AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School DR Rowan County James Victor Padula, Principal 555 Viking Drive Morehead, KY 40351 Document Generated On December 10, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Executive Summary 3 Description of the School School's Purpose AF T Introduction 4 5 Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement 6 Additional Information 8 RCMS CSIP 2015-16 Overview DR Goals Summary 10 11 Goal 1: Increase the averaged Combined Reading and Math Proficiency K-PREP scores for Rowan County Middle School students from 53.8 in 2015 to 71.1 in 2019. 12 Goal 2: Increase the proficiency for students with disabilities in reading and math from 7.6% in 2015 to 53.9% in 2019. 18 Goal 3: Increase the proficiency for the combined reading and math for free and reduced students from 42.9% in 2015 to 67.2% in 2019. 21 Goal 4: RCMS will maintain/or score above our proficiency score with Program Review areas. 23 Goal 5: By 2021, Rowan County Middle School will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in math and reading from 28.1% to 14% as measured by KPREP. 31 Goal 6: Increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready from 53.8% to 71.1% in 2019. 32 Activity Summary by Funding Source 36 KDE Needs Assessment Introduction 42 Data Analysis 43 Areas of Strengths 44 Opportunities for Improvement 45 Conclusion 46 Introduction AF T KDE Compliance and Accountability - Schools Planning and Accountability Requirements KDE Assurances - School Introduction Assurances Introduction Stakeholders DR The Missing Piece 48 49 61 62 68 69 Relationship Building 70 Communications 71 Decision Making 73 Advocacy 75 Learning Opportunities 76 Community Partnerships 77 Reflection 78 Report Summary 80 Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement 82 Improvement Planning Process 83 School Safety Report Introduction School Safety Requirements Equitable Access Diagnostic Introduction Needs Assessment Questions DR Equitable Access Strategies AF T Introduction 85 86 90 91 92 94 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction The process of Improvement Planning in Kentucky is used as the means of determining how schools and districts will plan to ensure that students reach proficiency and beyond by 2015. The process focuses school and district improvement efforts on student needs by bringing together all stakeholders to plan for improvement, by focusing planning efforts on priority needs and closing achievement gaps between subgroups of students, by building upon school and district capacity for high quality planning, and by making connections between the funds that flow into the district and the priority needs in schools. Your DR address gaps in student achievement. AF T school's plans for improvement must be based on careful and honest analysis of data, address all content areas, and clearly SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 1 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR Executive Summary SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 2 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction Every school has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by which the school makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school stays faithful to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school, and the kinds of programs and services that a school implements to support student learning. The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a school with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the strengths and AF T challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of how the school perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the school to reflect on how it DR provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 3 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Description of the School Describe the school's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated with the community/communities the school serves? Rowan County Middle School is located at 555 Viking Drive. RCMS students, faculty, and staff are housed in a 105,000 square foot state of AF T the art facility. The school serves grades six, seven, and eight. The faculty is composed of a principal, an assistant principal, 1 1/2 counselors, a librarian, 38 teachers, and 27 support staff. RCMS is fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Our community is strategically located next to Interstate 64 in Eastern Kentucky and is home to: Morehead State University Maysville Community and Technical College--Rowan Campus St. Claire Regional Medical Center Cave Run Lake, Daniel Boone National Forest 500 acre MMRC Regional Industrial Park A new 5500', the largest general aviation airport in Eastern Kentucky Designated Trail Town Morehead Conference Center, three time winner of Convention South Reader's Choice Award, Manager Distinction with four wins for Meetings Professionals to Watch and first time winner of Convention South Top Event award for the Hillary Clinton Campaign Rally. DR Our community is also a regional center for shopping, dining, entertainment and recreation. While there are a lot of opportunities in our community for student to succeed, we still have over sixty percent of our students participating in the free and reduced lunch program. This may create a challenge for most schools, but RCMS embraces this challenge and tries to meet the individual needs of every student. We do this by creating partnerships with Morehead State University, Youth Service Center programs, Gateway Health Unit, Christian Social Services, and local businesses, families and assorted community partners. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 4 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School School's Purpose Provide the school's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the school embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students. Rowan County Middle School's mission is to develop the potential of each student to become a contributing, responsible member of society through educational, emotional, cultural, social and physical experiences. Staff, parents and community with a "Together We Can" attitude AF T provide opportunities, which collectively engage our students. At RCMS our faculty, staff, students and community members will continue to grow as collaborative partners in achieving our mission: - Student participation in academic, athletic, and social growth. - Faculty and staff embedded in facilitating student success. - Stakeholders will remain actively involved as advocates of students, and supporters of school programs and staff. RCMS has integrated steps to develop the growth of our students in attaining the goal of our Mission/Vision. All Students are offered participation in programs to assist them in developing the skills necessary to be successful members of our society. Social skills can also be attained through athletic and academic team opportunities. Students are provided with activities with community outreach programs, and real world experiences. RCMS has implemented an RTI strategy to reduce the number of novice students. Using K-PREP scores, students who scored a novice in reading and/or math are pulled to participate in the targeted novice area for four days a week for 30 minutes daily. Teachers have participated in after-school meetings to discuss and select "Name and Claim" students for a more intentional approach in helping students with academic achievement. RCMS faculty has also integrated the states persistence to graduation list to help us identify and mentor some DR of our most needed students. In order to prepare our students to be career ready, RCMS has continued with its "employability initiative" to focus on the employability/soft skills students will need to be successful in the work force. The areas of motivation, resourcefulness and professionalism were chosen after gathering input from Morehead /Rowan County business and community partners, higher education, school site visits, and RCMS faculty and students. Employability progress is reported on progress reports and grade cards as a 0, 1, 2, or 3 corresponding to the criteria found on the employability rubric. Rewards for proficient scoring are provided at RCMS. The students are encouraged to set goals for themselves to be able to participate in these rewards. Those students who do not attain proficiency are offered interview and mentoring talks fro local employers as well as employees thus motivating them toward success. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 5 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement Describe the school's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for improvement that the school is striving to achieve in the next three years. An achievement of RCMS has been its gap closure. While we were not able to close the gap with our special education students, we were AF T successful in closing the gap in all other areas. Our Overall Score increased from 65.3 to 66.7. This success in part has been the change in our school beliefs. No longer are lessons based on the teacher's wants and desires, but teachers use data collected from classroom assessments, MAP testing, EXPLORE scores and KPREP testing results to drive instruction. Teachers meet weekly in PLCs to discuss data and student progress. According to K-PREP Achievement scores, all students' Proficient/Distinguished percentages in reading, math, and social studies were greater than the state percentages. The areas of writing and language arts continue to trail behind the state average. Although science scores were not reported for the 2014-15 school year, we feel our students would have excelled in the Proficient/Distinguished percentages because according to the 2015 K-PREP Stanford 10 report, 75.2 % of our students scored in the 50-99 percentile. According to the Performance by Reporting Category report, on an average our students were on track in every content skill in 6th, 7th and 8th grade reading and 8th grade social studies. In looking at the data for our math scores, RCMS students needed more work in one or two areas. Areas for improvement were seen in 1) number system and equations, 2) geometry, and 3) functions. As a school, we have become more intentional with planning instructional activities to address Program Review standards and DR demonstrators. We have accomplished this through staff meetings and creating a system for submitting documentation more easily and effectively. RCMS has been successful in maintaining it Proficient score for two years, and will continue to maintain or increase out Program Review score. Rowan County Middle School is very proud of the use of technology with instructional activities. The building houses two computer labs and there are Smart Boards in every classroom. We also have two classroom sets of wireless laptops available for use along with one classroom set of IPADs. Some teachers implement activities that use the Clicker system and/or the students own cell phones to create interactive lessons. Teachers utilize Edmodo, Smart lessons, Engage New York, KDE, to mention just a few of many tools in use at RCMS As a school, we know that involving more of our stakeholders; students, parents, teachers, and the community in our school improvement process is an area that needs improvement. We are trying to involve more stakeholders by using parent and student surveys to address school improvement. On October 26, RCMS held its "2nd Annual Community Leadership Retreat." At the retreat business leaders were invited to meet and share school data and information along with share ideas on how the community leadership and RCMS could work cooperatively to ensure the success of our students. RCMS continues to be considered a focus school because we have a non-duplicated gap group score in the bottom 10% of the state. This group is our special education population. Our school's belief is that all students need the skills and knowledge to reach proficiency. To ensure that all students experience the same rigor, special education students, with the exception of students in our Complex Needs Unit, receive their specially designed instruction in the regular education setting. Our complex needs teacher has been accepted to participate in the "Splash grant" in an effort to minimize alternative portfolio novice scores. Additional meetings are held to address failing grades or SY 2015-2016 Page 6 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School attendance to ensure that all student receive the proper specially designed instruction. Rowan County Middle school is in our third year of a collaboration grant, Co-Teaching for Gap Closure. RCMS applied for the grant in 2013 and was accepted based on key rubric standards of : being identified as a focus school, readiness level of priority and focus schools, alignment of CSIP strategies and activities, and administration and staff commitment. In participating in the grant, teachers are learning to collaborate more effectively in order to help students in the classroom. While we have been targeting this population, Rowan County Middle School will continue strive to improve academic achievement for students in our gap population. RCMS is participating in the second year of the "Schools To Watch" grant opportunity. By being invited into the Schools To Watch program DR AF T RCMS has been provided an Administrative Coach to help our school to gain recognition as a "SCHOOL TO Watch" by AMILE. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 7 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Additional Information Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous sections. At Rowan County Middle School, we are proud of our student's academic achievements, but we are also proud of our student's related arts and extra curricular achievements. RCMS has one of the most successful speech teams. RCMS has had the number one middle school AF T speech team in Kentucky 17 times out of the past 21 years. During the past 4 years, the speech team has been nationally recognized as on of the top 5 middle school speech teams. Our middle school band has won numerous distinguished ratings, and several students have qualified for All State Band. Academic, STLP, Co-Ed-Y, Quick Recall, Math Counts, Future Problem Solving teams allow students to rise to various levels of success. Sports such as, basketball, football, track, cross country, cheer-leading, volleyball, tennis, soccer, golf , softball, baseball, swimming, cross country allow students the chance to experience leadership and sportsmanship. Not only are we proud of the number of organizations and activities that our students can participate in, but also the number of our students who do participate! RCMS has increased its participation with the business community. Annual conferences have been held to discuss student achievement and DR ways that the community business leaders can help with student achievement. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 8 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR RCMS CSIP 2015-16 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 9 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Overview Plan Name RCMS CSIP 2015-16 Plan Description DR AF T RCMS CSIP 2015-16 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 10 Rowan County Middle School Goals Summary AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. 2 3 4 5 6 Goal Name Increase the averaged Combined Reading and Math Proficiency K-PREP scores for Rowan County Middle School students from 53.8 in 2015 to 71.1 in 2019. Increase the proficiency for students with disabilities in reading and math from 7.6% in 2015 to 53.9% in 2019. Increase the proficiency for the combined reading and math for free and reduced students from 42.9% in 2015 to 67.2% in 2019. RCMS will maintain/or score above our proficiency score with Program Review areas. Goal Details Objectives:1 Strategies:6 Activities:14 Goal Type Organizational Total Funding $0 Objectives:1 Strategies:3 Activities:7 Objectives:1 Strategies:2 Activities:2 Objectives:4 Strategies:7 Activities:13 By 2021, Rowan County Middle School will reduce Objectives:1 the total number of students scoring at the novice Strategies:1 level in math and reading from 28.1% to 14% as Activities:4 measured by KPREP. Increase the percentage of students who are Objectives:1 college and career ready from 53.8% to 71.1% in Strategies:5 2019. Activities:7 Organizational $0 Organizational $0 Organizational $450 Organizational $0 Organizational $300 DR # 1 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 11 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Goal 1: Increase the averaged Combined Reading and Math Proficiency K-PREP scores for Rowan County Middle School students from 53.8 in 2015 to 71.1 in 2019. Status N/A Progress Notes Created On Although we are increasing the averaged Combined Reading and Math Proficiency K-PREP scores, September 08, 2015 we continue to have a large number of students scoring Novices. It is our focus the 2015-16 school year to decrease our Novice number of students. Created By Cheryl Plank Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to to increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep scores to 58% by 05/12/2016 as measured by K-PREP.. Progress Notes We have increased the average combined reading and math K-PREP proficiency scores, but we continue to have a large number of novices, especially in reading. DR Status Not Met Created On September 08, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 1: RTI Initiatives - Students scoring a Novice in reading and/or math on the K-PREP will attend a semester long RTI class for that subject. Teachers will also implement differentiated instruction in the classroom to increase student achievement. MAP data will be collected to help with the monitoring of student progress. Category: Learning Systems Status N/A Progress Notes We will continue with RTI Initiatives by focusing on Novice reductions in reading and math. Created On September 08, 2015 Activity - Differentiated Instruction Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students will participate in differentiated activities in the classroom that target areas of strength and weakness. