Individual Teacher Data Meetings Begin Date End Date Teachers will complete submit to administration Professional classroom data sheets 3 times a year after 01/04/2016 benchmark assessments have been completed. Learning Measurable Objective 2: 11/07/2016 collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math KPREP scores from 48.3% to 58.0% by 11/01/2016 as measured by Strategy1: DR KPREP. Small Group Instruction - Students who are identified needing extra support in gaining skills that have been previously taught or who have been identified as low performers and who are in TIER II or TIER III will be provided direct instruction in small groups based on specific skills needed in reading and math that will support them in the regular core classroom programs. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - Small Group Instruction Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Students who are identified by their MAP scores will receive 30 min of differentiated instruction based on specific needs that will support the core instruction they are receiving in reading and math. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill, RTI Teacher/Coordinator Classroom Teachers Administration Activity - After School Tutoring Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $2000 - Other Mrs. Banks, teachers applying to become after school ESS tutors. After school tutoring funds will be allocated for Academic teachers who identify small group instruction (2- Support 4 students) for students with deficits in reading Program and/or math. 11/01/2016 05/06/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 62 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity Type Small group instruction will support students Academic who are identified as needing additional support Support in math and reading Program Activity - ESS Day Time Waiver Activity Type RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Academic Support Program Strategy2: Reading Common Core - Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $11000 - Other Administration, classroom teachers, ESS teacher Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 06/01/2016 Begin Date End Date AF T Activity - RTI Tier II and III Small Groups Begin Date End Date 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 $20000 - Other RTI Coordinator, Classroom teachers K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and will use resources such as Scott Foresman Reading Basil Program, Ready Common Core Reading Resources, and mentor texts to teach the core reading program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units together. This will allign our curriculum for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement DR Research Cited: Activity - Reading Co Teaching Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Special Ed. teachers and classroom teachers will work together with administration and KEDC staff to plan and carry out co teaching strategies in the area of reading and math in designated classrooms. Academic Support Program 01/05/2015 $52500 - Title II Part A KEDC Staff, Lori Dehart Liz Littleton Administration Classroom Teachers Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Direct Instruction 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Classroom Teachers, Administration, Planning Comm. Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $3000 - Other Administration, Curriculum Coaches, All Teachers, and District Professional Dev. Coordinator, Lucy Moore Activity - Reading Instructional Teaching Time The master schedule will reflect a minimum of 120 minutes reading block for K-2 students and 90 minutes for 3-5 students. Activity - Reading Professional Development 05/06/2016 05/02/2016 Activity Begin Date End Date Type All teachers will attend core reading/small group Professional Learning instruction, and close reading professional Academic 01/04/2016 06/01/2016 development to help strengthen classroom Support reading instruction. Program SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 63 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Data Analysis PLC Activity Type All teachers will work in PLC grade level groups to disaggregate common summative Academic assessments. This will guide them in Support determining deficit skills that will need to be Program focused on during core, small group, and during RTI groups. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Jody Caudill- RTI coordinator, all classroom teachers, curriculum coach and adminsitration 06/01/2016 Strategy3: Category: Stakeholder Engagement Research Cited: Activity - Newsletters Teachers will share models of/and learning targets,classroom instructional focus, student accomplishments/student of the week, and school wide important dates and information weekly on classroom newsletters, emails, and/or webpages. Strategy4: AF T Communication - Teachers will share weekly newsletters with parents and families. Activity Begin Date End Date Type Parent Involvement Behavioral Support 01/04/2016 11/07/2016 Program Academic Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $2000 - General Fund Classroom teachers Math Common Core - K-5 McBrayer Elem. teachers will continue to develop a better understanding of the Common Core Standards and using Envisions math program as a tool to teach the core math program in all grade level classrooms. Classroom teachers will develop units DR together. This will allign our curriculm for all students in all grades. This will ensure that all students K-5 are being taught the foundational concepts and vocabulary that matches the standards in a sequential order. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: There is a need for a common math program to be used vertically so that a common core standards, common vocabulary, strategies, and procedures are built upon in a vertical foundation. Activity - Math KEDC Support Activity Type Administration and teachers will work with KEDC consultants to support teachers understanding of standards, plan classroom instruction by mapping out standards and matching assessments with standards and math Envisions program Professional 01/04/2016 Learning Activity - Data Analysis/PLC Groups Activity Type Teachers will use DNK/SNAP and/or classroom assessment data on an ongoing Academic basis to regroup students based on their needs Support and differentiation of instruction to improve Program student learning. Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, administration, KEDC representative, Charles Rutledge Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 12/01/2014 $0 - No Funding Required All Teachers / PLC Groups Administration Begin Date End Date 08/05/2016 08/03/2015 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 64 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Technology Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible All classrooms, 2nd-5th grade will make available opportunities for students to use technology programs such as Moby Max, Front Row, Sum Dog to support reinforcement on math standards taught in the classroom. Technology Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 $1500 - Other Classroom teachers, administration, parent/teacher organization(PTO) Activity - Common Assessments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible AF T 11/01/2016 Teachers will disaggregate reading and math formative and summative assessments during weekly PLC's discussing strategies and Academic interventions together so that students close or Support not likely to get the instruction can be taught Program with research based strategies and interventions. 01/05/2015 11/01/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All McBrayer Teachers Administration Activity - Math Professional Dev. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Teachers will plan together during PLC meetings, school work day hours and/or summer PD to build on the importance of scaffolding the concepts in the Common Core Math and Reading Standards from grade level to grade level. Academic Support Program 01/11/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All McBrayer Teachers Administration Team Measurable Objective 3: 11/01/2016 increase student growth by setting individual goals with students by 11/01/2016 as measured by monitoring monthly attendance, data on Strategy1: DR benchmark assessments and students self reflection in leadership binders.. Individual Student Goal Setting - Students will set individual goals for each benchmark assessment in reading, writing, and math three times a year. Each classroom will graph classroom attendance, set goals for improvement and reflect upon class goals set for attendance. