Programme No. 2 ABSTRACT 1. Title of the Programme: Development of resources and support for web and online activities of NCERT 2. Type: (Research/ Development/ Training/ Extension/ Any other: Development 3. Category: New (regular activity); The need for maintaining a vibrant and dynamic Web Site for the Council cannot be overemphasised. The site has been enriched with resource materials, announcements and other important and relevant information in Hindi and English both. The site is constantly growing in size and viewership. Individual NIE departments have also evinced interested in using this medium to project their activities on the web and to utilise the features to develop their linkages with the larger school system. DCETA takes on this responsibility, constantly exploring the technology and to providing support to interested departments. Progress so far: The NCERT web site ( is being constantly developed and maintained by the department. The following measures to improve its purpose, design and reach have been initiated: Optimisation of all e-textbooks in terms of file size, correction of links and font related issues undertaken; download times have been significantly reduced. A provision for downloading either individual chapters or the entire book is now available. A process of converting these e-books into online textbooks linking it to a range of other web resources initiated. A process of revising all profiles of faculty members initiated; the new versions will be indexed on department affiliations and specialisations. A process of developing websites of each individual department to better showcase its functions, activities, events and progress initiated. 4. Specific Objectives: • • • To develop the know how and resources for technologies to be used on the NCERT websites To support the web development and deployment activities of NIE departments To maintain the NCERT website 5. Methodology: 10 The NCERT website is being restructured to better showcase the activities of the council and to respond to the needs of the larger school system. To achieve this objective, separate sections are envisaged for each Department and activity of the Council. The following methodology will be adopted: DCETA will continue to provide technological and administrative support to maintain and develop the entire NCERT website. DCETA will develop and maintain its own section of the website, highlighting activities and concerns of the department. This proposed section will include support to the larger school system in ICT, development of resources and its dissemination, and showcasing of activities of the department. Similar initiatives of other NIE departments will be promoted and technologically supported. 6. Total Budget:Rs 1,92,000/7. Plans for utilisation and dissemination of the end product(s): The end product, the NCERT website will promote the activities of the Council, functioning as a clearing house for information, a forum for debate on education and an online resource. 11 Programme No. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the NCERT Constituent/ Department: Title of the Programme: (a) Type of the Programme (b)Category of the programme ©If the programme is on-going or carried over mention the PAC Code No. and year of approval Total duration of the programme as phased in col.10: (a) Date of commencement of the programme: (b) Target date of completion: Target Groups (a) If programme is meant for a group with special needs (b) Stage of Education to which the programme is meant © If the programme is State/ Region/ Agency specific, Please specify Beneficiaries DCETA Development of resources and support for web and online activities of NCERT Development New (It is Regular activity) 24 months April 2010 March 2011 No All stages of school education and all those who are interested in school education. No All stages of school education and the entire community. 7. Need and justification: The need for maintaining a vibrant and dynamic Web Site for the Council cannot be overemphasised. The site has been enriched with resource materials, announcements and other important and relevant information in Hindi and English both. The site is constantly growing in size and viewership. Individual NIE departments have also evinced interested in using this medium to project their activities on the web and to utilise the features to develop their linkages with the larger school system. DCETA takes on this responsibility, constantly exploring the technology and to providing support to interested departments. Progress so far: The NCERT web site ( is being developed and managed by the department. The following measures to improve its purpose, design and reach have been initiated: Optimisation of all e-textbooks in terms of file size, correction of links and font related issues undertaken; download times have been significantly reduced. A provision for downloading either individual chapters or the entire book is now available. 12 A process of converting these e-books into online textbooks linking it to a range of other web resources initiated. A process of revising all profiles of faculty members initiated; the new versions will be indexed on department affiliations and specialisations. A process of developing websites of each individual department to better showcase its functions, activities, events and progress initiated. 8. (a) Specific Objectives: • • • To develop the know how and resources for technologies to be used on the NCERT websites To support the web development and deployment activities of NIE departments To maintain the NCERT website (b) Methodology: The NCERT website is being restructured to better showcase the activities of the council and to respond to the needs of the larger school system. To achieve this objective, separate sections are envisaged for each Department and activity of the Council. The following methodology will be adopted: DCETA will continue to provide technological and administrative support to maintain and develop the entire NCERT website. DCETA will develop and maintain its own section of the website, highlighting activities and concerns of the department. This proposed section will include support to the larger school system in ICT, development of resources and its dissemination, and showcasing of activities of the department. Similar initiatives of other NIE departments will be promoted and technologically supported. 9. Collaborating Agencies Name of Agency (if any): (a)NCERT Constituents Nature of Collaboration Different Constituents of Academic & NCERT administrative (b) Outside Agency 13 10. Phasing of the Programme with precise information on activities (including in house and activities involving expenditure or otherwise clearly indicating the methodology to be followed): SNo Activities proposed to be organized 1 2 3 4 Proposed dates Converting materials developed inhouse or by other NIE Departments and RIEs to Net ready materials and uploading them to NCERT’s Web Site Development of websites and its maintenance From April' 10 To March' 11 April' 10 March' 11 Estimated Expenditure (Rs) In house In house; the web hosting charges are met from other budget heads In house Orientation to NIE faculty and technical April' March' support for their web sections 10 11 All of above activities supported by 2 April' March' 1,92,000/CAs (each for 12 months) 10 11 Total Rs 1,92,000/ Total expenditure for the proposed year: Rs 1,92,000/- 11. Details of each Budget Activity under Item No. 10: -12. Scheme of evaluation: Based on e-mail feedback from users and interaction 13. Dissemination of the findings: Technical know how to be shared 14. Plans for follow up/Feedback on utilisation of the outcome: The end product, the NCERT website will promote the activities of the Council, functioning as a clearing house for information, a forum for debate on education and an online resource centre. 15. (a) Name and designation of the Programme Coordinator/s: Dr. (Mrs.) Asha Jindal, Reader Dr. Rajaram S. Sharma, Professor (b) Name(s) and designation of the other faculty member(s) involved: Dr. R.K. Parashar, Reader Ms Pushp Lata Verma, Lecturer Signature (Head of the Department) Date: Signature (Programme Coordinator) Date: 14