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Status In Progress Progress Notes Teachers will continue to differentiate instruction in the classroom. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 Staff Responsible Teachers Instructional Aides Created By Cheryl Plank Page 12 Rowan County Middle School In Progress Activity - MAP Planning/Progress Monitoring AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Type MAP assessments will be administered three times a year at all grade Academic levels in the area of reading and math to help plan classroom activities and Support progress monitor student achievement. Program In Progress Begin Date End Date 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes MAP data is used as progress monitoring and is used, along with other data, to determine class placement. MAP data is used as progress monitoring and is used, along with other data, to determine class placement. DR Status In Progress October 01, 2014 Activity - RTI Pull Out Activity Type Students scoring a Novice score in reading and/or math will participate in a Academic semester class targeting the Novice area. Support Program Resource Assigned $0 Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding District Funding Staff Responsible Language Arts and Math Teachers, Cheryl Plank, Kate Thacker, Lisa Flannery Created On September 08, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank October 01, 2014 Cheryl Plank Begin Date End Date 09/01/2015 05/12/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Ms. Hilton and Mr. Ferguson Strategy 2: PLC/ Data Teams - Teachers will meet in PLC's to enhance their effectiveness as professionals so that students benefit. Teachers will use the data team process and forms to analyze formative and summative assessments in order to meet student needs and increase student achievement. Category: Professional Learning & Support Research Cited: Based on information from Steve Ventura - Institute of Leadership and Learning Status N/A Progress Notes PLC teams have been successful in discussing data and student performance. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Created On September 08, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Page 13 Rowan County Middle School N/A AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan PLC/Data Teams will continue due to the teachers using the data team process and forms to November 03, 2014 analyze formative and summative assessments in order to meet student needs and increase student achievement. Results in 2013-14 K-PREP reading and math scores increased. Activity - Grade Level PLC's Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will participate in PLCs with same grade level teachers to discuss Professional student progress data and/or any other academic issues. Learning 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes DR Status In Progress In Progress Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will meet within their departments to discuss student progress data and/or any other academic issues. Professional Learning 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes We will continue for 2015-16. Resource Assigned $0 Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teacher meet as needed from 3:05 to 3:30 to continue with PLC/Data Team conversations and/or participate in parent conferences. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes Meeting after school has been successful. We will continue. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Staff Responsible All Teachers, Paula Stafford, Jay Padula Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 Staff Responsible All teachers. Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 October 01, 2014 Activity - After-School PLC/Data Team Status In Progress Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 October 01, 2014 Activity - Departmental PLC's Status In Progress In Progress Resource Assigned $0 Cheryl Plank Staff Responsible Teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Page 14 Rowan County Middle School In Progress AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan October 01, 2014 Activity - Administration Attend PLC/Data Teams Activity Type Begin Date End Date Mr. Padula and Ms. Stafford attend PLC/Data Team meetings as needed throughout the year to discuss student progress and to monitor PLC/Data Team meetings. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Status In Progress In Progress Progress Notes Administration has been attending PLC' on Wednesdays. Resource Assigned $0 Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 October 01, 2014 Staff Responsible Mr. Padula and Ms. Stafford Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Status N/A DR Strategy 3: Student Learning Initiatives - Teachers use best practice strategies to improve student learning and participation in the classroom. Category: Learning Systems Progress Notes Student learning initiatives- such as redo-retakes and literacy connections in social studies have been helpful. Activity - Redo and Retakes Activity Type Teachers will allow all students to redo/retake any summative assessment. Academic Before students are reassessed, they must participate in some reteaching Support activity. Program Status In Progress In Progress Begin Date End Date 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes Redo and retakes are helpful but will be implemented per teacher qualifications. Revision of retake/redo policy currently in place. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Created On September 08, 2015 Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 October 01, 2014 Staff Responsible All teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Page 15 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity - Literacy Connections in Social Studies Classroom Activity Type Social studies teachers implement Literacy Design Collaborative and non- Academic fiction activities into their rotation classes to help students improve reading Support and writing skills. Program Status In Progress In Progress Progress Notes Activity - Extra Classes DR In 6th grade, students will take an extra math and reading classe for 1 semester- geometry and reading in the content area. In 7th grade, students will take an extra math class for 1 semester; geometry. In 8th grade students will take an extra writing class for one semester, informational writing. Begin Date End Date 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 October 01, 2014 Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Staff Responsible All social studies teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible 6th grademath- Ms. Eldridge reading- all 6th grade teachers with the exception of Ms. Carnevali and Ms. Mason will teach a reading class. Strategy 4: Tutoring - Tutoring opportunities in the morning and afternoon will be provided for students to get extra support for homework. To help students with their specific area of weakness, each of the four after-school tutoring class will have a content specific focus each day- social studies, science, language arts, and math. Category: Learning Systems Status N/A Progress Notes Tutoring has been helpful in student learning and grades. Activity - After School Tutoring Created On September 08, 2015 Activity Type SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 16 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Students are provided an opportunity to complete homework or redo/retake Academic a test after school from 3:00-4:30 with the support of a specific content Support teacher. . Program 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 $0 No Funding Required Teachers Activity - Before School Tutoring Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Ms. Eldridge and Ms. Mason Students are provided an opportunity to complete homework and redo/retake assessments before class with the support of a teacher. Status N/A DR Strategy 5: Schools to Watch - Rowan County Middle School will participate in its second year of the Schools to Watch i3 Initiative grant. The i3 project employs a multi-layer system of interventions, supports, and networking, with coaching and mentoring, for both principals and teachers, playing a central role. Specially trained coaches visit the schools twice each month, helping principals with leadership and planning, setting high expectations, and fostering a culture of shared decision-making and collective responsibility for student learning. Category: Continuous Improvement Progress Notes RCMS will continue working with Schools to Watch Created On September 08, 2015 Activity - School to Watch Mentor Activity Type Begin Date End Date Specially trained coach, Steve Tribble, will work as a mentor helping principals with leadership and planning, setting high expectations, and fostering a culture of shared decision-making and collective responsibility for student learning. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Status In Progress Progress Notes Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 Staff Responsible Mr. Padula, Ms. Stafford, Teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 6: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 17 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Professional Development - Teachers will participate in professional development to integrate core content areas- language arts, math, science, and social studies. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - PD to Integrate Core Classes Teachers will share ways to integrate language arts, math, science, and social studies in other classes. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 09/01/2015 03/15/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Teachers Status N/A DR Goal 2: Increase the proficiency for students with disabilities in reading and math from 7.6% in 2015 to 53.9% in 2019. Progress Notes RCMS continues to struggle with increasing the proficiency of our students with special needs. Created On September 08, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a proficiency to increase combined reading and math scores for students with disabilities from 7.2% to 26.6% by 05/13/2016 as measured by K-PREP.. Status Not Met Progress Notes We continue to struggle with closing the achievement gap of our special educations students. Created On September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 1: Collaboration For All - The least restrictive environment for special education students will be closely monitored by special education teachers and ARC chairs. If possible, students will receive instruction in the regular education setting. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Current special education data suggest that students learn more when in the regular education setting instead of a resource room. Status N/A Progress Notes We are continuing with the program. In our 3rd year with this year's focus is more school wide. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Created On September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Page 18 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity - Least Restrictive Environment: Regular Education Classroom Education Classroom Teachers will use the data team process in order to help differentiate instructional practices to help close the gap. Status In Progress Progress Notes Activity - Co-Teaching for Gap Closure Grant Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Activity Type Status In Progress In Progress DR RCMS is in the third year of the Co-Teaching for Gap Closure Grant-Scale Academic UP. In this phase, all special education teachers will participate in coSupport teaching with the regular education teacher in language arts and math. Program Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Begin Date End Date 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Activity - Data Collection Activity Type Begin Date End Date Special education teachers will be trained to use data notebooks and will collect data to monitor student progress/performance. Other Professional Learning 11/19/2015 05/13/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Progress Notes Created On This is our third year of implementation. This year we are focusing more school-wide. September 16, 2015 The teachers that participated in last year's grant are continuing with the grant. This year they are to October 01, 2014 share activities with the rest of the staff. Staff Responsible All Teachers Staff Responsible Special Education Teachers and Math and Language Arts Teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Special education teachers Page 19 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity - Math Teacher Training for Gap Closure Activity Type Begin Date End Date Selected math teachers attend training for CT4GC. Behavioral Support Program 10/30/2015 10/30/2015 Activity - Moby Max Reading Program Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 DR Language Arts teachers use Moby Max reading program to help students increase reading performance. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding Grant Funds Staff Responsible Missy Fannin, Lynette Gillespie, Micah Stokes Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Language Arts Teachers Strategy 2: A Second Attempt At Learning - Students with disabilities are allowed to redo/retake any summative assessment. Before students are reassessed, they must participate in some reteahcing activity. Category: Learning Systems Status N/A N/A Progress Notes We are continuing with redo/retakes, but at individual classroom teacher direction. Revision of redo/and retake is considered. Created On September 16, 2015 October 01, 2014 Activity - Students Retake/Redo Tests and Assignments Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students with disabilities are allowed to redo/retake summative assessments after participating in some reteaching activity. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 Status In Progress In Progress Progress Notes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 October 01, 2014 Staff Responsible All teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Page 20 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Strategy 3: Suspension Rates Monitoring - Rowan County Middle School will continue to maintain a 2% or less suspension rate between nondisabled and disabled students Category: Management Systems Status N/A Progress Notes Continue to monitor Activity - Suspension Rate Monitoring Status In Progress In Progress Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 DR Rowan County Middle School special education staff will regularly monitor suspensions of special needs students to ensure that all data is reviewed by admissions and release committees to ensure that appropriate instruction and supports are in place to effectively address behavioral needs. This monitoring will assist in maintaining current low suspension rate of disabled students. Created On September 16, 2015 Progress Notes Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 October 01, 2014 Staff Responsible Regular Ed/Special Ed staff, Assistant Principal, Principal Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Goal 3: Increase the proficiency for the combined reading and math for free and reduced students from 42.9% in 2015 to 67.2% in 2019. Status N/A N/A Progress Notes Created On We did meet our targeted goal for increasing the proficiency for combined reading and math for free December 02, 2015 lunch, but we will continue to target this area. We have made improvements but have not met. September 08, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a proficiency to increase combined reading and math scores for free and reduced students 42.9 to 45% by 05/13/2016 as measured by K-PREP. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 21 Rowan County Middle School Status Not Met AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Progress Notes Although we are improving slightly, we are not yet at our goal. Created On September 08, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Created On September 08, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 1: Monitoring of Students - Teachers will monitor students who are close to the cut score to monitor, Category: Management Systems Status N/A Progress Notes Our progress thus far for our free and reduced gap is due to our monitoring of our students. DR Activity - Name and Claim Teachers, through the data team process, will identify gap students and apply specific strategies to help close the gap. Status In Progress Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 10/01/2015 05/13/2016 Progress Notes Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On November 13, 2014 Staff Responsible Teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 2: RTI - An RTI Reading Teacher will be hired to work with Tier II students who have reading deficits four days a week. The students will be pulled 30 minutes daily from their activity period. Category: Learning Systems Status N/A Progress Notes RCMS will continue to monitor students through Name and Claim. Activity - RTI Instruction Activity Type SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Created On September 08, 2015 Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 22 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Students scoring a Novice in math and/or reading will be provided an extra Direct class 4 days a week to increase student performance. Instruction Status In Progress 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 Progress Notes RTI instruction will focus on reducing the number of Novices in reading and math. $0 No Funding Required Created On September 08, 2015 Mr. Ferguson and Ms. Hilton Created By Cheryl Plank Goal 4: RCMS will maintain/or score above our proficiency score with Program Review areas. Progress Notes Created On Although we have been able to score at the proficiency level for the past two years, we will continue September 16, 2015 to work toward maintaining proficiency. DR Status N/A Created By Cheryl Plank Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a proficiency with Program Review by continuing to score 8.0 or higher by 05/12/2016 as measured by Program Review scores.. Status Met Progress Notes Although we have met, we are continuing to strive for proficiency or above. Created On September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 1: Writing Initiatives - Teachers will use a variety of writing activies in order for students to produce pieces of writing that demonstrate learning. Evidence seen in lesson plans. Category: Learning Systems Research Cited: KEDC professional development activities Status N/A Progress Notes Due to low number of students scoring proficient and distinguished on the on-demand prompts, we will continue to include writing initiatives in CSIP. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Created On September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Page 23 Rowan County Middle School Activity - Writing Journal Activities AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan In the classroom, students will be given opportunities to write journal entries for various purposes and audiences. Status In Progress Progress Notes Activity - Related Arts Writing Status In Progress DR Related arts teachers will incorporate a writing piece/assignment into their 6 week unit. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes Resource Assigned $0 Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will follow the school wide writing plan to ensure that the writing curriculum is vertically and horizontially aligned. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Staff Responsible Kellie Crump, Henry Parsons, Larry Slone, Chuck Mitchell Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Staff Responsible All language arts teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Activity - School Writing Plan Status In Progress Resource Assigned $0 Staff Responsible Teachers and Administration Created By Cheryl Plank Page 24 Rowan County Middle School Activity - Veteran's Day Essay AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Students were shown high quality essay samples. Students were instructed through the writing process to create Veterans Day Essays. Students were able to create the writing through various means of technology: computer stations, laptops, IPADs or through their One Drive online accounts. Status In Progress Progress Notes Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 10/01/2015 11/11/2015 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Staff Responsible Language Arts and Social Studies Teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Status Met DR Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to maintain an overall score of 8.0 or greater score on the Practical Living Review area of the Program Review by 05/12/2016 as measured by Program Review scores. Progress Notes Will continue to maintain. Created On September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 1: Practical Living Strategis - Students will participate in Practical Living activities in the classroom, through guidance lessons, and other school related events. Category: Continuous Improvement Status N/A Progress Notes ILP used to promote college and career readiness along with other academic goals. Activity - ILP Completion Activity Type Begin Date Student work on individual plans to address career interests throughout the Career 09/07/2015 school year. Preparation/O rientation Status Progress Notes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Created On September 16, 2015 End Date 05/02/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Created On Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Teachers Cheryl Plank Kate Thacker Lisa Flannery Created By Page 25 Rowan County Middle School In Progress AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Due to state requirements, ILP will continue. September 16, 2015 Cheryl Plank (shared) Strategy 2: Career/Life Experiences - Students participate in learning about careers and life experiences by participating in activities that address grade level goals: 6th grade- Career Fair, 7th grade- Reality Store and 8th grade- Operation Preparation. Category: Career Readiness Pathways Status N/A Progress Notes Created On Operation Preparation has been successful in letting students talk with adults about careers. We will September 16, 2015 continue, but this year more emphasis will be with information collected from the students' ILPs. Activity - Operation Preparation Day Status In Progress DR Volunteers will provide career counseling to 8th graders. Activity Type Begin Date Career 03/01/2016 Preparation/O rientation End Date 04/15/2016 Progress Notes Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Activity - Reality Store Activity Type Students participate in a learning activity about careers and its impact on life experiences. Career 03/11/2016 Preparation/O rientation 03/11/2016 Activity - Career Fair Activity Type End Date Students move through stations to learn about careers. Career 04/07/2016 Preparation/O rientation SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date Begin Date End Date 04/07/2016 Created By Cheryl Plank Staff Responsible Kay Roe Created By Cheryl Plank Resource Assigned $150 Source Of Funding FRYSC Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe Resource Assigned $150 Source Of Funding FRYSC Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe Page 26 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Strategy 3: Health Instruction - Based on the Wellness Policy, PE teachers will implement health related lessons with the physical education classroom that help students focus on health related issues for life and to increase program review proficiency. Category: Integrated Methods for Learning Status N/A N/A Progress Notes Health instruction continues to be provided in Physical Education class along applicable classroom activities. Health instruction continues to be provided in Physical Education class along applicable classroom activities. DR Activity - Health Issues in PE Based on the Wellness Policy, the PE teachers will implement lesson into their classroom that focus on health related issues: using a heart rate monitor, determining Body Mass Index, working with individual exercise machines to promote better health, and implementing the Presidential Physical Fitness test Status In Progress Students participate in stations to learn about bullying and health issues. This is a joint effort by RCMS and Morehead State University's Nursing Program. Created By Cheryl Plank September 16, 2015 Cheryl Plank Activity Type Begin Date End Date Behavioral Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes Activity - Health Fair Created On September 16, 2015 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Activity Type Begin Date End Date Behavioral Support Program 11/02/2015 11/02/2015 Resource Assigned $150 Staff Responsible Physical Education Teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding FRYSC Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe Measurable Objective 3: collaborate to maintain the overall score on the Arts and Humanities Review 8.0 or higher by 05/12/2016 as measured by Program Review scores. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 27 Rowan County Middle School Status Met Met AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Progress Notes Continue to maintain proficiency. Continue to maintain proficiency. Created On September 16, 2015 September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Cheryl Plank Progress Notes Created On Dance club was ended due to lack of an instructor. A new dance club will be implemented this year. September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 1: Dance Club - A dance club will be created to help address Arts and Humanities Program Review. Category: Integrated Methods for Learning Status N/A DR Activity - Dance Club Students have a choice of joining a dance club. Status Completed Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 09/14/2015 05/12/2016 Progress Notes Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Staff Responsible Allison Slone Created By Cheryl Plank Strategy 2: Arts and Humanities Policy - The policy mandates that all teachers will be required to integrate arts and humanities into their lesson plans to ensure that students have access and frequent oportunities for cross-disciplinary connections with arts and humanties curriculum. Category: Status N/A Progress Notes maintain Activity - Arts and Humanities Lesson Created On September 16, 2015 Activity Type SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date End Date Resource Assigned Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Page 28 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Teachers will incorporate arts and humanities lessons into their content specific lesson plans. Status In Progress Progress Notes Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 All teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Measurable Objective 4: collaborate to increase student proficiency in College and Career Readiness by 12/26/2014 as measured by by Program Review.. Status Met Progress Notes Created On September 16, 2015 Created By Cheryl Plank Status N/A DR (shared) Strategy 1: Career/Life Experiences - Students participate in learning about careers and life experiences by participating in activities that address grade level goals: 6th grade- Career Fair, 7th grade- Reality Store and 8th grade- Operation Preparation. Category: Career Readiness Pathways Progress Notes Created On Operation Preparation has been successful in letting students talk with adults about careers. We will September 16, 2015 continue, but this year more emphasis will be with information collected from the students' ILPs. Activity - Operation Preparation Day Activity Type Volunteers will provide career counseling to 8th graders. Career 03/01/2016 Preparation/O rientation Status In Progress Progress Notes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date End Date 04/15/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Staff Responsible Kay Roe Created By Cheryl Plank Page 29 Rowan County Middle School Activity - Reality Store AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students participate in a learning activity about careers and its impact on life experiences. Career 03/11/2016 Preparation/O rientation 03/11/2016 Activity - Career Fair Activity Type End Date DR Students move through stations to learn about careers. Begin Date Career 04/07/2016 Preparation/O rientation 04/07/2016 Resource Assigned $150 Source Of Funding FRYSC Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe Resource Assigned $150 Source Of Funding FRYSC Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe Strategy 2: Post-Secondary College Awareness - Students need to be enthusiastic and aware of post-secondary educational opportunities. Various college memorabilia will be placed in the hallways and classrooms to create a college ready behavior and to develop conversations about college goal setting. Category: Career Readiness Pathways Status N/A Progress Notes Bulletin boards will continue to be placed with school to generate interest and awareness. Created On September 16, 2015 Activity - College Memorabilia Activity Type Begin Date End Date Various college memorabilia will be displayed in the hallways and classrooms in order to create enthusiasm among the students about possible college options and to generate classroom discussions, as well. Behavioral Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Status Completed Progress Notes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Created By Cheryl Plank Source Of Funding No Funding Required Created On September 16, 2015 Staff Responsible All teachers Created By Cheryl Plank Page 30 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Goal 5: By 2021, Rowan County Middle School will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in math and reading from 28.1% to 14% as measured by KPREP. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in math and reading from 28.1% to 25.3%. by 05/20/2016 as measured by KPREP. DR Strategy 1: Novice Reduction Plan - Rowan County Middle School has a plan to reduce the amount of students scoring Novice in reading and math as measured by 2016 K-PREP data . The reduction of Novice students will be a result of teachers/staff participating in a Name and Claim activity, collecting student data, monitoring student achievement, and reviewing collected data at incremented times- 30, 60, 90 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - Novice Reduction Plan - Roll Out Activity Type Begin Date End Date Administration will discuss new Novice Reduction Plan with faculty during an after-school meeting. Included with plan is timeline of events. Academic Support Program 11/17/2015 11/17/2015 Activity - Name and Claim Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers select two students from a list of students scoring Novice on the 2015 K-PREP list to provide academic and emotional support in order to move student from a Novice to an Apprentice or higher level score. Academic Support Program, Professional Learning 11/17/2015 05/13/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Administration , teachers, staff Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Administration and Teacher Page 31 Rowan County Middle School Activity - Novice Reduction Data Collection AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teacher collect data on students using the Ventura data collection and student growth goal data. Academic Support Program 11/17/2015 05/11/2016 Activity - Novice Reduction Plan Monitoring Activity Type Begin Date End Date Academic Support Program 12/16/2015 05/13/2016 Teachers will meet during PLCs and monitor Novice students and their progress. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible All Regular Education Teachers Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Teachers DR Goal 6: Increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready from 53.8% to 71.1% in 2019. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready from 53.8 to 58% by 05/13/2016 as measured by K-PREP. Strategy 1: RtI Initiatives - RTI Initiatives - Students scoring a Novice in reading and/or math on the K-PREP will attend a semester long RTI class for that subject. Teachers will also implement differentiated instruction in the classroom to increase student achievement. MAP data will be collected to help with the monitoring of student progress. Category: Learning Systems Activity - RtI Semester Classes Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students scoring a Novice in reading and/or math will attend a semester class in the targeted Novice area. Academic Support Program 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Ms. Hilton and Mr. Ferguson Page 32 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Strategy 2: MAP Testing - MAP assessments will be administered three times a year at all grade levels in the area of reading and math to help plan classroom activities and progress monitor student achievement. Category: Learning Systems Activity - MAP Activity Type DR Students will be given the MAP test three times a year to progress monitor Academic student performance. Support Program Begin Date End Date 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Ms. Plank and Ms. Flannery Strategy 3: College Memorabilia - Various college memorabilia will be displayed in the hallways and classrooms in order to create enthusiasm among the students about possible college options and to generate classroom discussions, as well. Category: Career Readiness Pathways Activity - College Awareness Activity Type Begin Date End Date Various college memorabilia will be displayed in the hallways and classrooms in order to create enthusiasm among the students about possible college options and to generate classroom discussions, as well. Behavioral Support Program 09/01/2015 05/13/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Ms. Slone Strategy 4: Career/Life Experiences - Students participate in learning about careers and life experiences by participating in activities that address grade level goals: 6th grade- Career Fair, 7th grade- Reality Store and 8th grade- Operation Preparation. Category: Career Readiness Pathways SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 33 Rowan County Middle School Activity - Operation Preparation Month AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Type Begin Date End Date Community members will provide career counseling to 8th graders. Behavioral Support Program 03/01/2016 04/15/2016 Activity - Reality Store Activity Type Begin Date End Date Career 03/11/2016 Preparation/O rientation 03/11/2016 Activity - Career Fair Activity Type End Date Students move through stations to learn about careers. Career 04/07/2016 Preparation/O rientation DR Students participate in a learning activity about careers and its impact on life experiences. Begin Date 04/07/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Ms. Roe Ms. Plank Resource Assigned $150 Source Of Funding FRYSC Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe Resource Assigned $150 Source Of Funding FRYSC Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe Strategy 5: Extra Math Classes - Extra math classes were added at 6th and 7th; Geometry, advanced math classes in 6th and 7th, pre-algebra in 8th, and algebra in 7th and 8th grades. Category: Continuous Improvement Activity - Extra Math Classes Activity Type Begin Date End Date Extra math classes were added to increase math achievement. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Ms. Eldridge, Mr. Hignite, Ms. Hacker, Ms. Gillespie, Ms. Cundiff, Ms. Stokes Page 34 DR Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 35 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Summary by Funding Source Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source No Funding Required Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Least Restrictive Environment: Regular Education Classroom Education Classroom Extra Math Classes Teachers will use the data team process in order to help differentiate instructional practices to help close the gap. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 Extra math classes were added to increase math achievement. Academic Support Program DR Activity Name RtI Semester Classes Students scoring a Novice in reading and/or math will attend a semester class in the targeted Novice area. College Memorabilia Various college memorabilia will be displayed in the hallways and classrooms in order to create enthusiasm among the students about possible college options and to generate classroom discussions, as well. Arts and Humanities Lesson Teachers will incorporate arts and humanities lessons into their content specific lesson plans. RTI Instruction Operation Preparation Day Students scoring a Novice in math and/or reading will be provided an extra class 4 days a week to increase student performance. Volunteers will provide career counseling to 8th graders. 05/12/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Staff Responsible All Teachers 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Academic Support Program Behavioral Support Program 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 $0 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Ms. Eldridge, Mr. Hignite, Ms. Hacker, Ms. Gillespie, Ms. Cundiff, Ms. Stokes Ms. Hilton and Mr. Ferguson All teachers Academic Support Program Direct Instruction 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 All teachers 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 $0 03/01/2016 04/15/2016 $0 Mr. Ferguson and Ms. Hilton Kay Roe 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Teachers 11/17/2015 11/17/2015 $0 09/14/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Administration , teachers, staff Allison Slone Career Preparation/O rientation After-School PLC/Data Team Teacher meet as needed from 3:05 to 3:30 to continue with Academic PLC/Data Team conversations and/or participate in parent Support conferences. Program Novice Reduction Plan - Roll Administration will discuss new Novice Reduction Plan with Academic Out faculty during an after-school meeting. Included with plan is Support timeline of events. Program Dance Club Students have a choice of joining a dance club. Academic Support Program SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 36 Rowan County Middle School MAP ILP Completion Students will be given the MAP test three times a year to progress monitor student performance. Academic 08/13/2015 Support Program Student work on individual plans to address career interests Career 09/07/2015 throughout the school year. Preparation/O rientation 05/12/2016 $0 Ms. Plank and Ms. Flannery 05/02/2016 $0 Special education teachers will be trained to use data notebooks and will collect data to monitor student progress/performance. Teachers select two students from a list of students scoring Novice on the 2015 K-PREP list to provide academic and emotional support in order to move student from a Novice to an Apprentice or higher level score. 11/19/2015 05/13/2016 $0 11/17/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Teachers Cheryl Plank Kate Thacker Lisa Flannery Special education teachers Administration and Teacher 11/17/2015 05/11/2016 $0 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 $0 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Physical Education Teachers 09/01/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Ms. Slone 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 All teachers. 09/01/2015 05/12/2016 $0 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Ms. Hilton and Mr. Ferguson Teachers 09/07/2015 05/13/2016 $0 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Other Professional Learning Name and Claim Academic Support Program, Professional Learning Novice Reduction Data Teacher collect data on students using the Ventura data Academic Collection collection and student growth goal data. Support Program Moby Max Reading Program Language Arts teachers use Moby Max reading program to Academic help students increase reading performance. Support Program Health Issues in PE Based on the Wellness Policy, the PE teachers will Behavioral implement lesson into their classroom that focus on health Support related issues: using a heart rate monitor, determining Body Program Mass Index, working with individual exercise machines to promote better health, and implementing the Presidential Physical Fitness test College Awareness Various college memorabilia will be displayed in the Behavioral hallways and classrooms in order to create enthusiasm Support among the students about possible college options and to Program generate classroom discussions, as well. Grade Level PLC's Teachers will participate in PLCs with same grade level Professional teachers to discuss student progress data and/or any other Learning academic issues. RTI Pull Out Students scoring a Novice score in reading and/or math will Academic participate in a semester class targeting the Novice area. Support Program After School Tutoring Students are provided an opportunity to complete Academic homework or redo/retake a test after school from 3:00-4:30 Support with the support of a specific content teacher. . Program Before School Tutoring Students are provided an opportunity to complete Academic homework and redo/retake assessments before class with Support the support of a teacher. Program Writing Journal Activities In the classroom, students will be given opportunities to Academic write journal entries for various purposes and audiences. Support Program DR Data Collection AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. All Regular Education Teachers Language Arts Teachers Ms. Eldridge and Ms. Mason All language arts teachers Page 37 Rowan County Middle School Literacy Connections in Social Studies Classroom AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Social studies teachers implement Literacy Design Collaborative and non-fiction activities into their rotation classes to help students improve reading and writing skills. PD to Integrate Core Classes Teachers will share ways to integrate language arts, math, science, and social studies in other classes. Academic Support Program Academic Support Program Academic Support Program Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 09/01/2015 03/15/2016 $0 All social studies teachers Teachers 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 $0 All teachers 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Special Education Teachers and Math and Language Arts Teachers Mr. Padula, Ms. Stafford, Teachers Academic Support Program Operation Preparation Month Community members will provide career counseling to 8th Behavioral graders. Support Program Veteran's Day Essay Students were shown high quality essay samples. Students Academic were instructed through the writing process to create Support Veterans Day Essays. Students were able to create the Program writing through various means of technology: computer stations, laptops, IPADs or through their One Drive online accounts. Suspension Rate Monitoring Rowan County Middle School special education staff will Academic regularly monitor suspensions of special needs students to Support ensure that all data is reviewed by admissions and release Program committees to ensure that appropriate instruction and supports are in place to effectively address behavioral needs. This monitoring will assist in maintaining current low suspension rate of disabled students. 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 03/01/2016 04/15/2016 $0 10/01/2015 11/11/2015 $0 Language Arts and Social Studies Teachers 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Regular Ed/Special Ed staff, Assistant Principal, Principal Redo and Retakes 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 All teachers 10/01/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Teachers Students Retake/Redo Tests Students with disabilities are allowed to redo/retake and Assignments summative assessments after participating in some reteaching activity. Co-Teaching for Gap Closure RCMS is in the third year of the Co-Teaching for Gap Grant Closure Grant-Scale UP. In this phase, all special education teachers will participate in co-teaching with the regular education teacher in language arts and math. School to Watch Mentor DR Differentiated Instruction Specially trained coach, Steve Tribble, will work as a mentor helping principals with leadership and planning, setting high expectations, and fostering a culture of shared decision-making and collective responsibility for student learning. Students will participate in differentiated activities in the classroom that target areas of strength and weakness. Name and Claim Teachers will allow all students to redo/retake any summative assessment. Before students are reassessed, they must participate in some reteaching activity. Teachers, through the data team process, will identify gap students and apply specific strategies to help close the gap. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Academic Support Program Academic Support Program Teachers Instructional Aides Ms. Roe Ms. Plank Page 38 Rowan County Middle School Administration Attend PLC/Data Teams Related Arts Writing School Writing Plan Departmental PLC's Grant Funds Activity Name Math Teacher Training for Gap Closure District Funding Activity Name Mr. Padula and Ms. Stafford attend PLC/Data Team meetings as needed throughout the year to discuss student progress and to monitor PLC/Data Team meetings. Related arts teachers will incorporate a writing piece/assignment into their 6 week unit. Academic Support Program Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Teachers will follow the school wide writing plan to ensure that the writing curriculum is vertically and horizontially aligned. Teachers will meet within their departments to discuss student progress data and/or any other academic issues. Academic Support Program Professional Learning 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 $0 Teachers will meet during PLCs and monitor Novice students and their progress. Academic Support Program 12/16/2015 05/13/2016 $0 Total $0 DR Novice Reduction Plan Monitoring AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan MAP Planning/Progress Monitoring Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Selected math teachers attend training for CT4GC. Behavioral Support Program 10/30/2015 10/30/2015 Resource Assigned $0 Total $0 Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date MAP assessments will be administered three times a year at all grade levels in the area of reading and math to help plan classroom activities and progress monitor student achievement. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Total $0 Mr. Padula and Ms. Stafford Kellie Crump, Henry Parsons, Larry Slone, Chuck Mitchell Teachers and Administration All Teachers, Paula Stafford, Jay Padula Teachers Staff Responsible Missy Fannin, Lynette Gillespie, Micah Stokes Staff Responsible Language Arts and Math Teachers, Cheryl Plank, Kate Thacker, Lisa Flannery FRYSC SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 39 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Activity Name Activity Description Career Fair Students move through stations to learn about careers. Reality Store Reality Store Health Fair Other Activity Name Extra Classes Career Preparation/O rientation Students move through stations to learn about careers. Career Preparation/O rientation Students participate in a learning activity about careers and Career its impact on life experiences. Preparation/O rientation Students participate in a learning activity about careers and Career its impact on life experiences. Preparation/O rientation Students participate in stations to learn about bullying and Behavioral health issues. This is a joint effort by RCMS and Morehead Support State University's Nursing Program. Program DR Career Fair Activity Type Activity Description Activity Type In 6th grade, students will take an extra math and reading Academic classe for 1 semester- geometry and reading in the content Support area. In 7th grade, students will take an extra math class Program for 1 semester; geometry. In 8th grade students will take an extra writing class for one semester, informational writing. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Begin Date End Date 04/07/2016 Resource Assigned $150 Staff Responsible Ms. Kay Roe 04/07/2016 04/07/2016 04/07/2016 $150 Ms. Kay Roe 03/11/2016 03/11/2016 $150 Ms. Kay Roe 03/11/2016 03/11/2016 $150 Ms. Kay Roe 11/02/2015 11/02/2015 $150 Ms. Kay Roe Total $750 Begin Date End Date 08/13/2015 05/13/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Total $0 Staff Responsible 6th grademath- Ms. Eldridge reading- all 6th grade teachers with the exception of Ms. Carnevali and Ms. Mason will teach a reading class. Page 40 Rowan County Middle School AF T KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan DR KDE Needs Assessment SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 41 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction DR AF T The purpose of the School Needs Assessment is to use data and information to prioritize allocation of resources and activities. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 42 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Data Analysis What question(s) are you trying to answer with the data and information provided to you? What does the data/information tell you? What does the data/information not tell you? Rowan County Middle School collects data from several sources. We use data from K-PREP, MAP, and classroom data to select students for advanced math classes, RTI classes, and classroom groupings. Although our data collected gives us information, none of the sources AF T give us diagnostic data to help students in specific areas. K-PREP and MAP data do not give specific feed back on questions that the students missed. Classroom data can be subjective which would not determine student's specific abilities/inabilities. RCMS is looking to implement CASE 21, a benchmark testing, that would provide teachers with specific data analysis that will focus on student error which would help teachers focus on specific instruction. Our K-PREP data reveals: Rowan County Middle School's overall accountability score is 66.7. We rank in the 74 percentile in Kentucky which classifies us as Proficient/ Progressing school. We are also a focus school because we have a non-duplicated student gap group which consistently scores low and are in the bottom 10% of the state, our students with disabilities. In looking at our delivery targets, RCMS was able to meet the targeted goal in the Combined Reading and Math for free and reduced students. Our goal was 37.3 and our actual score was 42.9! Our Combined Reading and Math target for student with disabilities was not met. According to K-PREP our targeted goal was 17.5, but our DR actual score was 7.2. We have a gap of 10.3. This is an area of need that we will continue to work on during the next three years. Using the MAP data (Fall 2015) we see that we have more 6th grade students scoring distinguished in math than we have students scoring novice! The math data also shows that we have more than 50% of our students in all grades scoring at benchmark. The MAP data for reading also shows that over half of all students are at benchmark, as well. We will continue to monitor our students progress when collecting Winter and Spring data, too. Due to the limited number of parents participating in the AdvancED survey given last year, RCMS developed a paper/pencil survey that was sent home. While we did not get 100% return on the survey, we did generate 4 times the responses from the year before. Overall, parents were in agreement with school procedures. The TELL KY survey was used. According to the responses from two years ago, RCMS teachers responded more favorably this latest survey. The CSIP committee decided to drop the Teacher and Planning Time goal, but continue to foster activities that are addressed on the survey. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 43 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Areas of Strengths What were the areas of strength you noted? What actions are you implementing to sustain the areas of strength? What is there cause to celebrate? As stated earlier, RCMS was able to meet the targeted goal for Combined Reading and Math Proficiency/Distinguished percentages for students receiving free and reduced services. While only having a slight lead over the targeted goal (2.5%), we will continue to work on that AF T area by working on activities that target these students. We need to celebrate our success in maintaining proficient status and for our increase in our overall score to 66.7 and our increase in percentile in KY to 74. To maintain our success, RCMS has activities that are in place to increase student progress/learning. We will continue to use MAP data as a progress monitoring tool and will implement a benchmark test, CASE 21, to use as a diagnostic tool to help teachers focus on specific areas of student learning. Teachers will participate in professional development aimed at helping them to implement higher level questioning techniques and integrating other content areas in the classroom. Parents were sent home a needs assessment in November. According to the responses, there were no areas of concerns other than 1 questions. As a CSIP committee, members discussed that the way the question was worded caused parent confusion and that was the reason for a higher number of parents selecting the disagree and strongly disagree responses. The CSIP committee decided to drop the parent goal. According to the latest TELL KY survey, teacher results were more satisfactory. Teacher and Planning goal was determined by the CSIP DR committee no longer an area of focus. RCMS has been able to maintain its Proficient score on Program Reviews for two years! We will continue to be diligent in planning activities that involve Career/Practical Living, Arts and Humanities, and Writing. This year we will begin focusing on how to integrate Global Competency of World Languages. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 44 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Opportunities for Improvement What were areas in need of improvement? What plans are you making to improve the areas of need? RCMS needs to continue to address the gap between students with disabilities and those without disabilities. Special education teachers will continue to be diligent in looking at least restrictive environment and creating lessons that focus on grade appropriate common core standards. In the classroom, special education teachers are co-teaching with regular education teachers. The CT4GC ensure fidelity in the AF T implementation of co-teaching. Students are allowed to retake /redo assessments after they have participated in a reteaching activity per Rowan County Board of Education and RCMS SBDM policies. RCMS will continue to work on reducing the number of Novice students in reading and math. Administration rolled out a more intentional plan of focusing on these students, academically and emotionally, to help address student achievement. Hopefully, we will see our number of Novice students reduce on the 2016 K-PREP scores. Program Review scores were stated earlier as a strength, but there is an area- Global Competency of World Languages- that we will have to DR work on implementing into our classroom activities. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 45 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Conclusion Reflect on your answers provided in the previous sections. What are your next steps in addressing areas of concern? At Rowan County Middle School, we want students to want to learn, be engaged, and take ownership and pride in their work. Everyone at RCMS strives to build a relationship where students realize the importance of an education and strive to do their best. In order to do this, RCMS created goals, objectives, strategies, and activities in our CSIP that will help us address academic concerns. Our next step is to community- to join us in that process. AF T ensure the monitoring of our CSIP by meeting regularly to review current goals and by inviting the various stakeholders- parents and the Not only will RCMS monitor the CSIP, but will also monitor student progress in through PLC data teams and by keeping more specific data of individual students in the classroom. RCMS teachers will continue to ask higher levels of questioning to raise student achievement, as well as implement more project based DR learning activities. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 46 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR KDE Compliance and Accountability - Schools SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 47 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction The process of Improvement Planning in Kentucky is used as the means of determining how schools and districts will plan to ensure that students reach proficiency and beyond by 2015. The process focuses school and district improvement efforts on student needs by bringing together all stakeholders to plan for improvement, by focusing planning efforts on priority needs and closing achievement gaps between subgroups of students, by building upon school and district capacity for high quality planning, and by making connections between the funds that flow into the district and the priority needs in schools. Your school’s plans for improvement must be based on careful and honest analysis of data, address all content areas, and clearly address DR AF T gaps in student achievement. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 48 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Planning and Accountability Requirements The school has identified specific strategies to address areas for improvement identified in the TELLKY Survey results. Goal 1: Increase the non-instructional time for teachers which was reported as an area of improvement by the Kentucky Teaching, Empowering, Measurable Objective 1: AF T Leading & Learning Survey collaborate to provide more non-instructional time for teachers by 04/15/2015 as measured by The Kentucky Teaching, Empowering, Leading & Learning Survey. Strategy1: Increase Non-Instructional Time for Teachers - Teachers will be given more non-instructional time. Category: Management Systems Research Cited: Activity - More Non-Instructional Time Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2014 $0 - No Funding Required Teachers DR Teachers will be given the time from 3:05 pm to 3:30 pm to meet in PLC's and parent Behavioral conferences. After-school duties will be Support reassigned to provide teachers with the extra Program time. Begin Date End Date 05/11/2015 The school identified specific strategies to increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep proficiency scores. Goal 1: Increase the averaged Combined Reading and Math Proficiency K-PREP scores for Rowan County Middle School students from 53.8 in 2015 to 71.1 in 2019. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to to increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep scores to 58% by 05/12/2016 as measured by K-PREP.. Strategy1: Student Learning Initiatives - Teachers use best practice strategies to improve student learning and participation in the classroom. Category: Learning Systems SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 49 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Research Cited: Activity - Literacy Connections in Social Studies Classroom Social studies teachers implement Literacy Design Collaborative and non-fiction activities into their rotation classes to help students improve reading and writing skills. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 $500 - Other All social studies teachers Activity - Redo and Retakes Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Teachers will allow all students to redo/retake any summative assessment. Before students are reassessed, they must participate in some reteaching activity. Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers AF T Strategy2: 05/12/2016 05/12/2016 Tutoring - Tutoring opportunities in the morning and afternoon will be provided for students to get extra support for homework. To help students with their specific area of weakness, each of the four after-school tutoring class will have a content specific focus each day- social studies, science, language arts, and math. Category: Learning Systems Research Cited: Activity Type Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/11/2014 $0 - No Funding Required Mr. Padula Activity - ESS- Daytime Activity Type Begin Date End Date Staff Responsible Using MAP, KPREP, and classroom data, students will be pulled for small group and individual instruction in math. Tutoring 09/08/2014 Funding Amount & Source $8600 - General Fund $19000 - Other Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2014 $0 - General Fund Beth Harding Erin Ferguson Activity - After School Tutoring DR Tutoring is available in the cafeteria from 3:05 until 4:30 pm. Activity Type Before school morning tutoring will be provided Academic in the computer lab for students to participate in Support tutoring for homework or retakes. Program Activity - ESS- Before School Tutoring 05/11/2015 05/11/2015 05/11/2015 Teri Cundiff, Kay Roe, Gary Ferguson Strategy3: RTI Initiatives - Students scoring a Novice in reading and/or math on the K-PREP will attend a semester long RTI class for that subject. Teachers will also implement differentiated instruction in the classroom to increase student achievement. MAP data will be collected to help with the monitoring of student progress. Category: Learning Systems Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 50 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Students will participate in differentiated activities in the classroom that target areas of strength and weakness. Activity - MAP Planning/Progress Monitoring MAP assessments will be administered three times a year at all grade levels in the area of reading and math to help plan classroom activities and progress monitor student achievement. Strategy4: Activity Type Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Teachers Instructional Aides Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - District Funding Language Arts and Math Teachers, Cheryl Plank, Kate Thacker, Lisa Flannery Academic Support Program 05/12/2016 AF T Activity - Differentiated Instruction 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 PLC/ Data Teams - Teachers will meet in PLC's to enhance their effectiveness as professionals so that students benefit. Teachers will use the data team process and forms to analyze formative and summative assessments in order to meet student needs and increase student achievement. Category: Professional Learning & Support Research Cited: Based on information from Steve Ventura - Institute of Leadership and Learning Activity - Grade Level PLC's Activity Type Teachers will participate in PLCs with same grade level teachers to discuss student progress data and/or any other academic issues. Professional 08/13/2015 Learning DR Begin Date End Date Activity - Departmental PLC's Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will meet within their departments to Professional discuss student progress data and/or any other Learning 08/13/2015 academic issues. Activity - After-School PLC/Data Team Teacher meet as needed from 3:05 to 3:30 to continue with PLC/Data Team conversations and/or participate in parent conferences. Activity - Administration Attend PLC/Data Teams Mr. Padula and Ms. Stafford attend PLC/Data Team meetings as needed throughout the year to discuss student progress and to monitor PLC/Data Team meetings. 05/12/2016 05/12/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All teachers. Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All Teachers, Paula Stafford, Jay Padula Activity Type Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Teachers Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Mr. Padula and Ms. Stafford 05/12/2016 05/12/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 51 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Strategy5: Schools to Watch - Rowan County Middle School will participate in its second year of the Schools to Watch i3 Initiative grant. The i3 project employs a multi-layer system of interventions, supports, and networking, with coaching and mentoring, for both principals and teachers, playing a central role. Specially trained coaches visit the schools twice each month, helping principals with leadership and planning, setting high expectations, and fostering a culture of shared decision-making and collective responsibility for student learning. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity Type Specially trained coach, Steve Tribble, will work as a mentor helping principals with leadership Academic and planning, setting high expectations, and Support fostering a culture of shared decision-making Program and collective responsibility for student learning. Goal 2: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Mr. Padula, Ms. Stafford, Teachers AF T Activity - School to Watch Mentor 05/12/2016 By 2021, Rowan County Middle School will reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in math and reading from 28.1% to 14% as measured by KPREP. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to reduce the total number of students scoring at the novice level in math and reading from 28.1% to 25.3%. by 05/20/2016 as Strategy1: DR measured by KPREP. Novice Reduction Plan - Rowan County Middle School has a plan to reduce the amount of students scoring Novice in reading and math as measured by 2016 K-PREP data . The reduction of Novice students will be a result of teachers/staff participating in a Name and Claim activity, collecting student data, monitoring student achievement, and reviewing collected data at incremented times- 30, 60, 90 days. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Activity - Novice Reduction Plan Monitoring Activity Type Academic Teachers will meet during PLCs and monitor Support Novice students and their progress. Program Activity - Name and Claim Teachers select two students from a list of students scoring Novice on the 2015 K-PREP list to provide academic and emotional support in order to move student from a Novice to an Apprentice or higher level score. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 12/16/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Teachers Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Administration and Teacher 05/13/2016 Activity Begin Date End Date Type Academic Support Program 11/17/2015 05/13/2016 Professional Learning SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 52 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Activity - Novice Reduction Plan - Roll Out Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Administration will discuss new Novice Reduction Plan with faculty during an afterschool meeting. Included with plan is timeline of events. Academic Support Program 11/17/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Administration, teachers, staff Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required All Regular Education Teachers Begin Date End Date AF T Activity Type Teacher collect data on students using the Academic Ventura data collection and student growth goal Support data. Program Activity - Novice Reduction Data Collection 11/17/2015 11/17/2015 05/11/2016 All children-were screened for kindergarten readiness. If yes, name the assessment. N/A (this question does not apply) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of students who are Kindergarten ready. N/A (this question does not apply) The school identified specific K-3 strategies to increase the average 3rd grade math and reading combined K-Prep proficiency DR scores. N/A (this question does not apply) The school identified specific strategies to address subgroup achievement gaps. Goal 1: Increase the proficiency for students with disabilities in reading and math from 7.6% in 2015 to 53.9% in 2017. Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a proficiency to increase combined reading and math scores for students with disabilities from 9.8% to 26.2% by 05/11/2015 as measured by K-PREP.. Strategy1: Suspension Rates Monitoring - Rowan County Middle School will continue to maintain a 2% or less suspension rate between nondisabled and disabled students Category: Management Systems Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 53 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Activity - Suspension Rate Monitoring Activity Type Strategy2: Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Regular Ed/Special Ed staff, Assistant Principal, Principal 05/13/2016 AF T Rowan County Middle School special education staff will regularly monitor suspensions of special needs students to ensure that all data is reviewed by admissions and release Academic committees to ensure that appropriate Support instruction and supports are in place to Program effectively address behavioral needs. This monitoring will assist in maintaining current low suspension rate of disabled students. Begin Date End Date A Second Attempt At Learning - Students with disabilities are allowed to redo/retake any summative assessment. Before students are reassessed, they must participate in some reteahcing activity. Category: Learning Systems Research Cited: Activity - Students Retake/Redo Tests and Assignments Students with disabilities are allowed to redo/retake summative assessments after participating in some reteaching activity. Strategy3: Activity Type Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers 05/13/2016 Collaboration For All - The least restrictive environment for special education students will be closely monitored by special education DR teachers and ARC chairs. If possible, students will receive instruction in the regular education setting. Category: Continuous Improvement Research Cited: Current special education data suggest that students learn more when in the regular education setting instead of a resource room. Activity - Least Restrictive Environment: Regular Education Classroom Education Classroom Teachers will use the data team process in order to help differentiate instructional practices to help close the gap. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required All Teachers Activity - Co-Teaching for Gap Closure Grant RCMS is in the third year of the Co-Teaching for Gap Closure Grant-Scale UP. In this phase, all special education teachers will participate in co-teaching with the regular education teacher in language arts and math. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Academic Support Program 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Special Education Teachers and Math and Language Arts Teachers 05/12/2016 05/13/2016 Goal 2: Increase the proficiency for the combined reading and math for free and reduced students from 38.6% in 2014 to 63.2% in 2017. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 54 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a proficiency to increase combined reading and math scores for free and reduced students 38.6% to 48.5% by 05/11/2015 as measured by K-PREP. Strategy1: RTI - An RTI Reading Teacher will be hired to work with Tier II students who have reading deficits four days a week. The students will be Category: Learning Systems Research Cited: Activity - RTI Instruction AF T pulled 30 minutes daily from their activity period. Activity Type A curriculum specialist and an aide will be hired Direct part time to work with teachers and Tier II Instruction reading students. Strategy2: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/02/2014 $3600 - District Funding Kelly Goldy Mary Alice Collier 05/11/2015 Monitoring of Students - Teachers will monitor students who are close to the cut score to monitor, Category: Management Systems Research Cited: Activity Type Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 01/19/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Teachers DR Activity - Name and Claim Teachers, through the data team process, will identify gap students and apply specific strategies to help close the gap. 05/11/2015 The school identified specific strategies to increase the average freshman graduation rate. N/A (this question does not apply) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready. N/A (this question does not apply) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of distinguished programs in the arts and humanities, PL/CS and writing. Goal 1: RCMS will maintain/or score above our proficiency score with Program Review areas. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 55 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Measurable Objective 1: demonstrate a proficiency with Program Review by continuing to score 8.0 or higher by 05/12/2016 as measured by Program Review scores.. Strategy1: Writing Initiatives - Teachers will use a variety of writing activies in order for students to produce pieces of writing that demonstrate learning. Category: Learning Systems AF T Evidence seen in lesson plans. Research Cited: KEDC professional development activities Activity Type Teachers will follow the school wide writing plan Academic to ensure that the writing curriculum is vertically Support and horizontially aligned. Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Teachers and Administration Activity Type In the classroom, students will be given Academic opportunities to write journal entries for various Support purposes and audiences. Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required All language arts teachers Activity - School Writing Plan DR Activity - Writing Journal Activities 05/12/2016 05/12/2016 Activity - Real World and On-Demand Writing Organizer Teachers use Real World and On-Demand Writing Organizers to aid students in organizing writing pieces. Special education teachers may use a modified version, if needed, so that students with disabilities can produce better organized and developed pieces. Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Academic Support Program 08/07/2014 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers Activity - Veteran's Day Essay Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 10/01/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Language Arts and Social Studies Teachers Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Kellie Crump, Henry Parsons, Larry Slone, Chuck Mitchell Students were shown high quality essay samples. Students were instructed through the writing process to create Veterans Day Essays. Academic Students were able to create the writing through Support various means of technology: computer Program stations, laptops, IPADs or through their One Drive online accounts. Activity - Related Arts Writing Related arts teachers will incorporate a writing piece/assignment into their 6 week unit. Activity Type Academic Support Program 05/11/2015 11/11/2015 05/12/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 56 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase student proficiency in College and Career Readiness by 12/26/2014 as measured by by Program Review.. Strategy1: Post-Secondary College Awareness - Students need to be enthusiastic and aware of post-secondary educational opportunities. Various college memorabilia will be placed in the hallways and classrooms to create a college ready behavior and to develop conversations about college goal setting. Research Cited: Activity - College Memorabilia AF T Category: Career Readiness Pathways Activity Type Various college memorabilia will be displayed in the hallways and classrooms in order to create Behavioral enthusiasm among the students about possible Support college options and to generate classroom Program discussions, as well. Strategy2: Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers 05/12/2016 Operation Preparation - Community members will meet with 8th grade students to provide information and answer questions about careers. Students will be grouped according to career selections in their ILPs. Category: Career Readiness Pathways DR Research Cited: Activity Begin Date End Date Type Volunteers will provide career counseling to 8th Career Preparation/ 03/01/2016 04/15/2016 graders. Orientation Activity - Operation Preparation Day Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Kay Roe Measurable Objective 3: collaborate to maintain an overall score of 8.0 or greater score on the Practical Living Review area of the Program Review by 05/12/2016 as measured by Program Review scores. Strategy1: Operation Preparation - Community members will meet with 8th grade students to provide information and answer questions about careers. Students will be grouped according to career selections in their ILPs. Category: Career Readiness Pathways Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 57 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Activity Begin Date End Date Type Volunteers will provide career counseling to 8th Career Preparation/ 03/01/2016 04/15/2016 graders. Orientation Activity - Operation Preparation Day Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Kay Roe Strategy2: Practical Living Strategis - Students will participate in Practical Living activities in the classroom, through guidance lessons, and other school related events. Category: Continuous Improvement AF T Research Cited: Activity - ILP Completion Activity Type Student work on individual plans to address career interests throughout the school year. Career Preparation/ 09/07/2015 Orientation Strategy3: Begin Date End Date 05/02/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Teachers Cheryl Plank Kate Thacker Lisa Flannery Health Instruction - Based on the Wellness Policy, PE teachers will implement health related lessons with the physical education classroom that help students focus on health related issues for life and to increase program review proficiency. Category: Integrated Methods for Learning Research Cited: Activity - Health Issues in PE Activity Type DR Based on the Wellness Policy, the PE teachers will implement lesson into their classroom that focus on health related issues: using a heart Behavioral rate monitor, determining Body Mass Index, Support working with individual exercise machines to Program promote better health, and implementing the Presidential Physical Fitness test Begin Date End Date 08/13/2015 05/12/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Physical Education Teachers Measurable Objective 4: collaborate to maintain the overall score on the Arts and Humanities Review 8.0 or higher by 05/12/2016 as measured by Program Review scores. Strategy1: Dance Club - A dance club will be created to help address Arts and Humanities Program Review. Category: Integrated Methods for Learning Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 58 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Activity Type Academic Students have a choice of joining a dance club. Support Program Activity - Dance Club Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 09/14/2015 $0 - No Funding Required Allison Slone 05/12/2016 Strategy2: Arts and Humanities Policy - The policy mandates that all teachers will be required to integrate arts and humanities into their lesson plans to ensure that students have access and frequent oportunities for cross-disciplinary connections with arts and humanties curriculum. Category: AF T Research Cited: Activity Type Academic Teachers will incorporate arts and humanities lessons into their content specific lesson plans. Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/13/2015 $0 - No Funding Required All teachers 05/12/2016 DR Activity - Arts and Humanities Lesson SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 59 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR KDE Assurances - School SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 60 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction DR AF T KDE Assurances - School SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 61 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Assurances Comment AF T Label Assurance Response Comprehensive The school conducted a comprehensive needs Yes Needs Assessment assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data for all students and assessed the needs of the school relative to each of the schoolwide program components. Attachment Assurance Response The school planned and developed Schoolwide Yes researchbased instructional reform strategies to strengthen the core academic program, increase the amount and quality of learning time, and provide additional support to all students. Comment Attachment Label Preschool Transition Assurance The school planned preschool transition strategies and the implementation process. Response N/A Comment Attachment Label Research-based Strategies Assurance Response The school planned and developed schoolwide Yes researchbased instructional strategies that provide additional instruction for students experiencing the greatest degree of difficulty mastering the state's academic achievement standards. Comment Attachment Label Highly Qualified Teachers Assurance The school planned strategies to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. Response Yes Comment Attachment RCMS participates in the following: 1) When hiring, RCMS hires only highly qualified teachers 2) Morehead State University offers Teacher Recruitment Meetings, if needed. Label Title I, Part A Schoolwide Funds Assurance The school allocated and spent Title I, Part A Schoolwide funds only on allowable programs and activities and maintained appropriate financial records in this regard on its Title I, Part A programs and activities. Response N/A Comment DR Label Core Academic Programs SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Attachment Page 62 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Label Parental Involvement Assurance Response The school planned or developed strategies to Yes increase parental involvement in the design, implementation, evaluation and communication of assessment results of the Schoolwide activities, which included the development and implementation of a Parent Compact and a Parent Involvement Policy. Comment Attachment Label Schoolwide Planning Assurance The school incorporated the ten schoolwide planning criteria into the existing school improvement planning process. Comment Attachment Label Professional Development Assurance The school planned or provided appropriate professional development activities for staff members who will be serving students. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Comprehensive Plan Assurance Response The school an annual evaluation that addresses Yes the implementation of the comprehensive plan and student achievement results that will inform changes when needed. Comment Attachment Comment Attachment AF T Response N/A Response N/A Label Instructional Strategies Assurance The school planned and developed research based instructional strategies to support and assist identified students. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Targeted Assistance Activities Assurance Response The school planned targeted assistance Yes activities for identified students that coordinated and integrate with other federal, state, and local programs. Comment Attachment Label Targeted Assistance Activities Assurance The school planned targeted assistance activities for identified students that coordinate with and support the regular educational program so identified students have access to both. Comment Attachment DR Label Assurance Comprehensive The school conducted a comprehensive needs Needs Assessment assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data, and established objective criteria for identifying eligible Title I students. Response Yes SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 63 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Assurance Response The school planned activities to coordinate and Yes integrate with other federal, state, and local programs. Comment Attachment Label Targeted Assistance Activities Assurance Response The school planned or developed strategies to Yes monitor and evaluate the success of targeted assistance activities with the identified students and will use the results of the evaluation to inform and improve instructional strategies and professional development activities. Comment Attachment Label Highly Qualified Assurance The school assigned paraprofessionals who met the requirements of Highly Qualified under ESEA to work with targeted assistance programs and activities. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Federal Program Funds Assurance Response The school allocated and spent federal program N/A funds only on programs and activities for identified eligible students. The school maintained appropriate financial records on its Title I, Part A programs and activities. Comment Attachment Label Parental Involvement Assurance The school planned or developed strategies to increase parental involvement in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the targeted assistance activities, which included the implementation of a Parent Compact and a Parent Involvement Policy. Label Targeted Assistance Planning Assurance Response The school incorporated the eight Targeted N/A Assistance Planning components into the existing school improvement planning process. Comment Attachment Label Professional Development Assurance The school planned or provided appropriate professional development activities for staff members who serve identified Title I students. Comment Attachment DR AF T Label Schoolwide Activities Response Yes Response N/A Comment Attachment PTO has been firmly established, parental open forum is established through Open House at the start of every school year. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 64 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Assurance The school planned an annual evaluation that addressed the implementation of the comprehensive plan and student achievement results that informed changes when needed. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Transparency Assurance Response The current school year Comprehensive School Yes Improvement Plan (CSIP) is available for stakeholders to examine on our school website (provide the website link below). Comment Attachment Label Teacher Quality Assurance The school notifies parents when their child(ren) are taught for four or more consecutive weeks by teachers who are not highly qualified. Response N/A Comment Attachment Label Professional Development Assurance The school provides professional development for staff based on a comprehensive needs assessment, which included a review of academic achievement data and additional criteria, to ensure all students are college and career ready. Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Ranking Report Assurance Response The school ensures that if the Title I Ranking N/A Report lists counselors, nurses, media, specialists or "other" staff for the school, there is documentation indicating this need in order to improve student achievement. Comment Attachment Label Para-educators Assurance Response The school ensures that all para-educators with Yes instructional duties are under the direct supervision of a highly qualified classroom teacher and providing instruction rather than clerical work. Comment Attachment Label Para-educators Assurance Response The school ensures that all para-educators with Yes instructional duties that involve targeted students are under the direct supervision of a highly qualified classroom teacher and providing instruction rather than clerical work. Comment All para-educators must pass a para-educator test or have 60 college credits. Attachment DR AF T Label Comprehensive Improvement Plan SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 65 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Response Yes Comment Attachment Label Assurance Response Para-educator Non- The school scheduled non-instructional duties Yes Instructional Duties for para-educators working with targeted students demonstrating that the duties are on a limited basis only. Comment Attachment AF T Label Assurance Para-educator Non- The school ensures that there is a schedule of Instructional Duties non-instructional duties for para-educators demonstrating that the duties are on a limited basis only. Assurance The school met its cap size requirements without using Title I funds. Response N/A Comment Attachment Label Cap Size Requirements Assurance The school met its cap size requirements without using Title II funds. Response N/A Comment Attachment DR Label Cap Size Requirements SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 66 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR The Missing Piece SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 67 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction This report provides a comprehensive response to the six objectives of The Missing Piece set for the by the Commissioner's Parent Advisory Council (CPAC). This diagnostic uses performance measurement and progress, as well as relationship building, resources and support to build capacity within schools and districts measure parent involvement and the desired outcome being made. Use the links below to navigate DR AF T the diagnostic content and respond to the questions. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 68 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Stakeholders What stakeholders (name and title) did you engage for the purpose of completing the Missing Piece diagnostic? DR AF T All students were given parent surveys to take home. Responses were used to complete the Missing Piece diagnostic. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 69 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Relationship Building Overall Rating: 3.14 Statement or Question Parents report that school staff understands and demonstrates how strong relationships with parents contribute to effective teaching and learning. Response Rating Parents report that school staff understands Proficient and demonstrates how strong relationships with parents contribute to effective teaching and learning. AF T 2.1 Response Rating School staff implements systematic steps to Proficient welcome the parents of new and ESL students (for example, using home visits, personal calls or letters, open houses, and/or other methods). Statement or Question Parents and other stakeholders report that they are actively welcomed when they visit the school. Response Rating Parents and other stakeholders report that they Proficient are actively welcomed when they visit the school. Statement or Question School staff implements systematic steps to encourage parents to attend school activities and participate in decisions about their children's learning. Response Rating Parents and community stakeholders have Distinguished authentic participation, help plan and implement school and district improvement activities. 2.5 Statement or Question School staff involves parents in personal communication about their students' progress at least once a month. Response School staff involves parents in personal communication about their students' progress at least once a month. 2.6 Statement or Question School staff completes needs assessment with all parents to determine resources necessary for their child's academic success. Response Rating School staff completes needs assessment with Proficient all parents to determine resources necessary for their child's academic success. Statement or Question All parents are asked for feedback on the school's efforts to welcome and engage parents and the feedback is used to improve the school's efforts. Response Rating All parents are asked for feedback on school’s Proficient efforts to welcome and engage parents, and the feedback is used to improve school’s efforts. 2.3 2.4 2.7 DR Statement or Question School staff implements systematic steps to welcome the parents of new and English as-aSecond-Language (ESL) students (for example, using home visits, personal calls or letters, open houses and/or other methods). 2.2 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Proficient Page 70 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Communications Overall Rating: 2.57 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Response Rating School staff implements systematic efforts to Proficient inform parents about academic goals, class work, grades and homework for their children in their home language. (For example, using classroom contracts, student assignment books, homework websites, and online grade books.) AF T 3.2 Statement or Question School staff implements systematic efforts to inform parents about academic goals, class work, grades and homework for their children in their home language. (For example, classroom contracts, student assignment books, homework websites, and online grade books). Statement or Question School staff offers varied ways that parents can share information with teachers about their children's learning needs. (For example, phone and e-mail contacts, offering parent conferences, making home visits, or other methods). Response School staff offers varied ways to that parent can see share information with teachers about their children’s learning needs. (For example, phone and email contact, offering parent conferences, and making home visits). Statement or Question School staff partners with community leaders and organizations to build parent understanding of academic expectations, school strategies, and student achievement results. Response Rating School staff partners with community leaders Proficient and organizations to build parent understanding of academic expectations, school strategies, and student achievement. Statement or Question School staff offers parents opportunities to discuss school-wide achievement issues, including assessment data, at least once a semester. Response Rating Student achievement data or achievement Apprentice results are communicated informally to parents by school staff. Statement or Question School staff implements systematic efforts to maximize parent-teacher conference participation. (For example, offering multiple locations, convenient times, follow-up with parents who do not reply to first notices, and opportunities for student-led conferences). Response School staff implements systematic efforts to maximize parent-teacher conference participation. (For example, offering multiple locations, convenient times, follow-up with parents who do not reply to first notices, opportunities for student-led conferences). Rating Proficient Statement or Question At least 50 percent of parents respond to annual school and/or district stakeholder surveys. Response District-wide stakeholder surveys are given to parents and teachers encourage parents to respond. Rating Apprentice DR 3.1 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Proficient Page 71 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Response Rating School staff develops a survey that is sent to Apprentice parents, with low response rate and results are reported in school improvement plan. DR AF T 3.7 Statement or Question Stakeholder survey data is consistently used to plan school improvement efforts and to evaluate their effectiveness. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 72 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Decision Making Overall Rating: 2.57 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Response School staff offers professional learning community opportunities, workshops, and accessible written information to equip parents for service on SBDM council and committees. AF T 4.2 Statement or Question The school staff offers professional learning community opportunities, workshops, and easily accessible written information to equip parents for service on the SBDM council and committees. Rating Proficient Statement or Question School council and committees facilitate broad parent participation by actively recruiting diverse membership, providing interpreters and translated materials when needed, setting convenient meeting times, and seeking wide parent input. At least 40 percent of parents vote in SBDM parent election. Response Rating School council and committees have some Apprentice parent members, may provide translators, meet at time and place convenient to staff. Elections are held at convenient times and are publicized, but less than 20% of the parents vote in SBDM parent election. Statement or Question Parents on the SBDM council and committees engage and mentor many other parents by reporting to multiple groups and seeking input through surveys, meetings, and varied other methods. Response Rating School council chair reports feedback to head Apprentice of largest parent organization who then decides further dissemination methods or input. There is no provision for parent input other than as required by school law. Statement or Question The school council adopts measurable objectives and plans coherent strategies to build authentic parent participation, and the school council monitors the implementation and impact of that work. Response School council has some parent involvement components and action items that deal with specific academic areas. Little or no funding is provided. Little or no implementation and impact checking is done. Rating Apprentice Statement or Question School council policies ensure active roles for parents on SBDM council and committees, and other groups making decisions about school improvement. Response School council policies ensure active roles for parents on SBDM committees, in school improvement planning, and also in decisions about the education of their individual children. Rating Proficient Statement or Question Parents report that they are treated as valued partners on school leadership teams, SBDM council and committees, the school council, and other groups making decisions about school improvement. Response Parents report that they are treated as valued partners on school leadership teams, SBDM council and committees, and other groups making decisions about school improvement. Rating Proficient DR 4.1 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 73 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Response Rating School staff has a plan to identify new and Proficient experienced parent leaders who support and build capacity for parents to serve effectively on the school council and in committee work. DR AF T 4.7 Statement or Question School staff has a plan to identify new and experienced parent leaders who support and build capacity for parents to serve effectively on the school council and committee work. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 74 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Advocacy Overall Rating: 2.67 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Response Rating School staff ensures every student has a parent Proficient and/or another adult who knows how to advocate, or speak up for them, regarding the students’ academic goals and learning needs. AF T 5.2 Statement or Question School staff ensures every student has a parent and/or another adult who knows how to advocate, or speak up for them, regarding the student's academic goals and individual needs. Statement or Question Most parents participate actively in student led conferences or other two-way communication about meeting their child's individual learning needs. Response Some parents are involved in informal conversation with school staff to address their child's individual learning needs. Rating Apprentice Statement or Question Parents report participating actively and effectively in required planning for individual learning, for example, Individual Education Plans, Individual Learning Plans, Gifted Student Plans, 504 Plans, and intervention strategies to ensure college readiness (Senate Bill 130). Response Rating Parents report participating actively and Proficient effectively in required planning for individual learning, for example, Individual Education Plans, Individual Learning Plans, Gifted Student Plans, 504 Plans, and intervention strategies to ensure college readiness (Senate Bill 130). Statement or Question School staff gives parents clear, complete information on the procedures for resolving concerns and filing complaints, and the council reviews summary data on those complaints to identify needed improvements. Response School staff gives parents clear, complete information on the procedures for resolving concerns and filing complaints, and the council reviews summary data on those complaints to identify needed improvements. Statement or Question School staff ensures that parents and community members are well informed about how to become educational advocates, or how to access a trained educational advocate when needed. Response Rating School staff ensures that parents and Proficient community members are well informed about how to become an educational advocate or how to access an educational advocate when needed. Statement or Question As students are identified by school staff as having disabilities or performing at the novice level, additional intentional steps are taken to ensure that parents have the option to use a trained advocate to assist them in speaking for their child's needs. Response Rating Novice level students are identified by school Apprentice staff to receive targeted strategies for academic improvement. Parents are informed of the strategies but do not receive training on how to use those strategies or how progress will be measured. Rating Proficient DR 5.1 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 75 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Learning Opportunities Overall Rating: 2.67 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Response Rating Parents have multiple opportunities to learn Proficient about and discuss: • Kentucky standards and expectations for all students. • School's curriculum, instructional methods, and student services. • School's decision-making process, including opportunities to participate on SBDM councils and committees. • Their children's learning and development, along with legal and practical options for helping their children succeed such as participation in IEP and/or ILP process. • Community resources to support learning. • Opportunities to participate in state and district school improvement efforts, such as forums, committees, and surveys. Statement or Question School staff makes systematic use of written communications (for example, newsletters, websites, and bulletin boards) to help parents understand their own children's progress and the progress of the school. Response School staff makes systematic use of written communications (for example, newsletters, Web sites, bulletin boards) to help parents understand their own children's academic progress and the progress of school. Rating Proficient Statement or Question School staff displays proficient student work with scoring guides to demonstrate academic expectations to parents and students, and updates the displays regularly. Response School staff exhibits and rotates proficient and distinguished work and provides resources to achieve at higher levels. Rating Distinguished Statement or Question School staff offers parent workshops and meetings in convenient locations to help parents develop skills in supporting their children's learning and the school's improvement efforts. Response School staff offers parent workshops or meetings in convenient locations to help parents develop skills in supporting their children's learning and school's improvement efforts. Rating Proficient Statement or Question School council has a classroom observation policy that welcomes families to visit all classrooms. Response School council has a classroom observation policy that allows parents access to most classrooms by appointment only. Rating Apprentice AF T 6.2 Statement or Question Parents have multiple opportunities to learn about and discuss the following: - Kentucky standards and expectations for all students The school's curriculum, instructional methods, and student services - The school's decisionmaking process, including opportunities for parents to participate on SBDM councils and committees - Their children's learning and development, along with legal and practical options for helping their children succeed, such the IEP and/or ILP process - Community resources to support learning - Opportunities to participate in state and district school improvement efforts, such as forums, committees, and surveys. DR 6.1 Statement or Question Response School staff develops parent leaders who There is little or no development of parent contribute regularly to other parents' leaders. understanding and who help meet other parent learning needs. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Novice Page 76 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Community Partnerships Overall Rating: 2.83 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Response Rating School staff networks and partners with multiple Distinguished businesses and organizations to support student achievement at a school council and a programmatic level. AF T 7.2 Statement or Question School leadership regularly shares information on student achievement and involves business and community leaders in school improvement efforts. Statement or Question School leadership develops partnerships with several businesses, organizations, and agencies to support student learning and create mentors for students and parents. Response Rating School leadership develops partnerships with Proficient several businesses, organizations, and agencies to support student learning and create mentors for students and parents. Statement or Question School leadership collaborates with employers to support parent and volunteer participation in students' education. Response School leadership rarely invites employers to support adult participation in education. Rating Novice Statement or Question School staff collaborates with businesses, organizations, and agencies to address individual student needs and shares that information with parents. Response School staff collaborates with businesses, organizations, and agencies to address individual student needs and shares that information with parents. Rating Proficient DR 7.1 Statement or Question Parents make active use of the school's resources and community resources and report that they provide meaningful help to resolve family challenges that could interfere with student learning. (For example, FRYSC or Title I coordinators connect family with community resources and follow up). Response Parents make active use of school and community resources and report that they provide meaningful help to resolve family challenges that could interfere with student learning. (For example, FRYSC or Title 1 coordinators connect family with community resources and follow up). Statement or Question School staff offers and publicizes communitybased learning activities aligned with the curriculum, such as tutoring linked to the curriculum and internships, for all students and parents. Response Rating School staff offers and publicizes communityProficient based learning activities, such as tutoring linked to the curriculum, for all students and parents. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Rating Proficient Page 77 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Reflection Reflect upon your responses to each of the Missing Piece objectives. Relationship Building Relationship building is an area of strength for RCMS. According to parent needs assessment, parents responded that they felt welcomed at the school. This may be as a result of our attempts to include parents in their child's transition to the school year. RCMS offers an AF T Orientation Night for fifth graders in May to help them transition to the school in the fall. During that activity while students are being shown around the school, parents are given the opportunity to learn about programs offered at the middle school, to review school rules, and to ask questions. At the beginning of each new school year, RCMS offers two Open House. One for seventh and eighth grade and a separate one for 6th grade. Again, at these activities, parents have the opportunity to meet the faculty and discuss school issues. Our offices staff receives compliments often about how warm and welcoming they are to parents through office visits or via phone calls. Communication Rowan County Middle School teachers communicate with parents often. Progress reports are sent 41/2 weeks into the quarter and report cards are sent out. Parent Teacher Conferences are held 4 times a year to discuss student progress. Teachers communicate with parents and students through phone calls and text messages through REMIND. Parents can also communicate with teachers during the teacher's planning periods and at the end of the day from 3:05-3:30pm. One area of communication to improve is the parent needs assessment result. While we had an increase in parent responses this year, we DR did not have at least 50% respond even though the needs assessments were sent home with every student. RCMS needs to continue to seek ways to motivate parents to respond. Decision Making Parents are given the opportunities to make decisions for our school. These opportunities are seen in the parent participation in the Site Based Decision Making committee and PTO. Advocacy RCMS provides parents with various support systems. The Youth Service Center, mental health agencies, and counselors are available to help parents and students. One reason parent response was low for one of the questions about advocacy, is because the way the question was presented on the assessment. Next year the question will be worded with examples to help parents to realize that the supports are in place to help them. Learning Opportunities RCMS needs to work on provided parents with learning opportunities to become leaders. Currently, we are working on recruiting Spanish speaking parents and community members to volunteer in the school. Community Partnerships RCMS is very strong in partnering with the community. This is our second year of participating in food drives to help support our local Soup Kitchen. We are extending this service to local food pantries, as well. Sixth grade students raised and sold vegetable during their science SY 2015-2016 Page 78 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School class. The proceeds were donated back the the school to provide food baskets for our own students at Thanksgiving. In October, RCMS hosted its second annual business partnership meeting and more business were present than last year. Local business leaders come in and give our students career advice during Operation Preparation. RCMS works with Morehead State University professors DR AF T and the nursing program to provide students with other learning opportunities, as well. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 79 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Report Summary Scores By Section Section Score 1 2 3 Communications Decision Making Advocacy Learning Opportunities 2.57 2.57 2.67 2.67 2.83 DR Community Partnerships 3.14 AF T Relationship Building 4 Sections SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 80 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 81 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction The responses should be brief, descriptive, and appropriate for the specific section. It is recommended that the responses are written offline DR AF T and then transferred into the sections below. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 82 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Improvement Planning Process Improvement Planning Process Describe the process used to engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of the institution's improvement plan. Include information on how stakeholders were selected and informed of their roles, and how meetings were scheduled to accommodate them. CSIP committee members, made up of teachers and administrators, met after school to review and discuss goals and strategies for school AF T improvement. Teachers were asked to report to their peers in order to report and collect data. Parents were asked to complete a needs assessment and the results were used in completing the CSIP. During Rowan County Middle School's 2nd Annual Community, CSIP activities and needs were shared with community members that were present. CSIP goals were also shared with the Advisory Committee which was made up of parents and community members for review and input. Lastly, the CSIP is presented to the SBDM committee for final approval. Describe the representations from stakeholder groups that participated in the development of the improvement plan and their responsibilities in this process. The stakeholders involved in developing Rowan County Middle School are represented by: teachers, administrators, students, parents and community business members. Teachers and administrators participated in reviewing and creating the new CSIP. Teachers supplied information on activities and PD that pertained to the CSIP goals. Parents and community business members were given the chance to participate in a group activity that focused DR on RCMS' CSIP activities and how the business community could partner with the school to raise student academic performance. During the Advisory members, parents, student and local business members, reviewed the goals of the CSIP and gave suggestion on how to raise student performance. Explain how the final improvement plan was communicated to all stakeholders, and the method and frequency in which stakeholders receive information on its progress. After the SBDM Committee gives the school's final approval of the CSIP, it is then presented to the Rowan County Board of Education for approval. The CSIP is sent electronically to all teachers, and administration. It is placed on the Rowan County Schools webpage for public viewing. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 83 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR School Safety Report SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 84 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction In response to recent tragic events in our nation’s schools, during the 2013 legislative session the Kentucky General Assembly took action, through the passage of Senate Bill 8/House Bill 354, to assure that our schools are safer places for students and staff to work and learn. Among other things, SB8/HB354 required changes to emergency plan requirements, the development of school safety practices, and additional severe weather, lockdown and earthquake drills. The bill also required local school district superintendents to verify to the Kentucky Department of Education that all schools in the district are in compliance with these requirements. This diagnostic is the means by DR AF T which this reporting is accomplished. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 85 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School School Safety Requirements Assurance Does each school have a written Emergency Management Plan (EMP)? Response Yes Comment Attachment Our EOP is reviewed annually, presented to SBDM in August and the first day of school to staff, and uploaded to all staff computers. Label 2. Assurance Did the SBDM Council adopt a policy requiring the development and adoption of an EMP? Response Yes Comment Attachment Our EOP is reviewed annually, presented to SBDM in August and the first day of school to staff, and uploaded to all staff computers. Label 3. Assurance Did the SBDM Council adopt the EMP? Response Yes Comment Attachment Our EOP is reviewed annually, presented to SBDM in August and the first day of school to staff, and uploaded to all staff computers. Label 4. Assurance Has each school provided the local first responders with a copy of the school's EMP and a copy of the school's floor plan? Response Yes Comment Attachment Our EOP is reviewed annually, presented to SBDM in August and the first day of school to staff, and uploaded to all staff computers. After our first Code Red, ( active shooter drill), area first responders review the drill and the EOP. Label 5. Assurance Has the EMP been reviewed and revised as needed by the SBDM council, principal, and first responders (annually)? Response Yes Comment Attachment Our EOP is reviewed annually, presented to SBDM in August and the first day of school to staff, and uploaded to all staff computers. A district up date is planed for January 7th and 8th upgrades in the HS and MS/HS scheduling reveal a need for minor changes. Label 6. Assurance Was the EMP reviewed with the faculty and staff prior to the first instructional day of the school year? Response Yes Comment Attachment Our EOP is reviewed annually, presented to SBDM in August and the first day of school to staff, and uploaded to all staff computers. DR AF T Label 1. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 86 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Assurance Response Were local law enforcement and/or fire officials Yes invited to review the EMP? Comment Attachment Our EOP is reviewed annually, presented to SBDM in August and the first day of school to staff, and uploaded to all staff computers. First responders assisted in our first Code Red drill and then reviewed the drill and EOP afterwards. Label 8. Assurance Are evacuation routes posted in each room at any doorway used for evacuation, with primary and secondary routes indicated? Response Yes Comment Attachment This is required and monitored as part of PGES observations, all are in place cafeteria gym, locker rooms etc.... Label 9. Assurance Has the local Fire Marshal reviewed the designated safe zones for severe weather and are they posted in each room? Response Yes Comment Annual fire safety inspections, equipment inspections and procedures are reviewed. Attachment Label 10. Assurance Have practices been developed for students to follow during an earthquake? Response Yes Comment They are drilled as required. Attachment Label 11. Assurance Has each school developed and adhered to practices designed to ensure control of access to each school (i.e., controlling access to exterior doors, front entrance, classrooms, requiring visitor sign-in and display of identification badges)? Label 12. Assurance Response Has each school completed all four emergency Yes response drills during the first 30 days of the school year? (Fire in compliance with <a href=" m" TARGET="_blank"> Fire Safety</a> regulations), Lockdown, Severe Weather and Earthquake) DR AF T Label 7. Response Yes Comment Attachment Key and access expectations are in place with first responders and school officials Comment Drill compliance is maintained and executed. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Attachment Page 87 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Assurance Are processes in place to ensure all four emergency response drills (Fire in compliance with <a href=" m" TARGET="_blank"> Fire Safety</a> regulations), Lockdown, Severe Weather and Earthquake) will occur within the first thirty instructional days beginning January 1? Response Yes Comment Attachment Drill requirements are maintained and executed. DR AF T Label 13. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 88 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan AF T Rowan County Middle School DR Equitable Access Diagnostic SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 89 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Introduction As part of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) each state is required to develop strategies to ensure that poor and minority children are not taught at higher rates than other children by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers. The results of this effort became a national push to ensure all teachers were highly qualified (HQT); meaning each teacher holds the appropriate certification for the content and/or grade level for which they are assigned. National data show that poor and minority continue to be taught by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers. As a result, in 2014, the United States Department of Education (USDOE) required states to develop equity plans and use evidence based strategies to address this issue. The focus of the plan is to move away from the concept of “highly qualified” to “high DR AF T effective”. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 90 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Needs Assessment Assurance Response Has a review of the data has been conducted to Yes determine barriers to achieve equitable access to effective educators within the school? What are the barriers identified? Comment Attachment PD, faculty meetings, technology upgrades, and monthly data sheets have all been reviewed and maintained to ensure equitable access for all educators in the building. Persistence to graduation taken as a first step in identifying our " name and claim list" to prepare students for College and career readiness. AF T Label 1.1 Math and reading for novice learners is our primary barrier. What sources of data were used to determine the barriers? Math and Reading performance levels from K-Prep. DR What are the root causes of those identified barriers? Special education students are the primary source of our novice students. Those with high scores in persistence to graduation also appear. We are trying to increase student achievement through collaboration. What does the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System data say about the effectiveness of teachers in the school? RCMS teachers all are accomplished or higher. Classroom strategies incorporating the school wide use of co-teaching strategies. Instructional aides in all classes when 2 teachers are not available. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 91 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Equitable Access Strategies Placement: Describe school policies or procedures that address the assignment of students to ensure low income and minority students are not assigned to inexperienced, ineffective or out-of-field teachers more often than their peers who are not identified as low income or minority students. Our SBDM has a policy that addresses student placement to ensure that all students are equitably divided among all teachers. This policy AF T helps assure that all inexperienced, ineffective teachers or out of field teachers do not have a higher rate of minorities, low socioeconomic, and students with disabilities in their classroom. This policy will be updated by SBDM in the spring. Advanced classes are in place to improve proficient and distinguished learners in Math. ELA classes are on deck for next year. Co-teaching classrooms target special ed and low level learners. RCMS has increased class time for teachers to provide for tier I interventions. Tier 2 pull out has student identified using Map and K-PREP scores. Placement: How is data used to make student assignment decisions to ensure low income, minority, Limited English Proficient and Exceptional Children and Youth are not assigned to inexperienced, ineffective or out-of-field teachers more often than their peers? Student placement is reviewed through a data process that allows SBDM council to monitor and help student assignment decisions. This is DR according to our SBDM student placement policy. Recruitment and Retention: How does the school analyze student level data to design targeted recruitment of effective and diverse teachers? Teachers are recruited at RCMS through careful and diligent surveying of applicants. Our teacher turn over rate is low. Recruitment and Retention: How does the school recruit teachers who are effective in implementing practices that are targeted to support the diverse learning needs of minority students, low income students, Limited English Proficient and Exceptional Children and Youth? RCMS recruits teachers through careful interviewing and review of all applicants. Recruitment and Retention: How does the school retain effective teachers? Identify any incentives. Incentives are: Maintaining a positive school culture, Pre- Schools to Watch recognition, rewards and awards for student and teacher success, and faculty participation in KEDC professional development programs. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 92 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Professional Learning: Identify supports, including mentoring and/or induction, provided to meet the needs of first year, inexperienced and out-of-field teachers. All first year teachers in Rowan County participate in district meetings to learn best practices, data collections strategies, and any other that information that would help them become successful in the classroom. These meetings are beneficial because it allows teachers to have a support and mentoring experience with teachers from other schools Rowan County Middle School teachers participate in PLCs weekly. During the PLC meetings, new teachers learn from more experienced AF T teachers how to collaborate, collect data, manage student behavior, and learn ways to be successful their first year in the classroom. Professional Learning: Utilizing PGES data, how are the professional learning needs of teachers with an effectiveness rating below accomplished addressed? NA for this year. Multiple PD opportunities and PLC development assist in monitoring and steering professional learning needs. Working Conditions: How are TELL Kentucky results being addressed to increase recruitment, retention and professional learning needs of staff? Rowan County Middle School reviews the results of the TELL Kentucky results. Improvement in PD opportunities and progressive curriculum DR are used. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 93 KDE Comprehensive School Improvement Plan Rowan County Middle School Questions Identify all goals, objectives, strategies and activities created that support equitable access and the responses in this diagnostic. A goal that supports equitable access is our Gap Goal of increasing the proficiency/distinguished performance of student with disabilities. Students with disabilities are given access to all regular education classroom settings where rigor and teacher effectiveness are highest. Co- DR AF T teaching is incorporated in these classes. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 94