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - Goal Setting/Reflection Sheets Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Each teacher will guide students in setting individual goals on personal goal sheet three times a year in reading, math and writing. Student goal sheets will be added to student leadership binder/folder. At end of the year students will reflect on growth made over time in reading, writing, and math. Academic Support Program 01/04/2016 $500 - General Fund All teachers, administration 11/07/2016 Strategy2: PBIS - Students will be celebrated and recognized for accomplishments. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 65 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Category: Other - PBIS Research Cited: All teachers and support staff will use school wide behavior system and procedures to support student engagement and decrease behavior referrals. Activity Type Academic Support Program Behavioral Support Program Activity - School Assembly Activity Type Students will be celebrated during grade level assembly for their accomplishments towards improvements in attendance, leadership skills, achievement, MAP and DIBELS benchmark assessment growth, behavior improvements, music, art, physical education, and reading goals. Behavioral Support Program Other Program Review Goal 2: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All certified and classified staff, administration 11/07/2016 AF T Activity - CHAMPS/ Clip Up Chart Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $500 - General Fund Nicole Powell, Jody Caudill, Kim Armstrong, Melissa Nickell, Jami Heaberlin, Angela Lyon 11/07/2016 By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. Measurable Objective 1: DR collaborate to carryout district Novice Reduction Plan by 05/02/2016 as measured by completion of goals by designated dates on the Rowan County Schools novice reduction plan. . Strategy1: Monitoring of Novice Reduction Plan - The McBrayer novice reduction team will monitor and complete 30/60/90 day plan Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Activity - Monthly Novice Reduction Checks Activity Type McBrayer Novice Reduction team will meet in Academic 30, 60, 90 days to review implementation of Support school Novice Reduction plan Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/01/2016 $0 - No Funding Required School Novice Reduction Team 05/13/2016 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to monitor all students scoring at the novice level in math and reading content by 06/03/2016 as measured by student growth on progress monitoring, classroom assessments and district benchmark assessments.. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 66 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Strategy1: Progress Monitor - Teachers and administrators will meet in PLC groups weekly to review assessment data on identified novice students in reading and math. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Professional Learning Communities Activity - Data Disaggregation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Student progress on standard based assessments will be documented on SV packets an instructional strategies will be discussed to help support student improvment Policy and Process 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required Administration and all teachers AF T Strategy2: 11/30/2016 Tier II Meetings - All reading and math data for students who have a Novice Plan will be monitored every 30 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Activity - Teacher/RTI Coordinator Data/Plan Activity Review Type RTI Coordinator and Classroom teachers will monitor data for students scoring novice on KPREP every 30 days. Goal 3: Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date 01/08/2016 11/30/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $45000 - District Funding Jody Caudill, RTI coordinator, Liz Pettit, Curriculum Coach, Rhonda Banks, Principal and classroom teachers 2018-19. DR Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate student proficiency (pass rate) on DIBELS and DAZE in reading. by 06/01/2016 as measured by Student growth on DIBELS and DAZE assessment. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 67 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers 08/03/2015 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase students at the proficiency level who are identfied in the gap population in the area of reading and math by Strategy1: AF T 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP data. Least Restrictive Environment - All Special education teachers will work with ARC committee to review progress toward goals, determine least restrictive environment, and services appropriate for students achievement. All staff will give and increased effort to improve coteaching practices and support students in the reguar classroom setting when possible and ARC agrees that this is the LRE. Category: Research Cited: Activity - Co Teaching/Planning Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 11/02/2015 $3000 - General Fund All Special Education Teachers, All Regular Education Teachers, Administration 11/01/2016 DR Special Education Staff and Regular Edcuation Staff will work together weekly in a defined a time to discuss and plan learning targets, skills, Academic Support and strategies that are being co taught during reading instruction so that all students are being Program taught with fidelity and best practices. Begin Date End Date Measurable Objective 3: increase student growth in the area of reading fluency by 06/01/2016 as measured by student growth on fluency rate. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers 08/03/2015 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 68 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School The school identified specific strategies to address subgroup achievement gaps. Goal 1: By 2021, McBrayer Elementary will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in the math and reading from 40% to no Measurable Objective 1: AF T less than 20% as measured by KPREP data. collaborate to carryout district Novice Reduction Plan by 05/02/2016 as measured by completion of goals by designated dates on the Rowan County Schools novice reduction plan. . Strategy1: Monitoring of Novice Reduction Plan - The McBrayer novice reduction team will monitor and complete 30/60/90 day plan Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/01/2016 $0 - No Funding Required School Novice Reduction Team 05/13/2016 DR Activity - Monthly Novice Reduction Checks Activity Type McBrayer Novice Reduction team will meet in Academic 30, 60, 90 days to review implementation of Support school Novice Reduction plan Program Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to monitor all students scoring at the novice level in math and reading content by 06/03/2016 as measured by student growth on progress monitoring, classroom assessments and district benchmark assessments.. Strategy1: Progress Monitor - Teachers and administrators will meet in PLC groups weekly to review assessment data on identified novice students in reading and math. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Professional Learning Communities Activity - Data Disaggregation Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Student progress on standard based assessments will be documented on SV packets an instructional strategies will be discussed to help support student improvment Policy and Process 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required Administration and all teachers 11/30/2016 Strategy2: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 69 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Tier II Meetings - All reading and math data for students who have a Novice Plan will be monitored every 30 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Novice Reduction Activity - Teacher/RTI Coordinator Data/Plan Activity Review Type Goal 2: Academic Support Program Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/08/2016 $45000 - District Funding Jody Caudill, RTI coordinator, Liz Pettit, Curriculum Coach, Rhonda Banks, Principal and classroom teachers 11/30/2016 AF T RTI Coordinator and Classroom teachers will monitor data for students scoring novice on KPREP every 30 days. Begin Date End Date Increase percentage of population in the gap area scoring proficient/distinguished in combined reading and math from 48.3% to 73.8% by 2018-19. Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate student proficiency (pass rate) on DIBELS and DAZE in reading. by 06/01/2016 as measured by Student growth on DIBELS and DAZE assessment. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Research Cited: DR Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers 08/03/2015 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase students at the proficiency level who are identfied in the gap population in the area of reading and math by 11/01/2016 as measured by KPREP data. Strategy1: Least Restrictive Environment - All Special education teachers will work with ARC committee to review progress toward goals, determine least restrictive environment, and services appropriate for students achievement. All staff will give and increased effort to improve coteaching practices and support students in the reguar classroom setting when possible and ARC agrees that this is the LRE. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 70 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Category: Research Cited: Activity - Co Teaching/Planning Activity Type Measurable Objective 3: Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 11/02/2015 $3000 - General Fund All Special Education Teachers, All Regular Education Teachers, Administration 11/01/2016 AF T Special Education Staff and Regular Edcuation Staff will work together weekly in a defined a time to discuss and plan learning targets, skills, Academic Support and strategies that are being co taught during reading instruction so that all students are being Program taught with fidelity and best practices. Begin Date End Date increase student growth in the area of reading fluency by 06/01/2016 as measured by student growth on fluency rate. Strategy1: RTI Reading Groups - RTI reading groups will be implemented by using 95% group materials. DIBELS data, classroom data and progress monitoring data will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to determine next steps to meet students needs. Groups will be monitored and students regrouped often based on their needs and reteaching data. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - RTI Tier II Instruction Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/15/2014 $0 - Title I Part A Jody Caudill, instructional assistants, Classroom teachers DR Teachers and support staff will teach explicit instruction to 5-7 students in a skill based group Academic on deficits that are exhibited in progress Support monitoring completed on DIBELS, 95%, or classroom data in reading or SNAP/DNK, and Program Classroom Math assessments. Begin Date End Date 08/03/2015 The school identified specific strategies to increase the average freshman graduation rate. N/A (this question does not apply) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready. N/A (this question does not apply) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of distinguished programs in the arts and humanities, PL/CS and writing. Goal 1: Increase program review needs improvement areas to proficient as well as sustain proficient areas on an ongoing basis. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 71 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the overall score on the Writing, Arts/Humanities, P/L and Career Studies and Primary Program Reviews scores to 8.0 or greater. by 06/01/2016 as measured by program review scores. Strategy1: Arts PLC - A district (monthly) and school(weekly) PLC for all special area teachers will occur so that teachers and administration can share AF T strategies and activities that can be implemented across grade level and school to support the arts and practical living programs. These PLC members will plan school and grade level activities that increase student access to a variety of programs and activities. These PLC members will share strategies and information with all stakeholders to support implementation of arts and practical living standards into classroom instruction. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - Arts Integration Activity Type The Art teachers will work in collaboration with the Lexington Children's Theatre, Octavia Biggs/Drama instructor, MSU dance program, Academic Folk Art Center, Traditional Music Program, and Support other community resources to bring dance, Program music, theatre, and art integration activities into the school for students participation. Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $250 - General Fund Kim Armstrong, Kim Dehart, Shari Clagett, Anglea Lyon, Nicole Powell, Rhonda Banks, Ronetta Brown, Jody Caudill, and Darinda Ramey Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Kim Armstrong, Angela Lyon, Melissa Nickell, Nicole Powell, and Jami Heaberlin and all classroom teachers Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/11/2014 $0 - No Funding Required Genny Etherton, Rhonda Banks, Angela Lyons, Shari Clagett, All Classroom Teachers, Kim Alderman, Ronetta Brown Begin Date End Date 11/03/2014 Activity Type Professional development will be provided for classroom teachers to support arts integration into classroom instruction. Professional 06/03/2016 Learning Activity - Arts PLC Activity Type DR Activity - Arts Professional Development Arts teachers will share strategies to incorporate the arts into regular classroom curriculumn on an ongoing basis through vertical school team meetings, handouts, scheduled PLC meetings for sharing out, and faculty program review meetings. Academic Support Program 07/01/2015 Begin Date End Date 09/01/2016 05/01/2015 Strategy2: Writing Program - The writing plan will be implemented in K-5 curriculum with fidelity. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 72 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Activity - Student self reflection/goal setting Activity Type After instruction of each form of writing has happened and students have completed each Academic form or writing, teachers will score and give students feedback on writing. Students will then Support Program set writing goals for improvement. This will occur a minimum of two times a year. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/04/2016 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers, writing curriculum support, Mary Alice Collier and administration. Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Activity - Vertical Writing Review Activity Type Teachers and administration will meet in vertical grade level teams to review year long evidence of writing in each grade level. Strengths and weaknesses of school wide writing program will be determined, next steps developed, and plan for future implementation of school wide writing program will be developed for following school year. Academic Support Program 05/06/2016 Activity - Data Analysis of Writing in PLC Activity Type 05/13/2016 AF T Begin Date End Date All teachers, curriculum writing support, Mary Alice Collier, and administration. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/05/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Curriculm Coachj Liz Pettit and Mary Alice Collier, All classroom teachers, and administration 05/02/2016 DR Teachers will administer a pre writing prompt for all forms of writing the first two weeks of schools. Each form of writing will have 6- 8 weeks of instruction devoted to the teaching of that type of writing. A post assessment will be administered after each writing unit has been Academic taught. Writing pieces will be reviewed and scored using the Steve Ventura Packet by each Support Program teacher and brought to grade level PLC's for discussion of strengths and weaknesses of writing. During PLC meetings the grade level team will look for strategies and interventions to help students self assess and improve their writing scores to a 4 on the Lucy Calkins rubric. $0 - No Funding Required 08/05/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 73 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR KDE Assurances - School SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 74 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction DR AF T KDE Assurances - School SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 75 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Assurances Comment AF T Label Assurance Response Comprehensive The school conducted a comprehensive needs Yes Needs Assessment assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data for all students and assessed the needs of the school relative to each of the schoolwide program components. Attachment Assurance Response The school planned and developed Schoolwide Yes researchbased instructional reform strategies to strengthen the core academic program, increase the amount and quality of learning time, and provide additional support to all students. Comment Attachment Label Preschool Transition Assurance The school planned preschool transition strategies and the implementation process. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Research-based Strategies Assurance Response The school planned and developed schoolwide Yes researchbased instructional strategies that provide additional instruction for students experiencing the greatest degree of difficulty mastering the state's academic achievement standards. Comment Attachment Label Highly Qualified Teachers Assurance The school planned strategies to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Title I, Part A Schoolwide Funds Assurance The school allocated and spent Title I, Part A Schoolwide funds only on allowable programs and activities and maintained appropriate financial records in this regard on its Title I, Part A programs and activities. Response Yes Comment Attachment DR Label Core Academic Programs SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 76 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Label Parental Involvement Assurance Response The school planned or developed strategies to Yes increase parental involvement in the design, implementation, evaluation and communication of assessment results of the Schoolwide activities, which included the development and implementation of a Parent Compact and a Parent Involvement Policy. Comment Attachment Label Schoolwide Planning Assurance The school incorporated the ten schoolwide planning criteria into the existing school improvement planning process. Comment Attachment Label Professional Development Assurance The school planned or provided appropriate professional development activities for staff members who will be serving students. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Comprehensive Plan Assurance Response The school an annual evaluation that addresses Yes the implementation of the comprehensive plan and student achievement results that will inform changes when needed. Comment Attachment Comment Attachment AF T Response Yes Response Yes Label Instructional Strategies Assurance The school planned and developed research based instructional strategies to support and assist identified students. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Targeted Assistance Activities Assurance Response The school planned targeted assistance Yes activities for identified students that coordinated and integrate with other federal, state, and local programs. Comment Attachment Label Targeted Assistance Activities Assurance The school planned targeted assistance activities for identified students that coordinate with and support the regular educational program so identified students have access to both. Comment Attachment DR Label Assurance Comprehensive The school conducted a comprehensive needs Needs Assessment assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data, and established objective criteria for identifying eligible Title I students. Response Yes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 77 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Assurance Response The school planned activities to coordinate and Yes integrate with other federal, state, and local programs. Comment Attachment Label Targeted Assistance Activities Assurance Response The school planned or developed strategies to Yes monitor and evaluate the success of targeted assistance activities with the identified students and will use the results of the evaluation to inform and improve instructional strategies and professional development activities. Comment Attachment Label Highly Qualified Assurance The school assigned paraprofessionals who met the requirements of Highly Qualified under ESEA to work with targeted assistance programs and activities. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Federal Program Funds Assurance Response The school allocated and spent federal program Yes funds only on programs and activities for identified eligible students. The school maintained appropriate financial records on its Title I, Part A programs and activities. Comment Attachment Label Parental Involvement Assurance The school planned or developed strategies to increase parental involvement in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the targeted assistance activities, which included the implementation of a Parent Compact and a Parent Involvement Policy. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Targeted Assistance Planning Assurance Response The school incorporated the eight Targeted Yes Assistance Planning components into the existing school improvement planning process. Comment Attachment Label Professional Development Assurance The school planned or provided appropriate professional development activities for staff members who serve identified Title I students. Comment Attachment DR AF T Label Schoolwide Activities Response Yes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 78 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Assurance The school planned an annual evaluation that addressed the implementation of the comprehensive plan and student achievement results that informed changes when needed. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Transparency Assurance Response The current school year Comprehensive School Yes Improvement Plan (CSIP) is available for stakeholders to examine on our school website (provide the website link below). Comment Attachment Label Teacher Quality Assurance The school notifies parents when their child(ren) are taught for four or more consecutive weeks by teachers who are not highly qualified. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Professional Development Assurance The school provides professional development for staff based on a comprehensive needs assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data and additional criteria, to ensure all students are college and career ready. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Ranking Report Assurance Response The school ensures that if the Title I Ranking Yes Report lists counselors, nurses, media, specialists or "other" staff for the school, there is documentation indicating this need in order to improve student achievement. Comment Attachment Label Para-educators Assurance Response The school ensures that all para-educators with Yes instructional duties are under the direct supervision of a highly qualified classroom teacher and providing instruction rather than clerical work. Comment Attachment Label Para-educators Assurance Response The school ensures that all para-educators with Yes instructional duties that involve targeted students are under the direct supervision of a highly qualified classroom teacher and providing instruction rather than clerical work. Comment Attachment DR AF T Label Comprehensive Improvement Plan SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 79 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Assurance Response Para-educator Non- The school scheduled non-instructional duties Yes Instructional Duties for para-educators working with targeted students demonstrating that the duties are on a limited basis only. Comment Attachment AF T Label Assurance Para-educator Non- The school ensures that there is a schedule of Instructional Duties non-instructional duties for para-educators demonstrating that the duties are on a limited basis only. Assurance The school met its cap size requirements without using Title I funds. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Cap Size Requirements Assurance The school met its cap size requirements without using Title II funds. Response Yes Comment Attachment DR Label Cap Size Requirements SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 80 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR The Missing Piece SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 81 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction This report provides a comprehensive response to the six objectives of The Missing Piece set for the by the Commissioner's Parent Advisory Council (CPAC). This diagnostic uses performance measurement and progress, as well as relationship building, resources and support to build capacity within schools and districts measure parent involvement and the desired outcome being made. Use the links below to navigate DR AF T the diagnostic content and respond to the questions. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 82 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Stakeholders What stakeholders (name and title) did you engage for the purpose of completing the Missing Piece diagnostic? PTO Officers; Kally Barnette, Mellissa Caudill, Kourtney Watson, and Catherine Smith Parents: Michael Hartford, Regina Caskey, Brandi Trent, Brook Issacs, Kim Mullins, Ryan Neff, Kelly Harrod, Laura Coldiron, Wendy Pack, Allison Slone, Pepper Slone, Tessa Thomas AF T MSU Professors/Administration :Dr. Kim Nettleton, Dr. Richard Borem, Dr. Edna Shack, Dean Margo Dellacaprini, Dr. Scott Davison Community Members; Keith Kappas, Carla Dehart, Catherine Rogers, Genny Jenkins, Karen Tuerk Teachers; Carol Neeper, Martha Thompson, Casey Hall, Emily Stevens, Joyce Marin, Kim Little Denna Stamper, Kim Armstrong, Staff Members; Chelsey Roe; school nurse, Laura Colidron; FRC, Marsha Taylor; cafeteria manager, Mike Pack; custodian Administrator; Rhonda Banks DR PPN/student teachers; Chelsey Mays, Bethany DeMoss SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 83 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Relationship Building Overall Rating: 3.29 Statement or Question Parents report that school staff understands and demonstrates how strong relationships with parents contribute to effective teaching and learning. Response Rating Parents report that school staff understands Proficient and demonstrates how strong relationships with parents contribute to effective teaching and learning. AF T 2.1 Response Rating School staff implements systematic steps to Proficient welcome the parents of new and ESL students (for example, using home visits, personal calls or letters, open houses, and/or other methods). Statement or Question Parents and other stakeholders report that they are actively welcomed when they visit the school. Response Rating Parents and other stakeholders report that they Proficient are actively welcomed when they visit the school. Statement or Question School staff implements systematic steps to encourage parents to attend school activities and participate in decisions about their children's learning. Response Rating Parents and community stakeholders have Distinguished authentic participation, help plan and implement school and district improvement activities. 2.5 Statement or Question School staff involves parents in personal communication about their students' progress at least once a month. Response Rating District and school staffs encourage continuous Distinguished and meaningful communication with all parents about their student’s academic goals and progress. 2.6 Statement or Question School staff completes needs assessment with all parents to determine resources necessary for their child's academic success. Response Rating School staff completes needs assessment with Proficient all parents to determine resources necessary for their child's academic success. Statement or Question All parents are asked for feedback on the school's efforts to welcome and engage parents and the feedback is used to improve the school's efforts. Response Rating All parents are asked for feedback on school’s Proficient efforts to welcome and engage parents, and the feedback is used to improve school’s efforts. 2.3 2.4 2.7 DR Statement or Question School staff implements systematic steps to welcome the parents of new and English as-aSecond-Language (ESL) students (for example, using home visits, personal calls or letters, open houses and/or other methods). 2.2 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 84 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Communications Overall Rating: 2.57 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Response Rating School staff implements systematic efforts to Proficient inform parents about academic goals, class work, grades and homework for their children in their home language. (For example, using classroom contracts, student assignment books, homework websites, and online grade books.) AF T 3.2 Statement or Question School staff implements systematic efforts to inform parents about academic goals, class work, grades and homework for their children in their home language. (For example, classroom contracts, student assignment books, homework websites, and online grade books). Statement or Question School staff offers varied ways that parents can share information with teachers about their children's learning needs. (For example, phone and e-mail contacts, offering parent conferences, making home visits, or other methods). Response School staff offers varied ways to that parent can see share information with teachers about their children’s learning needs. (For example, phone and email contact, offering parent conferences, and making home visits). Statement or Question School staff partners with community leaders and organizations to build parent understanding of academic expectations, school strategies, and student achievement results. Response Rating School staff sometime provides community Apprentice organizations with information about academic expectations for parents who use their services. Statement or Question School staff offers parents opportunities to discuss school-wide achievement issues, including assessment data, at least once a semester. Response School staff offers parents opportunities to discuss school-wide achievement issues, including assessment data, at least once a semester. Rating Proficient Statement or Question School staff implements systematic efforts to maximize parent-teacher conference participation. (For example, offering multiple locations, convenient times, follow-up with parents who do not reply to first notices, and opportunities for student-led conferences). Response School staff implements systematic efforts to maximize parent-teacher conference participation. (For example, offering multiple locations, convenient times, follow-up with parents who do not reply to first notices, opportunities for student-led conferences). Rating Proficient Statement or Question At least 50 percent of parents respond to annual school and/or district stakeholder surveys. Response District-wide stakeholder surveys are given to parents and teachers encourage parents to respond. Rating Apprentice DR 3.1 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Proficient Page 85 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Response Rating School staff develops a survey that is sent to Apprentice parents, with low response rate and results are reported in school improvement plan. DR AF T 3.7 Statement or Question Stakeholder survey data is consistently used to plan school improvement efforts and to evaluate their effectiveness. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 86 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Decision Making Overall Rating: 2.29 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Response Rating Parents elected to serve on school council and Apprentice some other parents who serve on SBDM committees are invited to attend training offered by school or district. AF T 4.2 Statement or Question The school staff offers professional learning community opportunities, workshops, and easily accessible written information to equip parents for service on the SBDM council and committees. Statement or Question School council and committees facilitate broad parent participation by actively recruiting diverse membership, providing interpreters and translated materials when needed, setting convenient meeting times, and seeking wide parent input. At least 40 percent of parents vote in SBDM parent election. Response Rating School council and committees have some Apprentice parent members, may provide translators, meet at time and place convenient to staff. Elections are held at convenient times and are publicized, but less than 20% of the parents vote in SBDM parent election. Statement or Question Parents on the SBDM council and committees engage and mentor many other parents by reporting to multiple groups and seeking input through surveys, meetings, and varied other methods. Response Parents on the SBDM council and committees engage and mentor many other parents by reporting to multiple groups and seeking input through surveys, meetings, and varied other methods. Rating Proficient Statement or Question The school council adopts measurable objectives and plans coherent strategies to build authentic parent participation, and the school council monitors the implementation and impact of that work. Response School council has some parent involvement components and action items that deal with specific academic areas. Little or no funding is provided. Little or no implementation and impact checking is done. Rating Apprentice Statement or Question School council policies ensure active roles for parents on SBDM council and committees, and other groups making decisions about school improvement. Response School council policies ensure active roles for parents on SBDM committees, in school improvement planning, and also in decisions about the education of their individual children. Rating Proficient Statement or Question Parents report that they are treated as valued partners on school leadership teams, SBDM council and committees, the school council, and other groups making decisions about school improvement. Response Parents report that they are treated as valued partners on school leadership teams, SBDM council and committees, and other groups making decisions about school improvement. Rating Proficient DR 4.1 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 87 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Response Teachers share information from year to year with parents who serve on the school council and/or overlaps council terms of parents. Rating Novice DR AF T 4.7 Statement or Question School staff has a plan to identify new and experienced parent leaders who support and build capacity for parents to serve effectively on the school council and committee work. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 88 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Advocacy Overall Rating: 3.0 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Response Rating There is evidence that school staff know which Apprentice students have a parent or another adult who can speak up for them regarding their academic goals and learning needs. AF T 5.2 Statement or Question School staff ensures every student has a parent and/or another adult who knows how to advocate, or speak up for them, regarding the student's academic goals and individual needs. Statement or Question Most parents participate actively in student led conferences or other two-way communication about meeting their child's individual learning needs. Response Most parents participate actively in student led conferences or other two-way communication about meeting their child's individual learning needs. Statement or Question Parents report participating actively and effectively in required planning for individual learning, for example, Individual Education Plans, Individual Learning Plans, Gifted Student Plans, 504 Plans, and intervention strategies to ensure college readiness (Senate Bill 130). Response Rating Parents report participating actively and Proficient effectively in required planning for individual learning, for example, Individual Education Plans, Individual Learning Plans, Gifted Student Plans, 504 Plans, and intervention strategies to ensure college readiness (Senate Bill 130). Statement or Question School staff gives parents clear, complete information on the procedures for resolving concerns and filing complaints, and the council reviews summary data on those complaints to identify needed improvements. Response School staff collaborates with stakeholders in developing policies and procedures to resolve issues and complaints and to identify needed improvements. Statement or Question School staff ensures that parents and community members are well informed about how to become educational advocates, or how to access a trained educational advocate when needed. Response Rating School staff ensures that parents and Proficient community members are well informed about how to become an educational advocate or how to access an educational advocate when needed. Statement or Question As students are identified by school staff as having disabilities or performing at the novice level, additional intentional steps are taken to ensure that parents have the option to use a trained advocate to assist them in speaking for their child's needs. Response As students are identified by school staff as having disabilities or performing at the novice level, additional intentional steps are taken to ensure that the parent has the option to use a trained advocate to assist them in speaking for their child's needs. DR 5.1 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Proficient Rating Distinguished Rating Proficient Page 89 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Learning Opportunities Overall Rating: 1.83 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Response Rating School provides open house and family nights Apprentice for some parents to learn about: • Kentucky standards and expectations for all students. • School's curriculum, instructional methods, and student services. • School's decision-making process, including opportunities for parents to participate on councils and SBDM committees. • Their children's learning and development, along with legal and practical options for helping their children succeed such as participation in IEP and/or ILP process. • Community resources to support learning. Statement or Question School staff makes systematic use of written communications (for example, newsletters, websites, and bulletin boards) to help parents understand their own children's progress and the progress of the school. Response School staff makes systematic use of written communications (for example, newsletters, Web sites, bulletin boards) to help parents understand their own children's academic progress and the progress of school. Rating Proficient Statement or Question School staff displays proficient student work with scoring guides to demonstrate academic expectations to parents and students, and updates the displays regularly. Response School staff exhibits some student work with scoring guide and proficient level work. Rating Apprentice Statement or Question School staff offers parent workshops and meetings in convenient locations to help parents develop skills in supporting their children's learning and the school's improvement efforts. Response School staff offers some information to parents to learn how to support their child's learning. Rating Novice Statement or Question School council has a classroom observation policy that welcomes families to visit all classrooms. Response School council has a classroom observation policy that allows parents access to most classrooms by appointment only. Rating Apprentice AF T 6.2 Statement or Question Parents have multiple opportunities to learn about and discuss the following: - Kentucky standards and expectations for all students The school's curriculum, instructional methods, and student services - The school's decisionmaking process, including opportunities for parents to participate on SBDM councils and committees - Their children's learning and development, along with legal and practical options for helping their children succeed, such the IEP and/or ILP process - Community resources to support learning - Opportunities to participate in state and district school improvement efforts, such as forums, committees, and surveys. DR 6.1 Statement or Question Response School staff develops parent leaders who There is little or no development of parent contribute regularly to other parents' leaders. understanding and who help meet other parent learning needs. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Novice Page 90 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Community Partnerships Overall Rating: 2.83 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Response Rating School leadership periodically meets with some Apprentice business leaders to discuss information on student achievement. AF T 7.2 Statement or Question School leadership regularly shares information on student achievement and involves business and community leaders in school improvement efforts. Statement or Question School leadership develops partnerships with several businesses, organizations, and agencies to support student learning and create mentors for students and parents. Response Rating School leadership develops partnerships with Proficient several businesses, organizations, and agencies to support student learning and create mentors for students and parents. Statement or Question School leadership collaborates with employers to support parent and volunteer participation in students' education. Response School leadership collaborates with employers to support parent and volunteer participation in students' education. Rating Proficient Statement or Question School staff collaborates with businesses, organizations, and agencies to address individual student needs and shares that information with parents. Response School staff collaborates with businesses, organizations, and agencies to address individual student needs and shares that information with parents. Rating Proficient DR 7.1 Statement or Question Parents make active use of the school's resources and community resources and report that they provide meaningful help to resolve family challenges that could interfere with student learning. (For example, FRYSC or Title I coordinators connect family with community resources and follow up). Response Parents make active use of school and community resources and report that they provide meaningful help to resolve family challenges that could interfere with student learning. (For example, FRYSC or Title 1 coordinators connect family with community resources and follow up). Statement or Question School staff offers and publicizes communitybased learning activities aligned with the curriculum, such as tutoring linked to the curriculum and internships, for all students and parents. Response Rating School staff offers and publicizes communityProficient based learning activities, such as tutoring linked to the curriculum, for all students and parents. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Proficient Page 91 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Reflection Reflect upon your responses to each of the Missing Piece objectives. McBrayer Elementary sudents participate in school wide events and interact with leadership and teachers on an ongoing basis. MES's Parent Organization and SBDM with parent participation holds monthly meetings to allow input and discussions that will support MES. This is a strength for our school environment. A need that we need to improve is to schedule and provide specific training sessions for parents based AF T on needs that they may have. There is a need for a question and answer meeting to find out what trainings and support parents would like to see held that will support them in working with their children. We plan on working with our PTO, parent leaders and FRC to help plan parent DR focused events. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 92 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Report Summary Scores By Section Section Score 1 2 3 Communications Decision Making Advocacy Learning Opportunities 2.57 2.29 3 1.83 2.83 DR Community Partnerships 3.29 AF T Relationship Building 4 Sections SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 93 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 94 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction The responses should be brief, descriptive, and appropriate for the specific section. It is recommended that the responses are written offline DR AF T and then transferred into the sections below. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 95 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Improvement Planning Process Improvement Planning Process Describe the process used to engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of the institution's improvement plan. Include information on how stakeholders were selected and informed of their roles, and how meetings were scheduled to accommodate them. Stakeholders were sent emails by teachers and administration, a phone call was made using our district phone system and a remind 101 AF T message was sent by the principal asking parents and stakeholders to participate in a survey listed on the AdvancED site. The school leadership also offered stakeholders access to a computer in the school to be able to participate in a school survey. Information was provided in the school newsletter and an email was sent also notifying parents and stakeholders that MES was seeking their input in the school's improvement plan. Members of the planning committee and adminsitration team used information shared by stakeholders to develop the school improvment plan. Describe the representations from stakeholder groups that participated in the development of the improvement plan and their responsibilities in this process. Teachers and staff members worked during planning sessions to review and help develop strategies and activities to help address the needs of our school based on school data. SBDM and parent PTO memvers were invited to share suggestions with leadership on suggestions for improvment. The SBDM council comprised of school administration, teachers and parents reviewed the previous years CSIP and discussed activities and strategies that would support closing the achievement gap for the 2015-2016 school year. After all suggestions from teacher/staffs working session and the SBDM meeting were discussed the planning DR committee comprised of teachers, staff and parents developed the CSIP and leadership submitted it the PTO, school teachers and staff for their last input. The leadership then submitted the CSIP to the SBDM council for approval. Explain how the final improvement plan was communicated to all stakeholders, and the method and frequency in which stakeholders receive information on its progress. The CSIP was shared with parents at a PTO meeting for parents to review. At a faculty meeting the teachers and staff reviewed the CSIP. The SBDM council approved the school's CSIP before submitting it to the RCBOE for approval. After approval the school's CSIP is displayed on the school and district website for all stakeholders to view on an ongoing basis. At each monthly SBDM meeting the council reviews any updates made to the CSIP after completion of any strategies and activities throughout the year. Updates are made to the CSIP on an ongoing basis through the AdvancED site. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 96 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR School Safety Report SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 97 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction In response to recent tragic events in our nation’s schools, during the 2013 legislative session the Kentucky General Assembly took action, through the passage of Senate Bill 8/House Bill 354, to assure that our schools are safer places for students and staff to work and learn. Among other things, SB8/HB354 required changes to emergency plan requirements, the development of school safety practices, and additional severe weather, lockdown and earthquake drills. The bill also required local school district superintendents to verify to the Kentucky Department of Education that all schools in the district are in compliance with these requirements. This diagnostic is the means by DR AF T which this reporting is accomplished. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 98 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School School Safety Requirements Assurance Does each school have a written Emergency Management Plan (EMP)? Response Yes Comment Attachment Label 2. Assurance Did the SBDM Council adopt a policy requiring the development and adoption of an EMP? Response Yes Comment Aug. 24. 2015 Attachment Label 3. Assurance Did the SBDM Council adopt the EMP? Response Yes Comment Aug. 24, 2015 Attachment Label 4. Assurance Has each school provided the local first responders with a copy of the school's EMP and a copy of the school's floor plan? Response Yes Comment Attachment Label 5. Assurance Has the EMP been reviewed and revised as needed by the SBDM council, principal, and first responders (annually)? Response Yes Comment Sept. 16, 2015 Attachment Label 6. Assurance Was the EMP reviewed with the faculty and staff prior to the first instructional day of the school year? Response Yes Comment Aug. 11, 2015 Attachment Label 7. Assurance Response Were local law enforcement and/or fire officials Yes invited to review the EMP? Comment Attachment Label 8. Assurance Are evacuation routes posted in each room at any doorway used for evacuation, with primary and secondary routes indicated? Comment Attachment DR AF T Label 1. Response Yes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 99 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Assurance Has the local Fire Marshal reviewed the designated safe zones for severe weather and are they posted in each room? Response Yes Comment Nov. 11, 2015 Attachment Label 10. Assurance Have practices been developed for students to follow during an earthquake? Response Yes Comment Attachment Label 11. Assurance Has each school developed and adhered to practices designed to ensure control of access to each school (i.e., controlling access to exterior doors, front entrance, classrooms, requiring visitor sign-in and display of identification badges)? Response Yes Comment Attachment Label 12. Assurance Response Has each school completed all four emergency Yes response drills during the first 30 days of the school year? (Fire in compliance with <a href=" m" TARGET="_blank"> Fire Safety</a> regulations), Lockdown, Severe Weather and Earthquake) Comment Aug. 13, 2015 and Oct. 5, 2015 Fire Drill Aug. 13, 2015 Earthquake Aug. 14, 2015 Severe Weather Aug. 16, 2015 Lockdown Dec. 4, 2015 Bomb Threat Attachment Label 13. Assurance Are processes in place to ensure all four emergency response drills (Fire in compliance with <a href=" m" TARGET="_blank"> Fire Safety</a> regulations), Lockdown, Severe Weather and Earthquake) will occur within the first thirty instructional days beginning January 1? Comment Attachment AF T Label 9. DR Response Yes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 100 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T McBrayer Elementary School DR Equitable Access Diagnostic SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 101 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Introduction As part of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) each state is required to develop strategies to ensure that poor and minority children are not taught at higher rates than other children by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers. The results of this effort became a national push to ensure all teachers were highly qualified (HQT); meaning each teacher holds the appropriate certification for the content and/or grade level for which they are assigned. National data show that poor and minority continue to be taught by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers. As a result, in 2014, the United States Department of Education (USDOE) required states to develop equity plans and use evidence based strategies to address this issue. The focus of the plan is to move away from the concept of “highly qualified” to “high DR AF T effective”. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 102 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Needs Assessment Assurance Response Has a review of the data has been conducted to Yes determine barriers to achieve equitable access to effective educators within the school? What are the barriers identified? Comment Attachment AF T Label 1.1 Each grade level as inexperienced or new teachers among the group. What sources of data were used to determine the barriers? Teacher survey/TELL survey, Equity Tab (teacher turnover rate) individual teacher data meetings and administrative meetings. What are the root causes of those identified barriers? teacher retirement and teacher transfers DR What does the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System data say about the effectiveness of teachers in the school? Most teachers are identified as Accomplished overall in the four domains. Areas of developing are identified as Establishing a Culture for Learning - identifying targets and students knowledge of target for lessons as well as Using Questions and Discussion Techniques in classroom instruction. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 103 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Equitable Access Strategies Placement: Describe school policies or procedures that address the assignment of students to ensure low income and minority students are not assigned to inexperienced, ineffective or out-of-field teachers more often than their peers who are not identified as low income or minority students. The SBDM has a student placement policy that ensures that all classrooms are heterogeneously grouped. Teacher input on the following AF T years teacher is also taken into account. Teacher requests are not taken however parents have access to a parent input survey that allows them to share strengths, weaknesses and what type of a learner the parent feels the student is. All of this information is used to make classroom placements. Placement: How is data used to make student assignment decisions to ensure low income, minority, Limited English Proficient and Exceptional Children and Youth are not assigned to inexperienced, ineffective or out-of-field teachers more often than their peers? Teachers and staff fill out student questionnaires/cards on each student at the end of the year. ELL, Special Education, Behavior, RTI, Gifted and Talented categories are reviewed to ensure that there is an equal, heterogeneous, boy/girl ratio grouping for each teacher homeroom. teachers? DR Recruitment and Retention: How does the school analyze student level data to design targeted recruitment of effective and diverse Individual teacher data teams are held three times a year to look at student growth and classroom trend data. Strengths and weaknesses are discussed among the administrative team and teacher placement is determined based on student, grade level and school needs. McBrayer works closely with Morehead State University and the teacher education department to implement the Professional Partnership Network that places teacher majors in the classrooms being mentored by highly trained mentor teachers. Recruiting these students is easily done due to the fact that they spend many hours bonding with teachers, staff and families in the school more frequently than typical teacher candidates. Recruitment and Retention: How does the school recruit teachers who are effective in implementing practices that are targeted to support the diverse learning needs of minority students, low income students, Limited English Proficient and Exceptional Children and Youth? McBrayer works closely with Morehead State University and the teacher education department to implement the Professional Partnership Network that places teacher majors in the classrooms being mentored by highly trained mentor teachers. Recruiting these students is easily done due to the fact that they spend many hours bonding with teachers, staff and families in the school more frequently than typical teacher candidates. These students often show strength in classroom management and understanding student needs due to hours they spend in each school and classroom placement. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 104 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Recruitment and Retention: How does the school retain effective teachers? Identify any incentives. Teachers work closely to support each other in professional learning communities. Time is allotted for teachers to meet in PLC groups weekly in the master schedule. Teachers and administration work closely identifying student and teacher needs. Administration support and professional development in areas identified on teacher professional growth plans are provided by region, district, and school personnel. School committees, teachers, and administration work together to provide ongoing teacher moral boosters such as Star Awards named AF T weekly in Monday Messages, School Newsletters, emails, staff get togethers and PTO sponsored events. Professional Learning: Identify supports, including mentoring and/or induction, provided to meet the needs of first year, inexperienced and out-of-field teachers. Rowan County School District provides monthly new teacher meetings that support in and out of the classroom needs of a new teacher. MES administration pairs new teachers up with mentor teachers to ensure school wide procedures and routines are known by all stakeholders. Administration at MES provided new staff trainings prior to the school year beginning to support staff in core and Tier programs that are available at MES to support teacher and student needs. Professional Learning: Utilizing PGES data, how are the professional learning needs of teachers with an effectiveness rating below accomplished addressed? Teachers in the developing and ineffective domains are provided multiple avenues of support. Curriculum Resource Teachers and DR administration provides feedback, training, and materials to support teachers who have professional learning needs. Professional development is designed and access is given to all new teachers or teachers who are identified as needing to improve instruction, and their classroom environment. Working Conditions: How are TELL Kentucky results being addressed to increase recruitment, retention and professional learning needs of staff? The TELL survey is reviewed with Parents, SBDM, teachers and staff on an ongoing basis to support improvement on working conditions at MES. Teacher input on the TELL Survey is used to support identified areas in need of improvement in the school culture. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 105 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan McBrayer Elementary School Questions Identify all goals, objectives, strategies and activities created that support equitable access and the responses in this diagnostic. CSIP goals, objectives and strategies. Tell Survey PTO/Parent Meeting Discussions Teacher individual data meetings DR TPGES and walkthrough data AF T Parent and Staff Surveys SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 106